Thomas Cole is mostly unknown today but should be at or near the top of everyone’s list of favorite Puritan preachers. He is solid, precise, and practical in dealing with those subjects he addresses.
This volume of Cole's material includes all but one of his published works. The other is scheduled for release in the near future.
“Thomas Cole has quickly become one of my favorite Puritan preachers and authors. I was unfamiliar with him at first, but after editing this book he shot up to become someone of whom I cannot speak highly enough.” — Dr. Don Kistler
Thomas Cole: A Brief Sketch
The Preface to the Reader
The Introduction
1. The Author of Regeneration
2. The Subjects of Regeneration
3. The Means of Regeneration
4. The Manner of Regeneration
5. The Time of Regeneration
6. The End of Regeneration
7. The Scripture Marks and Signs of Regeneration
8. A Discourse of Faith in Two Points
9. A Discourse of Repentance
1) How it May Convincingly Appear that Those Who Think it an Easy Matter to Believe are Yet Destitute of Saving Faith (Ephesians 1:19,20)
2) How We May Steer and Even Course Between Presumption and Despair (Luke 3:4,5)
3) How May the Well Discharge of our Present Duty Give us Assurance of Help from God for the Well Discharge of All Future Duties (1 Samuel 17:34-37; Psalm 27:14; Proverbs 10:29; 2 Chronicles 15:2)
4) The Incomprehensibleness of Imputed Righteousness for Justification by Human Reason Till Enlightened by the Spirit of God (Romans 9:32,33)
5) The Old Apostolic Way of Preaching (2 Peter 1:12-15)
BRAND NEW TITLE IN MARCH 2022 SGCB Price: $18.50 (list price $30.00)