THE TRACT PRIMER: First Lessons in Sound Doctrine for Young Children The American Tract Society
 This remarkable book packs more into 104 pages than can be imagined. Intended for very young children who are just beginning to read it contains material that will lay a solid foundation in the heart of every child trained by it. It is the perfect tool for homeschooling moms who want to teach their children sound doctrine as they are teaching them to read.
 We are including a scanned page that will give you an idea of just two pages of the content within the covers of this wonderful little book from the early part of the 19th century.

 Alphabet with couplets and picture
 The Alphabet with words of two letters
 Words of three letters with lessons
 Word of four letters
 Qualities and Verbs of Doing
 Stories of the Dove and Lamb
 Alphabet of Bible Texts in Short Words
 Vowels, Double Letters, Points & Roman Numerals
 The Bible the Best of All Books
 Words of Two Syllables
 Ten Commandments in Verse, Sum of Commands
 Easy Verses, Golden Rule, Bed-Time Prayer
 God Made the Earth and Everything
 The Sun, the Moon, the Starry Heaven, the Rainbow
 Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer
 God is in Heaven and Agur’s Prayer in Proverbs 30:8,9
 What Commands of God Begin with These Words?
 Early Rising, the Sabbath Rest, Heathen, Example of Christ
 Incidents in the Life of Christ in Short and Simple Words
 Birth of the Savior
 Christ Tempted
 Christ’s Preaching and Miracles
 Raising the Widow’s Son
 Christ on the Sea
 The Ruler’s Daughter
 The Soul Cannot Die
 Dr. Watts’ Cradle Hymn
 Easy Bible Questions for Little Children
 Dr. Watts’ First Catechism for Children
 The Child’s Scripture Catechism
 The Lord’s Prayer
 The Ten Commandments
 The Sum of the Ten Commandments
 The Story of Redeeming Love
 Christ Living
 Christ Dying
 Christ Rising
 Freely Forgiving Sin
 Coming to Judgment
 Invitation to Christ
 Verse Catechism About Christ
 Goodness of God, Love to God
 Verse by John Bunyan and Try, Try Again
 A Minute
 Maxims in Rhyme
 Emblems of Christ from Scripture
 The Pearl and the Song
 Golden Maxim of Matthew Hale
 Millennial Text from Isaiah 11
 Duty of Children to Parents from Scripture
 Duties to Aged Persons from Scripture
 Family Worship
 Choice of Companions
 Concerning Mirth and Amusements
 Concerning True Christian Joy and Cheerfulness
 Concerning Home
 Concerning Conversation
 $4-6 Book
 $5.00 Sale
 $5.00 Child's Book
 c50 5s
 Over 40% Off
SGCB Price: $6.95 (list price $12.00) NOW AVAILABLE

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