Audubon Press

 click for details |  | The New York City Prayer Revival of 1858 and Its Lessons J.W. Alexander
 "The valuable description of the revival of 1858 in this gem of a book is fol1owed by expositions saturated with the Spirit of revival. Here are some notable features: There is fervent prayer in the Spirit which culminates in motivation and effort to reach the lost. Vast harvests require enormous effort and industry. There is a profound sense of sinfulness and the reality of being lost for all eternity together with free grace and a free justification. When revival comes then the gates of iron are penetrated and the very worst of sinners are saved. 'My rule' said John Wesley, 'is to go not only to those who need me but to those who need me most'.
 Through these sermons our hope, vision and confidence are enlarged, 'The genius of Christianity is not simply that of conservation, but of aggression. Christianity must not merely live but increase and cover the earth' (p.179). The revival hymns are a bonus including all nine verses of 'O sacred Head, now wounded' (p. 100). - Erroll Hulse, Reformation Today magazine and Leeds Reformed Baptist Church (U.K.)
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 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $10.00 (list price $20.00)
SGCB Price: $22.00 (list price $48.00) Sermons from J.W. Alexander, Theodore Cuyler, George Bethune, Edward Hiscox, William Adams and many more
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 click for details |  | The New York Pulpit During The Prayer Revival of 1858: A Memorial Volume of Sermons J.W. Alexander, Theodore Cuyler, George Bethune, Edward Hiscox, William Adams and 20 More
 "Donated from heaven were wonderfully spiritual and talented gospel preachers in New York who ministered in the years of revival in that great metropolis around the time of 1858. Reader, will it be your privilege to witness times of spiritual refreshing? Will you live to see times of harvesting? If so this book of expository sermons preached in revival times will be a valuable companion. But if you are called to labour on in drought and begin to think that revival is a delusion then these sermons will sustain your faith and refresh you. There is unction from heaven in these expositions. Especially commended are the sermons on Ezekiel 36:37-38, Malachi 3:16, Ezekiel 18:31, Revelation 3:20, Ecclesiastes 8:8, Matthew 22:13 and Mark 12:24-28. The sermon entitled, 'Past Feeling' is awesome." -Pastor Erroll Hulse, Reformation today magazine and Leeds Reformed Baptist Church (U.K.)
 1) THE HOLY FLOCK, James W. Alexander, D.D.
 3) PAST FEELING, Rev. Theo. L. Cuyler.
 4) WHY WILL YE DIE? B. F. Cutler, D.D.
 5) THE WISE DECISION, Edward Lathrop, D.D.
 6) CHRIST AT THE DOOR, George W. Bethune, D.D.
 7) UNANSWERED PRAYERS, George Potts, D.D.
 8) MAN'S PRIDE AGAINST GOD'S GRACE, Joseph P. Thompson, D.D.
 9) TEARS AT THE JUDGMENT, John M. Krebs, D.D.
 10) TRUE REPENTANCE, William Hague, D.D.
 13) COMING TO CHRIST, M. S. Hutton, D.D.
 18) THE CROSS CONTEMPLATED, Edward T. Hiscox, D.D.
 19) THE STRAIT GATE, John M'clintock, D.D.
 20) MAN'S PERDITION NOT OF GOD, Edwin F. Hatfield, D.D.
 21) DUTY OF REPENTANCE, Asa D. Smith, D.D.
 23) TRUE RELIGION A SERVICE, Roswell D. Hitchcock, D.D.
 24) THE LIFE BATTLE, Jesse T. Peck, D.D.
 "The [ORIGINAL] publishers of this volume, believing that Christians in other parts of the country will be glad to enjoy some of those exhibitions of truth which God has so peculiarly owned and blessed in the great metropolis, have requested a number of ministers, of different denominations, to furnish one of their ordinary discourses delivered in the midst of the present great Awakening, for the purpose of making a Memorial Volume of this work of God. Most of those clergymen to whom application was made, have kindly and cheerfully complied with our request. They have each given us a sermon prepared with no thought of its going beyond the hearing and the hearts of their own congregation. The sermon is in no respect intended to exhibit the learning or the ability of the preacher, but rather to be a specimen of the truth, and the manner in which it has been presented by various eminent clergymen in the ordinary ministrations of the Sabbath. These pages are the earnest, pungent expression of their heart and mind, at a time when God is doing great things in their churches, whereof they are glad." - from the original Preface
 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $14.00 (list price $28.00)
SGCB Price: $22.00 (list price $48.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR BOTH TITLES TOGETHER
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 click for details |  | FORTY YEARS' FAMILIAR LETTERS: The Life & Letters of J.W. Alexander by John Hall John Hall
 FORTY YEARS FAMILIAR LETTERS: The Life & Letters of J.W. Alexander by John Hall
 "Eldest son of Archibald Alexander (the first professor of Princeton Theological Seminary), James Waddell Alexander became pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Trenton, New Jersey and was the translator of the widely-known hymn, 'O Sacred Head Now Wounded.' These letters between two close friends provide valuable theological and pastoral insights from the mid-nineteenth century. A fascinating book! " Derek Thomas, John E Richards Professor of Theology, RTS Jackson; Minister of Teaching, First Presbyterian Church, Jackson; and Editorial Director, Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals

 "During his second year at Princeton University, James W. Alexander, son of Archibald Alexander (Princeton Theological Seminary's first professor), began a correspondence with John Hall, a Philadelphia friend, which continued for forty years (1819-1859). After Alexander's death on July 31, 1859, Charles Hodge urged John Hall to publish the almost 800 letters, saying that it 'would be a unique work. It would be a literary, theological, religious and conversational history of the past forty years.' " David Calhoun, Professor Emeritus of Church History, Covenant Theological Seminary

 "Forty Year's Familiar Letters contains fascinating autobiographical reflections of James Waddell Alexander (1804-1859), the oldest son of Archibald Alexander, and a well-known pastor for a quarter century before becoming professor of Ecclesiastical History at Princeton Seminary in 1849. This book is teeming with historical, practical, and experiential insights growing out of nineteenth-century American Presbyterianism seen through the lenses of James W.'s own experience." -Dr. Joel Beeke

 CHARLES HODGE, great Princeton theologian, strongly urged John Hall to publish this treasure trove of letters. He believed that these 800+ letters were "of such peculiar interest and value" that they deserved to be published. He stated, "This would be a unique work. It would be a literary, a theological, a religious, and a conversational history of the last forty years."

 JH3 12pb CWXS
 FORTY YEARS FAMILIAR LETTERS: The Life & Letters of J.W. Alexander by John Hall
SGCB Price: $24.00 (list price $60.00) TWO VOLUME SET - 60% Discount (SIX SETS AT THIS PRICE)
SGCB Price: $28.00 (list price $76.00) 62% DISCOUNT FOR THESE THREE PAPERBACK VOLUMES
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 click for details |  | THE LIFE OF JOSEPH A. ALEXANDER OF PRINCETON (TWO VOLUME SET) Henry Carrington Alexander
 "As professor of Oriental and biblical literature at Princeton, succeeding Dr. Charles Hodge, Joseph Addison Alexander's life and contribution to theology is of enormous interest. For a long time, this biography could only be found on rare book lists. Its republication is gladly welcomed!" - Derek Thomas,

 "When J.A. Alexander died on January 28, 1860, Charles Hodge said, 'We have lost the greatest and one of the best men I ever knew.' The brilliant 'and somewhat eccentric' scholar taught almost every subject at Princeton Theological Seminary. He was a gifted preacher who moved congregations with the power and wisdom of his sermons. His Biblical commentaries remain in print as examples of careful and accurate exegesis and exposition. A life-long bachelor, he loved little children and created books and games for them. This biography was first published in 1870. Its author was Alexander's nephew, Henry Carrington Alexander, the son of J.W. Alexander (the subject's older brother). The author was also pastured the same church his father and grandfather served at Charlotte Court House, Virginia. He later became professor of New Testament at Union Theological Seminary in Virginia." - David Calhoun, Professor Emeritus of Church History, Covenant Theological Seminary
 TWO VOLUME SET - 60% Discount
SGCB Price: $26.00 (list price $65.00)
SGCB Price: $50.00 (list price $125.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR ALL FOUR VOLUMES
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 click for details |  | THE LIFE AND TIMES OF GARDINER SPRING In Two Volumes Gardiner Spring
 "What is there not to learn from a man who spent 63 years (1810-1873) as senior minister of The Brick Church (old First Presbyterian Church) in New York City. This is a deeply affectionate volume that is full of pastoral wisdom. I highly recommended it!" - Dr. Derek Thomas
 "Gardiner Spring (1785-1873), a prolific writer and Presbyterian minister who served the Brick Church (old First Presbyterian Church) in New York City for sixty-three years, led a full and fascinating life. The autobiographical reflections in his Life and Times are a gold mine of historical, practical and personal insights. His chapters on Hopkinsianism and New Haven Theology are themselves worth the price of these volumes." - Dr. Joel Beeke
 60% Discount
SGCB Price: $24.00 (list price $60.00)
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 click for details |  | AN INTRODUCTION TO THE BAPTISTS Erroll Hulse
 "If you are asked, 'Can you point me to a book that will explain in simple, clear, brief and accurate terms some of the leading ideas, personalities, and distinctive issues in Baptist history?' you can answer, 'An Introduction to the Baptists' by Erroll Hulse. The author has lived several decades as an engaged, dedicated, and zealous propagator of Baptist ideas and has read multitudes of sources, primary and secondary, about Baptist personalities, theology, and institutions. He is well qualified to condense this history to the essentials. Audubon Press is to be thanked for making this volume available to a wide reading public!" - Dr. Tom Nettles, Professor of Historical Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

 "One of the first histories of the Baptists that I read was this work by Erroll Hulse. In a small compass, Pastor Hulse covers a significant amount of territory and accurately shows the various streams that make up the English-speaking Baptist world. This small book gave me a solid overview that further in-depth research has confirmed and substantiated. While new questions are being asked and new avenues of interpretation being explored, which is the nature of historical research and is to be welcomed, it is great to see this classic overview back in print. It is a tried and true summary of what is now four hundred years of Baptist life and thought." - Dr. Michael Haykin, Professor of Church History and Biblical Spirituality; Director, The Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
 $5.00 Sale 28s stst cwxs $5O
 Nearly 70% Discount
SGCB Price: $5.00 (list price $16.00)
 |  |  |  | COME, LET US REASON TOGETHER A Friendly Critique of the Messianic Movement Baruch Maoz
 "This is a supremely helpful analysis of Messianic Judaism and a host of biblical questions raised by that controversial movement. To what degree is it appropriate for Jewish believers in Jesus to preserve Jewish ceremonies and rabbinical traditions in their worship? Baruch Maoz is uniquely qualified to write on the subject, and he has done so with a charitable tone and point-bypoint thoroughness that will benefit people on all sides of the controversy. I greatly appreciate his relentlessly biblical approach." - John MacArthur, is the pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, and the president of The MasterÆs College and Seminary
 "Finally, a clear, contemporary exposition on evangelizing the Jews. This long-needed book, written with mind and soul by one intimately acquainted with the subject, is packed with spiritual and practical instruction. It is a must read for all Christians and denominations involved in, or contemplating, Jewish evangelism." - Dr. Joel Beeke, is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan
 "Jewish believers in Jesus have long been plagued with critical questions: How are we to live our lives? Are we to worship in churches with our gentile brothers and sisters or are we to commit ourselves to Messianic Judaism? This book is must reading for anyone who cares about the Jewish people." - Stan Telchin, Stan Telchin Ministries in Lakewood Ranch, Florida
 About the Author
 Baruch Maoz is the founder-Pastor of Grace and Truth Christian Congregation in central Israel, where he ministered since 1976. He retired from the pastorate in 2008. Baruch continues to preach and teach in Israel, where he and Bracha live, and abroad. He has authored numerous books in Hebrew, Dutch and English and is the Editor of the Modern Hebrew Bible for Young People. More information about his ministry can be obtained through his website:
 60% Discount
SGCB Price: $8.00 (list price $20.00)
 |  |  |  | CHRIST'S VICTORIOUS KINGDOM: Postmillenialism Reconsidered John Jefferson Davis
 "Many otherwise good and capable pastors shy away from preaching and teaching eschatology, allowing their flocks to be plundered by charlatans, thieves and false prophets. It is time for faithful shepherds to reclaim a biblical eschatology and nourish their flocks with the encouragement and hope that only the Scriptures can provide. In this volume, John Jefferson Davis provides a useful tool for beginning that great and needed work." - Bruce Ray
 Dr. Davis has served at Gordon-Conwell South Hamilton since 1975. An active member of both the local and broader community, he has taken leadership roles in various organizations relating to children and families. These leadership roles have included serving as chairman of the Board of Directors of Massachusetts Citizens for Life; as a founding member of the Board of Directors of Birthright of Greater Beverly, MA; as a member of the Board of Directors of the Value of Life Committee, and as the Massachusetts delegate to the White House Conference on Families.
 Dr. Davis has also maintained an active role in professional and institutional organizations, lending his talents to the Evangelical Philosophical Society as president and to the advisory board for the Presbyterians for Democracy and Religious Freedom as a member of that board. As a Gordon-Conwell faculty member, he serves as a faculty representative for the Anglican Studies Committee and the Institutional Review Board. He also currently chairs the Distributive Education Committee that addresses extension and distance education.
 In addition, Dr. Davis is a frequent speaker at churches, conventions and workshops. He has made appearances regularly on radio and television talk shows, including The 700 Club, and his guest editorials have appeared in the Boston Herald, Newsday, the Cleveland Plain Dealer, the Baltimore News American, the Washington Star and other newspapers.
 Dr. Davis' scholarly interests include the theology and practice of worship and liturgy, the relationship of Christian faith and modern science, Trinitarian theology and the theology of the Holy Spirit.
 His personal interests include gourmet cooking and walking. He is an ordained Presbyterian minister. He and his wife, Robin, have five children and live in Hamilton, MA.
 60% Discount
SGCB Price: $8.00 (list price $20.00)
 |  |  |  | THE GREAT INVITATION: Examining the Use of the Altar Call in Evangelism Erroll Hulse
 "The notion that sinners can secure their own salvation by a 'decision' is fraught with all kinds of theological mischief. It has reduced faith to bare intellectual assent, populated the church with people who have never even been convicted about their sin, and made public invitations into the same kind of sacramental indulgences the original Protestants repudiated. Erroll Hulse has given us a thorough biblical answer to this error and I'm glad to see it back in print." - Pastor John MacArthur
 "Erroll Hulse's classic work is a biblical and balanced answer to modern decisionalism. Hulse shows from Scripture that there is a legitimate place for the ambassador of Christ to exhort sinners to be reconciled to God, to reason passionately with them from Scripture, to invite them to drink freely of the water of life, and to plead with them and beseech them to turn to the Savior. But he also stresses that regeneration is the work of the Holy Spirit to produce faith in the sinner, not a result of the sinner's independent 'decision.' The two ideas are perfectly harmonious, because our passionate preaching is the means by which God sovereignly and effectually calls the elect to himself." --Phil Johnson, Executive Director of 'Grace to You'
 "Authored with a kind and gracious tone, this work nevertheless attempts to tackle the insidious 'easy-believism' of our day, and it is my opinion that he does so very effectively." --Lance Quinn
 Preface to the 2006 Edition by Audubon Press
 Preface to the 1986 Edition by Evangelical Press
 1. The Title Explained
 2. Coming to Christ--Simple yet Profound
 3. The Great Invitation of Isaiah 55
 4. The Foremost Invitations Expounded: Matthew 11:27,28; Rev. 3:20; Rev. 22:17
 5. The Gospel Worthy of All Acceptance
 a. Do sinners have the right to believe?
 b. Is man really responsible?
 c. Is God sincere in his invitations?
 d. How do we reconcile the doctrines of grace with the Great Invitation?
 e. Does God love everyone?
 f. Doe God prepare sinners for the new birth?
 6. The History of the Invitation System
 7. A New Evangelical Sacrament?
 8. The 'Appeal' Examined in the Light of Scripture
 9. A Key Issue--The New Birth
 10. Four Great Preachers Who Did Not Use the Invitation System
 a. William Perkins (1558-1602)
 b. Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)
 c. Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892)
 d. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1900-1981)
 11. Is the 'Appeal' a Harmful Practice?
 APPENDIX 1- Twenty-Two Reasons from R.T. Kendall Stated and Answered
 APPENDIX 2- Some Examples of Invitation Preaching
 a) R.L. Dabney
 b) C.H. Spurgeon
 c) Thomas Brooks
 d) John Flavel
 e) Richard Sibbes
 f) A Modern Example
 g) Concluding Example of John Bunyan author of 'Pilgrim's Progress'

 Nearly 60% Discount
SGCB Price: $8.95 (list price $20.00)
 |  |  |  | THE BELIEVER'S EXPERENCE: Maintaining the Scriptural Balance between Experience and Truth Erroll Hulse
 WARREN WIERSBE said the following about this book: "Erroll Hulse is careful to balance Biblical teaching and practical experience...In this day of excess and confusion, this kind of study is desperately needed...I believe that the author has been honest and gracious toward those who would not hold to his doctrinal position...I find it to be a balanced, wholesome, and satisfying treatment of the subject."
 JOEL BEEKE added the following: "'The Believer's Experience' presents a clear biblical treatment of Christian experience and a helpful refutation of charismatic emphasis on experience. It is more needed today than when it was originally published. The chapters on experiencing justifying joy, adoptive love, patience in affliction, the baptism of the Spirit, and communion with Christ, are an outstanding treatment suitable both for beginners in grace and mature saints. Use Hulse's sterling expose of experiential religion to gain clarity about your own spiritual experience and to stimulate growth in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus."
 Foreword to the 2006 Edition by Audubon Press
 Foreword to the 1980 Zondervan Edition
 1. Why 'The Believer's Experience'?
 2. How Experience Came to be Emphasized
 3. How Can We Explain the 'Success' of the Charismatic Movement?
 4. The Blessings, Main Problem, and Dangers of the Charismatic Experience
 5. The Free Grace Experience
 6. Conversion--The Main Experience
 7. Conversion--True or False?
 8. No Genuine Experience without the Law
 9. The Experience of Law before Conversion
 10. The Wretched Man of Romans 7 Sorted Out
 11. Joy Because of Justification
 12. The Experience of Love in Adoption
 13. Assurance in our Experience
 14. Patience in Tribulation
 15. The Baptism of the Spirit
 16. The Enjoyment of Christ
 17. The Testing of Experience
 60% Discount
SGCB Price: $8.00 (list price $20.00)
 |  |  |  | AS THE WATERS COVER THE SEA: Millenial Expectations in the Rise of Anglo-American Missions 1640-1810 James A. De Jong
 "This volume surefootedly guides us through the complex relation of millennial expectations and Anglo-American missiology from the Puritan age to the beginning of the nineteenth century. He shows how millennial hopes varied throughout this period from an adventist type of premillennialism to a low-keyed postmillennialism. Nevertheless, De Jong concludes that these anticipations often balanced themselves out somewhere between other-wordly and secularized hope and between the temporal and eternal aspects of salvation. This balance enabled believers to engage in mission work confidently yet realistically, setting a viable pattern for us to follow today as we continue to look to Christ in hope, drawing our vision of humanity and missiology from His Word." - Joel Beeke
 "This volume accurately traces out millennial views in the 17th and 18th centuries. Information is structured, compact, and easy to read. For instance, John Owen's views are cited in six points, one of which is 'the subjection of the nations throughout the whole world unto the Lord Jesus Christ.' The author reminds us that 'William Carey's Enquiry' became the charter of the missionary movement. In the preface Carey declared that 'God has repeatedly made known his intention to prevail finally over all the power of the Devil.' This volume is a powerful endorsement of the fact that an eschatology of victory was motivational to missionary endeavour on a very wide scale. THIS IS A MOST RELEVANT AND VALUABLE BOOK!." - Erroll Hulse
 $10.00 Sale 10s cwxs
 60% Discount
SGCB Price: $12.00 (list price $30.00)
 |  |  |  | THE THEOLOGY OF MISSIONS IN THE PURITAN TRADITION: A Study of Representative Puritans: Richard Sibbes, Richard Baxter, John Eliot, Cotton Mather & Jonathan Edwards Sidney H. Rooy
 "A masterful examination of the Puritan's positive attitude toward missions and evangelism, showing their passionate desire to seek the salvation of the lost. Through the writings of five notable Puritans: Richard Sibbes, Richard baxter, John Eliot, Cotton Mather and Jonathan Edwards, Rooy explores Puritan missiology in its theological foundation, its development and establishment, and its progress. Individuals and churches alike will be inspired by this historical and theological survey of magisterial Puritans." - Joel Beeke
 "Of excellent quality throughout, this volume traces out the theology that leads to the evangelization of the world: divine sovereignty and human responsibility, conversion, and the role of the church in missions. The biographical sketches enhance the volume. This is all rich material. Highlights for me are the practical section on evangelism from Richard Baxter's 'A Christian Directory' and the preceptive analysis of Jonathan Edwards' book 'A History of Redemption,' which the author suggests is perhaps Edwards' best claim to originality in theology. I commend this volume highly." - Erroll Hulse
 Chapter One - RICHARD SIBBES: The Theological Foundation of the Mission
 Chapter Two - RICHARD BAXTER: The Development of the Mission Idea
 Chapter Three - JOHN ELIOT: The Establishment of the Mission
 Chapter Four - COTTON MATER & JONATHAN EDWARDS: The Progress of the Mission
 $10.00 Sale cwxs
 60% Discount
SGCB Price: $12.80 (list price $32.00)
 |  |  |  | PULLING THE EYE TOOTH FROM A LIVE TIGER: A Memoir of the Life and Labors of Adoniram Judson Francis Wayland
 This Two Volume Work contains the incredible, almost unbelievable, true story of the calling and ministry of one of the greatest pioneer ministries in the history of the United States.
 Adoniram Judson, Jr. (August 9, 1788 – April 12, 1850) was an American Congregationalist and later Particular Baptist[1] missionary, who served in Burma for almost forty years. At the age of 25, Adoniram Judson was sent from North America to preach in Burma. His mission and work with Luther Rice led to the formation of the first Baptist association in America to support missionaries.
 At times mistakenly referred to as the first Protestant missionary to Burma, he was in fact preceded by James Chater and Richard Mardon (who both arrived in 1807) as well as by Felix Carey. However, since those predecessors did not remain long, and Judson also translated the Bible into Burmese, as well as established a number of Baptist churches in Burma, Judson is remembered as the first significant missionary in Burma, as well as one of the first missionaries from America to travel overseas.
 When Judson began his mission in Burma, he set a goal of translating the Bible and founding a church of 100 members before his death. By the time of his death, he had accomplished those goals and more: leaving the translated Bible as well as a half-completed Burmese-English dictionary, 100 churches, and over 8,000 believers. In large part due to his influence, Myanmar has the third largest number of Baptists worldwide, behind the United States and India.
 "The original two-volume work sold an amazing 26,000 copies in its first year of publication and became a major stimulus in the development of American evangelical missions. May the reprinting of this vintage text have a similar impact in our day." - Michael Haykin
 Over 50% Discount - 2 VOLUME SET
SGCB Price: $36.00 (list price $80.00)
 |  |  |  | A PROPHET ON THE RUN: A Devotional Commentary on the Book of Jonah Baruch Maoz
 The Bible is the word of God. Its message is relevant to every generation. This book provides readers a vivid sense of the Jonah's message. It is a practical and yet impelling devotional study of an exciting book, full of action and stimulating undercurrents. The language is clear and non-technical exposition of the biblical text, coupled with practical applications. A Prophet on the Run was first preached to an Israeli congregation in Hebrew and subsequently translated by the author for English readers.
 "The Book of Jonah is about a remarkable God and his remarkable work. In A Prophet on the Run we are led through the story by the hand of a master guide. Baruch Maoz himself has exercised a remarkable ministry in Israel and far beyond. The fruits of a lifetimeÆs study of Scripture, evangelism, teaching and preaching, and pastoral care, are evident on every page. I commend this little book with joyful enthusiasm and appreciation!" - Dr. Sinclair Ferguson, is the Senior Minister of First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, SC
 About the Author
 Baruch Maoz is the founder-Pastor of Grace and Truth Christian Congregation in central Israel, where he ministered since 1976. He retired from the pastorate in 2008. Baruch continues to preach and teach in Israel, where he and Bracha live, and abroad. He has authored numerous books in Hebrew, Dutch and English and is the Editor of the Modern Hebrew Bible for Young People. More information about his ministry can be obtained through his website:
 $5.00 Sale
 60% Discount
SGCB Price: $6.00 (list price $15.00)