 "I have a large collection of books on revival. Among them is a dated copy of 'Lectures on Revival' by Sprague. I have often told people that this was one of the top books on the subject if they were somehow able to procure a copy from a used book list. Of special importance are the letters at the end of the book where Christian leaders write of their experience in the Second Great Awakening and the insights gained. This is a valuable book. You will find the material amazingly pertinent." - Jim Elliff
 Sprague's experience of genuine revivals, his faithfulness to Biblical theology and his balanced view, eminently fitted him to write what Dr Lloyd-Jones describes as "The outstanding classic on this vital and urgently important matter". The chapters cover such themes as The Nature of a Revival, Obstacles to Revivals, Divine Agency in Revivals, General Means of Producing and Promoting Revivals, Treatment due to Awakened Sinners, Evils to be Avoided in connection with Revivals, etc. There is also a large and excellent Appendix comprising letters on revivals by various North American evangelical leaders of the last century.
 Charles Simeon wrote on the flyleaf to his personal copy: "A most valuable book. I recommend my Executor to keep it, as there are few, if any, others in this kingdom. I love the good sense of Dr Sprague."

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Additional Information
Author's Original Preface
Table of Contents
Table of Contents |
Lecture I - Nature Of A Revival
Lecture II - Defense of Revivals
Lecture III - Obstacles to Revival
Lecture IV - Divine Agency in Revivals
Lecture V - General Means Of Producing And Promoting Revivals.
Lecture VI - Treatment Due To Awakened Sinners.
Lecture VII - Treatment Due To Young Converts.
Lecture VIII - Evils To Be Avoided In Connection With Revivals.
Lecture IX - Results Of Revivals.
Appendix: Twenty Letters on Revival from Leading Gospel Ministers in America
Letter I - FROM THE REVEREND ARCHIBALD ALEXANDER, D. D. Professor of Theology in the Theological Seminary, Princeton, New-Jersey.
Letter II - FROM THE REVEREND FRANCIS WAYLAND, D. D. President of Brown University, Providence, Rhode-Island.
Letter III - FROM THE REVEREND DANIEL DANA, D. D. Newburyport, Massachusetts.
Letter IV- FROM THE REVEREND SAMUEL MILLER, D. D. Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Church Government in the Theological Seminary at Princeton, New Jersey.
Letter V - FROM THE REVEREND ALVAN HYDE, D. D. Pastor of a Congregational church in Lee, Massachusetts.
Letter VI - FROM THE REVEREND JOEL HAWES, D. D. Pastor of the First Congregational church in Hartford, Connecticut.
Letter VII - FROM THE REVEREND JOHN M'DOWELL, D. D. Pastor of the first Presbyterian Church, Elizabethtown, New-Jersey.
Letter VIII - FROM THE REVEREND NOAH PORTER, D. D. Pastor of a Congregational church in Farmington, Connecticut.
Letter IX - FROM THE LATE REVEREND EDWARD PAYSON, D. D. Pastor of a Congregational church in Portland, Maine.
Letter X - FROM THE REVEREND ALEXANDER PROUDFIT, D. D. Pastor of an Associate Reformed church in Salem, New York.
Letter XI - FROM THE REVEREND CHARLES P. McILVAINE, Rector of St. Anne's Church, Brooklyn, New York.
Letter XII - FROM THE REVEREND WILLIAM NEILL, D. D. Late President of Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
Letter XIII - FROM THE REVEREND PHILIP MILLEDOLER, D. D. President of Rutgers' college, New-Brunswick, New-Jersey.
Letter XIV - FROM THE REVEREND HENRY DAVIS, D. D. President of Hamilton college, Clinton, New -York.
Letter XV - FROM THE REVEREND NATHAN LORD, D. D. President of Dartmouth college, Hanover, New-Hampshire.
Letter XVI - FROM THE REVEREND HEMAN HUMPHREY, D. D. President of the College at Amherst, Massachusetts.
Letter XVII - FROM THE REVEREND JEREMIAH DAY, D. D. President of Yale college, New-Haven, Connecticut.
Letter XVIII - FROM THE REVEREND ASHBEL GREEN, D. D. Late President of the College of New-Jersey, Princeton.
Letter XIX - FROM THE REVEREND MOSES WADDEL Late President of Franklin College, Athens, Georgia.
Letter XX - FROM THE REVEREND EDWARD D. GRIFFIN, D. D. President of Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts.