SGCB | THE CASE FOR LIFE: Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture (Second Edition)

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THE CASE FOR LIFE: Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture (Second Edition)
SCOTT KLUSENDORF with Foreword by Lila Rose

Pro-life Advocate Scott Klusendorf Explains the Pro-life Argument and Why It Matters

Pro-life Christians, take heart: the pro-life message can compete in the marketplace of ideas if Christians properly understand and articulate that message. In light of the 50th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, too many Christians do not understand the essential truths of the pro-life position, making it difficult for them to articulate a biblical worldview on issues like abortion, cloning, and embryo research.

This second edition of The Case for Life, now with a substantial amount of additional and updated content, provides intellectual grounding for the pro-life convictions that most evangelicals hold. The debate turns on one key question: What is the unborn? In this timely book, author Scott Klusendorf teaches readers what the role of the pro-life Christian should be and how to lovingly and winsomely engage in questions and objections.

*Timely: Covers current hot-button topics related to abortion, cloning, and embryo research

*Ideal for Christians or Anyone Curious about the Pro-Life Movement: Written for those looking to learn more about the pro-life argument and why it matters

*Logically Grounded: Klusendorf explains the core of the argument and how to engage in a thoughtful and loving way

*Features New Content: Includes 8 new chapters and a new section titled “Pro-Life Christians Survey the Major Thinkers”

Foreword by Lila Rose



Part 1: Pro-life Christians Clarify the Debate

Chapter 1: What Is the Pro-Life Argument?

Chapter 2: What’s the Issue?

Chapter 3: What Does It Mean to Be Pro-Life?

Chapter 4: What Is the Unborn?

Chapter 5: What Makes Humans Valuable?

Chapter 6: What Are the Big Questions?

Chapter 7: What about Embryonic Stem Cell Research?

Part 2: Pro-life Christians Address Worldview Questions

Chapter 8: Which Worldviews Inform the Abortion Debate?

Chapter 9: Are Right and Wrong Real and Knowable?

Chapter 10: Is Moral Neutrality Possible?

Chapter 11: Does God Matter (Or Am I Just Matter?)

Chapter 12: Is the Bible Pro-Life?

Part 3: Pro-life Christians Survey the Major Thinkers

Chapter 13: When Did I Come to Be?

Chapter 14: When Did I Get a Right to Life?

Chapter 15: Is Abortion Justified Even If the Unborn are Human?

Part 4: Pro-life Christians Answer Objections Persuasively

Chapter 16: From Debate to Dialogue: Asking the Right Questions

Chapter 17: The Coat Hanger Objection: “Women Will Die from Illegal Abortions”

Chapter 18: The Tolerance Objection: “Don’t Force Your Views on Others”

Chapter 19: The Hard Cases Objection: Rape, and the Mother’s Life at Stake

Chapter 20: When the Attacks Get Personal

Part 5: Pro-life Christians Teach and Equip

Chapter 21: Equip to Engage: The Pro-Life Pastor in Post-Roe America

Chapter 22: Healed and Equipped: Hope for Post-Abortion Women and Men

Chapter 23: Here We Stand: Cobelligerence without Theological Compromise

Chapter 24: Are Pro-Lifers Guilty of Moral Compromise?

Chapter 25: Preparing for a Pro-Life Talk

Chapter 26: Can We Win?

Appendix: Training Resources

General Index

Scripture Index


“Scott Klusendorf has produced a marvelous resource that will equip pro-lifers to communicate more creatively and effectively as they engage our culture. The Case for Life is well-researched, well-written, logical, and clear, containing many pithy and memorable statements. Those already pro-life will be equipped; those on the fence will likely be persuaded. Readers looking to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves will find much here to say. I highly recommend this book.” -Randy Alcorn, author, Heaven; If God Is Good; and Hand in Hand

“With the United States Supreme Court’s Dobbs ruling, we need Scott Klusendorf’s resource more than ever. He answers the question, Who are the unborn? with clear-minded thinking and carefully crafted arguments. Pro-life laypeople and lawmakers alike must come to the street corner or statehouse equipped to speak in defense of their unborn brothers and sisters. Klusendorf keeps the reader’s eye and heart fixed on the center of the pro-life position: the child in the womb.” -Todd Wilken, Host, Issues, Etc.

“Way too many people today are silent on abortion—not because they don’t care, but because they do not know how to make the case for life that they hold dear in their hearts. Scott Klusendorf does an amazing job equipping us to engage a culture of death toward a culture of life. The days of being silent about the truth that we know biblically and scientifically should not cause us to take a back seat anymore. We cannot use the excuse that we did not know.” -Valerie Millsapps, CEO, Pregnancy Resource Center

“For years I’ve trusted Scott Klusendorf and his team to teach the pro-life argument to every single student who attends a Summit Ministries course. The reason is simply stated in the logical syllogism Klusendorf shares: ‘It is always wrong to intentionally kill an innocent human being. Abortion intentionally kills an innocent human being. Therefore, abortion is morally wrong.’ Every human being has value. Clear thinking about this opens the way to clear thinking about everything else. The Case for Life encapsulates decades of wisdom from Klusendorf’s frontline defense of the pro-life cause. It is at the same time encyclopedic and fascinating, bringing the science, philosophy, and theology within reach through powerful illustrations and practical ‘how-to’ ideas for sharing the truth even with die-hard skeptics. This will be my go-to pro-life book from this point forward.” -Jeff Myers, President, Summit Ministries

“No one has had a greater impact teaching me the skills of defending the precious lives of unborn children than Scott Klusendorf. He is simply a master of his craft. If you want a single tutorial giving you everything you need to help make a mother’s womb the safest place for a child to be instead of the most dangerous place, read The Case for Life.” -Gregory Koukl, President, Stand to Reason; author, Tactics and The Story of Reality

“The first edition of The Case for Life is the single greatest pro-life apologetics book available from an evangelical author. I use it in my classes and strongly endorse it. It’s accessible in how it reads, comprehensive in its argument, and intellectually satisfying in making a definitive case for protecting human life at all stages. Klusendorf is to be commended for making high-level bioethical issues simple and grounding his argument in the complementary sources of Scripture and natural law. With Roe now in the ash heap of history, it was time for The Case for Life to be expanded and updated. Here it is.” -Andrew T. Walker, Associate Professor of Christian Ethics, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Fellow, The Ethics and Public Policy Center

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