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TWELVE WHAT ABOUTS: Answering Common Objections Concerning God's Sovereignty in Election
John Samson, Foreword by John Hendryx of Monergism.com

DR. R.C. SPROUL becomes our latest endorser of "Twelve What Abouts" - "It is a privilege to have received your book, 'Twelve What Abouts.' The title is great as are your 'what abouts,' and your responses. Thank you for your ministry in Christ's kingdom and for the clear and thoughtful work that has gone into your book."

John Samson went from being a convinced Arminian to a grace loving, Christ-honoring, Calvinist. He shares some of his journey and winsomely answers many of the questions he himself grappled with. 'Twelve What Abouts' by John Samson is the perfect book for those seeking truth about God's sovereign grace in salvation. Straightforward, easy to read, concise, and most of all Biblical, this is a unique book, providing answers for the twelve most common objections raised against the doctrine of Divine election. Pastor Samson's gracious spirit provides an excellent reading environment for those struggling with these great truths of Scripture.

"After finishing a sermon from Ephesians 1, I was immediately confronted by three hostile young visitors who asked the question, 'What about John 3:16?'; as if the Bible contradicted itself. This non-thinking, non-theological, feelings-oriented mindset is typical of today's postmodern generation. Pastor Samson has given us a warm and simple (without being simplistic) introduction to the Doctrines of Grace, so this type of ignorance can be biblically combated.This book is a very helpful tool to give to a young Christian or to someone newly encountering the truths of free and sovereign grace. Distribute it widely." - Earl M. Blackburn, Heritage Baptist Church, Shreveport, Louisiana

"Sometimes a single misapprehension or sticky question stands in the way of an honest believer's examination of the doctrines of grace. John Samson answers those questions with a pastoral heart, yet with biblical fidelity." - Dr. James White, Alpha & Omega Ministries

One man said, "This book helped me enormously. My understanding of God's grace has soared to new heights." Another said, "This is the one book I wish had been placed in my hands as a new Christian. There is a lifetime of insight here." Still another revealed, "There were times reading this when I just had to stop, fall to my knees and thank God for His measureless grace in my life." Whether you are brand new to the subject, or still wrestling with these weighty concepts, Twelve What Abouts will prove to be an indispensable resource in your search for the truth.

"I want to commend, to all readers seeking an honest look into these matters, this very fine treatment in which Pastor John Samson carefully answers the most common objections to the biblical doctrine of divine election. John is one of the most passionate Christians I know, whose number one purpose is to make Christ known. This work on the doctrine of election is no exception. In it you will find that the purpose of election is to bring all glory to Jesus Christ in our salvation." - John Hendryx, from the Foreword

"Whether you are new to the doctrines of grace or simply seeking greater clarity on the sovereign grace of God in salvation, this book will be beneficial. In 'Twelve What Abouts', John tackles common objections regarding the doctrine of election in a concise and biblical way. His charitable spirit coupled with his broad based biblical knowledge make for a joyful learning experience. As someone who teaches the doctrines of grace to the women at our church, I've turned to Samson's teachings multiple times. Do yourself a favor and add this little gem to your library -- it will be one of the best investments you've ever made!" - a satisfied reader from Amazon


Foreword by John Hendryx

A Word to the Reader

Chapter One: The Place to Start - Amazed by Common Grace

Chapter Two: The Wind Blows Where it Wishes

Chapter Three: A Surprising Journey

Chapter Four: What About the Love of God? (Part One)

Chapter Five: What About the Love of God? (Part Two)

Chapter Six: What About Free Will?

Chapter Seven: What About God's Foreknowledge?

Chapter Eight: What About John 3:16?

Chapter Nine: What About 2 Peter 3:9?

Chapter Ten: What About 1 Timothy 2:4?

Chapter Eleven: What About Matthew 23:37

Chapter Twelve: What About 1 Timothy 4:10?

Chapter Thirteen: What About John 12:32?

Chapter Fourteen: What About Reprobation?

Chapter Fifteen: What About Lost Loved Ones?

Chapter Sixteen: What About Prayer and Evangelism?

Chapter Seventeen: Saving Faith

Chapter Eighteen: The Flaming Missiles of the Devil

Chapter Nineteen: Spiritual Dyslexia

Chapter Twenty: As the King's Herald

Further Recommended Resources




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SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $16.00)
Nearly 45% Discount

SGCB Price: $18.00 (list price $35.00)
Includes 'God Chose to Save' (Bianchi), '12 What Abouts' (Samson) and 'Toughts on Predestination & Election' (Warfield)

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BEWARE OF RATTLESNAKES! Lessons for Teens from History, Sports and Odds and Ends
Peter Jeffery

Peter Jeffery has a special gift of saying a great deal in a few words. Once again he has hit the mark in this brand new title intended for young people. There are 52 very brief chapters covering a great variety of subjects from Kings and Presidents to athletes and animals. Young pople (and the not so young) will find the author an able guide to lead them into lessons that will stick and stay. This can be given as a gift to young people, and also used in Family Worship by moms and dads. The first time I heard Peter Jeffery preach I was immediately struck with his uncany ability to illustrate profound truth in simple words. It is a true honor for Solid Ground Christian Books to be asked to publish the latest book from the heart of a dear friend who loves Christ Jesus more than life.

"Peter Jeffrey is a man who is rooted. He is rooted in who he was before he became a believer in Jesus Christ. He is rooted in who he became by the grace of God after becoming a Christian. And he is growing his roots in who he will be in glory. I see all three phases of Peter's life in this remarkable book. He has not strayed far from his roots. His genius is keeping us connected to the foundational issues of life. This new book will be perfect for young Christians of all ages--teens and seniors, men or women. Sunday School teachers, parents for family devotions, home schoolers and those who want to see how to communicate truth in small bites that get eaten need to read this book! If my grown up children were still home, I would use this book for family devotions. If I were teaching a Sunday School class for boys or girls, I would use this book. If I were starting a beginners class for new converts, I would use this book. If I wanted to help a non-reader get started reading good things that create a thirst for more, I would give them this book. Each section is just the right size and grabs thought. If I were living in an estate or if I was a soldier at war or if I were a student off at school or if I were a busy businessman who knew my way around business but not the Bible yet, I would want this book." - Steve Martin (retired after 31 years of pastoral ministry in Atlanta, Georgia, now has a ministry of encouragement to other, younger pastors and speaks at churches, conferences, and retreats.)

1. King Canute

2. Robert the Bruce

3. George Washington

4. Teddy Roosevelt

5. George W. Bush

6. Gelert

7. Manasseh

8. Josiah

9. Mary Tudor

10 Henry VIII

11 King Edward 1 and the Prince of Wales

12 King Solomon

13 Constantine

14 Alfred the Great

15 King Offa

16 Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered

17 Right and Wrong

18 The Anchor Holds

19 You climb and I'll pull

20 Beware of Rattlesnakes

21 Run your car on Water

22 It's a Battle

23 No limits

24 Guy Fawkes

25 No Waiting lists with God

26 Written off

27 Big Words

28 What if Christmas was in June

29 Whitsun

30 Truth or Tradition

31 Hot Cross Buns

32 De-Icing

33 By Faith

34 Becoming a Christian

35 William Webb Ellis

36 The Beautiful Game

37 The Hand of God

38 Out for a Duck

39 You cannot be Serious

40 Inga the Winger

41 Video Ref

42 Counterfeit Tickets

43 England's Rugby World Cup Win

44 Hole on One

45 Join the Library

46 A favourite hymn

47 One gospel

48 Superstar

49 Who is Jesus?

50 Incarnation

51 Why did Jesus die?

52 Only one way

"Destiny beats in the heart of man. Each of us were born for a purpose bigger than ourselves. We know instinctively that life matters. The things done on earth matter eternally. In the race of life, the opposition is not the people around us, but the mediocrity that so many seem to settle for. This is a book your heart will love and your soul will cherish, revealing what it takes to win, both in sport and in life; and more than that, the most important news we could ever hear, the Gospel of Jesus Christ." - John Samson, author of "Twelve What Abouts" by Solid Ground

"Twenty years ago, Robin Leech had a television program, LIFESTYLES OF THE RICH AND FAMOUS. Peter's book could well be called LIFE-LESSONS FROM THE FAMOUS AND OBSCURE because he skillfully shows time after time that we can learn profound truths in some of the most unusual ways from all kinds of people if we are humble and observant." - Steve Martin, Fayetteville, GA


Soon Coming Title

Jeffery Five-Pack pj5 ms8

SGCB Price: $8.00 (list price $16.00)

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LAS CINCO SOLAS: Estando Juntas, Solas: THE FIVE SOLAS: Standing Together, Alone (THE SPANISH VERSION)
John Samson



"Algunos autores le hacen leer tres capítulos antes de llegar al primer punto de su resumen. Si desea entender el fundamento de las solas de la Reforma, pero le gustaría hacerlo en menos de una hora, John Samson le provee de los fundamentos aquí mismo." —Dr. James White, Alpha & Omega Ministries, Phoenix, Arizona

"En los últimos años se ha visto un numero de importantes aniversarios relacionados con eventos y personas que fueron vitales catalizadores de la reforma protestante. Afortunadamente esto se ha traducido en una renovación en el enfoque de las “cinco solas”—una lista resumida y convincente de las convicciones claves de los Reformadores. A lo largo de la historia de la Iglesia, dondequiera que estos principios se han acentuado y respetado, la iglesia siempre ha florecido. Así que es una tendencia muy alentadora. Estoy agradecido por este excelente folleto de John Samson; un estudio convincente, enfocado y accesible de las “solas,” que nos solos nos recuerda lo que significan estos principios, si no que también nos muestra por que son importantes—y por que deben estar unidos." —Phil Johnson, Executive Director, Grace to You

"Esto es un tema tan crucial; y después de haber leído muchas piezas escritas sobre las cinco solas, ésta se destaca por no sólo ser teológicamente sólida, sino también clara y concisa. Está escrita de una manera que casi cualquier persona podría levantarla y entenderla. Estoy agradecido de que Dios haya levantado a su siervo, John Samson, para este trabajo tan necesario; un trabajo que deberíamos poner en manos de tantas personas como sea posible." —John Hendryx, monergism.com

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Dozens and Dozens of Authors


For the first time ever Solid Ground Christian Books has supassed 300 Volumes in Print.

To celebrate this achievement we are offering a Special Deal for those who want the entire Set of our titles.

LIST PRICE on this set is $8,384.00 for the 350 volumes

SALE PRICE on this set is $3,200.00 (a savings of over $5,600.00 which is 60% off)


All the titles included are-

Accurate Revised Text Edition of Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan, edited by Barry Horner $16.00

Addresses to Young Men by Rev. Daniel Baker $16.00

Advice to a Young Christian by Jared B. Waterbury $15.00

The Afflicted Man's Companion by John Willison $20.00

Anecdotes: Religious, Moral & Entertaining by Charles Buck $28.00

Annals of the American Baptist Pulpit, W.B. Sprague $100.00 2 vols. (HC)

Annals of the American Presbyterian Pulpit, W.B. Sprague $215.00 3 vols. (HC)

Assurance of Faith, - Louis Berkhof $11.00

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**Baptist Confession of Faith & Catechism (paperback edition) $15.00

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Bible Jewels: And the Lessons Taught by Them for Children, Richard Newton $16.00

Bible Models: Shining Lights of Scripture by Richard Newton $32.00

Bible Promises: Sermons for Children by Richard Newton $17.00

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Doctrine of Justification by James Buchanan $35.00

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Homiletics and Pastoral Theology by William G.T. Shedd $22.00

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THE HUMANNESS OF JOHN CALVIN by Richard Stauffer $13.00

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The Influence of the Bible on the Mind & Character by John Matthews $18.00

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Leaves from the Tree of Life: Sermons for the Young by Richard Newton $17.00

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Lectures on the Bible to the Young by John Eadie $16.00

Lectures on the Book of Esther by Thomas M'Crie $25.00

Lectures on the History of Preaching by John A. Broadus $19.00


Lectures on Revivals of Religion by William B. Sprague $25.00

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LETTERS TO A MORMON ELDER by James R. White $20.00

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Life and Sermons of Ichabod Spencer (HC) (3 vols.) $120.00

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Life of Jesus Christ for the Young by Richard Newton $65.00 (2 vols.)

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Lives, Our Fortunes & Our Sacred Honor, Our by Charles Goodrich $30.00

LOG COLLEGE: Accounts from the Great Awakening by Alexander $20.00

Lord of Glory: Classic Defense of the Deity of Christ - B.B. Warfield $18.00


Madison Ave. Lectures on Baptist Principles & Practice by Weston $25.00

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MARTYRLAND: A Tale of the Covenanters by Robert Simpson $20.00

MARY BUNYAN: Heroic Faith of the Blind Daughter of John Bunyan by S.R. Ford $20.00

MEMORIAL TRIBUTES: Funeral Addresses by C.H. Spurgeon, John Newton, Wm Jay $35.00

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More Love to Thee: Life of Elizabeth Prentiss by GL Prentiss (PB) $35.00; HC $50.00

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National Preacher, The Edited by Austin Dickinson $23.00

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Old Paths for Little Feet by Carol Brandt $13.00

Opening Scripture: Hermeneutical Manual by P.Fairbairn HC $50.00; PB $35.00

Opening Up Ephesians Peter Jeffery $9.00

Origin of Paul's Religion, The by J. Gresham Machen $24.00

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Pen Dipped in Love: Selected Letters of John Newton $16.00

Person and Work of the Holy Spirit, The by B.B. Warfield $12.00

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Power of God Unto Salvation by B.B. Warfield PB - $18.00; HC $32.00

Prayer of a Broken Heart by Robert Candlish $12.00

Preacher and His Models, The by James Stalker $19.00

PRECIOUS SEED: Discourses by Scottish Worthies by Brown, Chalmers, $32.00

Princeton Sermons from 1891-92 by Hodge, Warfield, Patton etc.


Preparation and Delivery of Sermons: Dargan Edition by J.A. Broadus $35.00

Psalms in History and Biography, The by John Ker $18.00

PSALMS IN HUMAN LIFE by Roland Prothero $25.00

PULPIT CRIMES: Criminal Mishandling of God's Word by James White $17.00

Rays from the Sun of Righteousness: Sermons for Children by Richard Newton $17.00

**Reading 'Religious Affections' by Craig Biehl $18.00

Rebel Prince: Tragic Life & Death of Absalom by William Blackburn $20.00

Redeemer's Tears Wept Over the Lost, The by John Howe $11.00

Reformed Doctrine of the Atonerment by Loraine Boettner $13.00

Repentance & Faith: Explained to the Young by Charles Walker $16.00

Sabbath Scripture Readings: New Testament by Thomas Chalmers $32.00

Sabbath Scripture Readings II - Old Testament by Thomas Chalmers $35.00

Safe Compass and How it Points: Sermons to Children by Richard Newton, $16.00

**SAINT PAUL: Changing Our World for Christ by Adolphe Monod $16.00

Scottish Pulpit, The by William M. Taylor $19.00

Scientific Investigation of the Old Testament by Robert Dick Wilson $18.00

Scripture Biography for the Young: Vols. 1 - 5 by T.H. Gallaudet $95.00

Scripture Biography for the Young: King Josiah by T.H. Gallaudet $12.00

Scripture Guide, The by J.W. Alexander $18.00

Secret of Communion with God by Matthew Henry $12.00


SEEKING GOD: Do You Really Want to Know God? by Peter Jeffery $5.00


*Sermons from Job by John Calvin $25.00

*Sermons on the Saving Work of Christ by John Calvin $25.00

*Sermons on the Ten Commandments by John Calvin $27.00

**Sermons Selected from the Pastoral Epistles by John Calvin $20.00

Sermons to the Natural Man by William G.T. Shedd $24.00

Sermons to the Spiritual Man- William G.T. Shedd $24.00

Shepherd's Heart, A by J.W. Alexander $28.00

A Short Explanation of Hebrews by David Dickson $13.00

Shorter Catechism Illustrated by John Whitecross PB - $15.00; HC $25.00

SMALL TALKS ON BIG QUESTIONS: by Helms & Thompson-Kahler $32.00

Soldier's Catechism: For US Armed Forces by Michael Cannon $15.00

Southern Presbyterian Pulpit: Expository Sermons by Dabney, Hoge, Palmer etc. $30.00

Speaking the Truth in Love: Life of Roger Nicole by David Bailey $34.00

THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD by John Murray, John Macleod et. $18.00

Stepping Heavenward (HC) by Elizabeth Prentiss $25.00

Stepping Heavenward Study Guide by Carson Kistner $14.00

Still Hour, The: Communion with God in Prayer by Austin Phelps $12.00

Sunday School Teachers Guide by John Angell James $11.00

THEOLOGICAL ESSAYS by William G.T. Shedd $28.00

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