THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD: The Proceedings of the First American Calvinistic Conference in June 1939 Edited by Jacob T. Hoogstra with John Murray, John Macleod, William Childs Robinson etc.
 This Conference was held June 27-30, 1939 at a critical time in human history as the power of Adolf Hitler was beginning to be known and felt throughout the world. It was at this time that a number of ministers of the Gospel were compelled to hold a Conference with the following stated objective: THE OBJECTIVE OF THIS CONFERENCE IS TO RALLY POSITIVE CALVINISTS TO STATE, TO DEFEND, AND TO PROPAGATE HISTORIC CALVINISM IN THIS, OUR AGE.
 "In an age when few evangelical Christians find comfort and hope in the sovereignty of a fatherly God, this book serves as a surefooted guide to help us navigate some of the depth and breadth of this glorious truth that lets God be God. The authors encourage us to remember that whatever we think, say, or do, we must begin with God, continue with God, and end in God. If you want to understand and treasure the profound truth that God does all that He does in all spheres of life because He is who He is, read this book." -- Joel R. Beeke, Puritan Reformed Thological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Mich.
 This book contains all that transpired at that first historic Conference, and includes the following:
 A Biblical Theological Study of the Sovereignty of God by Prof. John Murray
 A Dogmatic Study of the Sovereignty of God by Dr. John Macleod
 The Sovereignty of God and the Barthians by Prof. D.H. Kromminga
 The Sovereignty of God and Politics by Dr. Garrett Heyns
 The Sovereignty of God and Philosophy by Dr. L. De Moor
 The Sovereignty of God and Ethics by Rev. Wm. Matheson
 The Sovereignty of God and American Attitudes by Dr. Wm Childs Robinson
 God's Sovereign Choice of the Younger Son by Dr. John Macleod
 The Sovereignty of God and Human Responsibility by Dr. Leonard Greenway
 The Sovereignty of God and the Word of God by Dr. Gerhard C. Aalders
 The Future of Calvinism in America by Dr. Charles Vincze
 "We Calvinists have faith in the dynamic power of a consistent, uncompromising appeal to 'the law and the testimony,' to the infallinbility of the Word of God and its application to every sphere of life. Our purpose is to meet the challenge of the day and to study and to re-emphasize and to propagate our Calvinistic principles." - from John J. Hiemenga's Welcome Address
 "When we ask the reason for the love that foreknowledge intimates and the greatness and security of which predestination expresses, we are uniquely confronted with the grandeur of the divine sovereignty. It is love that is according to the counsel of the divine will. The reason is enveloped in the mystery of His good pleasure. We are face to face with an ultimate of divine revelation and, therefore, an ultimate of human thought. This love is not something that we can rationalize or analyze. We are in its presence, as nowhere else, overwhelmed with a sense of the divine sovereignty. We are struck with amazement. It is amazing, inexplicable love. But to faith it is a reality that constrains the deepest and highest adoration. It is love, the praise of which eternity will not exhaust." -from John Murray's foundational address
 "In this way our faith does not rest on any human 'wisdom' but on the power of God. And it is infinitely better to depend upon His mercy and power than upon any of our imagined good works, merit, or righteousness. It is the only way in which a foretaste of heaven is given. I believe in the future of Calvinism in America or anywhere else because it teaches of a God Who is really God." - from Charles Vincze's closing address
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A Biblical Theological Study of the Sovereignty of God by Prof. John Murray
A Dogmatic Study of the Sovereignty of God by Dr. John Macleod
The Sovereignty of God and the Barthians by Prof. D.H. Kromminga
The Sovereignty of God and Politics by Dr. Garrett Heyns
The Sovereignty of God and Philosophy by Dr. L. De Moor
The Sovereignty of God and Ethics by Rev. Wm. Matheson
The Sovereignty of God and American Attitudes by Dr. Wm Childs Robinson
God's Sovereign Choice of the Younger Son by Dr. John Macleod
The Sovereignty of God and Human Responsibility by Dr. Leonard Greenway
The Sovereignty of God and the Word of God by Dr. Gerhard C. Aalders
The Future of Calvinism in America by Dr. Charles Vincze