 Benjamin B. Warfield wrote, "It is wonderful how even the strictest grammatical study can be informed with reverence. You cannot read six lines of Bishop Ellicott's 'Commentaries, Critical and Grammatical,' on Paul's epistles without feeling through and through that here is a man of God studying the Word of God. Let us make such commentators our models in our study of the Word, and learn like them to keep in mind Whose word it is we are dealing with, even when we are merely analyzing its grammatical expression."
 "It was C.S. Lewis who once recommended that it is vital for us to read the old books to enable the sea-breeze of the centuries to clear away the smog of the present. This is also very true with respect to commentaries. More recent commentaries are all too frequently shaped by present concerns and interests. The older commentaries, like this one by Ellicott on the Pastoral Epistles, approach God's Word from different perspectives and provide well-needed correctives to modern interpretations. Ellicott's work on the Pastorals is a classic study from the nineteenth century and I am thrilled it is being brought back into print." - Michael A. G. Haykin.
 Dr. Eadie says, "Ellicott is distinguished by close and uniform adherence to grammatical canon, without much expansion into exegesis." Dr. Riddle thinks Ellicott to be in many respects without an English rival. For scholars only. -from "Commenting on Commentaries" by C.H. Spurgeon
 Ellicott concludes his Preface with these words:, "I now commit this volume to the reader, with the humble prayer to Almighty God that He may vouchsafe to bless this effort to expound and illustrate a most vital and most consoling portion of His holy Word; may He pity the weakness and forgive the errors of His servant."
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Biographical Sketch
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Biographical Sketch
Charles J. Ellicott (1819 - 1905) was Bishop of Gloucester and an Honorary Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge University. He is the author of 'Foundations of Sacred Study,' 'Christus Comprobator,' and 'Historical Lectures on the Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ.' And he edited 'A New Testament Commentary for English Readers' (3 vols.) and 'An Old Testament Commentary for English Readers' (5 vols.).