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"I am so pleased that these Dutch classics are now available to a wide audience. The writings of the Netherlands 'Second Reformation'--almost completely inaccessible until now to the English-speaking world--are a gold mine of spiritual wisdom."
--Richard J. Mouw, president, Fuller Theological Seminary

"I am delighted that the Dutch Reformed Translation Society is at last making this material available in the English language. It is a landmark feature of our Reformed heritage, and it is rich food for the soul in this or any other age."
--J. I. Packer, Regent College

"In the fine translations made available here, one sees the ecumenical nature of Reformed spirituality and the close relationship between the church and true believers. The sources of the Second Reformation deserve greater recognition. The heritage of Reformed Protestantism contains hidden treasures for which we in our modern era should be grateful and of which we could make use with profit."
--Willem van't Spijker, Theologische Universiteit Apeldoorn

"From these superb books, we not only learn about history but also encounter the dynamic spiritual experiences of believers from the time of reformation. The content of these books is indeed relevant, especially for those who have inherited the faith of the Reformation. These books will enhance readers' faith in times of trial. They will also fulfill the need of any Calvinist community to discover its identity, in a creative and contextual way."
--Robert P. Borrong, principal, Jakarta Theological Seminary

"The rich heritage of Reformed spirituality is long overdue for renewed attention. The Dutch Reformed Translation Society has done a great favor by making these translations available."
--Luder G. Whitlock Jr., president, Excelsis

"Many will surely welcome this new access to the Dutch authors whose strong writings put faith and certainty into generations of their fellow countrymen. By their closeness to Scripture and their concern for heart and head (heat and light), they remain of enduring value."
--Iain H. Murray, author of The Puritan Hope