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Burning Issues

David Dykstra, James White, Greg Nichols, Earl Blackburn and more to come

Solid Ground Christian Books has developed a reputation for "uncovering buried treasure" from the past and bringing them back to a new generation. We thank God for the world-wide ministry He has opened to us over the past ten years.

Five years ago we launched a new series of books called BURNING ISSUES. These are not reprints of old books but new books from contemporary Reformed authors. What do we mean by BURNING ISSUES?

We intend by this term the following three things:

First, BURNING ISSUES is a series of books that will address the "Burning Issues" of the 21st Century Church and World. It is our sincere desire to have these books speak to our day from the unchangeable wisdom of Holy Scripture. SGCB is convinced that the Word of God is not only inspired, infallible and inerrant, but also SUFFICIENT to address every "burning issue" of our day, and RELEVANT to the needs of the 21st century and on into eternity.

Second, BURNING ISSUES is a series of books written by men who will write from a "Burning Heart." Our books are not written by men who are writing because they simply want to get something "off their chest", but men who will echo the words of the Psalmist who said in Psalm 39:2,3:

2 I was mute with silence, I held my peace even from good; And my sorrow was stirred up.

3 My heart was hot within me; While I was musing, the fire burned. Then I spoke with my tongue.

Third, BURNING ISSUES is a series of books written with the distinct goal that it will produce "Burning Hearts" in those who read each one. We will not be satisfied simply to publish these books and send them forth, but will earnestly pray that all who pick up and read our books will experience what was descried by the Emmaus Road disciples in Luke 24:32 -

"Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?"

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THE SOLDIER'S CATECHISM: Virtuous Warriors in an Age of TerrorA Manual for the Spiritual Fitness of the US Armed Forces
Michael E. Cannon, Jr.

Michael Cannon has served for many years as a Military Chaplain, and has both seen the need for this Manual and acted to meet that need. He has done tremendous research in gathering materials for this "Soldier's Catechism" including the following:

(1) The Soldier's Catechism used in Oliver Cromwell's "New Model Army"

(2) The Soldier's Pocket Bible which comes from the same period of time, and contains hundreds of passages centered around themes addressed to the soldier.

(3) Significant quotations from the Creeds and Confessions of the Church of Jesus Christ

"The Soldier's Catechism, although not infallible as the Word of God, has become to me alike the protective sheath for the Soldiers sword of the Spirit (Eph 6:17). This daily help encourages me to mediate on the whole counsel of God as revealed in Scripture from the vantage point of one who must prepare and lead Soldiers into both physical and spiritual combat. The Soldier's Catechism emboldens my spiritual expeditionary endurance as I wrestle "against the rulers of darkness of this age" as a warrior in God's Church triumphant. My hope is the Soldier's Catechism will be an encouragement to you as we fight the good fight along side each other." - Colonel Michael C. Cloy, Infantry, US Army

"I highly recommend this tool to encourage our great American Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors, Marines and Coast Guardians. In these days of danger and intense service to our country, a means of reminding our troops of their Hope and Joy is very much needed. This time-honored means of instruction is bound to encourage men and women to "glorify God and enjoy Him forever!" - CH (COL-P) Douglas E. Lee, U.S.Army Assistant Chief of Chaplains for Mobilizations and Readiness

"The Rev. Michael Cannon's Soldier's Catechism succeeds wonderfully in modernizing the classic Cromwellian Soldier's Catechism for use by the 21st century soldier. The updated questions and answers accompanied by the English Standard Version (ESV) biblical text successfully engage the modern soldier, are directly applicable to contemporary military tactics, and address the issues of present-day warfare." -the Rev. Richard M. Edwards, PhD, Senior Lecturer, Philosophy, University of Wisconsin Colleges




MILITARY GIFT PACKAGE: Just $20.00 Each ($74.00 VALUE)

For just $20.00 per package you will receive the following-

THE SOLDIER'S CATECHISM by Michael Cannon (List Price $15.00)

COME YE APART: Devotional Guide Through the Gospels by J.R. Miller (List Price $25.00)

THE FEAR OF GOD: The Soul of Godliness by John Murray (List Price $5.00)

OPENING UP EPHESIANS by Peter Jeffery (List Price $10.00)

CHAINS OF GRACE: The Story of Peter Jeffery (List Price $12.00)

THOUGHTS FOR YOUNG MEN (List Price $12.00)

SGCB Price: $7.50 (list price $15.00)

SGCB Price: $20.00 (list price $74.00)

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PULPIT CRIMES: The Criminal Mishandling of God's Word


"PULPIT CRIMES: The Criminal Mishandling of God's Word" by James White of Alpha-Omega Ministries may be his most provocative book yet. White sets out to examine numerous "crimes" being committed in pulpits throughout the land every week, as he seeks to leave no stone un-turned. Based firmly upon the bedrock of Holy Scripture, one "crime" after another is laid bare for all to see.

"The pulpit is to be a place where God speaks from His Word: what has happened to this sacred duty in our day? Let pulpit crimes be exposed by the light of God's Word." - Dr. James White


Laying Down the Law: The Bible's Teaching on the Nature of Preaching

Prostitution: Using the Gospel for Financial Gain

Pandering Pluralism

Cowardice Under Fire

Felonious Eisegesis

Entertainment Without a License

Cross Dressing: Ignoring God's Ordinance Regarding the Roles of Men and Women






Dr. James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. He is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics. He has authored or contributed to more than twenty books, including The King James Only Controversy, The Forgotten Trinity, The Potter's Freedom, and The God Who Justifies. He is an accomplished debater, having engaged in more than fifty moderated, public debates with leading proponents of Roman Catholicism, Islam, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Mormonism. He is an elder of the Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church, has been married to Kelli for more than twenty-two years, and has two children, Joshua and Summer.



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Order Complete JAMES WHITE COLLECTION (13 Volumes)
SGCB Price: $150.00 (list price $260.00)

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A Shipwrecked Apostle and a Toronto Newspaperman Challenge Thoughtful Roman Catholics to Examine their Faith
Joe Serge with Joel Nederhood

TWO MEN FROM MALTA--one of the men is the Apostle Paul, the other is Joe Serge, a Toronto newspaperman and columnist. In this book Serge describes his odyssey from Roman Catholicism to the faith of the Reformation.

Serge invited Joel Nederhood, a theologian and long time radio and television teacher, to join him in examining primary Roman teaching such as "the Mass," "Mary," "the Papacy," and the essence of salvation itself. Dr. Nederhood, whose published works include THIS SPLENDID JOURNEY and THE FOREVER PEOPLE, has produced a highly readable and provocative examination of the biblical material that Roman Catholic believers should consider as they evaluate their faith position.

This book conveys the high sense of freedom that Joe Serge experiences now that he has embraced the biblical teachings of salvation by grace alone, apart from works. The book also conveys sincere respect for Roman Catholics who will read it. And there can be no question that Joe Serge is praying that many who read TWO MEN FROM MALTA will join him in following the biblical teaching that reveals that Christ's works, not ours, will bring sinners into glory.

"Three groups of people should read this book: first, Roman Catholics who want to know why educated people like Joe Serge would want to become protestants; second, nominal Christians who are curious to know what America's favorite hymn, "Amazing Grace" is all about; and third, evangelicals who are being tempted by contemporary theologies to question basic doctrines in their reformed heritage. Guided in his study of the Bible by his spiritual mentor, the radio/television evangelist, Joel Nederhood, Serge tells the story of his spiritual pilgrimage in a clear and winsome manner. The book is a solidly biblical and heart-warming testimony to God's saving grace in Jesus Christ." -Dr. Roger S. Greenway, Calvin Theological Seminary , Grand Rapids, Michigan

"We are very much in need of winsome, popular, and yet not simplistic critiques of the errors of the Roman Catholic understanding of the Scriptures and the way of salvation. This easy-to-read short volume by Joe Serge and Joel Nederhood helps fill that need. It not only provides the human interest account of one man's pilgrimmage from a religion of works to a religion of real grace, but it also beautifully depicts the night versus day difference between man-made religion and faith that truly ascribes all glory to God. It's a great gift to give to Roman Catholic friends and neighbors because it so helpfully explains the gift of eternal life and acceptance with God through the person and work of Jesus Christ alone and received by faith alone. I commend it highly!" - Pastor Bill Shishko



SGCB Price: $7.95 (list price $15.00)

SGCB Price: $22.00 (list price $47.00)
55% Discount

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How to Get the Most out of a Sermon
Jay Adams

Sixteen years ago Dr. Jay Adams released a serious book on the importance of listening to the Word of God as it comes from the preacher. Sadly, the publisher selected a comic book figure for the cover, and a title that did not convey the serious tone of the book. It is the privilege of Solid Ground Christian Books to give this long-fogotten book a new chance to reach the ears and hearts of a new generation.

"Scores of books flood the market on how to preach; few focus on how to listen to preaching. Few parishioners understand Calvin when he said that hearers should become as involved in sermons as preachers. In BE CAREFUL HOW YOU LISTEN, Jay Adams begins to redress this imbalance by providing numerous practical tips on how to get more out of sermons--even poorly preached sermons! Wise are the church leaders who give a copy of this book to every family in their church." - Joel R. Beeke, President of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan

BE CAREFUL HOW YOU LISTEN is book that will be useful for new believers and for seasoned veterans as well. In his usual candid style, Dr. Adams seeks to challenge the people in the pew to take up their task of sermon-hearing with earnestness. The book will be very useful in Sunday School classes, Bible Studies, Small Group settings, and even in Family Reading.

"I have written this book because of the dearth of material devoted to the genuine concern for preaching from the listener's point of view. So far as I know, there is no other book like it." These are Jay Adams' words from the preface of the original edition of this work first published 16 years ago. Unfortunately, his words still ring true today. While I am thankful for the plethora of recent publications on the importance of expository preaching, I have often reminded our flock of the importance of expository listening. For this reason, I am thankful for the republication of Be Careful How You Listen. It will prove to be a rich resource for small group studies and Sunday School classes. It will also be of profit as a check for the preacher in developing messages by the Spirit that are in fact "listenable." I look forward to using it privately as well as corporately with our people." - Pastor Todd Wilson, Grace Covenant Baptist Church, Birmingham, AL



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SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $16.00)

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C. Gregg Singer

"History does not proceed without the ideas of men behind it -- past, present, and future. Because of this, Gregg Singer's book is a must read for pastors' and people to understand the ideas behind our American history. It is surprising to see how much Calvinism and Calvinistic leaders helped guide our country's founding and achieved stability and freedom, especially for religion. The book is also a challenge to teach sound doctrine in the church to raise up faithful and thinking people to influence the ideas behind our future." --Pastor Fred Malone, Clinton, LA

Table of contents

1 Introduction 1

2 Deism in Colonial Life 24

3 Transcendentalism and the Rise of Modern Democracy 51

4 Social Darwinism: Its Theological Background and Political Implications 92

5 The Social Gospel and Its Political Effects in American Life 142

6 Theological Liberalism after 1920 and Its Political Consequences 179

7 The New Deal and Its Consequences 223

8 World War Two and After 263

9 Conservatism and Liberalism, Theological and Political: Their Ebb and Flow, 1950-1980 278

10 Conclusion 325

11 Bibliography 343

12 Index 349

"I found the book absolutely fascinating, challenging, and enlightening. I am not a historian, so I cannot say where he was or was not valid in his historiography, but his work gave me a brand new understanding of American history, especially in how we fell away from Christian principles into social Darwinism and the doctrines that bled over from the French Revolution. He helped me grasp the inroad of Deism, Transcendentalism, Democracy, and the Social Gospel. He was especially helpful to me regarding the New Deal. Singer prepared me to understand how our once great nation descended to its present state. I was not surprised by the advent of the Obama regime, primarily because of the understanding I have of our history: a great deal of that came from Gregg's book." - Pastor Jeff Pollard, Mt Zion Bible Church, Pensacola, FL

"Dr. Singer brings to light and focuses on the realities which made our country great in its formative decades. The contemporary ideas respecting our country and its history are amiss, being secularized and spiritually destitute. Our spiritual history is unsurpassed in the history of nations. May this book call people back to their true spiritual roots." - Pastor William R. Downing




LET THE CANNON BLAZE AWAY: Lectures on the Centennial of American Independence by Joseph Thompson

THE FORGOTTEN HEROES OF LIBERTY: The Chaplains and Clergy of the American Revolution by J.T. Headley


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SGCB Price: $67.50 (list price $135.00)

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JESUS LOVES THE CHURCH AND SO SHOULD YOU: Studies in Biblical Churchmanship
Earl M. Blackburn

Earl Blackburn has served the Lord in the Church since December 27th, 1976. He has served seven years in Utah, twenty-two years in California, and then more than a dozen years in Louisiana, until his retirement due to declining health. Over the past several years brother Earl has battled with cancer which has caused him to appreciate the church more than ever. This book is written by a man who has a burning passion for the Church of Christ, and who desires to stir up the hearts of people all over the world to love the Church Christ loved enough to lay down his life for her.



1. Jesus Loved and Still Loves the Church

2. The New Testament is a Church Book

3. What is the Church? Church Universal and Church Visible

4. The Centrality of the Church in Redemptive History

5. What are the Marks of a True Church?

6. What is the Purpose of the Church?

7. Is Membership in a Church Biblical?

8. Is Membership in a Church Essential?

9. Why Should You Join a Church?

10. Which Church Should You Join?

11. What are the 'Means of Grace' in the Church?

12. What are the Privileges and Blessings of Church Membership?

13. What are the Responsibilities of Church Membership?

14. Is Church Attendance Really Important?

15. What are the Requirements of Church Membership?

16. How is a Christian Admitted into Membership and How is Membership Terminated?

17. When is it Right to Leave a Church and How Should it be Done?

18. Thoughts Upon the Church of Those Who've Gone Before

This book has been written to be read by the layperson who has many practical questions about the modern-day Church. This would be a great book for churches to have on their literature rack to give to visitors and to use with New Members Classes as well.

"Earl Blackburn's much-needed Jesus Loves the Church and So Should You is scripturally rich and timely, and succinct yet thorough. His chapters on church membership are superlative. This book should be read by every Christian particularly in our day when love for Christ's bride, the church, is on the wane. I would recommend that every church give a copy of this book to each church family and encourage group studies on it. Who can tell what God will do with such a book as this?" --Joel R. Beeke, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan

" I am impressed with the scope, depth, relevance, biblical fidelity, and infectious spiritual fervor of Earl Blackburn's 'Jesus Loves the Church, and So Should You.' Every pastor should lead a congregational study of this book; he should make this a priority for the health of the body itself, and personal growth of each person in the membership. Blackburn has dealt with an amazing number of questions concerning church membership, church purpose, the nature of the church, the functioning of a church, how and why to leave a church, how not to leave a church, why be a church member and what to expect a church to be. All of his discussions [short, pithy, clear, engaging discussions] are settled firmly on Scripture and illustrated through well-selected citations from some of the most spiritually-minded fathers of Christian history. Naught but good could come from engaging the entire church in a determined, week-by-week, reading and discussion of the principles to which Pastor Blackburn has given such expert exposition." -Dr. Tom Nettles, Southern Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY

"Earl Blackburn loves the church of Jesus Christ, but better than that, he loves it intelligently and scripturally. Written by a true churchman for those who want to honor Christ in His own house." - Dr. Robert P. Martin, Emmanuel Reformed Baptist Church, Seattle, Washington

"It is with the voice of thanksgiving that I commend Pastor Earl Blackburn's 'Jesus Loves the Church and So Should You.' There is a warm recognition of the love of Christ for each of His individual sheep all the way through the book. But, with biblical clarity, Pastor Blackburn shines the light of Christ's love on His church, both universal and local. This latter emphasis is just what is needed by professing Christians all over the world, but especially in America. The rugged individualism and emphasis upon personal freedom in our country has seeped into the mentality of American Christians so as to diminish the importance in their thinking of belonging to and being faithful to a local church. Yet Christ and His Apostles have made it clear that the local church is the authorized outpost of Christ's kingdom designed by Him to order His worship, to edify His sheep, and to take His gospel to the ends of the earth. Individual sheep must learn to love Christ's fold as He does... His local church.

Pastor Blackburn has provided two major things for Christians to understand: (1) what the Scripture says is a biblical church; and (2) how the Christian should respond to the will of Jesus Christ in their church membership. Various errors in thinking about the purpose and membership of a local church are well delineated and answered from Scripture. Building a sound biblical theology of the church, the author proceeds to well-stated and clear applications to the Christian's proper attitude toward and commitment to a local church.

This book challenges both pastor and people to have the same attitude toward the church that our dear Lord has as Head of each one. For Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her...and so should we. The great strength of this book is that Pastor Blackburn says what every pastor wants his people to understand about loving Christ's church. For this reason, I commend this book as a spark to light the fire of biblical reformation today beyond agreement to "the doctrines of grace" to their end: to bring forth a people who love Christ and love one another...in the church. " - Dr. Fred Malone, Pastor of First Baptist Church, Clinton, Louisiana.

"Pastoral, Christ-like love for the church shines forth in this book by a dear servant of God. Anyone who has met Earl Blackburn knows the message of this book flows from the center of his heart. May this book serve to kindle afresh within the hearts of God's people a deep love for His church." - Ray Van Neste, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Christian Studies, Director, R. C. Ryan Center for Biblical Studies, Union University

"The church is under siege by an abundance of bad ideas. This book is a must read in our day. It is a whetstone to hone the edge of a sharpened sword preparing the Christian soldier for this spiritual battlefront." - Pastor Mike Renihan, Worcester, MA

"I have known Earl for 30 years, during which time we have struggled together making decisions, studied hard to advance our scholarship in the gospel, endured the inevitable problems arising from pastoral ministry, and depended upon one another for honest counsel; agreeing with him most of the time and finding it to have been profitable when we did not. He is a serious student, excels in his grasp of technical and controversial matters, and is gifted and tireless in his efforts to pass this on to faithful men. It is my privilege to be known as one of the 'Rowdy Friends' he mentions in his Preface. His love for Christ's church is known far beyond my slender recommendation. I can commend without reserve this his latest work on a subject dear to his heart." - Pastor Tom Lyon, University Place, WA

"Having known and worked with Pastor Earl Blackburn for many years, I have repeatedly seen his love for Christ and local congregations. His insight and cogent thinking regarding practical ecclesiology have been a repeated help to me as a pastor of two Reformed Baptist churches. Many believers have been helped by his instruction concerning these things in the material he has previously written. I'm very pleased to see his booklets brought together in one work, expanded and improved by the serious study and mature reflection of our dear brother. I believe this book will be of invaluable help to the dear people of Christ's Church who read it and follow the godly wisdom expressed in it." - Pastor Larry Vincent, Mansfield, TX

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SGCB Price: $10.50 (list price $16.00)

eBook Version: SOLID GROUND BEST-SELLER - Nearly 40% off
SGCB eBook Price: $8.00

SGCB Price: $8.95 (list price $16.00)

SGCB Price: $8.00 (list price $16.00)

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COVENANT THEOLOGY: A Reformed and Baptistic Perspective on God's Covenants
Greg Nichols


More than 30 years in the making, from Greg Nichols' class notes comes a new printing of a volume that has already helped those who are Reformed and Baptistic understand the vital subject of GOD'S COVENANTS from the perspective of those persuaded of Disciple's Baptism. A MUST READ!

This volume is the first of the Scriptural and Systematic Studies Series by Greg Nichols.

"Baptists who embrace their historic Calvinistic and Covenantal roots have long since needed a robust and comprehensive treatment of Covenant Theology that includes the nuanced interpretations of the biblical covenants that a baptistic hermeneutic requires. This treatment by Greg Nichols does just that and more. As a devotee of the Westminster tradition (including its chapter, 'On God's Covenant with Man'), I differ here and there; sometimes significantly so. But there is so much to applaud in this volume and Baptists will do well to read this volume carefully and with much gratitude. A splendid achievement. I, for one, will insist that my Presbyterian students read it." - Derek W. H. Thomas, Distinguished Visiting Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, RTS, Minister of Preaching and Teaching, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC, Editorial Director, Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals

"There has been an urgent need for Reformed Baptist to produce a work on the covenants. I am so thankful that Greg Nichols has engaged this very weighty work. It is a very timely addition on a vitally important topic and adds much to a growing Reformed Baptist literary body." - James R. White, Alpha and Omega Ministry, author of numerous books, including 'Pulpit Crimes', published by Solid Ground

"Greg Nichols has done a wonderful job of articulating a genuinely reformed and baptistic model of covenant theology. The fruit of decades of study and teaching on his subject, this volume should be read by all who want to understand the proper framework of divine revelation. My counsel to all ministerial students is 'Tolle lege' (take up and read)." - Dr. Robert P. Martin, Emmanuel Reformed Baptist Church, Seattle, WA, Author of "Guide to the Puritans"

"The Old Testament was inspired by the Spirit of God. It is certainly a record of what is true, of creation, fall, and the promise of the Messiah. There is the whole machinery of redemptive anticipation that God set up with his old covenant people. What of family life? What of the children of believers? Their sons are no longer to be circumcised. What is the status of the sons and daughters of believers under the new covenant? Such questions are fascinating and Baptists are asking them and seeking answers. Hence the appearance of this book which comes out of many years of thought and preparation by Greg Nichols and has been eagerly anticipated by the gospel church. May it do much good. May we all look again at the Scriptures and find a new help in understanding them in this satisfying and provocative volume." - Geoff Thomas, Pastor of Alfred Place Baptist Church in Aberystwyth, Wales

"I remember the very first class that I took from Pastor Nichols which was on the Doctrine of the Covenants and thinking to myself, 'This material has utterly transformed the way that I look at the Bible.' Until that point, I had never been taught covenant theology and so the effect of this biblical teaching on my life was nothing short of profound! Four thoughts come to mind as I think about this new book: thoroughly scriptural, historically confessional, warmly pastoral and experientially practical. My prayer is that the publication of this work will be that which our great God uses to edify His church and to get much glory to His own holy Name." - Pastor Rob Ventura, Grace Community Baptist Church, North Providence, RI, Co-Author of "Portrait of Paul"

"As a former student of Greg's in the Trinity Ministerial Academy, I cannot say enough good about his lectures in systematic theology. In addition to playing a primary role in shaping my ministry, they have had a significant impact upon me personally. His lectures on Doctrine of the Covenants are among my favorites. I am not aware of anything in print that treats this topic as clearly and comprehensively, and from a distinctly Baptist perspective. Greg's emphasis throughout is biblical, pastoral, and practical, with a contemporary flavor." - Pastor Jim Domm, Englewood Baptist Church, Englewood NJ

"Pastor Greg Nichols' lectures on the Biblical Covenants is a breath of fresh air among a smog of other materials available on the same subject. Presented in a plain and readily understandable way, it has revolutionized my thinking and approach to understanding God's dealing with mankind. Next to a grasp of Biblical Calvinism, nothing has opened up my understanding more to the Word of God than this. It has enabled me to see the true unity that does exist in both the Old and New Testaments while at the same time enabling me to understand the differences. These lectures offer a Biblical alternative to the serious Bible student without feeling they must be either Pedo-Baptist or Dispensational in their approach to the scriptures. With nothing like them in print available, it would be a great asset to the Church of Jesus Christ to have these available in printed form." - Pastor Martin Hoffman, Providence Baptist Church, Lecanto, FL.

"Greg Nichols' approach to theology is rooted in his commitment to the Word of God. He has always desired to allow the bible to speak and to sit under its revelation. Over the years I have had both the joy and the privilege to sit through his teaching on various aspects of Systematic Theology and benefited greatly from it. I can heartily recommend his writings to you, it will take you back to your bible, deepen your understanding of God's Holy Word and draw your closer to the Lord." - Pastor Robert Briggs, Immanuel Baptist Church, Sacramento, CA

"During the early 1980's when I was training for the Christian ministry, it was my privilege to sit under the teaching of Pastor Greg Nichols for a significant portion of my class-work. His instruction exerted a formative influence in opening up the entire Bible to me. His material on the covenants for example, was so insightful in unveiling the framework of redemption. Reformed Baptists would benefit by having Pastor Nichols' material in print. It would help our churches to better understand our faith and better pass it on to the next generation." - Pastor Stu Johnston, Grace Reformed Baptist Church of Mebane, NC

"One of the benefits of being under the theological teachings of Greg Nichols is being able to enthusiastically recommend his lectures. His lessons enrich the soul of the Christian, extract beautiful principals from Biblical texts that fix themselves in the heart and make them unforgettable. Based on my understanding of Christ and His Word, and my Christian experience I recommend availing yourself of the theological teachings of Greg Nichols." - Pastor Oscar Arocha, Pastor, Bautista de la Gracia, Santiago, Dominican Republic



Chapter 1 The Westminster and London Confessions

Chapter 2 John Gill on God's Covenants

Chapter 3 Charles Hodge on God's Covenants

Chapter 4 Robert Lewis Dabney on God's Covenants

Chapter 5 Dutch Calvinists on God's Covenants

Chapter 6 Summary of the Classic Reformed Doctrine

Chapter 7 Contemporary Modifications


Chapter 8 An Overview of the Biblical Testimony

Chapter 9 The Covenant of Grace

Chapter 10 The Noahic Covenants

Chapter 11 The Abrahamic Covenant

Chapter 12 The Mosaic (Old) Covenant

Chapter 13 The Davidic Covenant

Chapter 14 The New Covenant

Chapter 15 The Messianic Covenant

CONCLUSION: Practical Application of God's Covenants

APPENDIX 1: The Eternal Counsel of Redemption

APPENDIX 2: The Adamic Covenant






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384 Page Large Paperback Edition NOW AVAILABLE
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HOW WILL IT REALLY END? Eschatology for Young People
Steve Daniels

"Steve Daniels has written a fine book on the last things for young people. It is easy to read, within reach of teenagers, and (best of all) consistently and profoundly biblical in what it teaches. This book would be a fine basis for all sorts of youth Bible studies, youth group situations, and Sunday School classes. One more thing--many older Christians would profit from its teaching as well."--Dr. Sam Waldron, Author of "The End Times Made Simple"

"This is a good book. Steve Daniels answers perplexing questions in plain language and sheds light on difficult passages of Scripture. This work is fast-paced, aptly illustrated and easy to understand. It is true to Scripture and honoring to Christ. It informs the mind and warms the heart with hope. I highly recommend it." - Roger Ellsworth, Pastor and Author

Preface - What About Camping and the Mayans?


1. He is coming back!

2. When will he return?

3. Isn't there more to this age?

4. The Last Days - Already and Not Yet

5. Will there be signs before he returns?

6. Can we determine the order of future events?

7. The Resurrection

8. The New Body

9. Meeting Christ in the Air

10. The Judgment, Part 1: The Judge, the Accused, and the Accusations

11. The Judgment, Part 2: Timing and Location

12. Why There Will Be a Judgment

13. Hell - Unending Torment

14. Heaven, Part 1: Is it heaven, or is it God?

15. Heaven, Part 2: Heaven is more like earth than you think.

16. Heaven, Part 3: A New Earth

17. Heaven, Part 4: What will it be like?


Brand New Title - Reduced Price
SGCB Price: $9.50 (list price $15.00)

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SGCB Price: $7.50 (list price $15.00)

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WANDERING STARS: Contending for the Faith with the New Apostles and Prophets
Keith Gibson, with Foreword by Craig Branch

"The author of 'Wandering Stars', Keith Gibson is both a pastor and a staff-member with us at the Apologetics Resource Center, where I am the director. These two callings provide Keith with a healthy blend of sound doctrine (and correcting heresy, 1 Tim. 1:3-7), and its application in shepherding the flock.

Early on in the book Keith addresses the first hurdle of the opposing views on whether miraculous spiritual gifts continue today or have ceased. Keith explains the positions but moves past that to the fact that even non-cessationists should be of great concern for them as well.

We want Christians to better understand the reality of the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit in and through His church and that we don't only have academic head knowledge of Biblical principles to follow. But the Church must understand the dangers of false doctrines. Keith addresses the numerous errors and practices that flow out of the basic Apostolic and Prophetic error as well.

The Scripture instructs us to 'be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth' (2 Tim. 2:15). I strongly commend studying through this book carefully as it corrects the errors and presents the truth. Jesus said, 'abide in My word and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free' (Jn. 8:31-31)." - Craig Branch, Director of The Apologetics Resource Center, Birmingham, AL

"It is a serious thing to claim to speak for God. So serious, in fact, that a prophet who claimed to speak for God and whose words did not come to pass was to be put to death according to the Old Testament. God takes both His Name and His word so seriously that He gave some of the harshest rebukes in all the Old Testament to those who were claiming to bring revelation from Him that He had not sent.

One final note. There is always the temptation when dealing with a subject of this nature, to pull out the most outlandish quotes in an attempt to make one's point more forcefully. Though it is certain that some will feel that this is exactly what has been done, I have attempted to resist this temptation. While an extreme example has occasionally been used in order to demonstrate how heretical the movement is at its fringes, for the most part, I have attempted to use quotes from those considered more 'mainstream' within the apostolic and prophetic movement. It is my desire to demonstrate that the issues addressed in this book are rampant within the community and not isolated in one or two marginal teachers.

It is my sincere prayer that this book will be used in some small measure to awaken the church to the seriousness of the errors being propagated within the apostolic/prophetic movement and to call the church back to the truth." - Keith Gibson


Foreword by Craig Branch

Introduction: Don't Skip this Section

Chapter One: Are These the Days of Elijah? - Cessassionism vs Continualism

Chapter Two: Did Jesus Fail? - The Five-fold Ministry and Christian Restorationism

Chapter Three: Catch Me if You Can - The Need to Test Prophets

Chapter Four: We're Not Listening and You Can't Make Us - Answering the Objections of Modern Apostles, Prophets and Their Defenders

Chapter Five: What if it Means What it Says? - Modern Apostles and the Bible

Chapter Six: The Dumbing-Down of the Church - Modern Prophets and the Decline of Doctrine

Chapter Seven: Poor God and Other Heresies - Modern Apostles and the Nature of God

Chapter Eight: Jesus: Your Personal Boyfriend? - Modern Prophets and Jesus

Chapter Nine: What Did the Cross Accomplish? - Modern Prophets and the Atonement

Chapter Ten: Onward Christian Monarch? - Modern Prophets and Dominion Theology

Chapter Eleven: A New Doctrine a Day Keeps the Truth Away - Modern Apostles and New Revelation

Chapter Twelve: Oops! They Did it Again - Modern Apostles and False Prophecy

Chapter Thirteen: Must We Follow Modern Apostles and Prophets? - The Authority of Modern Apostles and Prophets

Appendix A: Patron Saints of the Prophetic

Appendix B: The Occultic Mindset of Spiritual Warfare

End Notes





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CROSS ENCOUNTERS: A Decade of Gospel Conversations
Tony Miano with a Foreword by Pastor Geoffrey Kirkland

"DO THE WORK OF AN EVANGELIST" were amongst the last words of admonition the Apostle Paul gave to his young son in the faith Timothy before he died. The church and all those in the ranks of her ministry have wrestled with these words ever since. TONY MIANO is a man with a deep and passionate desire to fulfill those words. In this book he seeks to take you along with him as he shares the glorious gospel with an incredible diversity of people. This is not a book for the faint of heart, but it is a book for those genuinely seeking to understand and obey Paul's words to Timothy. Take up and read!

"A resource such as 'Cross Encounters: A Decade of Gospel Conversations', where conversations are transcribed, proves to instruct, humble, and stir us up to zealous evangelism. Let God's people read this volume with gospel-believing gladness and with humble delight in observing how God uses faithful witnesses to speak His gospel to the lost so that the Spirit of grace may grant new birth!

The Word of God tells us that Jesus went about 'doing good' (Acts 10:38) and we also know from Scripture that Jesus relentlessly devoted Himself to preaching all over Israel (Luke 4:44; 9:6). May we read 'Cross Encounters' with a prayerful heart, a captivated spirit, a lowly gladness, and a renewed resolve, all shrouded with an indomitable confidence in the absolute sovereignty of God to save sinners through the faithful telling of the gospel. And in the end, let us faithfully proclaim Christ and Him crucified (1 Corinthians 2:2) and fervently pray that the Word of the Lord will spread rapidly and be glorified (2 Thessalonians 3:1). To God be the glory." - from the Foreword by Pastor Geoffrey Kirkland, Christ Fellowship Bible Church of St. Louis

"Tony Miano's book, 'Cross Encounters' is a gripping account of actual conversations between a gospel-pleading evangelist and those who desperately need to hear the good news that Jesus saves. Knowing myself personally about his ministry of open air preaching, I am genuinely thankful for Tony--and others like him--who stand boldly on the front lines of the world's hostile unbelief, and yet who remain, as Christian preachers, steadfastly unafraid to lovingly proclaim salvation by faith alone in Christ. Would to God that there were many more like Tony who risk inevitable ridicule for their faith (and soon perhaps even strong persecution for their very public testimony). They simply do this in the hopes of seeing sinners bow their knees in humble adoration to God the Father for the gift of His Son! I therefore encourage you, if indeed you are already a Christian, to scrutinize this volume and see for yourself how important and vital evangelism truly is to our decadent and dying culture. If you are not a Christian however, I nevertheless implore you to embark upon a careful reading of this book's many personal experiences of Tony's witnessing to others, and I earnestly pray that you may stake your own eternal destiny solely on the Lord Jesus Christ, personally encountering His glorious cross." - Lance Quinn, Senior Pastor, Thousand Oaks Bible Church, Thousand Oaks, California

"Tony Miano provides something that few do. He provides real life examples from a real life evangelist regarding real life evangelism encounters. Miano is not someone who speaks primarily to professed Christians inside church meeting houses, but is someone who has spent many years proclaiming good news to the lost in the open air. This volume provides just a taste of those many Gospel encounters. From the aspiring evangelist desiring to know how, to the veteran preacher who needs encouragement, this book will be a blessing. Here, a man leaves his footprints in the poorly traveled path of guts-and-grit evangelism, in the hopes that others follow. They should." - Pastor Jordan (JD) Hall, Fellowship Church of Sidney, MT

"'Cross Encounters: A Decade of Gospel Conversations' should be in the hands of every Christian, and in the hands of every lost person those Christians desperately desire to see rescued from the tight and relentless clutches of Satan and his minions. It is an invaluable blueprint for public evangelism, and a captivating clarion for those still in darkness who need to know that others before them, ensnared in the same trap, have been delivered from captivity and death by a gracious, merciful and loving Emancipator, the sinless and holy and righteous King who is a friend of sinners, Jesus the Christ." - Chris Arnzen, Host of Iron Sharpens Iron Radio

"Sadly, there are incalculable amounts of churches in America that are heedlessly abandoning the practice of evangelism. Tony Miano's new book carefully elucidates the necessity of evangelism and adjures his readers to yield and obey the indispensable command of Matthew 28:18-20. Miano provides innumerable illustrations and personal anecdotes of more than a decade of evangelistic ventures that are analogous to Ichabod Spencer's historical classic, 'Pastor's Sketches.' Without reservation, I highly recommend Tony's new book to anyone who has an inexpressible love for sinners, and aspires to see the fruition of evangelism." - Dr. Sonny L. Hernandez, Military Chaplain and Evangelist for JeremiahCry Ministries

"I recently read, with great delight and enjoyment, Tony Miano's latest book entitled 'Cross Encounters: A Decade of Gospel Conversations.' I had a hard time putting down the book. 'Cross Encounters' is a practical, biblical, and theologically accurate book on all sorts of evangelistic methodologies: from open-air preaching, to passing out gospel tracts, to sharing Christ at the local shopping mall. If you are looking for practical ways to do the work of an evangelist and how to engage people in gospel conversations, then this book is for you. Anyone considering the somewhat fearful task of wading into the unknown waters of evangelistic outreach will be inspired, instructed, and motivated to plunge right in and see what God will choose to do. I wholeheartedly commend 'Cross Encounters: A Decade of Gospel Conversations' to you. You will love this book!" - Al Baker, Ordained preacher in the Presbyterian Church in America; Revival and evangelistic preacher with Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship




Foreword by Pastor Geoffrey Kirkland

The Burglar: A Parable of the Gospel

Section I: Street Corner Conversations

Evangelism Tip #1: 'Why Do You Carry a Cross?'

Gaia Defeated at the Cross

Russ and Chanelle: It Doesn't Take a Long Time

Tricia's Trauma and False Hope

Jared's Dinosaur Defense Dismissed

'Should I Still Honor My Father?'

Evangelism Tip #2: Friendship Evangelism

Spiritual Tug-of- War

Wayne Was Compelled to Stop

Section II: Fishing at the Local Mall

Evangelism Tip #3: Mall Evangelism

All He Wanted Was 60 Cents

'I Want to Talk about God'

Did Timothy Become a 'Timothy'?

Maria's Theological Mess

Ten Words in ASL

Section III: The Power of a Bible

400 Bibles Delivered and One Received

Was It the Sound of Salvation?

Section IV: Abortion Clinic (Abortuary) Ministry

My First Abortuary Conversation

Evangelism Tip #4: The 'Parachute' Analogy

Maggie's Informed Decision

Part V: Planes, Trains, and College Campuses - Evangelism Anywhere

Burt, a Broken Man

The Quittance of Quisha

It Happened for Jocelyn's Sake

Evangelism Tip #5: 'Hello, Officer!'

Isaac's Search for Forgiveness

Discipleship at 30,000

Lost Between Catholicism and Christianity

Section VI: Loving Our Muslim Neighbors

Nargis Knows the Way

Making Much of the Messiah to Mohammed


Appendix 1: The Gospel According to Satan

Appendix 2: Starting an Abortuary Ministry

Appendix 3: Scriptures for Abortion Clinic Ministry

Appendix 4: Pastor Chuck O'Neal's Roman Catholicism Notes



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YEARNING TO BREATHE FREE? Thoughts on Immigration, Islam & Freedom
David Dykstra



"Since July 1, 2000, I've been telling WORLD readers every few months about my treadmill reading-books that exercise my mind while exercising my body. Normally I note only books worth reading, and have cited about 400 during those seven years. Here are 100 all-time treadmill favorites - YEARNING TO BREATHE FREE? By David Dykstra" - Marvin Olasky


"David Dykstra's book is an invaluable resource in these days when Muslims are conspiring in their long-term plan to dominate the United States. As a native from a country which has experienced Islamic extremism for 1,400 years, I take great joy in reading a book that so clearly explains the horrible tenets of this violent religion.

I hope by reading this book, Americans will realize the lies of the so-called modern Islamic rulers, who say to the world that they are now sophisticated and that a modern, peaceful, democratic form of Islam can be achieved. It is urgent for westerners to understand that, in reality, the extremist Islamic belief system maintains that people are either Muslim and obey absolutely what the Koran says, or they are Kafers (non believers) and must be killed. Anyone who reads the Koran intelligently will recognize that freedom, peace, and democracy can never be assimilated with the phenomenon called fanatical Islam.

Since Islam has given Persians nothing but barbarianism, superstition, cruelty, torture, prisons, and unspeakable ways to die, I hope this book will help to prevent the same situation from happening to the great people of the United States." - Farshad Azadi

David Dykstra has been a pastor for nearly 40 years in Northern New Jersey and now in Texas and has been reading and studying the issues contained in his first book for several years. This book will challenge Americans to re-think the burning issues of our day, such as Border Control, Immigration, Integration and especially Islam. His final section on FREEDOM is a welcome note that will leave the reader with the only solid hope for true freedom in the days and years ahead.



"I found 'Yearning To Breathe Free?' to be a very riveting, well-researched, uncompromising rallying cry concerning our urgent national need to apply Biblical principles to three of the most critical cultural issues of our day. The book concludes with a clarion gospel call which I pray will be greatly used of God to bring many to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. May God bless Pastor Dykstra for writing this 'must read' book which, by God's grace, will prove to be a great blessing to our nation. Rev. Richard J. Kuiken, Senior Pastor, Pompton Plains Reformed Bible Church

"I have read David Dykstra's book with great interest. His description of the real nature of jihad and its continuing power today is valuable. What he has written is especially important since so many on the upper levels of government continue to claim that Islam is fundamentally a peaceful religion; it is not. Dykstra has made that very clear. I do hope that Dykstra's book is well accepted. It's main message is sorely needed." - Dr. Joel Nederhood

"The kind face of Islam has not fooled David Dykstra about its true nature, and he writes with a passion that would not leave us fooled either. He is not afraid to take on difficult issues currently before our nation and to come to conclusions that are not politically correct. Drawing from Scripture, history, and an obvious love for his country, Dykstra presents his case in a compelling way. The book should come with a guarantee that you will not be bored. Nor will you be able to escape its pages without being forced to think hard and to deal with stubborn facts. Vintage Dykstra!" - Jon Hueni, Grace Baptist Church, Bremen, IN

"It is about time a thoroughly biblical and Christian perspective on immigration is put in book form. The author's views are not for the fainthearted or the 'weak sisters' of this land, but they are true and need to be carefully read by every serious-minded person who thinks logically and rationally in this illogical and irrational world. Lest we forget, the war that rages is not just against America, but ultimately against biblical and saving Christianity; the earthly spring from which all good and blessing flows. Rev. David Dykstra has done all citizens of the United States of America and those of every free country a great service. The President, every member of his Cabinet and staff, every member of Congress, and every member of the Supreme Court should be given a free copy."

- Earl M. Blackburn, Heritage Baptist Church, Shreveport, Louisiana

"This book is balanced in its use of judicial law as based on principles to establish equity but not binding in detail as is the moral law. Well-written, in fact compellingly pleasant. I think the book will be useful."- Dr. Tom Nettles, Southern Baptist Seminary, Louisville, KY

This book will examine the Scriptures for guidance on dealing with foreigners by going back to ancient Israel's Laws and History. Dykstra is convinced that we ignore this God-inspired material to our own destruction.

The title of the book is taken from the famous poem of Emma Lazarus

"Give me your tired, your poor,

your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,

Send these, the homeless, the tempest-tost, to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

(Inscribed on the Statue of Liberty, New York harbor)

The question mark following these famous words gives a hint about the direction Dykstra will be taking us as we journey back to Israel and to the American experience of our past. All this will lead to a serious look at the issues facing our country as we live in this post-9/11 world.



Presidents Day



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How Christianity Defeats Paganism
Joseph M. Bianchi

"Joseph M. Bianchi has provided an inspiring aerial overview of Christianity's formative salt and light impact on world history. 'it is a culture that transforms societies by transforming people one by one.' Bianchi provides a tonic for believers disheartened by the contemporary darkness of encroaching postmodernism. Surely the gates of Hell will not prevail, for in Christ, we will triumph as more than conquerors. Well done!" -Rev. Mark Chanski, Pastor of The Reformed Baptist Church of Holland, MI, conference speaker and author of the popular book "Manly Dominion."

"Joseph Bianchi presents an historical overview of culture with one intent: To demonstrate that Christianity is superior in every way to its pagan counterpart and has a powerful effect on the same. He succeeds, because Christianity succeeds. Find comfort and challenge in this compelling treatise." - Jim Elliff, Christian Communicators Worldwide, Kansas City, Missouri

"In academic and non-academic circles the nature, influence, importance and development of culture is often discussed. Almost everyone recognizes the power that what is called culture has in the lives of individuals in both positive and negative ways. The question about what is the most productive and beneficial culture is hotly debated. In this book, Joseph M. Bianchi 'asserts with boldness that there is one overriding and superior culture in the world.' In so doing, he contrasts the pagan (unbiblical) concepts of culture with the biblical perspective. In the book, Mr. Bianchi makes the claim 'that Christianity transforms all other cultures for the good; that it has freed more people spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, and even literally, than any other movement in history.' And he not only makes this claim, he also powerfully backs it up with solid evidence that this is so. I commend this book to you and encourage you to buy it and then read it through at least twice and share it with others." -Dr. Wayne Mack, Pastor, Biblical Counselor, Conference speaker and author of "Your Family God's Way", "Strengthening Your Marriage", "Anger and Stress Management", and a host of other well known books.

Joseph M. Bianchi (M.Div., Yale University) spent many years as a journalist prior to his ordination. He has written on topics as varied as urban planning and Constitutional Law. His other books include God Chose to Save, 21st century Corinthians and My Friend Grace.

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FROM TORONTO TO EMMAUS: The Empty Tomb and the Journey from Skepticism to FaithA Rational and Scriptural Response to "The Lost Tomb of Jesus"
James R. White

Once again the world is attacking the Biblical Doctrine of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The latest form is the book entitled "The Lost Tomb of Jesus" which is being featured in a documentary being aired on The Discovery Channel in the beginning of March. James R. White has determined to give a rational and Scriptural response to this most recent attack in order to give the people of God information they can use to refute these vicious attacks upon the very foundation of our faith. The Apostle Paul declared, "For if the dead are not raised, not even Christ has been raised; and if Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If we have hoped in Christ in this life only, we are of all men most to be pitied." (1 Corinthians 15:16-19)

"James White adroitly dismantles the latest pseudo-scientific ploy of the skeptics. These increasingly clumsy and self-contradictory attempts to discredit the biblical account of the resurrection seem to reflect a growing level of desperation among Christianity's postmodern critics. Dr. White wonderfully responds to this flash-in-the-pan silliness with some timeless truth, highlighting why the Resurrection is vital to all Christian belief, and demonstrating why the testimony of Scripture is trustworthy." - Dr. John MacArthur

"James White has done it again. This timely book handles the infidel ravings of people dedicated to destroy Christianity with care and precision. It is a devastating refutation of an outrageous claim." - Dr. Jay Adams

"James White has done a splendid job of answering questions that would have been raised in the minds of thoughtful inquirers by the sensationalistic but dubious documentary 'The Lost Tomb of Jesus' by James Cameron and Simcha Jacobovici. Readers who think Christians are afraid of hard data will have to think again after reading this rapidly produced but superbly informed and rigorously reasoned rejoinder." - Dr. Ligon Duncan

"James White has applied his considerable skill as a Bible scholar and apologist to the task of debunking the latest bunk in 'the historical Jesus vs. the biblical Christ' false dichotomy so loved by theological liberals. The new bunk in question is the film The Lost Tomb of Jesus and the pseudo-scholarship and wacky-science that precipitated it. In a word, Dr. White readily shows that Christianity is perfectly safe from this lame attempt to stab it under the fifth rib." Dr. Robert P. Martin

"In light of I Peter 3:15, all Christians must heed the apologist's call. I am thankful that the church and the academy have in James White an able teacher to help "the rest of us" fulfill that happy task. 'From Toronto to Emmaus' is yet another superb piece of armor forged by this master craftsman." - Dr. David W. Bailey

"The Lost Tomb of Jesus documentary is a direct attack upon the reliability of the Resurrection of Christ and that makes it a direct attack upon the heart of Christianity. James White knows it. Here he cuts through the spin, exposing layers of inconsistencies and frequently turning his readers back to Scripture. But this book's enduring contribution to the church will be the reaffirmation that history and theology are inseparably bound." Tony Reinke

"James White has earned a reputation among evangelicals as a careful biblical scholar and as a skillful defender of the faith. His reasoned response to the alleged burial tomb of Jesus exposes this theory's numerous unwarranted speculations, errors, and contradictions. This brief book also reminds people of the Gospel message and of the authentic case for the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ." - Dr. Kenneth Samples

"How times remain the same; and, our need for valiant warriors stays constant. James White is to be applauded for taking pen in hand to fight against this hoax while directing all to the faith once delivered." - Dr. Mike Renihan

" We've come to expect that every year, just before Easter, the worldwide media will publish some ostensibly monumental new finding about 'the quest for the historical Jesus.' These are actually thinly-veiled attacks on core Christian beliefs--rooted in shameless cynicism. The "lost tomb" hoax of 2007 was one of the cheesiest, most offensive such assaults, boldly claiming that after nearly two millennia, credible scientific evidence--including DNA tests--had led certain 'experts' to conclude that the tomb of Jesus had finally been located. 'He is not risen; He is here,' the media reported with breathless gullibility.

The fact that it took James White barely more than two weeks to write a book that conclusively debunks the entire 'Jesus tomb' hoax demonstrates two important things: 1) The claims were obviously total rubbish and should never have been publicized in the first place; and 2) There may be no one better equipped than James White to defend the gospel skillfully in every major arena where it is currently under attack. Whether the battleground is historical, theological, textual, linguistic, or biblical, you can count on James to be ready to give a skilled defense of the truth and a convincing reason for the hope that is in him. I love him for that." - Phil Johnson

Read more about this issue at http://www.aomin.org



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James R White

A New Edition of a classic volume on a vital subject for our day. Originally published in 1990, this volume has gone through different editions and printings, but is presently unavailable.

In typically thorough White-style brother James sends 17 Letters to a fictitious Mormon Elder addresses such topics as the following:












and much more

"This marvelous new study is a valuable text for Christians who talk with Mormons and is an ideal book to be read by Mormons." - Bethany House Publishers



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IS THE MORMON MY BROTHER? Discerning the Differences Between Mormonism and Christianity
James R. White

"James White is a careful thinker and a tenacious defender of orthodox, biblical Christianity. His book clearly shows why the Mormon religion is incompatible with Christianity. The divide is very wide indeed." - Kenneth R. Samples, Director - Augustine Fellowship Study Center

"The is one of the most illuminating updates on the current state of Mormonism that I have ever seen. It brings Mormonism's unstable, changeable truth clearly into view, and provides a convincing warning against the most polytheistic religion ever offered to the modern world." - Dr. Gleason Archer, Professor of Old Testament and Semitics at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

"A Straightforward, Accurate Answer to a Question Once Considered Settled!

In Television campaigns, parachurch events, and clergy fellowships all across the United States, Mormons are presenting themselves as mainstream Christians. Is it unloving or backward to say they aren't real Christians?

In contrast to Christian monotheism the belief in one God, Mormonism teaches that God was once a man who lived on another planet and was exalted to the status of God, and that Mormon men can also become gods upon death and resurrection. Is the Mormon My Brother? Shows how this fact alone means Mormons and Christians are irreconcilably at odds at faith's most basic level.

In recent years Mormon apologists and church leaders have waged an unflagging public relations campaign to try to rid themselves of the stigma of being considered a "cult" in the evangelical community -. James White demonstrates in a peaceable yet conclusive way that the divide between Mormonism and true Christianity remains an impassible gulf."

- Dr. John MacArthur, Senior Pastor, Grace Community Church

"The first act of love in reaching out to Mormons is to demonstrate that we do not worship the same God. In 'Is the Mormon My Brother?' James White powerfully drives home that message." - Hank Hanegraaff, President, Christian Research Institute



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BEHIND THE BIBLE: A Primer on Textual Criticism
Jeff Johnson

Did the multitude of Biblical scribes who copied the Scriptures by hand throughout the centuries do so with absolute perfection? If not, how can we know that what we now possess is (word for word) what was originally penned by the Biblical authors themselves? 'Behind the Bible' spotlights the divine preservation of Scripture to show that it is not by chance God's Word 'will never pass away.'

"Jeff Johnson has provided a helpful and clear discussion of the key issues behind the 'whys' and 'wherefores' of how we got our New Testament text. In light of the frontal assaults upon the integrity of the text of the New Testament pervasive in our day, it is important for believers to have a knowledge of these matters, and Johnson's work is a useful addition to the introductions available on the subject." - James R. White, author or PULPIT CRIMES

"One of the most difficult areas of Biblical study is the matter of textual criticism. Obviously, this is not something which can be done with perfection, but Jeffrey Johnson has in this book, 'Behind the Bible', shown not only how it is done, but also that it can, when done properly, arrive with a great certainty of the original Biblical text.This book, because of its clarity and helpfulness in the area of textual criticism, is a must read for all pastors and students of the Bible in our day!" - Dr. Richard P. Belcher, Author of Diagramming the Greek New Testament


1. The Need for Textual Criticism

2. Paleography

3. Textual Faithfulness

4. Methods of Textual Criticism

5. History of the Greek New Testament Text

Appendix: Answering Bart Ehrman




author of The Church: Why Bother?


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THE TRUTH SET US FREE: Twenty Former Nuns Tell Their Stories of God's Amazing Grace
Edited by Richard Bennett with Mary Hertel

Vatican Council II was completed in 1965. The Roman Catholic Church appeared to have changed her position towards Biblical believers. The Council had pronounced that they were now to be seen as 'separated brethren' (although it also reaffirmed the Council of Trent, which four hundred years earlier had declared Biblical believers to be heretics). Catholics could now 'dialogue' with them, enter their churches, and go to their Bible studies.

In the more than forty years that have elapsed since then, much confusion has arisen both among Catholics and among Biblical believers as to where each stands today. This volume brings the steady light of Scripture and the clear testimonies of twenty 20th century women to bear on this murky religious confusion of our times.

These women became nuns in Roman Catholic convents as their finest means of serv-ing God. The testimonies are 'inside stories', intensely personal, wonderfully down-to-earth. They ask--and finally get the right answers to--some of the same questions that you yourself might ask.

The solid promise of Holy God in Scripture is, 'And ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye search for Me with all your heart.' This volume is modern testimony to that living promise.

The book will be of avid interest to -

- dedicated Roman Catholics who often do not know the realities of convent life

- lapsed Catholics who have become discouraged by the practice of a religious faith which has not answered his or her inner emptiness and confusion

- Evangelicals who are being drawn more closely into 'dialogue' with Roman Catho-lics, unaware of the inner workings of that huge, seemingly mysterious system

Richard Bennett, born in Ireland, entered the Dominican Order in 1956, finished at the Angelicum University in Rome, Italy, in 1964. He spent twenty-one years as a Roman Catholic priest in Trinidad, West Indies. He was saved by God's grace in 1986 and formally left the Roman Catholic Church and its priesthood. Presently settled in central Texas, he is director of the Berean Beacon.

Mary Hertel, born into a strong Roman Catholic family, entered the Order of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph in 1963. She left it in 1969 and was saved by God's grace in 1989.





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The Three Ways of Making a Happy World
Classic Treatment of a Christian's Duty to the Poor
James W. Alexander with Introductory Note by Robert S. Candlish

This book presents J.W. Alexander's apologetic for the only proper way for the Christian to make a lasting impact upon the world around, especially those trapped in poverty and ignorance. He does this by telling a story of Herbert and Edith Lee, a brother and sister in the early 20's who have come to saving faith in Christ and who desire to do good to those in great need.

Herbert and Edith have come to live with their godly and wise uncle Dr. Lee, who is intent upon these sincere converts learning "by experience" the three ways of making a happy world. These may be classed under three heads: Good - Better - Best. The story is filled with wisdom as Herbert and Edith learn, often the hard way, that their uncle is right. You will follow them into the hovels of drunkards and gamblers and watch them as they seek to do good in the name of the Lord.

Anyone who desires to follow the admonition of Hebrews 13:16 will want to read this book. Anyone who desires to practice true religion as defined by James in James 1:27 will desire to read this book. Anyone who desires to follow the counsel of the aposles in Galatians 2:10, or the words of our Lord as reported by Paul in Acts 20:35 will want to get and read this book.

How do we reach out to the poor and homeless around us all? What is the very best way to do them good that will last beyond the moment? These questions and many more are all answered in GOOD - BETTER - BEST, a new-old title by the gifted and godly J.W. Alexander.


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