SGCB | SHORT STUDIES IN SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY: Glorification, Scripture, Trinity, Person of Christ, Attributes of God, Faithful Theology, Justification

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SHORT STUDIES IN SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY: Glorification, Scripture, Trinity, Person of Christ, Attributes of God, Faithful Theology, Justification
Graham Cole, Mark Thompson, Scott Swain, Stephen Wellum, Gerald Bray, Thomas Schreiner, Jeremy Treat,


The ancient Greek thinker Heraclitus reputedly said that the thinker has to listen to the essence of things. A series of theological studies dealing with the traditional topics that make up systematic theology needs to do just that. Accordingly, in each of these studies, a theologian addresses the essence of a doctrine. This series thus aims to present short studies in theology that are attuned to both the Christian tradition and contemporary theology in order to equip the church to faithfully understand, love, teach, and apply what God has revealed in Scripture about a variety of topics. What may be lost in comprehensiveness can be gained through what John Calvin, in the dedicatory epistle of his commentary on Romans, called “lucid brevity.” Of course, a thorough study of any doctrine will be longer rather than shorter, as there are two millennia of confession, discussion, and debate with which to interact. As a result, a short study needs to be more selective but deftly so. Thankfully, the contributors to this series have the ability to be brief yet accurate. The key aim is that the simpler is not to morph into the simplistic. The test is whether the topic of a short study, when further studied in depth, requires some unlearning to take place. The simple can be amplified. The simplistic needs to be corrected. As editors, we believe that the volumes in this series pass that test.

While the specific focus varies, each volume (1) introduces the doctrine, (2) sets it in context, (3) develops it from Scripture, (4) draws the various threads together, and (5) brings it to bear on the Christian life. It is our prayer, then, that this series will assist the church to delight in her triune God by thinking his thoughts—which he has graciously revealed in his written word, which testifies to his living Word, Jesus Christ—after him in the powerful working of his Spirit.

(1) GLORIFICATION: An Introduction by Graham Cole

How Sanctification Transforms Christians Into Glorified Beings

Facing sin, suffering, and an uncertain future, it’s easy to become pessimistic, but believers in Christ know the best is yet to come. God promises that one day he will redeem his image bearers and renew the earth. Few books are written on the doctrine of glorification, but its promise of restoration brings urgent hope for Christ followers.

In this addition to the Short Studies in Systematic Theology series, Graham A. Cole examines the concept of divine glory as well as God’s plan for redeeming individual believers, the church, and the universe. Identifying two phases of glorification—one in this life and a final transformation into Christlikeness—Cole defines the role of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in the sanctification process. Through careful study of Scripture, he shows Christians how their future identity as glorified beings should impact their perspective today.

(2) THE DOCTRINE OF SCRIPTURE: An Introduction by Mark Thompson

A Clear and Concise Exploration of the Christian Doctrine of Scripture

The Bible is the written word of the living God. He speaks through this word, working in and through human agents as he reveals himself to his people. His word is trustworthy, yet many Christians struggle to articulate why they believe that to be true. Centered in the words of Scripture and especially the teaching of Jesus himself, this volume unpacks the doctrine of Scripture as taught by the church through the ages, helping to strengthen readers’ confidence in God’s word.

Despite the challenges that are often leveled against the Bible, Thompson clearly articulates what Jesus taught about the Scriptures, how God speaks to his people through the written word, the crucial work of the Holy Spirit to apply the word, and the vital attributes of Scripture—its clarity, truthfulness, sufficiency, and efficacy. Readers will find encouragement to walk according to the word and to delight in the God who speaks.

(3) THE TRINITY: An Introduction by Scott Swain

The Trinity is one of the most essential doctrines of the Christian faith.

The eternal God existing as three distinct persons—Father, Son, and Spirit—can be difficult to comprehend. While Christians often struggle to find the right words to describe this union, the Bible gives clarity concerning the triune God’s being and activity in nature (creation), grace (redemption), and glory (reward). In this concise volume, theologian Scott Swain examines the doctrine of the Trinity, presenting its biblical foundations, systematic-theological structure, and practical relevance for the church today.

(4) THE PERSON OF CHRIST: An Introduction by Stephen Wellum

“From beginning to end, Scripture unveils from shadow to reality that Jesus is God the Son incarnate.”

Some people think of Jesus as a great prophet or a wise philosopher; others see him as an important religious leader or even a revolutionary. In this addition to the Short Studies in Systematic Theology series, Stephen Wellum challenges these claims as he argues for the divinity of Jesus according to Scripture and in line with creedal Christianity. In this brief introduction, we are invited to rejoice in the centrality of Christ—who as both God and man reconciles us to God.

(5) THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD: An Introduction by Gerald Bray

How can we (created beings) know God (the Creator)?

Throughout history, the church has recognized the importance of studying and understanding God’s attributes. As the Creator of all things, God is unique and cannot be compared to any of his creatures, so to know him, believers turn to the pages of Scripture. In The Attributes of God, renowned theologian Gerald Bray leads us on an exploration of God’s being, his essential attributes, his relational attributes, and the relevance of his attributes to our thinking, lives, and worship. As we better understand God’s attributes, we will learn to delight in who God is and how he has made himself known to us in Scripture.

(6) FAITHFUL THEOLOGY: An Introduction by Graham A. Cole

Everyone has thoughts about God. But how do we know if our thoughts are true?

If we want to know the truth about God, we need a sound approach to incorporating what the whole Bible teaches. In this concise introduction to systematic theology, theologian Graham A. Cole explores how we move from Scripture to doctrine in order to shape what we believe, what we value, and how we live. He shows us the importance of having the right method: rooted in the word of God, consistent with church history, in the context of a broken world, dependent on divine wisdom, and ultimately aiming at pure worship.

(7) JUSTIFICATION: An Introduction by Thomas Schreiner

A Clear and Concise Exploration of the Doctrine of Justification from Thomas R. Schreiner

When we see the fallenness of the world, it is often challenging to understand how sinners can stand before a holy God, but the gospel gives hope—justification that comes through Jesus Christ. This doctrine is essential to the gospel but has sparked countless academic and theological disagreements throughout church history, even contributing to the Protestant Reformation in the sixteenth century.

In this addition to the Short Studies in Systematic Theology series, Thomas R. Schreiner examines the biblical and historical background of the doctrine of justification. Schreiner explores it throughout church history and analyzes both the Old and New Testament teachings. By examining the relationship between justification and other doctrines of salvation—such as redemption, reconciliation, adoption, and sanctification—Schreiner shows how it gives peace, assurance, and joy to sinners through Jesus and hope for life today.

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(1) GLORIFICATION: An Introduction by Graham Cole
SGCB Price: $6.80 (list price $17.00)

(2) THE DOCTRINE OF SCRIPTURE: An Introduction by Mark Thompson
SGCB Price: $7.20 (list price $18.00)

(3) THE TRINITY: An Introduction by Scott Swain
SGCB Price: $6.40 (list price $16.00)

(4) THE PERSON OF CHRIST: An Introduction by Stephen Wellum
SGCB Price: $7.60 (list price $19.00)

(5) THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD: An Introduction by Gerald Bray
SGCB Price: $6.40 (list price $16.00)

(6) FAITHFUL THEOLOGY: An Introduction by Graham A. Cole
SGCB Price: $6.00 (list price $15.00)

(7) JUSTIFICATION: An Introduction by Thomas Schreiner
SGCB Price: $8.00 (list price $20.00)

SGCB Price: $48.00 (list price $125.00)

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