THE VISIONARY MARRIAGE A Biblical Perspective Ray Rhodes, Jr.
 The Visionary Family is a concise theology of marriage that is immensely practical. Included in the book is a seven day guide for a husband and wife to work through together as they seek to glorify God by strengthening their marriage. Jerry Marcellino says;This compact treatise fills a real need in the evangelical world. In our wonderful age of booklet publication proliferation, amazingly, few have been penned on this vital topic. Therefore, once again, Ray Rhodes meets a real need for today's Christian home. This tool can be used in a variety of ways: pre-marital counseling, marital counseling, marriage retreats, small groups and even for evangelistic purposes! You will want to grab enough copies to give away for refreshing every Christian marriage with whom you have regular access.
 "Ray Rhodes is a dedicated Christian, father, and minister. His ministry is built upon a resolute commitment to the Word of God. I especially appreciate the sincerity, humility, and integrity which have characterized all my dealings with him." - Dr. Donald S. Whitney, Associate Professor of Biblical Spirituality, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
 $1-3 Book

SGCB Price: $3.00 (list price $5.00)
 Order with RHODES BOOKLET TRILOGY - w/ "The Marriage Bed" and "Girls Faults and Ideals"
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Additional Information
Table of Contents
How to Use this Guide
A Seven Day Plan
The Visionary Marriage
1. God has authority over marriage and all things
2. God created marriage for companionship
3. Marriage is for procreation
4. Marriage provides an arena that encourages fidelity
5. Marriage is a presentation of Christ
6. Conclusion
1. Church and Marriage
2. More Application Questions to Consider
3. Jump in Front of the Truck
4. A Word About Books