Shedd Titles

 click for details |  | SERMONS TO THE NATURAL MAN William G.T. Shedd
 This 430 page book contains 20 sermons to the unconverted man.
 In the words of A.A. Hodge: "Dr. Shedd's 'Sermons to the Natural Man' are, if not absolutely the best, yet of the very best doctrinal and spiritual sermons produced in this generation. We have known much of their power in convincing sinners, and in deepening, widening and exalting the experience of true Christians. Doctrinal preaching, though not in fashion, is the preaching that we need, and the preaching which always best vindicates itself when put to the test of practice. And of all the examples of doctrinal preaching in this generation, the sermons of Dr. Shedd excel in many particulars. He grasps the very heart and soul of the truth. He holds it in its entirety with uncompromising loyalty; he states it with wonderful clearness and accuracy, and illustrates and applies it with singular facility and grace of style."
 "These sermons to the Natural Man have the true ring. They are pervaded by a vivid and profound conviction of the reality of spiritual things and of the solemn conditions under which human beings are placed in this transitory life. They are designed to promote self-reflection to deepen that consciousness of sin, which exists in some degree even in men who are most absorbed in the pursuit of the world. One can hardly fail to be impressed, in reading these discourses, with the loftiness, the wide range and the impressiveness of religious truth." -The New Englander and Yale Review
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SGCB Price: $16.95 (list price $32.00)
SGCB Price: $32.00 (list price $64.00)
 Order All TEN Shedd Volumes from SGCB at Nearly 60% Off
SGCB Price: $125.00 (list price $280.00)
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 click for details |  | SERMONS TO THE SPIRITUAL MAN William G.T. Shedd
 This 420 page volume contains 26 sermons, and in the words of the author: "This volume is complementary to another, published in 1871, under the title of 'Sermons to the Natural Man.' In the earlier volume, the author aimed to address the human conscience. In this, he would speak to the Christian heart. The former supposed original and unpardoned sin, and endeavored to produce the consciousness of it. The latter supposes forgiven and indwelling sin, and would aid in the struggle and victory over it."
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SGCB Price: $16.95 (list price $32.00)
SGCB Price: $32.00 (list price $64.00) 50% OFF WHEN ORDERING BOTH
 Order All TEN Shedd Volumes from SGCB at Nearly 60% Off
SGCB Price: $125.00 (list price $280.00)
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 click for details |  | THE HISTORY OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE: in Two Volumes William G.T. Shedd
 William G. T. Shedd starts his monumental work by pointing out that one of the strongest defenses of Christian doctrine is found through examining how various theological concepts have come about and changed over time. This history is the story of how our understanding of God, ourselves, and the relationship between God and us has grown.
 This two volume set is an excellent work for those who want to examine the history of Christian doctrine over the ages and is a highly recommended purchase for all serious students.
 "We hold that this is the most important contribution that has been made to our theological literature during the present age." - Presbyterian Standard
 "In our judgment, no production of greater moment has been given to the public in a long time." - Princeton Review
 "On its first appearance this work by Dr. Shedd was unanimously recognized as filling with remarkable success a blank that had existed in our English literature on this important subject, and it still holds the foremost place in works of this class." - Edinburgh Daily Review
 "I have often refered to Shedd's 'History of Christian Doctrine' in preparation for class, for personal understanding of difficult issues, and for evangelical encouragement." - Dr. Tom J. Nettles
 "History is theology lived out in good or contrary examples. The history of theological thought is a missing foundation in our a-historical age. This is the case in culture and in the church-at-large. Ideas have consequences. They have tangible effects and then become causes for a new generation as they generate more ideas. The importance of Shedd's work cannot be over-stated. Shedd will help sort out what is gold, what is good, and what is to be left behind." Dr. Mike Renihan
 BOOK FIRST: Influence of Philosophical Systems upon the Construction of Christian Doctrine
 BOOK SECOND: History of Apologies
 BOOK THIRD: History of Theology (Trinitarianism) and Christology
 BOOK FOUR: History of Anthropology
 BOOK FIVE: History of Soteriology
 BOOK SIX: History of Eschatology
 BOOK SEVEN: History of Symbols (Confessions and Creeds)
 Nearly 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $38.00 (list price $75.00) Two Volume Large Paperback Set Over 900 Pages
 Order All TEN Shedd Volumes from SGCB at Nearly 60% Off
SGCB Price: $125.00 (list price $280.00)
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 click for details |  | ORTHODOXY AND HETERODOX: A Miscellany of Articles on Theology and Ethics William G.T. Shedd
 Composed of numerous articles relating "to principles in theology and ethics which are eternal, and vehemently opposed in the standing conflict between orthodoxy and heterodoxy." Shedd notes that in this war "[t]here is nothing new in the orthodoxy of today; and nothing new in the newest heterodoxy. A scholar vested in ancient learning can trace both alike in the antagonisms of the past. Speaking generally, the orthodox respects and cultivates systematic theology; the heterodox contemns and vilifies it. The former maintains the carefully stated creeds of the evangelical denominations; the latter seeks to revise, relax, and nullify them. Orthodoxy defines Christianity to be an exclusive religion, distinct from all others, and intended to convert them; heterodoxy explains it to be a conglomerate of all religions, and destined to be merged and lost in them."
 "There are no new truths, only new believers; and there are no new errors, only new errorists. W.G.T. Shedd recognized that the contest between truth and error is a constant reality of human history. In this miscellany he confronted the vigorous heterodoxy and apathetic orthodoxy of his day. This contest continues. The cast has changed but the script is the same, which makes this work as useful today as it was a century ago."
 Dr. Robert P. Martin
 Pastor, Emmanuel Reformed Baptist Church, Seattle, Washington
 Editor, Reformed Baptist Theological Review
 This volume is a polemic by a master wordsmith, defending the historic faith; exhorting "the really orthodox in all denominations, to preserve their historic creeds, and maintain their ancient discipline".
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SGCB Price: $12.95 (list price $25.00) NOW AVAILABLE TO SHIP
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SGCB Price: $125.00 (list price $280.00)
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 click for details |  | BIBLICAL EXEGESIS: Its Influence Upon the Theologian and Preacher William G.T. Shedd
 On Monday evening, January 11, 1864 William G.T. Shedd D.D. was inaugurated into the Chair of 'Biblical Literature,' in the Union Theological Seminary in New York. The services were held in the Madison Square Church, and Charles Butler, Esq., Vice-President of the Board of Directors, presided on the occasion, and put the constitutional questions to the Professor elect. The services were opened with prayer by the Rev. Dr. George L. Prentiss. After the Induction of Professor Shedd, the Charge was delivered in behalf of the Directors by the Rev. William Adams, D.D., of New York.
 The Memorable Address that is found in this booklet was delivered that evening by Prof. Shedd and was entitled BIBLICAL EXEGESIS: Its Influence Upon the Theologian and Preacher. With this outstanding address Shedd made clear his absolute commitment to Biblical Authority and the role exegesis must hold for the Theologian and the Preacher. This work is a must read for all who are called to study and teach the Holy Scriptures in the Seminary Classroom, the local Church or even in the home.
 Shedd concludes his address with these solemn words: "It is to such a high office and work as this, that you have called me, Fathers and Brethren, Directors of Union Seminary. That I do not feel sufficient for this thing, I need not say. I cannot bring to this chair the accurate grammatical discipline, the solid philological learning, and the remarkable geographical knowledge of the eminent scholar whom I succeed. But I can, I trust, bring to it an ever-deepening reverence for the Divine Word, a firm confidence in its infallibility, and an increasing sense of dependence upon the illumination of the Divine Spirit. If these be in any Christian man and abound, they will make him that he shall neither be barren nor unfruitful. For they will stimulate him to study, to investigate, to analyze; and they will pour the clear and guiding light of heaven itself over all his studies, all his investigations, and all his analyses."
 Shedd went on to serve faithfully this post of Biblical Literature at Union until 1874, when he was appointed to the Chair of Systematic Theology where he faithfully served until 1890. It was during the final years of his service at Union that he began his life-work, his great three volume DOGMATIC THEOLOGY.
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SGCB Price: $3.75 (list price $7.00) NOW AVAILABLE TO SHIP
SGCB Price: $125.00 (list price $280.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR THE ENTIRE SET
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 click for details |  | HOMILETICS & PASTORAL THEOLOGY William G.T. Shedd
 Dr. W.G.T. Shedd expounds almost every aspect of preaching, analyzing its nature, outlining the main features which should characterize powerful preaching and describing the approach, plan, actual construction and refinements of a sermon. This volume was used for many years as a standard textbook in several theological seminaries throughout the United States.
 The second part of the volume is devoted to the vital subject of Pastoral Theology. Here Shedd is equally thorough and deals with the essential character of a minister, his way of life, his duties, his work of visitation and finally, his work of catechizing his people so as to be informed as to their progress and position in relationship to the preaching. Although much shorter than the first part of the volume, this material is of immense value, and is worth the price of the book.
 WGT b50 lday smw
 Nearly 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $15.95 (list price $30.00)
 Order All TEN Shedd Volumes from SGCB at Nearly 55% Off
SGCB Price: $125.00 (list price $280.00)
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 click for details |  | THE DOCTRINE OF ENDLESS PUNISHMENT: Its Historical, Biblical and Rational Defense William G.T. Shedd
 This doctrine is so solemn that man's natural instinct is either to ignore it or deny it. From time to time in the history of the Christian church it comes under concerted attack, as it did during the life of W.G.T. Shedd, the noted nineteenth century theologian and preacher. In this work, Shedd carefully expounds the biblical teaching on divine judgment, and sets it in the context of the history of Christian doctrine. He deals carefully and cogently with objections to it.
 "W. G. T. Shedd's small but immensely useful book, 'The Doctrine of Endless Punishment,' takes direct aim at the conditional immortality views that are currently disturbing evangelicals. Shedd presents convincing historical, biblical and rational argumentation. It is a well-designed pistol for the protective pastor to fend off error, and will result in more passionate evangelism as it works its way through his preaching. - Jim Elliff, Christian Communicators Worldwide
 "The Doctrine of Endless Punishment is a well-reasoned, theologically accurate statement which treats fully yet concisely the date contained in the revelation of God to man. This treatise deseves careful study; and provides adequate coverage of a much neglected aspect of Biblical doctrine." - Cyril J. Barber
 Shedd shows that 'The strongest support of the doctrine of endless punishment is the teaching of Christ, the Redeemer of man; without the explicit and reiterated statements of God incarnate, it is doubtful whether so awful a truth would have had such a conspicuous place as it always has had in the creed of Christendom. Christ could not have warned men so frequently and earnestly as he did, had he known there is no future peril.' This book will have a profoundly sobering effect on its readers; but its lasting impression will be to cause a new concern for men and women without Christ, and undying gratitude for 'Jesus, who delivers us from the wrath to come'.
 Foreword by Cyril J. Barber
 Preface to Original Edition in November 1885
 Preface to the Second Edition in November 1887
 CHAPTER ONE: The History of the Doctrine (pages 1-11)
 CHAPTER TWO: The Biblical Argument for the Doctrine (pages 12-117)
 CHAPTER THREE: The Rational Argument for the Doctrine (pages 118-169)
 APPENDIX: Consisting of Detailed Notes from the Entire Book (pages 171-201)

 W.G.T. Shedd (1820-1894) was both a congregational and, later, a Presbyterian pastor. He had a distinguished career as a Professor of English Literature prior to his work at the theological seminaries of Auburn, Andover, and finally at Union Seminary, New York. He is best known for his three-volume Dogmatic Theology.
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SGCB Price: $11.95 (list price $18.00)
SGCB Price: $32.00 (list price $65.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR ALL THREE TITLES
 Order All TEN Shedd Volumes from SGCB at Nearly 60% Off
SGCB Price: $125.00 (list price $280.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR ALL TEN SHEDD TITLES
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 click for details |  | COMMENTARY ON THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS: A Classic Reformed Exposition William G.T. Shedd
 First published in 1879, this classic Reformed Commentary has been reprinted again and again through the years. It is an outstanding contribution to the study of the Epistle that has turned the world upside-down.
 "When studying Romans, I usually reach for Shedd first. Highly valued in past generations, Shedd's careful treatment of the original text is succinct and yet richly suggestive of profitable lines of exposition. A must have for serious study of Paul's most important letter." the late Dr. Robert P. Martin
 "Believing that the Epistle to the Romans is 'an inspired system of theology,' Shedd sought to give particular attention to the great doctrines of original sin in chapter 5, indwelling sin in chapters 7 and 8, and election and reprobation in chapters 9, 10 and 11. The merit of Shedd's commentary is found in his fresh examination of the Greek text, combined with an appreciative interaction with the best of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Reformed exegesis, and his abiding commitment to the traditional Reformed concept that the intended fruit of exegesis is a systematic statement of religious truth." - Rev. Sherman Isbell
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SGCB Price: $17.95 (list price $35.00) NOW AVAILABLE!
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SGCB Price: $125.00 (list price $280.00)
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 click for details |  | THEOLOGICAL ESSAYS William G.T. Shedd
 "Shedd's insights into prevailing trends and their consequences, so eloquently expressed in this book of essays is deserving of repeated close scrutiny. Sufficient for us to say that his material is biblically orthodox, historically defensible, and as important to us today as when it was first penned more than 100 years ago. Truth is timeless, and while the opinions of other writers may be in vogue for a short period, in the final analysis it is the writers who enrich our lives with theological themes that outlast their more popular contemporaries. It is with delight, therefore, that we welcome the reappearance of W.G.T. Shedd's famous essays." - Cyril Barber
 1- The Method and Influence of Theological Studies
 2- The Nature and Influence of the Historic Spirit
 3- The Idea of Evolution Defined, and Applied to History
 4- The Doctrine of Original Sin
 5- The Atonement a Satisfaction for the Ethical Nature of Both God and Man
 6- Symbols and Congregationalism
 7- Clerical Education
 WGT b50 lday smw
 AVAILABLE TO SHIP - Nearly 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $15.95 (list price $30.00)
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SGCB Price: $125.00 (list price $280.00)
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 click for details |  | CALVINISM: Pure & Mixed- A Defense of the Westminster Standards William G.T. Shedd (1820-1894)
 Revision (or evasion) of doctrinal standards has been a destructive influence in church life over the last one hundred years or so. W.G.T. Shedd witnessed such a trend in the Northern Presbyterian Church of his own day with regard to The Westminster Confession of Faith. Calvinism: Pure and Mixed expresses the reason for his opposition to that trend. Calvinism: Pure and Mixed is virtually a defense of the reformed faith against many of the most common criticisms levelled against it.
 W.G.T. Shedd (1820-1894) began his Preface with these striking words-
 "The object of this work is to define and defend the tenets of Calvinism in their original purity and self-consistence, as distinguished from proposed modifications of them for the purpose of an alleged improvement. It has grown out of the proposal introduced into the Northern Presbyterian Church, to revise the Westminster Standards. It contains the substance of a pamphlet which the author published in opposition to this proposal when it was first made, together with discussions of several important subjects that have subsequently come up for examination during the controversy in the Church. Of these, Preterition, Common and Special Grace, Original Sin, Infant Salvation, the 'Larger Hope', and the Inerrancy of Scripture, are the most prominent...

 Author's Preface Vii
 Introduction by the Publisher Xii
 1 Inexpediency of the Revision of the Westminster Confession 1
 2 Objections to the Revision of the Westminster Confession 12
 3 Are there Doctrinal Errors in the Westminster Confession? 17
 4 The Westminster Standards and the Universal Offer of Mercy 23
 5 The Meaning and Value of the Doctrine of Decrees 29
 6 Preterition Necessary to the Sovereignty of God in Election 69
 7 Preterition and the Lopsided View of the Divine Decree 75
 8 The Double Predestination to Holiness and Sin 84
 9 Common and Special Grace 92
 10 The True Proportion in a Creed between the Universal and the Special Love of God 102
 11 Infant Salvation as Related to Original Sin 107
 12 The Westminster Standards and the ‘Larger Hope’ 116
 13 The Westminster Affirmation of the Original Inerrancy of the Scriptures 132
 14 Calvinism and the Bible 145
 15 Denominational Honesty and Honor 152
 Appendix: "The Significance of the Westminster Standards as a Creed" by Benjamin B. Warfield

SGCB Price: $6.50 (list price $13.00)
SGCB Price: $130.00 (list price $290.00) NEARLY 60% DISCOUNT WHEN ORDERING ALL 11 TITLES