A REFORMED BAPTIST MANIFESTO: The New Covenant Constitution of the Church Samuel Waldron with Richard Barcellos
 "The centuries old dispute concerning the nature of the church and all the important related issues may seem so complex as to defy clarification. Waldron's insightful discussion cuts through so much of the confusing rhetoric and allows the reader to see clearly the key elements of the differing positions in light of the teaching of God's Word regarding the New Covenant. Many will be blessed by this fresh approach." James R. White
 "Of the many interfaces of theology, one fascinating area is the relationship of the New Covenant to the Old. What aspects of the Old Covenant were strictly dispensational, that is, applying to the Jews of Israel during the time they as a nation were living in that land and had a unique covenant relationship with God? What truths of the Old Testament have a permanent binding authority on the New Testament people of God? These studies are a modest step towards clearer thinking about revealed truth. May it be the first of many. We all need such light and direction as are to be found in these pages." Geoffrey Thomas
 "It is the conviction of this author that confessional Reformed Baptist churches reflect the major distinctives of the New Covenant. In other words, what confessional Reformed Baptists endeavor to be is stated clearly in the terms of the New Covenant. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to set before you a Reformed Baptist Manifesto by means of an examination of the New Covenant as the Constitution of the Church. This assertion may seem arrogant. It is hoped, however, that the reader will simply permit the New Covenant to speak for itself and see the relevance and appropriateness of such a claim." - from the Introduction
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Table of Contents
Preface |
This book's title may at first glance seem to promise more than it delivers. It is not intended as a manifesto of all the distinctives of confessional Reformed Baptists. That is contained, substantially, in our confession of faith, the Second London Confession of Faith 1677/1689. This book, however, presents a very focused manifesto concentrating on one element (a major one) of Reformed Baptist theology as it relates to and, in some instances, is in opposition to the views of others. Our focus will be, as intimated by the subtitle, The New Covenant Constitution of the Church. This book finds its origin in a series of sermons preached many years ago. Much has transpired on theological fronts since the delivery of those sermons. An attempt has been made, therefore, to update the arguments where needed and add contemporary comment on various theological movements within American Evangelical Christianity. It is hoped that this humble effort will assist confessional Reformed Baptists in articulating their distinctives and help others understand why we believe what we do concerning the New Covenant.
A word is in order about the authorship of this little book. The author line reads Samuel E. Waldron with Richard C. Barcellos. I preached the original four messages upon which this book is based. The editorial help given by Richard was so extensive that I felt it completely proper to include his name in the author line. I am grateful for the wonderful kindness and amazing appreciation that he has shown for those sermons by both the original request to publish them and the extensive labors he has expended upon them in order to make them fit for publication.
Samuel E. Waldron
July 2004