SGCB | MAN OF SORROWS, KING OF GLORY: What the Humiliation and Exaltation of Jesus Mean for Us

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MAN OF SORROWS, KING OF GLORY: What the Humiliation and Exaltation of Jesus Mean for Us

What the Person and Work of Jesus Really Means

Christians, rightly called “people of the cross,” look to Jesus’s death and resurrection as the central points of his earthly mission. But in order to understand more fully the person and work of Christ, it’s important for believers to fix their minds on his entire ministry—his life, death, resurrection, and ongoing ministry today—and not solely on his work on the cross.

In Man of Sorrows, King of Glory, Jonty Rhodes uses the traditional roles of Jesus as prophet, priest, and king (often referred to as his “threefold office”) to show how his whole life—in humiliation on earth and now exaltation in glory—is lived for us. As believers explore Jesus’s life, death, resurrection, and ascension, they will develop a holistic portrait of the Messiah and a deeper appreciation for God’s plan to reclaim sinners.


Part 1: The Journey of the Son of God

Chapter 1: Man of Sorrows! What a Name: The Whole Christ and the Whole Cross

Chapter 2: For the Son of God, Who Came: The Person of Christ

Part 2: To the Far Country: Christ's Humiliation

Chapter 3: Bearing Shame and Scoffing Rude: The Humiliation of Christ

Chapter 4: "It Is Finished!" Was His Cry: The Humiliation of Christ Our Prophet

Chapter 5: In My Place Condemned He Stood: The Humiliation of Christ Our Priest

Chapter 6: Ruined Sinners to Reclaim: The Humiliation of Christ Our King

Part 3: To the Father's Right Hand: Christ's Exaltation

Chapter 7: Now in Heaven Exalted High: The Exaltation of Christ

Chapter 8: Then Anew This Song We'll Sing: The Exaltation of Christ Our Prophet

Chapter 9: Sealed My Pardon with His Blood: The Exaltation of Christ Our Priest

Chapter 10: When He Comes Our Glorious King: The Exaltation of Christ Our King


General Index

Scripture Index


“Too often, Christians think narrowly about Jesus’s saving work, as though saying ‘Christ died for our sins’ exhausts the gospel. Jonty Rhodes gives us a more full-orbed view of the work of Christ, taking us back to classical formulations of Christ’s threefold office (prophet, priest, and king) and twofold state (humiliation and exaltation). Man of Sorrows, King of Glory is theologically rich while remaining accessible and devotional. This edifying book will help Christians understand Jesus more fully and love him more deeply.” -Gavin Ortlund, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church of Ojai; author, Finding the Right Hills to Die On

“As soon as we begin to speak of Jesus, we’re doing the work of theology. This book provides sound teaching for that task, exploring the person and work of Christ with a fresh sense of wonder. Man of Sorrows, King of Glory is rich without being dense, theological without being stuffy, and corrective without being combative.” -Nancy Guthrie, Bible teacher; author, Even Better than Eden

“This book is full of biblical insight and draws on a rich stock of historic Reformed theologians. In Man of Sorrows, King of Glory, we move from Adam to the new creation and see how in Christ’s exaltation he becomes the human king the world has been awaiting. Jonty Rhodes shows that the death and resurrection of Jesus have so much more importance for Christians than we usually recognize.” -Simon Gathercole, Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity, University of Cambridge

“Some people think that being Reformed means believing in the five solas of the Reformation or the five points of Calvinism. In his book Man of Sorrows, King of Glory, Jonty Rhodes shows us that the Reformed faith is deeper and broader, as he invites us to look at the person and work of Christ from the perspective of his twofold state (humiliation and exaltation) and threefold office (prophet, priest, and king) set within the drama of the relationship between Father and Son. This book helps us understand the gospel through new eyes as we see the rich structures that undergird Reformed theology. I hope all Christian ministers will encourage every church member to read it!” -Jonathan Gibson, Associate Professor of Old Testament, Westminster Theological Seminary

“Rare are the books that make forgotten theology accessible. Rarer still are those that do so while retaining their sense of wonder. In Man of Sorrows, King of Glory, we dive deep into ancient truths concerning the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Combining biblical insight with devotional application, this book is one to read slowly, prayerfully, and joyfully. And as we do so, we can’t fail to find ourselves in awe and love and praise at the humiliation and exaltation of so great a Savior.” -Dave Gobbett, Lead Minister, Highfields Church, Cardiff, Wales; Trustee, World Alive


JONTY RHODES is minister of Christ Church Central Leeds, a congregation of the International Presbyterian Church in Leeds, United Kingdom. He has spent the last ten years planting churches in England and is the author of Covenants Made Simple. Jonty is married to Georgina, and they have four children.

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SGCB Price: $8.00 (list price $18.00)