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LIFE IN THE PSALMS: Reflections on the Greatest Devotional Book in the World Additional Information
PSALM 1 God wants his people to be happy, therefore the Bible has a lot to say about happiness. In the Psalms ‘blessed’ means happy, so Psalm 1 is telling us what is necessary to make a person happy. Happiness is a very flimsy thing. For most folk it depends upon circumstances. If a man wins the lottery happiness is guaranteed, but if he loses his job or his health declines then happiness will not be possible. By this standard, happiness is a fleeting allusion, always dancing in and out of our lives and never constant or permanent. In contrast, the Bible tells us that God’s way is a truly happy one. This happiness is not an end in itself; rather it is a by-product of something more basic and more important. The first psalm tells us clearly what makes a man happy. The psalmist says that happiness depends upon our relationship to God. The wrong way The happy man is someone who does not do certain things. The world does not like negatives especially in the area of moral behaviour and thinking. It finds them restrictive. The negative is frowned upon as being a miserable way to live. But the Bible is always using negatives to make its point. For instance, in the Ten Commandments God could easily have said that we must be honest. Instead he said, ‘You shall not steal.’ He could have said that we must respect our marriage vows, but instead he said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ By using the negative the truth is emphasized and no one can misunderstand. The happy man ‘does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers’ (Psalm 1:1). Not walking in the counsel of the wicked means that he does not take his standards and behavioural pattern from the current whim of the world. Trendy TV producers and godless newspaper editors are not allowed to mould his thinking. This being true he does not stand or sit, make himself at home, with the godless attitudes of the broad way. The person consumed with admiration for the broad way will never be happy because the happiness it offers is one massive delusion. The world will never know real happiness simply because it is preoccupied with it. Its so-called happiness is therefore always shallow and artificial, always dependent upon circumstances. It is not difficult to prove this. Just consider the sort of people the TV and newspapers always hold up to us as ones to be admired and if possible to be imitated. The so called stars are so happy that they cannot exist without drugs, excessive drinking and three or four marriages. That’s the type of happiness we are better off without The right way What is it that makes a man happy? It is to experience God’s way of salvation and live to please God. Psalm 1 puts it like this: ‘his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night’ (v. 2). To many people nothing could be more dreary and boring than this. To a man on the broad way such a conclusion is inevitable. Such concepts are foreign to him but at one time they were foreign to us all. No one naturally lives like this. This pattern of behavior is found only on the other side of the narrow gate. Here is a man who takes his standards, thinking and attitudes from the revealed will of God. This means he has a standard that does not change. This is exactly the opposite of the world whose standards are changing all the time. Also he has a standard outside of himself and therefore not dictated by his own weaknesses and prejudices. This gives an authority and purpose to his life. Such a man takes God seriously. He does not play at religion. Christianity is not a hobby to him but the centre of his life. It is possible to be in church every Sunday and still take your standards from the world. It is also possible to call yourself a Christian and not delight in the law of the Lord. These things are possible if a man has no real relationship with God. His religion is as empty as another man’s life of drink and sex. Happiness is...
1. Having your greatest problem dealt with. Life is full of problems and no one avoids them. But the greatest problem by far is the one of our own personal sin and guilt. Unless this is dealt with it will take us to hell for eternity. All people are by nature great optimists when it comes to God. They think that in the end everything will be all right. They know they are not as good as they should be, but there are plenty of people far worse than them so, they think, God is bound to accept them. It is only when a man begins to listen to what God says in the Bible that this false optimism disappears. He sees there how seriously God takes sin and this shakes him. What use is it being as good as the next man if that man is going to hell? A veneer of happiness can be maintained by ignoring what God says. After all, judgement and hell are considered to be old-fashioned and outdated beliefs. But the trouble is that death is not old-fashioned and it is coming to us all. Death, no matter what men may say, makes judgement and hell very real. The happy man is the one who knows that death holds no terror for him because his sin has been dealt with once and for all by the Lord Jesus Christ. 2. Having a peace that no one can take away. The peace God gives us is not dependent upon circumstances but upon the eternal worth of what Christ has done for us. It is the peace that does not disappear when life gets rough. Jesus promised us that what he gives us, thieves will never be able to steal and moth and rust never be able to destroy. God’s way is the way of life more abundant. This does not mean that it is littered with gadgets and material possessions but filled with the reality of God. No wonder the man who knows this is happy. 3. Having a guaranteed future. For most people the future means from now until the grave. For the Christian it means from now and for all eternity. Guarantees are notoriously unreliable things. We are urged to read the small print to be sure of the terms. Very few things are guaranteed for life and when things do go wrong it is not always easy to claim on your guarantee. Perhaps it has run out or the particular part you need is not covered. We have all known this. But God’s guarantee has no small print, there is no time limit and everything is covered. It depends upon the unfailing love of God in Christ. Those on God’s way are saved for eternity. Heaven is guaranteed them and there are no catches. It is true happiness to know this. Some people want to dismiss Christianity as ‘pie in the sky when you die’, and choose instead to live out the false illusion and flimsy happiness of being in this world without God. But being without God is also to be without hope and that is the most terrible of all situations. The Christian’s happiness is not obtained only when he reaches heaven but the moment he steps through the narrow gate onto God’s way. |