THE REBEL PRINCE: Lessons from the Tragic Life and Death of Absalom William M. Blackburn
 This volume examines the tragic account of Absalom, the son of David who became David's betrayer. William M. Blackburn (1828-1898) does a masterful job setting out the biblical narrative in a way that is both informative and captivating. Blackburn originally preached this material during his exposition of 2 Samuel 13 - 19, but expanded and adapted that material for this powerful publication. Old and young alike will find page after page of godly counsel and warning drawn from the life of THE REBEL PRINCE.
 In the Author's Preface we are told: "The record of Absalom's life in 2 Samuel 13 - 19 is as clear and concise as if written by the court-prophet Nathan. It has no parallel to it in Chronicles, and stands alone as a graphic piece of inspired Hebrew literature. In one view it is a vivid biography of the young man Absalom, the prodigal son of the Old Testament, who perished in his sins. In another view it is a sacred tragedy, full of most striking pictures of human nature, varied with deeply laid plots, enriched by frequent changes of scene, and enlivened by a great diversity of characters. For the study of the motives, policies, principles, and characters of evil and designing men, there are few portions of Scripture more profitable. Rarely do seven chapters furnish such a group of bold actors, such a record of great crimes against God and men, and such signal divine judgments upon the wicked."
 "It is a striking picture of a family, deserving of close and frequent study. A father's sins are intensified in some of his children, and bring the sword into his own house. There are shown to us some of the plainest lessons upon family government, family trials, and family judgments. It is not only as a king that David is sorely afflicted, but as a father. Those who magnify his faults should justly remember his very great and very many trials. In no other part of his reign did he exhibit more wisdom, tenderness, and greatness in adversity."
 "It is our effort in this unpretending volume to draw some useful lessons for our guidance in the family, in society, in the church, and in the national government. We have also kept in view the gospel light afforded by these seven chapters, for in the depths of David's heart we see an illustration of the boundless love of God, and in his sorrows he stands as a type of our Lord Jesus Christ. It was the favour which the original lectures received from those who heard them, that prompted the author to commit them to the press, and the volume is now laid at the feet of Him who sits upon David's throne, for only with His blessing can it be of any service in securing a further allegiance to the King of kings."
SGCB Price: $11.95 (list price $20.00)
SGCB Price: $20.00 (list price $36.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR BOTH TITLES TOGETHER

Additional Information
Biographical Sketch