Church History & Biography
 |  | THE HISTORY OF PROTESTANTISM: A Glorious Record of the Grand Drama of Revived Christianity (3 Volume Set) James A. Wylie
 This Large Three Volume set, 'The History of Protestantism' by J. A. Wylie, is an incredibly inspiring work. It pulls back the divine curtain and reveals God's hand in the affairs of His church during the Protestant Reformation. Through the centuries, the sacrifices and victories of God's faithful people have often been obscured and forgotten. Now once again, you can read the fascinating story of how truth triumphed over error, principle over falsehood, and light over darkness. Your heart will be stirred by the lives of Protestant heroes, and your mind captivated by God's simple means to counteract the intrigues of its enemies in both church and state. Though this book reads like you are right there, it often lets you watch from heaven's perspective, and opens to your mind to the highest thoughts and feelings. You will sense the unfolding drama as told in the lives and work of God fearing and courageous men and women.
 "This set of books about our forgotten heritage will fascinate readers and strengthen faith. James Aitken Wylie (1808-1890) tells the story of the Reformation with detail and vigor. 'The History of Protestantism' draws you in with accounts of faithful preaching, martyrdom, revival, war, and liberty from Wycliffe to William of Orange." --Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan
 "A right view of the present and the future requires a reflective look back to the people and key events of yesteryear. The past gives us a framework for interpreting our present situation and the wisdom to plan for the future. Read the Bible! Read Biography! Read Church History! And, may I suggest, read Wylie's History of Protestantism! In these three volumes you will not only learn the history of the Protestantism but you will also become well acquainted with the theology of Protestantism. Thank you Solid Ground for 'uncovering' another 'buried treasure.' - Ray Rhodes, President of 'Nourished in the Word Ministries' and author of seven books including three Family Worship titles published by SGCB
 Book 1 Progress From the First to the Fourteenth Century
 Book 2 Wicliffe and His Times, or Advent of Protestantism
 Book 3 John Huss and the Hussite Wars
 Book 4 Christendom at the Opening of the Sixteenth Century
 Book 5 History of Protestantism in Germany to the Leipsic Disputation, 1519
 Book 6 From the Leipsic Disputation to the Diet at Worms, 1521
 Book 7 Protestantism in England, From the Times of Wicliffe to Those of Henry VIII
 Book 8 History of Protestantism in Switzerland From A.D. 1516 to Its Establishment at Zurich, 1525
 Book 9 History of Protestantism From the Diet of Worms, 1521, to the Augsburg Confession, 1530
 Book 10 Rise and Establishment of Protestantism in Sweden and Denmark
 Book 11 Protestantism in Switzerland From Its Establishment in Zurich (1525)
 to the Death of Zwingli (1531)
 Book 12 Protestantism in Germany From the Augsburg Confession to the Peace of Passau
 Book 13 From Rise of Protestantism in France (1510) to Publication of the Institutes (1536)
 Book 14 Rise and Establishment of Protestantism at Geneva
 Book 15 The Jesuits
 Book 16 Protestantism in the Waldensian Valleys
 Book 17 Protestantism in France From Death of Francis I (1547) to Edict of Nantes (1598)
 Book 18 History of Protestantism in the Netherlands
 Book 19 Protestantism in Poland and Bohemia
 Book 20 Protestantism in Hungary and Transylvania
 Book 21 The Thirty Years' War
 Book 22 Protestantism in France From Death of Henry IV (1610) to the Revolution (1789)
 Book 23 Protestantism in England From the Times of Henry VIII
 Book 24 Protestantism in Scotland
 B50 CH823 sgset
 Three Volume Large Paperback Set - nearly 40% Discount
SGCB Price: $109.95 (list price $180.00) NOW AVAILABLE TO SHIP
SGCB Price: $118.00 (list price $198.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR ALL FOUR TITLES (OVER 40% OFF)
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 click for details |  | A HISTORY OF PREACHING Edwin Charles Dargan
 This two volume hardcover set was first published in 1905, and was written as a tribute to Dargan's homiletics professor at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, John Albert Broadus. Dargan later became a colleague and then the successor to Broadus in the chair of Homiletics at SBTS in Louisville, KY. The inspiration for these volumes came from the yearly "delightful lectures on the History of Preaching" from Broadus. "Under his inspiring teaching my interest as a student was awakened in the subject, and when years afterward it fell to me first to share his labors of instruction and then to succeed them, I became more and more deeply interested in the historical part of the course in homiletics."
 VOLUME ONE: From AD 70 - 1572
 VOLUME TWO: From 1572 - 1900
 Both volumes are hardcover and approximately 600 pages
 sss B50 sgset
 ORDER BOTH VOLUMES - 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $65.00 (list price $130.00)
 Volume One: From AD 70 - 1572
SGCB Price: $35.00 (list price $65.00) Save: Nearly 50%
 Volume Two: From 1572 - 1900
SGCB Price: $35.00 (list price $65.00) Save: Nearly 50%
 |  |  |  | George Muller: An AutobiographyA Million and a Half in Answer to Prayer George Muller, Compiled by Fred Bergin
 "The life of George Muller has been an inspiration to millions over the past century. His holy example, his love for the Scriptures, his simple obedience, and his work of faith in establishing an orphanage that served 120,000 orphans over a period of sixty-three years--all illuminate the path to a life of faith in the living God." - Mack Tomlinson, the Publisher
 "I am so pleased that Westminster Literature Resources has published this new edition of George Muller's Autobiography. The story you will read in these pages is one of the most remarkable episodes in the history of the Christian church. As you read through its pages, you will see something of the growth of the man and his ideas. His conviction was that God is the living God and the secret of life is to delight yourself in Him." - -Roger Steer, Author and Trustee of the British and Foreign Bible Society
 "George Muller has for years been a pace-setter for me in prayer. His Autobiography is a veritable orchard of faith-building fruit. I have found Muller's way absolutely crucial in my own life: to be with the Lord before I am with anyone else and let Him speak to me first." -John Piper, Bethlehem Baptist Church
 "George Muller teaches the church about trust, wisdom, integrity and prayer. May God give us grace to learn these lessons." - Geoff Thomas, Alfred Place Baptist Church, Aberystwyth, Wales
 ISBN 0-9647552-0-3 Clothbound, 736 pages
 736 Page Hardcover Volume
 |  | 
 click for details |  | OUR LIVES, OUR FORTUNES AND OUR SACRED HONOR: The Lives of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence Charles A. Goodrich
 Charles Augustus Goodrich (1790-1862) commited his life to writing books that would entertain, instruct and edify children and young people. This volume is one of his very best as it gives moving details about the lives of the men who laid the foundation of the great nation that has been blessed by God for over 225 years.
 The Providence of God is seen in the way he prepared these men for the task that they were set to accomplish. In a day when America is being challenged from without and within, and when the place of religion and prayer is considered irrelevant in the political arena, it is refreshing to see the vital role these played in the founding of this country.
 "The Declaration of Independence is one of the most important political documents in the history of western civilization. The signers are too often dismissed as dead white men, and their greatness is often disparaged. Charles Goodrich's 'Lives of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence,' here republished for the first time in more than a century, will acquaint you with the great men to whom we owe so much for their willingness to pledge to each other their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honour. " - David Dykstra
 476 page Large Paperback
 LET THE CANNON BLAZE AWAY: Lectures on the Centennial of American Independence by Joseph Thompson
 THE FORGOTTEN HEROES OF LIBERTY: The Chaplains and Clergy of the American Revolution by J.T. Headley
 74S /04 ah5
SGCB Price: $17.50 (list price $32.00) 45% Off
SGCB Price: $67.50 (list price $135.00)
 |  | 
 click for details |  | LET THE CANNON BLAZE AWAY: Lectures on the Centennial of American Independence Joseph P. Thompson
 Rev. Joseph P. Thompson (1819-1879) was long time pastor of The Broadway Tabernacle in NY City. After serving for many years in the United States Dr. Thompson lived and served in Europe. He was living there in 1876 when the United States was about to celebrate its 100th anniversary. He was asked to prepare 6 lectures to be delivered in the leading cities of Germany, Italy, France and England. This he did to the overwhelming applause of the leading ministers and statesman of those countiries. In fact, the response was so encouraging that it was insisted that these lectures be placed in a book that could be used as a textbook for years to come.
 This volume has been unavailable for more than a century. The time is right for the reappearance of this remarkable book.
 "America needs this book at this hour. It is not however, only for Americans. Recall that these were lectures given in Europe and in Britain. I am often amazed at the ignorance of too many Americans regarding our own history. I am often just as amazed at the ignorance of the rest of the world with regard to America and its institutions. Too many Americans today are ashamed of America. Too many non-Americans display a sense of superiority to America. Joseph Thompson's 'Let The Cannon Blaze Away' should go a long way to correct both of these errors." - David Dykstra, from Introduction
 LET THE CANNON BLAZE AWAY: Lectures on the Centennial of American Independence by Joseph Thompson
 THE FORGOTTEN HEROES OF LIBERTY: The Chaplains and Clergy of the American Revolution by J.T. Headley
 74S /04 ah5
 Nearly 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $14.95 (list price $28.00)
SGCB Price: $67.50 (list price $135.00)
 |  | 
 click for details |  | THE FORGOTTEN HEROES OF LIBERTY: The Chaplains and Clergy of the American Revolution J.T. Headley
 This volume, written by the highly acclaimed 19th century historian Joel Tyler Headley, explores the vital, but often neglected, role of ministers of the Gospel to the cause of liberty in the founding of this great nation.
 Headley (1813-1897) gives dozens and dozens of sketches of the men who were literally the spiritual leaders of the American Revolution. Men such as Timothy Dwight, William Tennent, Samuel Spring, Ezra Styles, John Gano and John Witherspoon are a few of the names that appear in this catalogue of brave and godly men who had tremendous influence on the Revolution.
 In the words of John Wingate Thornton "To the Pulpit, the Puritan Pulpit, we owe the moral force which won our independence." This volume will go a long way to correct the oversight of modern day historians.
 This is the history that today's secular historian does not want you or your children ever to know. Here you will be introduced to men who risked their lives and gave their lives for the freedom we now enjoy.
 LET THE CANNON BLAZE AWAY: Lectures on the Centennial of American Independence by Joseph Thompson
 THE FORGOTTEN HEROES OF LIBERTY: The Chaplains and Clergy of the American Revolution by J.T. Headley
 74S /04 ah5
 45% Discount
SGCB Price: $17.95 (list price $32.00)
SGCB Price: $67.50 (list price $135.00)
 |  |  |  | ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN BAPTIST PULPIT William B. Sprague, editor
 This two volume hardcover set traces trhe lives and ministries of over 170 of the leading Baptist preachers in America from Hansard Knollys (1599-1691) to John Lightfoot Waller (1809-1854). Articles are written on such notable Baptists as Isaac Backus, Roger Williams, John Gano, William Rogers, Richard Furman, Jesse Mercer, Luther Rice, Adoniram Judson, Spencer Cone, George Dana Boardman and numerous others.
 Articles are written by such notables as Governor Winthrop, Cotton Mather, John Quincy Adams, George Bancroft, Richard Furman, Alvah Hovey, Francis Wayland, Benjamin Rush, Henry Fish, J.B. Jeter, J.L. Dagg, Richard Fuller, Basil Manly, Samuel Miller, and numerous others.
 " I think the book has great historical information, and gives us from the pen of many other Baptists an evaluation that show as much about their personal interests in ministry as it does about the subject they are addressing." -Dr. Tom Nettles
 "It is a tremendous boon when those who treasure our Baptist history can procure these precious volumes. Three cheers for the publisher!" - Erroll Hulse
 SG HARDCOVER SET sgset annb&p
 Nearly 50% - Volume One Knollys (1638) - Bradley (1799)
SGCB Price: $31.95 (list price $60.00)
 Nearly 50% - Volume Two: Sterry (1800) - Waller (1840)
SGCB Price: $31.95 (list price $60.00)
 Two Volume Hardcover Set
SGCB Price: $60.00 (list price $120.00) 50% Discount
 |  | 
 click for details |  | HEROES OF THE EARLY CHURCH: Life-Changing Lessons for the Young Richard Newton
 "These graphic sketches of the 'Heroes of the Early Church' are the latest series penned by the distinguished author, whom Spurgeon fittingly called 'The Prince of Children's Preachers.' The sketches are in many respects the best work of the gifted man. As he ripened in saintship for heaven, his literary style became even more rich with the aroma of the gospel, and so more forcible, simple, and crisp, than in his earlier writings." - Edwin W. Rice, from the Preface
 These helpful sketches are filled with lessons for the young and old alike on the lives of men like: Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp of Smyrna, Justin Martyr, Tertullian of Carthage, Origin of Alexandria, Eusebius of Caesarea, Athanasius the Great, Basil the Great, Ambrose of Milan, John Chrysostom, Jerome, Augustine and others.

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SGCB Price: $5.20 (list price $18.00)
SGCB Price: $220.00 (list price $430.00) SAVE MORE THAN $200.00
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 click for details |  | THE HISTORY OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE: in Two Volumes William G.T. Shedd
 William G. T. Shedd starts his monumental work by pointing out that one of the strongest defenses of Christian doctrine is found through examining how various theological concepts have come about and changed over time. This history is the story of how our understanding of God, ourselves, and the relationship between God and us has grown.
 This two volume set is an excellent work for those who want to examine the history of Christian doctrine over the ages and is a highly recommended purchase for all serious students.
 "We hold that this is the most important contribution that has been made to our theological literature during the present age." - Presbyterian Standard
 "In our judgment, no production of greater moment has been given to the public in a long time." - Princeton Review
 "On its first appearance this work by Dr. Shedd was unanimously recognized as filling with remarkable success a blank that had existed in our English literature on this important subject, and it still holds the foremost place in works of this class." - Edinburgh Daily Review
 "I have often refered to Shedd's 'History of Christian Doctrine' in preparation for class, for personal understanding of difficult issues, and for evangelical encouragement." - Dr. Tom J. Nettles
 "History is theology lived out in good or contrary examples. The history of theological thought is a missing foundation in our a-historical age. This is the case in culture and in the church-at-large. Ideas have consequences. They have tangible effects and then become causes for a new generation as they generate more ideas. The importance of Shedd's work cannot be over-stated. Shedd will help sort out what is gold, what is good, and what is to be left behind." Dr. Mike Renihan
 BOOK FIRST: Influence of Philosophical Systems upon the Construction of Christian Doctrine
 BOOK SECOND: History of Apologies
 BOOK THIRD: History of Theology (Trinitarianism) and Christology
 BOOK FOUR: History of Anthropology
 BOOK FIVE: History of Soteriology
 BOOK SIX: History of Eschatology
 BOOK SEVEN: History of Symbols (Confessions and Creeds)
 Nearly 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $38.00 (list price $75.00) Two Volume Large Paperback Set Over 900 Pages
 Order All TEN Shedd Volumes from SGCB at Nearly 60% Off
SGCB Price: $125.00 (list price $280.00)
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 click for details |  | LECTURES ON REVIVALS OF RELIGION William B. Sprague
 "I have a large collection of books on revival. Among them is a dated copy of 'Lectures on Revival' by Sprague. I have often told people that this was one of the top books on the subject if they were somehow able to procure a copy from a used book list. Of special importance are the letters at the end of the book where Christian leaders write of their experience in the Second Great Awakening and the insights gained. This is a valuable book. You will find the material amazingly pertinent." - Jim Elliff
 Sprague's experience of genuine revivals, his faithfulness to Biblical theology and his balanced view, eminently fitted him to write what Dr Lloyd-Jones describes as "The outstanding classic on this vital and urgently important matter". The chapters cover such themes as The Nature of a Revival, Obstacles to Revivals, Divine Agency in Revivals, General Means of Producing and Promoting Revivals, Treatment due to Awakened Sinners, Evils to be Avoided in connection with Revivals, etc. There is also a large and excellent Appendix comprising letters on revivals by various North American evangelical leaders of the last century.
 Charles Simeon wrote on the flyleaf to his personal copy: "A most valuable book. I recommend my Executor to keep it, as there are few, if any, others in this kingdom. I love the good sense of Dr Sprague."

 25% Discount
SGCB Price: $22.50 (list price $30.00) NOW AVAILABLE IN HARDCOVER
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 click for details |  | THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF JAMES H. THORNWELL Benjamin M. Palmer
 "Thornwell (1812-1862) was one of the greatest preachers that America has ever produced. Here, I think, we have the perfect combination of brilliance of intellect and profound theological and philosophical knowledge, together with pulpit eloquence of the highest order." - Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
 The biography by Dr. Palmer is a masterly piece of work. While it abounds in information and often fascinating detail, Thornwell's main concerns on such matters as the true nature of preaching, the purity and renewal of the church, and the rule of Scripture, receive their true prominence, and they supply not a few lessons of abiding importance to the Church universal. B.M. Palmer does not disguise his belief that Thornwell was the greatest preacher and theologian he ever knew, but it is the impression given us of Thornwell as a Christian which moves us most. Such a volume as this must kindle the spirit of prayer, and not the least, to use Thornwell's words, for 'what of all things we need most, a revival of pure religion in all our churches.'
 JHT Special jht3 JHT5
 Nearly 50% Off this Hardcover Volume
SGCB Price: $32.00 (list price $62.00) NOW AVAILABLE
 |  | 
 click for details |  | ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN PRESBYTERIAN PULPIT William B. Sprague
 These volumes trace the Presbyterian Pulpit from the earliest days of the country until the early 1860's. This three volume hardcover set is very difficult to find and you can purchase all three volumes for less than you could purchase one volume from antiquarian sellers.
 "The value of Sprague's Annals of the American Pulpit cannot be overstated. Here is a rich hoard of biography, church history, and best of all, specimens of the preaching of the early generations of America's Presbyterian and Reformed ministers, who exercised a degree of influence over the life of our nation unsurpassed and seldom equalled by any who came after them. No accurate or profound understanding of what Presbyterianism was down to the middle decades of the 19th century, or the place it filled in American life, is possible without consulting the Annals. Every Christian will derive great profit as well from reading the biographical sketches of these highly educated, gifted and devout men of God." - Rev. Ray B. Lanning, Associate Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, MI
 "Sprague's 'Annals of the American Pulpit' was one of the most useful reference works of the nineteenth century. By recording, often from personal acquaintances, key information about a wide range of clergymen in early American history, Sprague made it possible to peer much further into the day-by-day lives of the churches. This reprinting of the volumes dealing with Presbyterian ministers should be welcome to all students of early American history, but especially by those who desire a sense of how religious life 'on the ground' was carried out." Mark A. Noll, Professor of History, Wheaton College (IL)
 "Annals of the Presbyterian Pulpit is a unique, sterling encyclopedia of Presbyterian preachers by a great historian that not only provides valuable biographical summaries of well-known preachers, but, most importantly, offers a gold mine of information on less known luminaries long forgotten in the annals of church history."- Joel R. Beeke, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
 VOLUME ONE: American Presbyterian Pulpit from Francis Makemie to Matthew Lyle
 (includes Gilbert Tennant, David Brainerd, Samuel Davies, John Witherspoon, Ashbel Green, Samuel Miller, Archibald Alexander and dozens of others)
 VOLUME TWO: American Presbyterian Pulpit from John M. Mason to Eliphalet W. Gilbert
 (includes Edward Dorr Griffin, Moses Waddel, John Lyle, Henry Kollock, John Matthews, James Inglis, Benjamin Morgan Palmer and dozens of others)
 VOLUME THREE: Reformed Dutch, American Presbyterian Pulpit from James Wharey to John Humphrey; Associate Church from Alexander Gellatly to Thomas B. Hanna; Associate Reformed from James Proudfit to Moses Kerr; and Reformed Presbyterian from James McKinney to John McKinley
 (includes William Nevins, John Breckenridge, Ichabod S. Spencer, Albert B. Dod, William Marshall, Thomas Beveridge, Alexander Proudfit, John Hemphill, Alexander McLeod and dozens of others)
 SG HARDCOVER SET sgset annb&p
 Nearly 50% - Volume One: American Presbyterian Pulpit
SGCB Price: $39.50 (list price $75.00)
 Nearly 50% - - Volume Two: American Presbyterian Pulpit
SGCB Price: $39.50 (list price $75.00)
 Nearly 50% - - Volume Three: Reformed Dutch, American Presbyterian Pulpit, Associate, Associate Reformed & Reformed Presbyterian Pulpit
SGCB Price: $39.50 (list price $75.00)
SGCB Price: $110.00 (list price $225.00) 52% Discount - (SAVE MORE THAN $100)
 |  | 
 click for details |  | MARTYRLAND: Perils of the PersecutionA Tale of the Days of the Scottish Covenanters Robert Simpson
 "Over 18,000 saints of God had been martyred before the ascension of William III to the throne of England in 1688 and the subsequent 'Glorious Revolution' which brought an end to the terrible persecutions in Scotland...There are many historical records and accounts of the exploits of the Covenanters, but 'Martyrland' stands in a league all of its own. If you would like to be transported in your imagination back to the 17th Century and enabled to vividly hear, and see, and smell, and feel all that went on, then this book is going to capture your mind in a way that you will not easily forget! One piece of friendly advice: Don't let your Spouse know of this book until AFTER you have read it. I made that mistake, and for a few weeks my wife and I were racing to be first in bed so as to get first dabs on what still remains our favorite historical narrative!" - Pastor Robert Elliott, Riverside, California
 At the recommendation of Robert Elliott the publisher acquired a copy of this book. Night after night I found myself rising in the middle of the night wanting to read more of this precious book. It is good for the soul to read such accounts of the persecuted brethren of the past. It is a book you will want to read again and again.
 Rev. Robert Simpson (1792-1867) was the minister of North United Presbyterian Church of Sanquhar, Scotland for forty-eight years. An honorary degree was conferred by Princeton College, U.S., 1853. In addition to "Martyrland" he was author of "The Two Shepherds," "The Minister and his Hearer," "Traditions of the Covenanters" "Life of the Rev. James Renwick," "A Voice from the Desert," "Memorials of Worth," "History of Sanquhar," and "Cottars of the Glen."
 30% Discount
SGCB Price: $13.99 (list price $20.00) NOW AVAILABLE
 |  | 
 click for details |  | SPEAKING THE TRUTH IN LOVE The Life and Legacy of Roger Nicole David W. Bailey
 This precious saint passed into the presence of his Lord and Savior on Saturday, December 11th at the ripe age of 95. We are confident he heard the words, "Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your Master."
 "This enjoyable biography of Dr. Roger Nicole flows along in a novel-like way, which makes it more than simply a documentation of facts, dates, and events. Truly, this book is a page-turner, and one that, to my pleasant surprise, led me to many smiles and chuckles along the way. Surprisingly, this book is also a theology text. For although the author does not set out to simply list the theological propositions of his subject, the reader finds himself being theologically taught (or at least challenged) by Dr. Nicole as he takes, as it were, a long, leisurely stroll with him. Along with some well-stated tautologies that made me laugh out loud ("Among Protestants it ought not to be a terrible thing to be protesting"), this book was inspirational as well as educational. This is perhaps the most enlightening biography I have ever read and certainly one of the most entertaining. In a genre that this reader has not seen before, Dr. Bailey writes in such a way that one wonders at times where Dr. Bailey stops narrating and Dr. Nicole muses on certain fascinating events in his own life. This blending is seamless as we journey through The Life and Legacy of Roger Nicole, a man who indeed spoke and is still speaking the truth in love." - Dr. Rick Walston
 "Have you seen the movie, Forrest Gump, where Forrest ends up being present at all (or many) of the important events of the mid-twentieth century? In the real life of Roger Nicole, it seems that he was there at all of the important events in 20th century Evangelicalism and knew everybody. This is as much a theological summary of Nicole's thought as it is a biography. Much of the book is verbatim reports of personal interviews with Roger. Whether you know him personally or not, anyone interested in theology and biblical studies will find this semi-autobiography to be a fascinating study of this unusual man. Thanks to David Bailey, we will not forget." - Russ Bush, Director, Center for Faith and Culture
 "Though Roger Nicole is not as well known as some other Evangelical leaders of the last sixty years, he has played a key role in the formation of what we know as Evangelicalism and rightly deserves to be remembered in the biographical study you are holding in your hands. A Christian with wide reading interests and detailed acquaintaince with the broad sweep of Evangelical theology and history, he has given the Evangelical movement ballast, something so needed in recent days. Read this book and praise God for this extraordinary servant of the Lord Jesus." - Dr. Michael Haykin
 55% discount
SGCB Price: $15.00 (list price $34.00) HARDCOVER VERSION - NOW AVAILABLE!!
 Add a copy of OUR SOVEREIGN GOD with 4 chapters by Dr. Nicole
 |  | 
 click for details |  | THE LOG COLLEGE: Biographical Sketches of William Tennent and his Students, Together with an Account of the Revivals under their Ministries Archibald Alexander with New Introduction by David Calhoun
 "Alexander's LOG COLLEGE was a labor of love as well as a work of history. The Princeton professor provides us with a balanced and sympathetic look at the founder and students of the school that established a model for the College of New Jersey (Princeton College), Princeton Seminary, and a host of other colleges and seminaries. Pastors, seminary students, and lovers of church history should read this book." - David B. Calhoun, Professor of Church History, Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri
 "The Log College is biographical writing at is best. William Tennent's efforts to train young men (including his four sons) for Presbyterian ministry, which eventuated in building a simple log building in 1735 that became known as the Log College, makes for a fascinating read. The fact that this book is written by Archibald Alexander, first professor at Princeton Theological Seminary and founder of the Princeton Theology, only enhances the historical value and pietistic flavor of this long-treasured work. Like no other, this book presents us with the authentic roots and birth pangs of the Great Awakening." - -Joel R. Beeke, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan
 "For years I have encouraged students to read the Log College because it changed my life. Established in 1727 by William Tennent at Neshaminy, Pennsylvania, during America's First Great Awakening, the Log College, even in its demise in 1745, inspired the establishment of the College of New Jersey, later becoming Princeton College, which continued the life of the tiny acorn planted in a Colonial forest. A bronze monument at the site where the Log College once stood lists numerous colleges whose origins found inspiration from this pioneer school. Eminently qualified to recount this soul-stirring story, Archibald Alexander served as the first president of Princeton Theological Seminary, which he helped to establish at the college in 1812 during the height of American's Second Great Awakening. Charles Hodge, a student of Alexander, named one of his own sons A. A. Hodge in honor his teacher. This book, The Log College, vividly illustrates how true revival is based upon the biblical doctrines of GodÆs holiness and sovereignty." - David Beale, Ph.D., Professor of Church History, Seminary and Graduate School of Religion at Bob Jones University
 "It is remarkable that over 260 years after its closing, a little one-room, one-teacher school that produced only twenty or twenty-one 'graduates' should still be remembered. William Tennent Sr. and his school are described in a recent dissertation as 'a common man and an uncommon legacy.' The words 'the Log College' (first spoken in contempt) have become an honored expression for the type of ministerial preparation that combines solid learning, deep piety, pastoral skills, and a missionary heart." - from the New Introduction by Dr. David Calhoun
 40% Discount
SGCB Price: $13.20 (list price $22.00)
 |  |  |  | THE HISTORY OF THE WALDENSES: The Conflicts they Waged and the Martyrdoms they Endured in Defense of their Faith and Liberty James A. Wylie
 The Waldeneses hold a special place in our Christian heritage. Their defense of the faith of Jesus despite persecution and martyrdom is unique in the christian church. During the long centries of papal supremacy, they defied the crushing power of Rome and rejected its false doctines and human traditions. This stalwart people cherished and preserved the pure Word of God. Throughout this time, despite the great danger involved, Waldensian missionaries left their rocky fortresses to share portions of scripture with those searching for the light of God's Word.
 "This book, taken from the larger volumes of 'The History of Protestantism', recounts the sufferings of the evangelical Waldenses under the cruel hands of their persecutors. Birthed as a separatistic holiness movement in the middle ages, in the sixteenth century the Waldenees embraced Reformed theology. Their struggles and sorrows remind us that in this world we will have tribulation, but Christ has overcome the world." --Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan
 Table of Contents
 THE WALDENSES --Their Valleys
 THE WALDENSES--- Their Theology and Missionary Labors
 First Persecutions of the Waldenses
 Cataneo's Expedition Against the Dauphinese and Piedmontese Confessors
 Failure of Cataneo's Expedition
 Synod in the Waldensian Valleys
 Persecution and Martyrdoms
 Preparation for a War of Extermination
 The Great Campaign of 1561
 Waldensian Colonies in Calabria and Apulia
 Extinction of Waldenses in Calabria
 The Great Massacre
 Exploits of Gianavello--Massacre and Pillage of Rora
 The Exile
 Return to the Valleys
 Final Reestablishment in the Valleys
 Condition of the Waldenses from 1690
 SPECIAL FEATURE: This edition includes a series of review questions at the end of each chapter to aid in the teaching of this material in a group setting
 Nearly 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $18.00) NOW AVAILABLE TO SHIP
SGCB Price: $96.00 (list price $198.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR ALL FOUR WYLIE VOLUMES
 |  |  |  | JOHN PATON: Missionary to the South Sea Cannibals - The Young Folks Edition John G. Paton, edited by R.A. Sheats
 John Gibson Paton (24 May 1824 - 28 January 1907), born in Scotland, was a Protestant missionary to the New Hebrides Islands of the South Pacific. Paton undertook a tremendous work which would yield little fruit for decades, convinced of the absolute sovereignty of God to build his church. Constantly under threat of death, Paton preached faithfully to the islands of the New Hebrides, raising a family there. As well as his missionary journeys, Paton raised great support for world missions at home in Scotland and inspired hundreds of missionaries to also take up the Great Commission and make disciples of all nations.
 It is impossible to read this book without being brought to tears again and again. This young folks edition (as it was called) loses none of the important material contained in the larger volume, and maintains the first person narrative that enables one to feel as if he is actually sitting and listening to Paton relate these stories in his own words. This book will make you both laugh and cry, but especially bring you to see the amazing grace of God in the life of a man who had the courage of a lion. THIS IS TRUE ADVENTURE AT ITS VERY BEST!
 This Missionary Auto-Biography is one of the most amazing stories ever told. Paton gives a first-hand account of the provision and protection of God throughout his life and ministry.
 The following excerpt, written late in life, is from Missionary Patriarch: The True Story of John G. Paton and provides an excellent example of the relationship between father and son. It is beautifully written and describes their parting for young John to begin his work as a city missionary -
 "My dear father walked with me the first six miles of the way. His counsel and tears and heavenly conversation on that parting journey are fresh in my heart as if it had been but yesterday; and tears are on my cheeks as freely now as then, whenever memory steals me away to the scene. His tears fell fast when our eyes met each other in looks for which all speech was vain! He grasped my hand firmly for a minute in silence, and then solemnly said: "God bless you, my son! Your father's God prosper you, and keep you from all evil!" Unable to say more, his lips kept moving in silent prayer; in tears we embraced, and parted. I ran off as fast as I could; and, when about to turn a corner in the road where he would lose sight of me, I looked back and saw him still standing with head uncovered where I had left him gazing after me. Waving my hat in adieu, I was round the corner and out of sight in an instant. But my heart was too full and sore to carry me further, so I darted into the side of the road and wept for a time. Rising up cautiously, I climbed the dyke to see if he yet stood where I had left him; and just at that moment I caught a glimpse of him climbing the dyke and looking out for me! He did not see me, and after he had gazed eagerly in my direction for a while he got down, set his face towards home, and began to return, his head still uncovered, and his heart, I felt sure, still rising in prayers for me. I watched through blinding tears, till his form faded from my gaze; and then, hastening on my way, vowed deeply and oft, by the help of God, to live and act so as never to grieve or dishonour such a father and mother as He had given me. The appearance of my father when we parted has often through life risen vividly before my mind, and does so now as if it had been but an hour ago. In my earlier years particularly, when exposed to many temptations, his parting form rose before me as that of a guardian Angel. It is no pharisaism, but deep gratitude, which makes me here testify that the memory of that scene not only helped to keep me pure from the prevailing sins, but also stimulated me in all my studies, that I might not fall short of his hopes, and in all my Christian duties, that I might faithfully follow his shining example."
 Brand New Edition
SGCB Price: $12.00 (list price $15.00)
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 One of the promising tendencies in the sphere of present-day religious life, especially among the young people, is the growing interest in the study of the history of the Christian Church. "Bible and Mission Study Classes"; the combination of terms is itself highly significant; are being successfully organized and maintained by so many agencies directly and indirectly connected with the Church, that we may fairly cherish the hope that, not only among youthful converts, but also among older members in our households of faith, the zeal that is so marked and so admirable a feature of our religious activities may be increasingly tempered with that knowledge which is ever the prime requisite for the cultivation of the noblest types of character and the promotion of the best forms of service.
 And if truth is never more potent than when it is seen incarnated in human life, surely the study of the great Reformers of the sixteenth century, the leaders in that wondrous anabasis that brought the Church out of her medieval tutelage into the spacious liberties of the modern era, will ever be an effective means for the deepening and enriching of our conception of what Christianity is and what it may become.
 I therefore heartily welcome this "Mission Study Manual on the Reformation." The author's many publications in this particular field and his long experience as a professor of history in a theological seminary are a sufficient guarantee for the general excellence of his work. He has succeeded in sketching the careers and achievements of the Reformers with admirable simplicity, clearness and conciseness, and in maintaining a due proportion among the varied elements of the outline as a whole. The style is frequently brightened with picturesque and dramatic touches and with references to historic landmarks and memorials that reveal the sympathetic interest of the narrator as an eyewitness. After the approved fashion in works of this sort, each chapter is followed by a series of questions designed to bring out the salient features of the text for the purpose of a class review. As explained in the Preface, the book is adjusted to the specific purpose of stimulating popular interest in the study of the Reformation considered primarily, though not exclusively, as an evangelistic and missionary enterprise.
 We congratulate the author on the completion of this Manual on the eve of the four hundredth anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation, and express the hope that the book may be widely useful in spreading the knowledge of the Church of that period, and by this means furthering the kingdom of our Lord and Savior in our own day.
 Frederick W. Loetscher. Princeton Theological Seminary, May 15, 1916.
SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $18.00)
SGCB Price: $22.00 (list price $40.00)
 Order with FAMOUS REFORMED Trilogy
SGCB Price: $34.00 (list price $70.00) Over 50% Off
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 click for details |  | FAMOUS MISSIONARIES OF THE REFORMED CHURCH James I. Good
 This book presents a fascinating survey of Reformed missions in 29 chapters. What impresses the reader especially is the worldwide sweep of Reformed mis¡sions, vividly described by the author.
 Author's Preface:
 In the great work of saving the world, the Reformed Church has had an honorable part and it ought to be inspiration to our German Reformed to learn what has already been done. The name Reformed is larger than any one nation or denomination. By famous missionaries of the Reformed Church we mean missionaries who under the Reformed name have gone forth and preached the gospel to the heathen. For the Reformed, whether Dutch, German, French, Swiss or American, are after all the same. The glory of one is the glory of all. Accordingly this subject is one of great interest to all our people. The Reformed missionaries have made the Reformed name known all over the world.
 BRAND NEW TITLE - Over 45% Discount
SGCB Price: $16.75 (list price $30.00)
 Order with FAMOUS REFORMED Trilogy
SGCB Price: $34.00 (list price $70.00) Over 50% off
 |  |  |  | THE APOSTOLIC FATHERS: Greek Texts and English Translations: Third Edition Edited by Michael W. Holmes
 "The presentation is magnificent, the attention to detail first class, and the actual contents repay close study. This book is an essential addition to the libraries of all interested in the history of early Christianity, and even if one owns an earlier edition it is now time to update one's library with this highly significant volume."--Paul Foster, Expository Times
 Following the recent publication of his revised translations in The Apostolic Fathers in English, 3rd ed., Michael Holmes, a leading expert on these texts, offers a thoroughly revised and redesigned bilingual edition, featuring Greek (or Latin) and English on facing pages. Introductions and bibliographies are generous and up to date. In the textual apparatus, existing notes have been revised and expanded, and well over two hundred new notes have been added. This handsome and handy one-volume, thin-paper edition, with a ribbon marker and reader-friendly page layout, will be an essential resource for New Testament students and scholars.
 "A beautiful piece of bookmaking, so nice that the many on this blog who already own an earlier edition will want to get a copy of this one. . . . The book is a small, green hardback, and approximately the same size as the small NA27. The paper has good opacity yet is so thin that the 800 pages are only slightly thicker than the NA27's 800 pages. The paper is also whiter than the creamy NA27. Most pleasant of all for reading is the font and generous leading (white space between lines). One's impression while reading is that this is delightfully 'clean' and 'clear.'. . . A stitched, gold-ribbon place marker allows one to restrain the English side of the book and to comfortably read with one hand. . . . The textual apparatus in general has been 'significantly expanded.' At the same time, references in the text to the apparatus have been simplified so as not to distract from smooth reading."--Randall Buth,
 "This critical edition of The Apostolic Fathers serves not only as a valuable and useful primary source tool for one's library, but also offers readers an opportunity to become familiar with the earliest post-biblical Christian documents. . . . [Holmes] provides a thoroughly revised English translation (based on the 3rd edition of Holmes's The Apostolic Fathers in English), an expanded and revised critical apparatus, and a few revisions to the Greek texts. Improvements also include modifications in format, design, and typography to enhance presentation and ease of use. . . . Holmes has expanded the introductions with updated information on textual witnesses and problems, and he has extended the bibliographies. The size is compact, the Greek and English fonts are very readable, and the English translations include subheadings indicating section content. . . . This is an excellent resource that serves as a window into the early development of Christianity. It should appeal to a wide variety of readers: those doing patristic or New Testament research, those wanting to improve their ability to read Koine Greek, and those who simply desire to read for themselves these important writings."--Christopher W. Cowan, Southern Baptist Journal of Theology
 Beautiful Leather-Like Hardcover Volume - 832 pages
SGCB Price: $39.95 (list price $50.00) Over 20% Discount
 |  | 
 click for details |  | RELIGION IN SHOES: The Christ-like Life and Ministry of "Brother Bryan" of Birmingham Hunter Blakely
 JAMES ALEXANDER BRYAN (1863 - 1941) is a man who lived his life for Jesus Christ and for those who lived in the desperate times of the Great Depression. This biography ought to be read by everyone training for Christian ministry, and for everyone presently serving in Christian ministry. IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
 James A. Bryan earned the name "BROTHER BRYAN" from the tens of thousands to whom he ministered in the streets and alleys of Birmingham, Alabama in the heart of the deep south. He graduated from the University of North Carolina in 1885 and from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1889. The three years at Princeton were a great experience for the young man from South Carolina. At that time Princeton was in her glory with such stalwart intellectual and spiritual giants as Dr. W.H. Green, Dr. Caspar W. Hodge, Dr. Francis L. Patton, Dr. John D. Davis & Dr. Benjamin B. Warfield. The piety of the slim young Southerner brought to him the nickname "The Saint," which after years proved to have been well placed. Writing forty-five years afterwards, one of his seminary friends said, "I always felt that he was a modern St. Francis of Assisi. His Christlike spirit and his untiring devotion to his Master in the service of His children have been an inspiration to me always."
 In November of 1926 a reporter from the Birmingham Post did an investigation of the ministry of "Brother Bryan" and found the following estimate of his thirty-seven years and five months pastorate: "He has
 married 4,598 couples
 officiated at 7,926 funerals
 preached 49,120 times
 led 7,627 to a profession of faith in Jesus Christ."
 As overwhelming as those numbers appear he served for another thirteen years, and the following years were even busier than the former.
 After serving his beloved Savior in his beloved city of Birmingham for more than fifty years he lay on his death bed and his son James overheard him say, "So many people," and thinking he was referring to the large number of people crowded into the room, asked his father if he wanted them to leave. He quietly responded, "So many people WITHOUT CHRIST." This man died the way he lived, with the lost upon his heart.
 BONUS OFFER: You can purchase James W. Alexander's classic treatment of the poor, titled GOOD, BETTER, BEST at a greatly reduced price when you purchase "Religion in Shoes."
 *A Pastor's Sketches (Double Volume) by Ichabod Spencer
 Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss
 *Counsels and Thoughts on the Spiritual Life of Believers by Thomas Moor
 The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit by Benjamin B. Warfield
 The Divine Purpose by John Matthews
 Religion in Shoes: The Christ-like Life and Ministry of "Brother Bryan" of Birmingham
 (* means it is a hardcover volume)

 Nearly 50% DISCOUNT
SGCB Price: $7.95 (list price $16.00)
 Order with GOOD, BETTER, BEST: A Classic Treatment on Ministry to the Poor by James W. Alexander
SGCB Price: $15.95 (list price $32.00) You MUST order "Religion in Shoes" to Get This Special Price
 |  |  |  | Creeds and Confessions of Faith in the Christian Tradition Edited by Jaroslav Pelikan and Valerie R. Hotchkiss
 "This magisterial collection of creedal and confessional statements from various Christian Churches and communities is a major academic achievement, and responds to the need felt by many for a kind of Enchiridion Symbolorum. It promises to be of great value to scholars and non-specialists alike." - Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith (elected as Pope Benedict XVI, 19 April 2005)
 "A monumental and marvelous work of scholarship, the worthy successor to Philip SchaffÆs Creeds of Christendom. . . . Get a library near you to buy it and spend some time reading and looking through it. The books are physically beautiful, and the introductions, bibliographies and indexes are models of their kind. . . . Scholars will consult these volumes to answer all sorts of particular questions; interested readers should find just thumbing through them endlessly fascinating. . . . Pelikan and Hotchkiss have produced what will be the standard work for decades to come. . . . No resource will be more valuable . . . than these volumes." - William C. Placher, Christian Century
 "What Philip Schaff's Creeds of Christendom has given to scholars for the past 125 years, the new Creeds and Confessions of Faith in the Christian Tradition will provide into the foreseeable future; and it will do so in an enhanced fashion, thanks to technical innovations and greater comprehensiveness. From the Scriptures to Faith and OrderÆs Lima text on 'Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry' and the Lutheran-Catholic 'Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification' the sweep of the material presented both in original languages and in English translation is truly magnificent. Jaroslav Pelikan's companion volume, Credo, offers a historically learned commentary and systematically acute interpretation that elevates the project from a work of reference, immensely valuable in itself, to an original contribution on the themes, forms and functions of Christian confessions of faith." - Geoffrey Wainwright, Cushman Professor of Christian Theology, Duke University
SGCB Price: $485.00 (list price $550.00) CANNOT BE PURCHASED APART - MUST PURCHASE SET
 |  |  |  | THE JOHN THE BAPTIST OF THE REFORMATION: A Memoir of John Huss, the Bohemian Reformer and Martyr Translated from the German by Thomas O. Summers with an Introductory Note by J.H. Merle d'Aubigne
 John Huss (a.k.a. Jan Hus) is regarded to be one of the earliest known religious thinkers and reformers in the world. A philosopher and a Master at Charles University (Prague), Huss was greatly influenced by the writings and teachings of John Wyclife. He made a number of followers during his time, who came to be known as Hussites. Reformers, in the later years, looked up to Huss for his unswerving commitment in the face of the church's cunning brutality, due to which he had to face extreme consequences. Condemning Huss' uprising, the Church first excommunicated him and then burned him to death, after an unfair trial.
 This brief account of his life will serve as a wonderful introduction to the life of this great hero of the faith. Despite incredible cruelty that lasted for many months, even some of his enemies acknowledged his humility and godliness. This book would be very useful to use in Family Worship as the chapters are all brief and to the point.
 Famous Church Historian J.H. Merle d'Aubigne said the following about Huss - "John Huss preached in Bohemia a century before Luther preached in Saxony. He seems to have penetrated deeper than his predecessors into the essence of Christian truth. He prayed to Christ for grace to glory only in his cross and the the inestimable humiliation of his sufferings. But his attacks were directed less against the errors of the Romish church than against the scandalous lives of the clergy. Yet he was, if we may be allowed the expression, the John the Baptist of the Reformation. The flames of his pile kindled a fire in the church that cast a brilliant light into the surrounding darkness, and whose glimmerings were not to be so readily extinguished."
 The following powerful testimony if found in Foxe's BOOK OF MARTYRS -
 "The bishops appointed by the Council [of Constance] stripped him of his priestly garments, degraded him, put a paper mitre on his head, on which was painted devils, with this inscription, 'A ringleader of heretics.' Which when he saw, he said: 'My Lord Jesus Christ, for my sake, did wear a crown of thorns; why should not I then, for His sake, again wear this light crown, be it ever so ignominious? Truly I will do it, and that willingly.' When it was set upon his head, the bishop said: 'Now we commit thy soul unto the devil.' 'But I,' said John Huss, lifting his eyes towards the heaven, 'do commend into Thy hands, O Lord Jesus Christ, my spirit which Thou has redeemed.'
 When the chain was put about him at the stake, he said, with a smiling countenance, 'My Lord Jesus Christ was bound with a harder chain than this for my sake, and why then should I be ashamed of this rusty one?'
 When the faggots were piled up to his very neck, the duke of Bavaria was so officious as to desire him to abjure. 'No,' said Huss, 'I never preached any doctrine of an evil tendency; and what I taught with my lips I now seal with my blood.' He then said to the executioner, 'You are now going to burn a goose, (Huss signifying 'goose' in the Bohemian language) but in a century you will have a 'swan' which you can neither roast nor boil.' If he were prophetic, he must have meant Martin Luther, who shone about a hundred years after, and who had a swan for his arms.
 The flames were now applied to the faggots, when our martyr sung a hymn with so loud and cheerful a voice that he was heard through all the cracklings of the combustibles, and the noise of the multitude. At length his voice was interrupted by the severity of the flames, which soon closed his existence.
 Then, with great diligence, gathering the ashes together, they cast them into the river Rhine, that the least remnant of that man should not be left upon the earth, whose memory, notwithstanding, cannot be abolished out of the minds of the godly, neither by fire, neither by water, neither by any kind of torment."
 50% SG NEW
 $5.00 Sale 5s
SGCB Price: $6.75 (list price $12.00)
SGCB Price: $30.00 (list price $62.00) Includes Biographies of Huss, Farel & Zwingli
 |  |  |  | CHURCH HISTORY 101: The Highlights of Twenty Centuries Sinclair Ferguson, Joel Beeke & Michael Haykin
 Church history is important because it shows us how God's faithful dealings with His people in the Bible continue in the ongoing life and work of Christ in our world. If you have ever wished for a short book highlighting church history's most important events that will enlighten your mind and peak your interest, this is the one you've been waiting for. Three prolific church historians collaborate their efforts in Church History 101 to present you with a quick read of church history's high points.
 "The story of the growth of God's kingdom is thrilling in all its aspects, and to have this brief summary available in book form will surely aid us in the assurance that absolutely nothing can prevent King Jesus from fulfilling His purpose in building His church. Thrilling to read." - Derek W. H. Thomas, Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina; Robert Strong Professor of Systematic and Pastoral Theology, RTS Atlanta; and Teaching Fellow of Ligonier Ministries
 Table of Contents:
 First Century: Apostolic Foundations
 Second Century: The Church of Martyrs and Confessors
 Third Century: Persecution and Heresy; Origen and Tertullian
 Fourth Century: The Beginnings of the Christian Empire
 Fifth Century: The City of God and the City of Man
 Sixth Century: Justinian, Benedict, and the Conversion of the Scots
 Seventh Century: Gregory the Great and the Rise of Islam
 Eighth Century: The Iconoclastic Controversy
 Ninth Century: Struggle for Power in the Church; Ratramnus and Gottschalk
 Tenth Century: 'The Dark Ages'
 Eleventh Century: The Great Schism; Anselm of Canterbury
 Twelfth Century: The Crusades, Abelard, Lombard, and the Waldenses
 Thirteenth Century: Francis of Assisi and Thomas Aquinas
 Fourteenth Century: The Church's Babylonian Captivity and John Wycliffe
 Fifteenth Century: The Renaissance, Huss, Savonarola, and Groote
 Sixteenth Century: Luther, Calvin, and the Reformation
 Seventeenth Century: Reforming the Church in England
 Eighteenth Century: The Great Awakening
 Nineteenth Century: Beginnings of Modern Theology and Kingdom Builders
 Twentieth Century: The Age of Paradoxes
 Sinclair B. Ferguson is a teaching fellow of Ligonier Ministries.
 Joel R. Beeke is president of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary.
 Michael A. G. Haykin is professor of church history and biblical spirituality at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
 $5.00 Sale
 101 Sale
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SGCB Price: $5.00 (list price $8.00)
 Purchase with THE GLORIOUS HISTORY OF REDEMPTION by Boyd & Machen
SGCB Price: $12.00 (list price $23.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR BOTH BOOKS - INCREDIBLE!
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 click for details |  | SAMUEL DAVIES: APOSTLE TO VIRGINIA Dewey Roberts with Foreword by Geoff Thomas
 'Samuel Davies: Apostle to Virginia' is the first full-scale biography ever produced on Samuel Davies, America's greatest ever preacher. It is a meticulously researched work which presents the story of Davies' life from cradle to grave. With the publication of this biography, the great Samuel Davies will no longer be an obscure figure from the past. It deserves a place on the bookshelves of those who have read the biographies of Whitefield, Spurgeon, McCheyne, Edwards, Lloyd-Jones, and other great Christian ministers.
 Foreword by Geoff Thomas
 1. The Son of Prayer
 2. Behold, He is Praying
 3. Blair's Academy at Fagg's Manor
 4. The Great Awakening Comes to Virginia
 5. Set Apart for the Gospel
 6. First Year at Hanover
 7. Opposition to the Gospel
 8. John Todd Comes to Virginia
 9. Preaching that Aroused a Colony
 10. The College of New Jersey
 11. Fund Raising in London
 12. North to Scotland
 13. Charity and Truth United
 14. The French and Indian War
 15. Hanover Presbytery
 16. Evangelizing the African Slaves
 17. Virginia's Danger and Remedy
 18. Mission to the Overhill Cherokees
 19. The Call to Nassau Hall
 20. President of the College of New Jersey
 21. The Pamphlet War Among Presbyterians
 22. Davies' Last Sickness and Death
 Select Bibliographies
 SDSS ch823

 |  | 
 click for details |  | THE HISTORY OF THE SUFFERINGS OF THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND: From the Restoration to the Revolution Robert Wodrow
 "Oh, my! Reprinting Wodrow's History is a WONDERFUL service to church historians, especially regarding the history of the Scottish church in the 16th and, especially, 17th centuries, but more widely, too, in that he often documents the strong interaction of the Scots with Reformed thinkers (and doers) from the rest of Britain, Ireland, and the Continent. It is a marvelous work of tremendous value, filled with complete texts of primary documents from the time, as well as Wodrow's intricately detailed and carefully researched historical narrative. I have the four-volume set myself, rebound at the University of St. Andrews from its original printing, and made huge use of it in my doctoral work in Covenanter history." - Dr. E. Calvin Beisner
 "The church historian Robert Wodrow's (1679-1734) History of the Sufferings of the Church of Scotland is a massive, detailed classic, most worthy of being reprinted. Historical scholarship has proven that this set of books forms a reliable work written by a diligent historian who served for some years as a librarian prior to ministering in a small charge near Paisley, Scotland. Anyone interested in Scottish church history will want to purchase this set, and will be moved, humbled, and challenged by the remarkable sufferings our Scottish brethren endured so heroically for Christ's sake." - Dr. Joel R. Beeke, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan
 Robert Wodrow (1679-1734) completed his Magnum Opus, "The History of the Sufferings of the Church of Scotland from the Restoration to the Revolution," in 1723-24. This work, for which his integrity, candor, liberality of sentiment, and talents, eminently qualified him, he contemplated from an early period of his life; but it was only in the year 1707, that he began seriously to labour on it. From this time, however, till its publication in 1721 and 1722, a period of between fourteen and fifteen years, he devoted all his leisure hours to its composition.
 On the appearance of Mr. Wodrow's History, which was published in three large folio volumes at separate times, in the years above named, its author was attacked by those whom his fidelity as an historian had offended, with the vilest scurrility and abuse. Anonymous and threatening letters were sent to him, and every description of indignity was attempted to be thrown on both his person and his work. The faithful, liberal, and impartial character of the history, nevertheless, procured its author many and powerful friends. Its merits were, by a large party, appreciated and acknowledged, and every man whose love of truth was stronger than his prejudices, awarded it the meed of his applause. Copies of the work were presented by Dr. Fraser to their majesties, and the prince and princess of Wales, and were received so graciously, and so much approved of, that the presentation was almost immediately followed by a royal order on the Scottish exchequer for one hundred guineas to be paid to the author, as a testimony of his majesty's favorable opinion of his merits. The warrant for the payment of this sum is dated the 26th April, 1725. In 1830, a second edition of the History was published, in 4 volumes 8vo, by Messrs Blackie and Fullarton of Glasgow, under the editorial care of the Rev. Dr. Burns of Paisley.
SGCB Price: $140.00 (list price $280.00) Four Volume Hardcover Set (Over 2000 double column pages)
 |  |  |  | PULLING THE EYE TOOTH FROM A LIVE TIGER: A Memoir of the Life and Labors of Adoniram Judson Francis Wayland
 This Two Volume Work contains the incredible, almost unbelievable, true story of the calling and ministry of one of the greatest pioneer ministries in the history of the United States.
 Adoniram Judson, Jr. (August 9, 1788 – April 12, 1850) was an American Congregationalist and later Particular Baptist[1] missionary, who served in Burma for almost forty years. At the age of 25, Adoniram Judson was sent from North America to preach in Burma. His mission and work with Luther Rice led to the formation of the first Baptist association in America to support missionaries.
 At times mistakenly referred to as the first Protestant missionary to Burma, he was in fact preceded by James Chater and Richard Mardon (who both arrived in 1807) as well as by Felix Carey. However, since those predecessors did not remain long, and Judson also translated the Bible into Burmese, as well as established a number of Baptist churches in Burma, Judson is remembered as the first significant missionary in Burma, as well as one of the first missionaries from America to travel overseas.
 When Judson began his mission in Burma, he set a goal of translating the Bible and founding a church of 100 members before his death. By the time of his death, he had accomplished those goals and more: leaving the translated Bible as well as a half-completed Burmese-English dictionary, 100 churches, and over 8,000 believers. In large part due to his influence, Myanmar has the third largest number of Baptists worldwide, behind the United States and India.
 "The original two-volume work sold an amazing 26,000 copies in its first year of publication and became a major stimulus in the development of American evangelical missions. May the reprinting of this vintage text have a similar impact in our day." - Michael Haykin
 Over 50% Discount - 2 VOLUME SET
SGCB Price: $36.00 (list price $80.00)
 |  |  |  | A GENTLEMAN & A SCHOLAR: Memoir of James Petigru Boyce John A. Broadus
 "The Memoir of James P. Boyce by his loyal friend and colleague, John Broadus, contains a wealth of wisdom, practical theology and testimonies of God's providence in the life of one of prime shapers of early Southern Baptist life and thought. This book provides a wonderful portrait of a denominational statesman, pastor, theologian and educator." - Tom Ascol

 "The term 'graceful' in its most basic sense of 'being full of grace' well applies to the life of James Petigru Boyce. God's grace gave him rich resources of theological wisdom as well as a winsome personality. These led to his becoming a key leader among the Southern Baptists, one who inspired others to embrace his deeply-held God-glorifying goals. As such, his was a life that profoundly shaped this Baptist community in the late nineteenth century and still speaks powerfully today of the importance and impact of a Christian life lived for the glory of Christ." - Michael A G Haykin
 Long out of print, this hardcover volume promises to be a favorite especially among those who long to see the reformation of the Southern Baptist Convention.
SGCB Price: $20.00 (list price $40.00)
SGCB Price: $15.00 (list price $30.00)
 |  |  |  | THE APOSTOLIC FATHERS: A Classic Paperback Clement, Ignatius, Polycarp . . .
 Christians today often have little sense of the past, and a low respect for church history. And they are almost totally ignorant of old books. Not every old book is worth reading, but some shine as true classics of the Christian faith. The Apostolic Fathers is one such work. It remains important for the insight it provides into the world of Christianity in the first generations after the death of the apostles.
 As I read The Apostolic Fathers, I was reminded just how far removed I really am from the New Testament time period. I encountered much that was strange or different from my normal way of thinking. But I also found a good deal of continuity. Scripture is often quoted as Scripture. Justification by faith is stressed in 1 Clement, and a call to holy living pervades all the apostolic fathers. Even still, the Bible itself shines out all the brighter when compared with these non-inspired writings.
 This Classic edition is a handy sized, attractively presented book. It would fit in many pockets, and makes the task of reading 'The Apostolic Church Fathers' much less daunting.
 The book begins with a helpful foreword by Mark Galli. An introduction to each of the included works is provided and the merits of reading the Fathers is discussed. After the foreword you jump right into the Fathers themselves. 1 & 2 Clement, The Letters of Ignatius and Polycarp, The Martyrdom of Polycarp, The Didache, and The Pastor of Hermas are the included titles.
 20% Off
SGCB Price: $12.00 (list price $15.00)
 |  | 
 click for details |  | LECTURES ON THE HISTORY OF PREACHING John A. Broadus
 John A. Broadus (1827-1895) delivered these five lectures in May of 1876 at Newton Theological Institute near Boston, and they immediately caused a stir of interest for their publication. It was lectures like these which later moved his student E.C. Dargan to desire to spend his life studying the history of preaching. This eventually led Dargan to write his two volume massive work on "A History of Preaching" (recently published by Solid Ground).
 Lecture 1: Specimens of Preaching in the Bible
 Lecture 2: Preaching in the Early Christian Centuries
 Lecture 3: Medieval and Reformation Preaching
 Lecture 4: The Great French Preachers
 Lecture 5: The English Pulpit
 "This volume covers a most neglected field, and handles the subject with great skill." A.T. Robertson
 30% Discount
SGCB Price: $13.30 (list price $19.00) Save: $5.70