 "This difference between the Law and the Gospel is the height of knowledge in Christendom. Every person who assumes or glories in the name of Christian should know and be able to state this difference." - Martin Luther
 "You cannot be a Christian long without encountering the words "law" and "gospel." How do we understand these magnificent words found throughout Scripture? Postmodernists and many evangelical brusquely reject law. Countless others either do not grasp or ignorantly pervert the gospel. Today much confusion reigns regarding both. Stephen Tyng, with humble piety and a scholarly heart, unfolds the biblical mysteries of these indispensable theological truths in such a manner that confusion becomes clear; the foggy mist is lifted. Written for pastors, people in the pew, students, and those wrestling with the perpetuity and place of the law in relation to the saving gospel of Christ, everyone will profit from its contents. Do yourself a favor and purchase, read, mark, and study this book. Its impartation of truth will fortify your life and labors in making known the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." - Earl M. Blackburn, Pastor
 This volume contains 24 Lectures, the first 12 on The Law of God, the last 12 on the Gospel of God. The subjects are as follows:
 1- The importance of an accurate knowledge of the Divine Law
 2- The practical influence of a knowledge of the Law
 3- The Spirituality of the Law
 4- The present use of the Law
 5- The convincing power of the Law
 6- The condemning power of the Law
 7- The Law a guide to Christ
 8- Christ, the Righteousness of the Law
 9- The Law, the Christian's Rule of Life
 10- The worth of Man's Obedience to the Law
 11- The Salvation of the Gospel confirming Man's Obedience to the Law
 12- The Perfection of the Divine Law
 1- The Object of the Gospel
 2-The Gospel Way of Salvation
 3- The History of the Gospel
 4- The Wisdom of the Gospel
 5- The Power of the Gospel to Save
 6- The Power of the Gospel to Condemn
 7- The Grace of the Gospel as a Divine Gift
 8- The Glory of the Gospel as a Revelation of God
 9- The Glory of the Gospel from the Method of its Publication
 10- The Glory of the Gospel from the Subjects which it Proclaims
 11- The Glory Magnifying the Law
 12- The Guilt and Danger of Rejecting the Gospel
 pbs 10S22 HCS
 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $12.50 (list price $25.00) NOW AVAILABLE

Additional Information
Biographical Sketch
Biographical Sketch |
Stephen H. Tyng (1800-1885) was ordained to the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal church in 1821. His first parish was in Georgetown, D. C., in 1821-'3, and then the Queen Anne parish, Prince George County, Maryland, in 1823-'9. He was called to the rectorship of St. Paul's church, Philadelphia, in 1829, then to the Church of the Epiphany in 1838, where he served for twelve years. In 1844 he was invited to St. George's church, New York city, where, entering upon his duties in 1845, he labored for more than thirty years as rector, and was retired as rector emeritus in 1878. He received the degree of D. D. from Jefferson college, Pennsylvania, in 1832, and from Harvard in 1851. He was distinguished for eloquence in the pulpit, and also for able and effective temperance and patriotic addresses. For many years he was a leader among that part of the clergy known as low churchmen, he was active in organizing the Evangelical knowledge society, the American church missionary society, and the Evangelical education society, and was editor for several years of "The Episcopal Recorder" and "The Protestant Churchman." Dr. Tyng held a ready pen, and published numerous volumes of interest and value. Chief among these was his "Lectures on the Law and the Gospel" (Philadelphia, 1832) . Solid Ground has also published his outstanding book "The Christian Pastor" and is preparing a book of sermons entitled "Prepare to Meet Thy God." In addition we have published the book "Man of Business" which contains an outstanding chapter contributed by Dr. Tyng entitled, "Men of Business: Their Perplexities and Temptations."