Blackburn Titles
 |  | ELIJAH OF THE ALPSThe Story of William Farel the Swiss Reformer William M. Blackburn
 William Farel (1489-1565) was a French evangelist, and a founder of the Reformed Church in the cantons of NeuchGtel, Berne and Geneva, and the Canton of Vaud Switzerland. He is most often remembered for having persuaded John Calvin to remain in Geneva in 1536, and for persuading him to return there in 1541, after their expulsion in 1538. Together with Calvin, Farel worked to train missionary preachers who spread the Protestant cause to other countries, and especially to France.
 Farel was a fiery preacher and an energetic critic of the Roman Catholic Church. In the earliest years of the Reformation in France, he was a pupil of the pro-reform Catholic priest, Jacques Lefevre d'Etaples. While working with Lefevre in Meaux, he came under the influence of Lutheran ideas and became an avid promoter of them. He was forced to flee to Switzerland because of controversy that was aroused by his writings against the use of images in Christian worship.
 The opposition of the bishop forced him to leave Geneva in 1532, but he returned in 1533 to lead a public disputation in favor of the Reformation. The people declared in favor of Farel and his colleagues, and in 1535 the town council formally proclaimed the adoption of the Reformation. Farel entreated Calvin to assist in the organization of the new Protestant republic. The two men drew up a statement of doctrine and immediately instituted widespread reform of church practices. These measures were too sudden and too strict to be generally accepted, and Calvin and Farel were forced to leave Geneva in 1538. Farel went to Basel and then to NeuchGtel, where he worked unceasingly for the return of Calvin to Geneva, which he achieved in 1541. Throughout his life he remained a confidant and consultant of Calvin
 Interesting to note that as Calvin's friend, Farel was a promoter of Lutheran ideas in his youth. Today Calvinism and Lutheranism are two complete separate denominations, but Farel's relationship with both would show they had more in common than what is shown today.
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SGCB Price: $12.95 (list price $25.00)
SGCB Price: $30.00 (list price $62.00) Includes the Biographies of Huss, Farel & Zwingli
 Add a Copy of THE ITALIAN REFORMER by W.M. Blackburn
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 click for details |  | THE PATRIOTIC REFORMER The Life and Times of Ulrich Zwingli William M. Blackburn
 "No other reformer struck out a more original and independent course than Ulrich Zwingli (1483-1531). No other man attempted to be, at the same time, a preacher, author, statesman, military patriot and reformer. Why he gave such varied direction to his noble energies, and how well he succeeded in his efforts, it is partly the design of the present volume to show. His personal history is full of interesting incidents; his character rich in admirable qualitites; his public life conveys a lesson upon the mingling of religion and politics which it may be well to ponder in later times. The author has endeavoured to set forth the man and his friends as they grew in piety and laboured together in studying the Word of God, teaching and preaching the truth, and restoring the Church to the foundation of Christ and his Apostles. If the good seed of divine truth shall be found in the sheaves of this gleaning, and there be a soil for it in the reader's heart, the Lord may bless the volume now committed to his care." -from the Author's Preface
SGCB Price: $12.50 (list price $25.00)
SGCB Price: $28.00 (list price $62.00) Includes the Biographies of Huss, Farel & Zwingli
 Add a Copy of THE ITALIAN REFORMER by W.M. Blackburn
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 click for details |  | THE REBEL PRINCE: Lessons from the Tragic Life and Death of Absalom William M. Blackburn
 This volume examines the tragic account of Absalom, the son of David who became David's betrayer. William M. Blackburn (1828-1898) does a masterful job setting out the biblical narrative in a way that is both informative and captivating. Blackburn originally preached this material during his exposition of 2 Samuel 13 - 19, but expanded and adapted that material for this powerful publication. Old and young alike will find page after page of godly counsel and warning drawn from the life of THE REBEL PRINCE.
 In the Author's Preface we are told: "The record of Absalom's life in 2 Samuel 13 - 19 is as clear and concise as if written by the court-prophet Nathan. It has no parallel to it in Chronicles, and stands alone as a graphic piece of inspired Hebrew literature. In one view it is a vivid biography of the young man Absalom, the prodigal son of the Old Testament, who perished in his sins. In another view it is a sacred tragedy, full of most striking pictures of human nature, varied with deeply laid plots, enriched by frequent changes of scene, and enlivened by a great diversity of characters. For the study of the motives, policies, principles, and characters of evil and designing men, there are few portions of Scripture more profitable. Rarely do seven chapters furnish such a group of bold actors, such a record of great crimes against God and men, and such signal divine judgments upon the wicked."
 "It is a striking picture of a family, deserving of close and frequent study. A father's sins are intensified in some of his children, and bring the sword into his own house. There are shown to us some of the plainest lessons upon family government, family trials, and family judgments. It is not only as a king that David is sorely afflicted, but as a father. Those who magnify his faults should justly remember his very great and very many trials. In no other part of his reign did he exhibit more wisdom, tenderness, and greatness in adversity."
 "It is our effort in this unpretending volume to draw some useful lessons for our guidance in the family, in society, in the church, and in the national government. We have also kept in view the gospel light afforded by these seven chapters, for in the depths of David's heart we see an illustration of the boundless love of God, and in his sorrows he stands as a type of our Lord Jesus Christ. It was the favour which the original lectures received from those who heard them, that prompted the author to commit them to the press, and the volume is now laid at the feet of Him who sits upon David's throne, for only with His blessing can it be of any service in securing a further allegiance to the King of kings."
SGCB Price: $11.95 (list price $20.00)
SGCB Price: $20.00 (list price $36.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR BOTH TITLES TOGETHER
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 click for details |  | THE ITALIAN REFORMER: The Life and Martyrdom of Aonio Palearioand the Book "The Benefit of Christ's Death" William M. Blackburn
 AONIO PALEARIO (1500-1570) is a little known Italian Reformer and a teacher of Greek and Hebrew when he came to embrace the doctrine of Jusfificfation by faith alone in Christ alone. In addition to the exicitng life of Aonio Paleario and his friends, this edition contains his most famous book THE BENEFIT OF CHRIST'S DEATH, which he wrote to teach his fellow contrymen that "those who turn with their souls to Christ crucified, commit themselves to him by faith, acquiesce in the promises and cleave with assured faith to him who cannot deceive, are delivered from all evil, and enjoy a full pardon of all their sins." The book was soon sought for and eagerly read in all parts of Italy. Forty-thousand copies are said to have been sold in six years. Of course it attracted the attention of the Inquisition, and was speedily prohibited, and burned by the tens of thousands.
 "The book of Paleario," says Jules Bonnet, "had none of the poignant irony or satirical tone of Savonarola. The author carefully abstained from all controversy, in order to make known the doctrine of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ, the nature of which he explained and the fruits of which he described with the deepest feeling. 'The Benefit' is not so much a book as an outpouring of the heart."
 "The Italian Reformer was burned at the stake for the teaching in this book and his riveting testimony before his persecutors rings down the centuries as a call to reformation and revival. A rare work by a rare author, now happily rediscovered for a new public." - Gordon Keddie
 Vergerio, an old Italian writer quoted by the editor of the English edition of 1860, stated that "there is scarcely a book of this age, so sweet, so pious, so simple, and so well fitted to instruct the ignorant and weak, especially in the doctrine of justification."
 William M. Blackburn (1828-1898) adds our indebtedness to him by this outstanding book that brings back a name nearly forgotten from the times of the Reformation. This book will stand alongside his books on Farel, Zwingli and Calvin and will once again cause his name to be known in our day as it was in the nineteenth century.
SGCB Price: $12.50 (list price $25.00) 50% Off
SGCB Price: $40.00 (list price $87.00) THIS PRICE INCLUDES ALL FOUR TITLES: Huss, Farel, Zwingli & Paleario