FOUNDATIONS OF GRACE: A Long Line of Godly Men - Volume One Stephen Lawson
 From the lawgiver Moses to the apostle John, and from the early church fathers to modern defenders of the faith, there has marched onto the stage of human history a long line of godly men, a triumphant parade of spiritual stalwarts who have upheld the doctrines of grace. In this book, the first in the five-volume A Long Line of Godly Men series, Dr. Steven J. Lawson takes readers on a heart-stirring survey of the Scriptures to show that the Bible in its entirety teaches the doctrines of grace.
 Volume 1 (Foundations of Grace) covers 1400 BC thru 100 AD, tracing the doctrines of grace throughout Scripture. This volume becomes the foundation for what comes in the future.
 Foreword by: Dr. John MacArthur
 Afterword by: Dr. R.C. Sproul
 "As Dr. Steve Lawson's reconnaissance of this matter so clearly shows, God's sovereignty is manifest throughout sacred Scripture. . . . When you finish reading this book, I would wonder and worry if you continue to persist in denying the full measure of GodÆs sovereignty in our salvation." - Dr. R.C. Sproul.
 "The doctrines of grace are often misunderstood and mischaracterized. This helpful new book explains them thoughtfully and well. May God use it for His glory and others' good." - Dr. D. James Kennedy
 "Steve Lawson understands that the text of the Bible presents a consistent witness to God's sovereignty and the panoramic display of God's glory. All this is evident in his preaching ministry and in his writing ministry as well." - R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
 "Steven Lawson clearly and comprehensively lays the scriptural groundwork for the doctrines of grace." - Dr. John MacArthur
 "Gripped in mind and heart by the twin truths of God's total sovereignty and His amazing grace, Steve Lawson compellingly traces these themes from the beginning to the end of Scripture. . . . Foundations of Grace shows, in a multitude of ways, that the Scriptures are useful 'for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness.' - Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson
 Hardcover , 584 pages
 Covers 1400 BC to 100 AD
SGCB Price: $22.00 (list price $30.00)
SGCB Price: $42.00 (list price $60.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR BOTH BOOKS

Additional Information
Projected Series
Volume 1 (Foundations of Grace) covers 1400 BC thru 100 AD, tracing the doctrines of grace throughout Scripture. This volume becomes the foundation for what comes in the future.
Volume 2 (Pillars of Grace) will cover the 2nd thru 16th centuries (Irenaeus, Jerome, Augustine, Luther, Zwingli and Calvin).
Volume 3 (Forces of Grace) will cover the 16th and 17th centuries (Knox and the Puritans).
Volume 4 (Progress of Grace) will cover the 17th thru 19th centuries (Edwards, Warfield, Hodge, Princeton Seminary, and Shedd).
Volume 5 (Triumph of Grace) will cover the 19th century thru present times (Spurgeon, Ryle, M’Cheyne, Kuyper, Pink, Lloyd-Jones, Piper and MacArthur).