 HOPKINS (EZEKIEL, D.D. Bp. of London-Derry, 1633-1690). An Exposition of the Ten Commandments. (1692.) Hopkins in this exposition searches the heart thoroughly, and makes very practical application of the Commandments to the situations and circumstances of daily life. His homely eloquence will always make his works valuable." - C.H. Spurgeon, from 'Commenting and Commentaries"
 One of the very best expositions of the Ten Commandments ever published. This American Tract Society edition was very highly prized in the 19th century. In the Notice given by the Tract Society we are told: "As a divine, Bishop Hopkins was one of the sound theologians to which the Reformation gave birth, and he unequivocally and openly held and inculcated the pure doctrines of the Reformers, opposed as they are to the pride and passions of unsanctified men. On the difficult questions concerning ther grace of God and the obligation of man, he adopted those views which most naturally reconcile with one another the declarations and exhortations of Scripture. Few writers have entered so unequivocally into the extent of man's responsibility, and at the same time so strongly insisted on the sovereignty, and so graphically described the operations of divine grace.
 Ezekiel Hopkins's writings represent the cream of Puritan literature. All of his books are practical, clear, eloquent, persuasive, personal, and experiential. His Ten Commandments is his best and most famous work. In a manner that is astonishingly contemporary, he plumbs the depths of the soul. For example, in dealing with the sixth commandment, he dwells on pride as one of its motivating sins, then says, 'Pride is the fruitful mother of many vices, but it nurseth none with more care and tenderness than it does anger. The proud man is the greatest self-lover in the world; he loves himself without a rival.' Buy this book, read it as a devotional slowly and prayerfully. Let it inform your mind, prick your conscience, move your soul, touch your affections, and persuade your will." --Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids
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SGCB Price: $15.00 (list price $30.00) Large Paperback Volume

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Ezekiel Hopkins (1633-1690) is a personal favorite of many, and cannot be commended too highly. All of his writings are clear, persuasive, and experimental.