Calvin and Calvinism
 Seventeen classic Reformed essays, discourses and homilies by the brilliant and godly Swiss Reformed Pastor-historian. Such topics as the following are included:
 -The Character Essential to the Theologian, and to Christians in General
 -Lutheranism & Calvinism: Diversity Essential to their Unity
 -The Study of the History of Christianity and its Usefulness in the Present Day
 -Geneva and Oxford
 -The Voice of the Ancients to the Men of the 19th Century
 -Family Worship
 -The Church Called to Confess Jesus Christ
 -The Cross of Jesus Christ
 -The Publication of the Gospel
 -The Service of Jesus Christ
 and seven more
 "D'Aubigne was one of a group of men that came to evangelical faith under the ministry of Robert Haldane in Geneva. Merle D'Aubigne devoted himself to the kind of edifying and Gospel defending ministry that he had observed in Haldane. His writing breathes sincerity and truth; his defense of the gospel is profound and erudite; his love for its defenders is infectious. The articles in this volume are sure to bring glory to God and true spiritual pleasure to his saints." - Tom J. Nettles
 "The Christian writing of J.H. Merle D'Aubigne, one of the most important Reformed historians of the last century, was the product of le reveil in Francophone Switzerland and southern France. As such, it combines the passion of revival with solidly Reformed thinking; always a fabulous combination. This rare collection of papers and sermons is highly recommended." - Michael Haykin
 J.H. Merle D'Aubigne (1794-1872) was a pastor, court preacher, and church historian. He is, perhaps, best known for his multi-volume History of the Reformation.
 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $14.95 (list price $30.00)
SGCB Price: $180.00 (list price $455.00) OVER 60% DISCOUNT
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 click for details |  | CALVIN MEMORIAL ADDRESSES: Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of Calvin's Birth B.B. Warfield, Thomas Cary Johnson, James Orr, R.A. Webb and others
 "As we approach the occasion of the 500th anniversary of John Calvin's birth, and eagerly anticipate the production of the many excellent historical and theological works that will mark the first half-millennium of Reformed Christianity, this set of essays from the beginning of the 20th century may serve both to edify us and to whet our appetites for more. One will find giants among the contributors (from Reed to Johnson to Orr to Warfield to D'Aubigne), and topics of abiding interest." - Dr. Ligon Duncan
 "Any title on such themes, with not a few eminent authors contributing, has to be a book we shall all value seeing." - Iain H. Murray
 "We are on the verge of the 500th anniversary of the birth of the French Reformer John Calvin, and it is good to look back at the way his life and ministry were appreciated at the 400th anniversary of his birth. It can be rightly said that if Calvin had not lived, the entire course of Western history, and in particular that of the Church, would be very different, and these essays document that fact very clearly. Against various attacks that had been leveled against the great Reformer in the nineteenth century, these essays demonstrate the tremendous good that Calvin did for the Church and the way that his life was truly lived to the glory of the God of Scripture. Though a hundred years old, these essays are still vital reading for anyone interested in the legacy of Calvin and the ongoing impact of his thought." - Dr. Michael Haykin
 "As we swiftly approach the 500th anniversary of Calvin's birth and anticipate another flurry of books and essays in honor of the Genevan Reformer, 'Calvin Memorial Addresses' is a good place to begin our celebration. The contributors and the contributions warrant this reprint edition. The greatest worth of this reprint, aside from reminding readers of Calvin and his contributions to the church and the world, is the showcasing of past scholars who ought to be remembered and still have worthwhile things to say to the Church. Honor the LORD as you celebrate the 400th anniversary of Calvin's birth again." -Dr. C.N. Willborn
 The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States gathered in Savannah, GA in May 1909 to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the birth of John Calvin. After an Introduction by Charles S. Wood, there are a full dozen excellent addresses that cover the incredible influence one man has had on the history of the world for centuries.
 The grace of God is evident in the life and labors of John Calvin, and this amazing grace is magnified in each and every address that was given nearly 100 years ago.
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SGCB Price: $90.00 (list price $190.00) Save $100 When Ordering the NINE Warfield Titles
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 click for details |  | THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD: The Proceedings of the First American Calvinistic Conference in June 1939 Edited by Jacob T. Hoogstra with John Murray, John Macleod, William Childs Robinson etc.
 This Conference was held June 27-30, 1939 at a critical time in human history as the power of Adolf Hitler was beginning to be known and felt throughout the world. It was at this time that a number of ministers of the Gospel were compelled to hold a Conference with the following stated objective: THE OBJECTIVE OF THIS CONFERENCE IS TO RALLY POSITIVE CALVINISTS TO STATE, TO DEFEND, AND TO PROPAGATE HISTORIC CALVINISM IN THIS, OUR AGE.
 "In an age when few evangelical Christians find comfort and hope in the sovereignty of a fatherly God, this book serves as a surefooted guide to help us navigate some of the depth and breadth of this glorious truth that lets God be God. The authors encourage us to remember that whatever we think, say, or do, we must begin with God, continue with God, and end in God. If you want to understand and treasure the profound truth that God does all that He does in all spheres of life because He is who He is, read this book." -- Joel R. Beeke, Puritan Reformed Thological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Mich.
 This book contains all that transpired at that first historic Conference, and includes the following:
 A Biblical Theological Study of the Sovereignty of God by Prof. John Murray
 A Dogmatic Study of the Sovereignty of God by Dr. John Macleod
 The Sovereignty of God and the Barthians by Prof. D.H. Kromminga
 The Sovereignty of God and Politics by Dr. Garrett Heyns
 The Sovereignty of God and Philosophy by Dr. L. De Moor
 The Sovereignty of God and Ethics by Rev. Wm. Matheson
 The Sovereignty of God and American Attitudes by Dr. Wm Childs Robinson
 God's Sovereign Choice of the Younger Son by Dr. John Macleod
 The Sovereignty of God and Human Responsibility by Dr. Leonard Greenway
 The Sovereignty of God and the Word of God by Dr. Gerhard C. Aalders
 The Future of Calvinism in America by Dr. Charles Vincze
 "We Calvinists have faith in the dynamic power of a consistent, uncompromising appeal to 'the law and the testimony,' to the infallinbility of the Word of God and its application to every sphere of life. Our purpose is to meet the challenge of the day and to study and to re-emphasize and to propagate our Calvinistic principles." - from John J. Hiemenga's Welcome Address
 "When we ask the reason for the love that foreknowledge intimates and the greatness and security of which predestination expresses, we are uniquely confronted with the grandeur of the divine sovereignty. It is love that is according to the counsel of the divine will. The reason is enveloped in the mystery of His good pleasure. We are face to face with an ultimate of divine revelation and, therefore, an ultimate of human thought. This love is not something that we can rationalize or analyze. We are in its presence, as nowhere else, overwhelmed with a sense of the divine sovereignty. We are struck with amazement. It is amazing, inexplicable love. But to faith it is a reality that constrains the deepest and highest adoration. It is love, the praise of which eternity will not exhaust." -from John Murray's foundational address
 "In this way our faith does not rest on any human 'wisdom' but on the power of God. And it is infinitely better to depend upon His mercy and power than upon any of our imagined good works, merit, or righteousness. It is the only way in which a foretaste of heaven is given. I believe in the future of Calvinism in America or anywhere else because it teaches of a God Who is really God." - from Charles Vincze's closing address
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SGCB Price: $11.50 (list price $20.00)
 Central to God's character is the quality of holiness. Yet, even so, most people are hard-pressed to define what God's holiness precisely is. Many preachers today avoid the topic altogether because people today don't quite know what to do with words like "awe" or "fear." R. C. Sproul, in this classic work, puts the holiness of God in its proper and central place in the Christian life. He paints an awe-inspiring vision of God that encourages Christian to become holy just as God is holy. Once you encounter the holiness of God, your life will never be the same.

SGCB Price: $12.95 (list price $17.00)
 |  | 
 click for details |  | CALVIN ON SCRIPTURE AND DIVINE SOVEREIGNTY John Murray
 "The three lectures, here reproduced in slightly revised form, were given under the auspices of the Reformed Fellowship, Inc. in Grand Rapids, Michigan on May 21, 22, 26, 1959 in connection with the commemoration of the four hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the birth of John Calvin and the four hundredth anniversary of the publication of the definitive edition of 'The Institutes of the Christian Religion.' - John Murray
 "The commemorative character of the occasion for these lectures, the prevailing keen interest in the subject of the inspiration and infallibility of the Bible, and the fact that Professor Murray is regarded by many as the foremost among living Reformed theologians in America, as well as his thorough acquaintance with Calvin's works, combine to lend special significance to the publication of this material." - the Reformed Fellowship, Inc.
 Introduction to New Edition
 CHAPTER ONE - Calvin's Doctrine of Scripture
 CHAPTER TWO - Calvin and the Authority of Scripture
 CHAPTER THREE - Calvin on the Sovereignty of God
 The year 2009 marks the 50th anniversary of the delivery of this series of lectures delivered by Professor John Murray of Westrminister Theological Seminary, as well as the 500th anniversary of the birth of John Calvin. We are honored to be able to produce a new edition of this volume which includes, for the first time, a subject and scriptural index.
 "John Murray was not only one of the most renowned twentieth-century representatives of classical Reformed theology, but also a highly-respected interpreter of Calvin. Here we have Murray's vigorous refutation of arguments suggesting that Calvin did not teach the inerrancy of Scripture. Murray also demonstrates that Calvin did not consider Christ's identity as the divine Word to be in any way prejudicial to Scripture being the very Word of God as well. There is also a valuable discussion of Calvin's doctrine of divine sovereignty in reprobation and in relation to human sin." - Sherman Isbell
 "The republishing of this book is most welcome news. I consider it one of Murray's finest works and for it to reappear in 2009 would be most appropriate." - Dr. Richard Gaffin
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SGCB Price: $8.50 (list price $14.00)
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 click for details |  | THE DOCTRINE OF SOVEREIGN GRACE: Opened and Vindicated by Holy Scripture Isaac Backus
 This solid volume is very rare indeed. It contains
 THE GREAT FALLING AWAY: Ther Last Days in Fulfillment (1773)
 Isaac Backus (1724-1806) was foremost a pastor; but his importance to American Baptist and the Church in general is immense. "The role which Backus played during the formative years of his denomination in America was so crucial that he has been termed the father of American Baptists." Roger Williams may have been the biological father of Baptists in America but Backus stands as their adoptive father. What Rogers began, Backus consolidated and gave a clear mandate to. In particular, Backus restored to Baptists their theological roots which had been mostly lost in the years after Williams. He, became the chief spokesman for the 'evangelical Calvinism' which replaced the Arminianism prevalent among the older Baptist churches. In spite of the Calvinism of the earliest New England Baptists, a shift to the Arminian outlook had been completed by the time of the Awakening. The 'Separate Baptists' largely followed the 'evangelical Calvinism' of Jonathan Edwards. Backus was their chief spokesman, articulating in the Baptist context the themes of sovereign grace which had been so eloquently espoused by Edwards."
 15 Brand New titles
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SGCB Price: $7.50 (list price $15.00) ORDER OUR NEW SGCB EDITION
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 click for details |  | THE REFORMED DOCTRINE OF THE ATONEMENT: A Classic Treatment of the Doctrine that Lies at the Heart of the Christian System Loraine Boettner
 "The two great objectives to be accomplished by Jesus Christ in His mission to this world were, first, the removal of the curse under which mankind labored as a result of the disobedience and fall, and second, the restoration of men to the image and fellowship of God. Both of these were essential to salvation. The work of Christ in reconciling God and men we call the Atonement; and the doctrine, we believe, lies at the very heart of the Christian system.
 In the nature of the case we are altogether dependent on Scripture for our knowledge concerning this doctrine and can know only what God has seen fit to reveal concerning it. Human philosophy and speculation can contribute practically nothing toward its solution, and should be held in abeyance. Our present purpose is to give a systematized account of what the Scriptures teach concerning it, and to show that this fits in perfectly with the longings and aspirations of an enlightened spiritual nature." - Loraine Boettner
 "Nothing reaches deeper into the heart of Evangelical Christianity than the truth that 'Christ died for our sins' (1 Cor. 15:3). Nothing is more worthy of our study, than to know 'Christ and him crucified' (1 Cor. 2:2). Though seven decades have passed since the original publication of Loraine Boettner's book on the atonement, it speaks with remarkable freshness today because it speaks the imperishable Word of God. Readers will find Boettner's defense of the atonement against Modernism strikingly relevant to contemporary debates as theological Liberalism again rears its head in the church." --Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan
 LORAINE BOETTNER (1901-1990) was born on a farm in Linden, Missouri. He was a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary (Th.B., 1928; Th.M., 1929), where he studied Systematic Theology under Dr. C. W. Hodge. Previously he had graduated from Tarkio College, Missouri, and had taken a short course in Agriculture at the University of Missouri.
 He taught Bible for eight years in Pikeville College, Kentucky. While there he married in 1932. In 1933 he received the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity, and in 1957 the degree of Doctor of Literature. He was a member of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church of USA. In 1937 he began working at the Library of Congress and the Bureau of Internal Revenue.
 Some of his books include: The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination, Roman Catholicism, Studies In Theology, Immortality, The Millennium and A Harmony of the Gospels.
 This volume was first published in 1941 under the simple title THE ATONEMENT.
 The titles of each chapter are as follows:
 1 - The Atonement
 2 - The Significance of Christ's Death
 3 - The Satisfaction View of the Atonement
 4 - The Active and Passive Obedience of Christ
 5 - Christ as Our Ransomer
 6 - The Representative Principle
 7 - The Extent of the Atonement
 8 - Old Testament Ritual and Symbolism
 9 - Erroneous Theories of the Atonement
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SGCB Price: $8.50 (list price $20.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR BOTH TITLES
 |  |  |  | CALVIN FOR TODAY Joel Beeke, Editor - Ligon Duncan, Michael Haykin, Nelson Kloosterman, Joseph Pipa, Derek Thomas and more
 Calvin for the 21st Century is an edited compilation of the stimulating addresses given at the Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary's annual conference in August 2009, at Grand Rapids, Michigan. The book contains a wealth of information and practical applications about how to use Calvin's thought in our challenging day. Topics include Calvin on preaching Christ from the Old Testament, missions, the church, Scripture, the Spirit's work, redemption, ethics, believers' benefits, the early church, reprobation, marriage, and reforming the church.
 A highlight is Ligon Duncan's chapter on 'The Resurgence of Calvinism in America.' The book concludes with a summary chapter by the editor, Joel Beeke, who expounds twelve reasons Calvin is important for us today. Additional writers include Jerry Bilkes, Michael Haykin, Nelson Kloosterman, David Murray, Joseph Pipa, Neil Pronk, Donald Sinnema, Derek Thomas, and Cornel Venema.
 If you can afford only one of the books published on Calvin that commemorated the 500th anniversary of his birth, this is the one to get! Written at laypeopleÆs level, and retaining a flavor of the spoken style, it is informative, stimulating, and practical.
 "2009 was the year of the 500th Anniversary of the birth of John Calvin and throughout the world the opportunity was seized to remember the great achievements of this man who loved God, and tell them to whoever would listen. This book of essays reminds us of the richness of Calvin's accomplishments and the fruit of his labors, his goal being the pervasive reformation of personal and ecclesiastical life in the light of the Scriptures and thus to impact the world. How great was his vision of life lived under the Word of God; each of these essays casts its light on Calvin's various astonishing accomplishments. They explain and commend Calvin warmly, and take us beyond the Reformer to the God of the Reformer." - Geoff Thomas
 What Kind of Love is this? by David Murray
 Calvin on the Word of God by Jerry Bilkes
 Calvin on Preaching Christ from the Old Testament by David Murray
 Calvin on the Holy Spirit by Joseph Pipa
 Redemption: Speaking Peace in the 21st Century by Derek Thomas
 Union with Christ, the "Twofold Grace of God," and the "Order of Salvation" in Calvin's Theology by Cornelius Venema
 Calvin's View of Reprobation by Donald Sinnema
 Calvin's Doctrine of the Church by Neil Pronk
 Calvin on Reforming the Church by Derek Thomas
 Calvin and the Missionary Endeavor of the Church by Michael Haykin
 Calvin on the Early Church by Ligon Duncan
 Calvin on Ethics by Nelson Kloosterman
 Christian Marriage in the 21st Century: Listening to Calvin on the Purpose of Marriage by Michael Haykin
 The Resurgence of Calvinism in America by Ligon Duncan
 Twelve Reasons Calvin is Important Today by Joel Beeke
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 BRAND NEW TITLE - 296 Page Hardcover Volume
SGCB Price: $12.50 (list price $25.00) 50% Discount
 Add a copy of THE HUMANNESS OF JOHN CALVIN by Richard Stauffer
SGCB Price: $6.95 (list price $13.00)
 Add SGCB CALVIN TRILOGY - See Titles Below (60% Discount)
SGCB Price: $21.00 (list price $51.00) "The Humanness of John Calvin," "Calvin Memorial Addresses," and "Calvinism in History"
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 click for details |  | SERMONS ON THE SAVING WORK OF CHRIST John Calvin, Selected and Translated by Leroy Nixon
 "Calvin puts the saving work of Christ in such a way that His saving power surges through your soul." - Leroy Nixon, the translator
 Calvin clarifies the basics of our Christian faith with expositions typically rich, practical, and direct. The translation is literal--staying true to Calvin's native expression and retaining the spirit of the great Genevan Reformer.
 As these sermons met the heart hunger of the refugees in Geneva, so, today, they will meet the personal needs of God's people for sound, biblical doctrine. The key introductory message is from John 1:1-5 on Christ's deity, with following expositions on the nativity of Christ (Luke 2:1-14), the passion of Christ (8 sermons), the resurrection of Christ (Matthew 28:1-10), the ascension of Christ (4 sermons), the day of Pentecost (4 sermons), and the second coming of our Lord (2 Thessalonians 1:6-10).
 Though Calvin did not follow the Church year in his preaching, translator Leroy Nixon arranged these select messages to conveniently follow the Christian calendar--providing study, teaching, and preaching resources for Christmas, Lent, Easter, Ascension and Pentecost Sunday.
 Originally published in 1950 by Eerdmans, and then with permission by Baker in 1980, Solid Ground has learned from Eerdmans that this work is now in the public domain so we are doing a new edition.
 "The gospel is the 'power of God.' We are forever indepted to John Calvin for his writing and preaching on the gospel of grace. In this edition Calvin mines the gospel deeply and in doing so shows the reader the power of God not only for conversion but for all of life. Thank you Solid Ground for giving us treasures from the past so that we might invest those treasures in generations yet to come." - Ray Rhodes, Jr. President of Nourished in the Word Ministries
 James Montgomery Boice said, "Calvin had no weapon but the Bible. He preached from the Bible every day, and under the power of that preaching the city began to be transformed. As the people of Geneva acquired knowledge of God's Word and were changed by it, the city became, as John Knox called it later, a New Jerusalem from which the gospel spread to the rest of Europe, England, and the New World."
 1. The Deity of Jesus Christ - John 1:1-5
 2. The Nativity of Jesus Christ - Luke 2:1-14
 3. The First Sermon on the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ - Matthew 26:36-39
 4. The Second Sermon on the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ - Matthew 26:40-50
 5. The Third Sermon on the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ - Matthew 26:51-66
 6. The Fourth Sermon on the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ - Matthew 26:67 - 27:10
 7. The Fifth Sermon on the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ - Matthew 27:11-26
 8. The Sixth Sermon on the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ - Matthew 27:27-44
 9. The Seventh Sermon on the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ - Matthew 27:45-54
 10. The Eighth Sermon on the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ - Matthew 27:55-60
 11. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ - Matthew 28:1-10
 12. The First Sermon on the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ - Acts 1:1-4
 13. The Second Sermon on the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ - Acts 1:4,5
 14. The Third Sermon on the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ - Acts 1:6-8
 15. The Fourth Sermon on the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ - Acts 1:9-11
 16. The First Sermon on Pentecost - Acts 2:1-4
 17. The Second Sermon on Pentecost - Acts 2:13-17
 18. The Third Sermon on Pentecost - Acts 2:18-21
 19. The Fourth Sermon on Pentecost - Acts 2:22-24
 20. On the Final Advent of our Lord Jesus Christ - 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10
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SGCB Price: $48.00 (list price $100.00) OVER 50% OFF
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 click for details |  | SERMONS FROM JOB John Calvin, Selected and Translated by Leroy Nixon
 Here is Calvin at his best, dealing with God's majesty, inscrutability, and all-inclusive providence. Marked by directness, clarity, and simplicity, Calvin's series of sermons on Job is probably the most famous of all his published sermons. The Geneva Reformer expresses in these messages his deep and awesome sense of the majesty of God.
 A true understanding of Calvin cannot be gained without reading his sermons, for Calvin thought himself first of all a preacher, then a theologian. Calvin scholar Emile Doumergue said fittingly at the great celebration of the four-hundredth anniversary of Calvin's birth, on July 2, 1909, speaking from the very pulpit from which Calvin had preached, "That is the Calvin who seems to me to be the real and authentic Calvin, the one who explains all the others: CALVIN THE PREACHER OF GENEVA, molding by his words the spirit of the Reformed of the sixteenth century."
 Leroy Nixon, the translator of these sermons wrote, "Of all the sermons by Calvin, the 159 on the book of Job have probably been the most famous. They express clearly his sense of the majesty of God. To work with them over the past three years has been a rich and exciting spiritual experience. . . If the reader gets only a fraction of the benefit which came to the translator, the reader will be amply rewarded. Calvin's piety is well expressed in the sermons titled, 'The Lord Gave; the Lord has taken Away'; 'Blessed is the Man whom God Corrects'; 'Though He Slay Me, Yet Will I Trust in Him;' 'Does Not God Count My Steps'; ' and 'The Right Use of Affliction.' Pervading these sermons is the prayer and conviction that whatever comes to pass may all be for the glory of God."
 1. The Character of Job - Job 1:1
 2. The Lord Gave; the Lord has taken Away - Job 1:20-22
 3. Blessed is the Man whom God Corrects - Job 5:17,18
 4. How Shall Man be Justified in God's Sight - Job 9:1-6
 5. Though He Slay Me, Yet Will I Trust in Him - Job 13:11-15
 6. If God Were Our Adversary - Job 14:13-15
 7. When Will Windy Words End? - Job 16:1-9
 8. I Know My Redeemer Lives - Job 19:17-25
 9. From My Flesh I Shall See God - Job 19:26-29
 10. Man Profitable to God? - Job 22:1-8
 11. The Majesty of God - Job 25:1-6
 12. Does Not God Count My Steps? - Job 31:1-4
 13. Job's Purity and Equity - Job 31:9-15
 14. Job's Humaneness - Job 31:16-23
 15. Righteous Indignation - Job 32:1-3
 16. The Inspiration of the Almighty - Job 32:4-10
 17. The Authority and Reverence We Owe to God's Word - Job 33:1-7
 18. God's Power is Just - Job 34:21-26
 19. The Right Use of Affliction - Job 36:6-14
 20. The Lord Answers Job - Job 38:1-4
 Charles H. Spurgeon said, "Among all those who have been born of women, there has not risen a greater than John Calvin; no age before him ever produced his equal, and no age afterwards has seen his rival. He propounded truth more clearly than any other man who ever breathed, knew more of Scripture, and explained it more clearly."
 Benjamin B. Warfield said, "Here we have the secret of Calvin's greatness and the source of his strength unveiled to us. No man ever had a profounder sense of God than he; no man ever more unreservedly surrendered himself to the Divine direction."
 John Murray wrote, "Calvin was the exegete of the Reformation and in the first rank of biblical exegetes of all time."
 James Montgomery Boice said, "Calvin had no weapon but the Bible. He preached from the Bible every day, and under the power of that preaching the city began to be transformed. As the people of Geneva acquired knowledge of God's Word and were changed by it, the city became, as John Knox called it later, a New Jerusalem from which the gospel spread to the rest of Europe, England, and the New World."
 John Piper said more recently, "This was always the root issue for Calvin. How might he best show forth for all of Geneva and all of Europe and all of history the Divine Majesty? He answered with a life of continuous expository preaching. There would be no better way to manifest the full range of the glories of God and the majesty of his being than to spread out the full range of God's Word in the context of the pastoral ministry of shepherding care."
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SGCB Price: $12.95 (list price $26.00) Over 300 Pages
SGCB Price: $48.00 (list price $100.00) SAVE $52 - MORE THAN 50% OFF
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 click for details |  | SERMONS ON THE TEN COMMANDMENTS John Calvin, Edited and Translated by Benjamin W. Farley, Foreword by Ford Lewis Battles
 Widely known as one of the church's most significant theologians, John Calvin was also a skilled preacher with the ability to proclaim biblical truth with power and relevance. These sermons develop the essence of his teaching on the moral law in a popular and engaging manner. Pastors preaching through the Ten Commandments and serious Bible students will take great delight in reading Calvin's exposition of the Decalogue, which is called "the true and eternal rule of righteousness [for all] who wish to conform their lives to God's will."
 Here you will find a collection of sixteen sermons by John Calvin that shed light on his understanding and application of the Ten Commandments. These sermons develop the esssence of his teaching on the moral law in a popular and engaging manner.
 Calvin began his series of sermons on the Ten Commandcments on Friday, June 7, 1555. They belong to a larger corpus of sermons on Deuteronomy, which Calvin had initiated on March 20 earlier that year and which he would not conclude until the following summer in July, 1556. This series on the Decalogue, however, dates only from June 7 to July 19, 1555.
 First Sermon - June 7, 1555, Deuteronomy 4:44 - 5:3
 Second Sermon - June 12, 1555, Deuteronomy 5:4-7
 Third Sermon - June 17, 1555, Deuteronomy 5:8-10
 Fourth Sermon - June 19, 1555, Deuteronomy 5:11
 Fifth Sermon - June 20, 1555, Deuteronomy 5:12-14
 Sixth Sermon - June 21, 1555, Deuteronomy 5:13-15
 Seventh Sermon - June 26, 1555, Deuteronomy 5:16
 Eighth Sermon - July 1, 1555, Deuteronomy 5:17
 Ninth Sermon - July 2, 1555, Deuteronomy 5:18
 Tenth Sermon - July 3, 1555, Deuteronomy 5:19
 Eleventh Sermon - July 4, 1555, Deuteronomy 5:20
 Twelfth Sermon - July 5, 1555, Deuteronomy 5:21
 Thirteenth Sermon - July 16, 1555, Deuteronomy 5:22
 Fourteenth Sermon - July 17, 1555, Deuteronomy 5:23-27
 Fifteenth Sermon - July 18, 1555, Deuteronomy 5:28-33
 Sixteenth Sermon - July 19, 1555, Deuteronomy 6:1-4
 SGCB SERMON SPECIAL sss jcs 1212 botjc bf12 jcc
SGCB Price: $14.95 (list price $28.00)
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SGCB Price: $48.00 (list price $100.00) SAVE $52.00 MORE THAN 50% OFF
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 click for details |  | THE VIRGIN BIRTH OF CHRIST: A Classic Defense of the Supernatural Birth of our Lord J. Gresham Machen
 In a Review written by Samuel Craig shortly after this book appeared in 1930 we read:
 "This volume sustains, and more than sustains, Dr. Machen's reputation as not only one of the world's foremost New Testament scholars but as one of the ablest defenders of historic Christianity. His former books, 'The Origin of Paul's Religion' (1921), 'Christianity and Liberalism' (1923) and 'What is Faith?' (1925), have so whetted the appetites of their thousands of readers that the announcement of a new book by Dr. Machen fills them with eager expectancy---whatever may be their theological position. It will be recalled that Mr. Walter Lippmann, whose theological position is about as far removed as possible from that of Dr. Machen's, in his widely read book, 'A Preface to Morals', not only speaks of Dr. Machen as 'both a scholar and a gentleman' but says of his book, 'Christianity and Liberalism':
 'It is an admirable book. For its acumen, for its saliency, and for its wit, this cool and stringent defense of orthodox Protestantism is, I think, the best popular argument produced by either side in the current controversy. We shall do well to listen to Dr. Machen.'
 Dr. Machen's latest book, it is true, like 'The Origin of Paul's Religion', moves throughout in the field of exact scholarship. It would be difficult to point to a book anywhere that is more thorough-going in its recital and examination of all that bears upon the subject with which it deals. But while this is the case, Dr. Machen writes so simply and lucidly that men and women of intelligence everywhere, whatever their standing as technical scholars, will be able to read it with understanding and profit. Certainly no minister or Bible teacher of adults can afford to ignore this book. To the reviewer at least it is a source of much satisfaction to know that what is confessedly the most exhaustive and most scholarly book on the problem of the Virgin Birth of Christ ever published, at least in English, has been written by a man who after having acquainted himself with everything of importance that has been written on the subject since the first century, no matter in what language, holds to the historic belief of the Christian Church that its founder was born without human father, being conceived by the Holy Ghost and born of the Virgin Mary."
 Chapter 1. The Virgin Birth in the Second Century
 Chapter 2. The Birth Narrative an Original part of the Third Gospel
 Chapter 3. Characteristics of the Lucan Narrative
 Chapter 4. The Hymns of the First Chapter of Luke
 Chapter 5. The Origin and Transmission Of the Lucan Narrative
 Chapter 6. The Integrity of the Lucan Narrative
 Chapter 7. The Narrative in Matthew
 Chapter 8. The Relation Between the Narratives
 Chapter 9. The Inherent Credibility of the Narratives
 Chapter 10. The Birth Narratives and Secular History
 Chapter 11. The Birth Narratives and the Rest of the New Testament
 Chapter 12. Alternative Theories: Preliminary Considerations
 Chapter 13. The Theory of Jewish Derivation
 Chapter 14. The Theory of Pagan Derivation
 Chapter 15. Conclusion and Consequences
 "Years ago I was tasked with a paper on the incarnation of the Son of God. My professor suggested some books that either approached the topic from a naturalistic standpoint or exalted Mary in the whole process. As I browsed the card catalog topically (yes, before computer cataloging!), I came across a book from the 1930s. It hadn't been checked out for several years. It was Machen. My soul was excited, revived, and my mind expanded. In an age where many books become dated, quickly, it is not so with Machen. Not so especially with 'The Virgin Birth.' Read it for the first time or read again. Just read it! Then pass it on." - Dr. C.N. Willborn
 $10.00 Sale
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 click for details |  | TWELVE WHAT ABOUTS: Answering Common Objections Concerning God's Sovereignty in Election John Samson, Foreword by John Hendryx of
 DR. R.C. SPROUL becomes our latest endorser of "Twelve What Abouts" - "It is a privilege to have received your book, 'Twelve What Abouts.' The title is great as are your 'what abouts,' and your responses. Thank you for your ministry in Christ's kingdom and for the clear and thoughtful work that has gone into your book."
 John Samson went from being a convinced Arminian to a grace loving, Christ-honoring, Calvinist. He shares some of his journey and winsomely answers many of the questions he himself grappled with. 'Twelve What Abouts' by John Samson is the perfect book for those seeking truth about God's sovereign grace in salvation. Straightforward, easy to read, concise, and most of all Biblical, this is a unique book, providing answers for the twelve most common objections raised against the doctrine of Divine election. Pastor Samson's gracious spirit provides an excellent reading environment for those struggling with these great truths of Scripture.
 "After finishing a sermon from Ephesians 1, I was immediately confronted by three hostile young visitors who asked the question, 'What about John 3:16?'; as if the Bible contradicted itself. This non-thinking, non-theological, feelings-oriented mindset is typical of today's postmodern generation. Pastor Samson has given us a warm and simple (without being simplistic) introduction to the Doctrines of Grace, so this type of ignorance can be biblically combated.This book is a very helpful tool to give to a young Christian or to someone newly encountering the truths of free and sovereign grace. Distribute it widely." - Earl M. Blackburn, Heritage Baptist Church, Shreveport, Louisiana
 "Sometimes a single misapprehension or sticky question stands in the way of an honest believer's examination of the doctrines of grace. John Samson answers those questions with a pastoral heart, yet with biblical fidelity." - Dr. James White, Alpha & Omega Ministries
 One man said, "This book helped me enormously. My understanding of God's grace has soared to new heights." Another said, "This is the one book I wish had been placed in my hands as a new Christian. There is a lifetime of insight here." Still another revealed, "There were times reading this when I just had to stop, fall to my knees and thank God for His measureless grace in my life." Whether you are brand new to the subject, or still wrestling with these weighty concepts, Twelve What Abouts will prove to be an indispensable resource in your search for the truth.
 "I want to commend, to all readers seeking an honest look into these matters, this very fine treatment in which Pastor John Samson carefully answers the most common objections to the biblical doctrine of divine election. John is one of the most passionate Christians I know, whose number one purpose is to make Christ known. This work on the doctrine of election is no exception. In it you will find that the purpose of election is to bring all glory to Jesus Christ in our salvation." - John Hendryx, from the Foreword
 "Whether you are new to the doctrines of grace or simply seeking greater clarity on the sovereign grace of God in salvation, this book will be beneficial. In 'Twelve What Abouts', John tackles common objections regarding the doctrine of election in a concise and biblical way. His charitable spirit coupled with his broad based biblical knowledge make for a joyful learning experience. As someone who teaches the doctrines of grace to the women at our church, I've turned to Samson's teachings multiple times. Do yourself a favor and add this little gem to your library -- it will be one of the best investments you've ever made!" - a satisfied reader from Amazon
 Foreword by John Hendryx
 A Word to the Reader
 Chapter One: The Place to Start - Amazed by Common Grace
 Chapter Two: The Wind Blows Where it Wishes
 Chapter Three: A Surprising Journey
 Chapter Four: What About the Love of God? (Part One)
 Chapter Five: What About the Love of God? (Part Two)
 Chapter Six: What About Free Will?
 Chapter Seven: What About God's Foreknowledge?
 Chapter Eight: What About John 3:16?
 Chapter Nine: What About 2 Peter 3:9?
 Chapter Ten: What About 1 Timothy 2:4?
 Chapter Eleven: What About Matthew 23:37
 Chapter Twelve: What About 1 Timothy 4:10?
 Chapter Thirteen: What About John 12:32?
 Chapter Fourteen: What About Reprobation?
 Chapter Fifteen: What About Lost Loved Ones?
 Chapter Sixteen: What About Prayer and Evangelism?
 Chapter Seventeen: Saving Faith
 Chapter Eighteen: The Flaming Missiles of the Devil
 Chapter Nineteen: Spiritual Dyslexia
 Chapter Twenty: As the King's Herald
 Further Recommended Resources
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 A Very rare volume originally entitled A SELECTION OF THE MOST CELEBRATED SERMONS OF JOHN CALVIN (Never Before Published in the United States).
 First published by T. Desilver in Philadelphia, PA in 1831. Copies of this book are sold for more than $250.00 when they can be found, but we are now offering a new edition for JUST $9.75.
 "Calvin's sermons from the Pastoral Epistles are rich indeed! In these sermons you see Calvin the pastor applying Scripture to his people, pointedly rebuking sin, warmly encouraging his people to resting the gospel, and calling for the evangelization of the nations. This is valuable reading." - Ray Van Neste, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Christian Studies, Director, R. C. Ryan Center for Biblical Studies, Union University
 Biography of John Calvin (Extracted from John Mackenzie's Memoirs of the Life & Writings of Calvin)
 SERMON 1 - 1 Timothy 3:16 "Great is the Mystery of Godliness: God Was Manifest in the Flesh"
 SERMON 2 - 2 Timothy 1:8,9 "Be Not Ashamed of the Testimony of our Lord"
 SERMON 3 - 2 Timothy 1:9,10 "The Appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ"
 SERMON 4 - 2 Timothy 2:16-18 "Shun Profane and Vain Babblings"
 SERMON 5 - Titus 1:15,16 "To the Defiled and Unbelieving Nothing is Pure"
 SERMON 6 - 2 Timothy 2:19 "The Foundation of God Standeth Sure"
 SERMON 7 - 1 Timothy 2:3-5 "There is One Mediator Between God and Man"
 SERMON 8 - 1 Timothy 3:14,15 "The Pillar and Ground of the Truth"
 SERMON 9 - 2 Timothy 3:16,17 "All Scripture Given By Inspiration of God"
 SERMON 10 - 2 Timothy 2:20,21 "A Vessel Unto Honor, Sanctified, and Meet for the Master's Use"
 SERMON 11 - Titus 1:7-9 "A Bishop Must be Blameless, as the Steward of God"
 SERMON 12 - Titus 1:10-12 "There are Many Unruly and Vain Talkers whose Mouths Must be Stopped"
 SERMON 13 - 1 Timothy 2:8 "I Will therefore that Men Pray Everywhere"
 SERMON 14 - 1 Timothy 2:5,6 "The Man Christ Jesus Gave Himself a Ransom for All"
 THE 1831 ADVERTISEMENT - In offering this selection of Sermons to the publick, the publisher has not been governed by Sectarian principles, but has selected Sermons upon various subjects, that the reader may understand the general doctrine held forth by this eminent divine. Calvin's Sermons were translated and published in England, about the year 1580; since which date we have no account of an edition having been published. In consequence of the imperfection of the English Language when these Sermons were formerly published, it was found necessary to revise them, and correct the language; but in so doing, particular care has been taken to preserve precisely the original meaning."
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 click for details |  | A TRILOGY OF BOOKS ON THE FIVE POINTS OF CALVINISM Edwin H. Palmer, John Piper R.C. Sproul
 (1) THE FIVE POINTS OF CALVINISM; A Study Guide by Edwin H. Palmer (Foreword by Michael Horton)
 Using the classic TULIP acronym (Total depravity, Unconditional election, Limited atonement, Irresistible grace, and Perseverance of the saints), this primer on the five points of Calvinism is perfect for students and laypeople alike. Using the Scriptures from which they are drawn, Edwin H. Palmer analyzes each point and explains them in accessible language. Helpful discussion questions follow each chapter, making this book ideal for classes or study groups. This important resource also includes a new foreword by Michael Horton and relevant historic catechisms and confessions.
 Foreword by Michael Horton
 1. Total Depravity
 2. Unconditional Election
 3. Limited Atonement
 4. Irresistible Grace
 5. Perseverance of the Saints
 6. The Great Mystery
 7. Twelve Theses on Reprobation
 8. Resource Materials
 - Calvin's Attitude toward Predestination
 - The Belgic Confession of Faith
 - The Westminster Confession of Faith
 - The Heidelberg Catechism
 Author Bio
 Edwin H. Palmer (1922-1980) was a theologian, scholar, teacher, and pastor. He served as executive secretary on the team that prepared the New International Version of the Bible.

 (2) FIVE POINTS: Towards a Deeper Experience of God's Grace by John Piper
 Grace is the heart of God to do you good when you deserve it least.
 But do we really know how deeply we don’t deserve it? Only God can reveal that to us. He does it through the Bible. And when he does, the wonders of his grace explode with brightness as never before.
 These five points are about how Christians come into being, and how we are kept forever.
 It reaches back into times past when we were freely chosen.
 It reaches forward into the future when we will be safe and happy forever.
 It reaches down into the mysteries of the work of Christ, purchasing the gift of faith for all God’s children.
 And it reaches into the human soul, glimpsing the mysteries of the Spirit’s work as he conquers all our rebellion and makes us willing captives of King Jesus.
 Piper believes that our experience of grace grows with our grasp of God’s gracious work. He invites us to come with him on this quest.
 "As a child I grew up learning about the Five Points in my church and in my home. Now as a Reformed pastor I subscribe to them as part of our confessional standard. But, in the end, as important as family and tradition may be, the only truly legitimate reason for believing in the Doctrines of Grace is because they are found in the Bible. Which is why I love this new book by John Piper. I don't know of any other brief book on this subject that so manifestly takes us down into the Scriptures and then so wonderfully lifts us up to see the glory of God. Many people will be encouraged, and not a few will have their faith jolted in the best way possible." -Kevin DeYoung, Pastor, Matthews, North Carolina
 "Imagine being able to chat over a meal with John Piper about the five points of Calvinism. That’s pretty much what you get in this book: a clear statement of these life-changing truths delivered with warm pastoral sensitivity in a conversational style. You won’t find yourself being browbeaten. Instead, you'll find yourself invited to marvel at God's wonderful grace. The only thing missing is the meal." - Tim Chester, Pastor, Boroughbridge, England

 (3) WHAT IS REFORMED THEOLOGY? Understanding the Basics by R.C. Sproul
 Have you ever wondered about "the five points"? What do they really mean?
 You've heard of Reformed theology, but you're not certain what it is. Some references to it have been positive, some negative. It appears to be important, and you'd like to know more about it. But you want a full, understandable explanation, not a simplistic one.
 'What Is Reformed Theology?' is not a textbook but rather an accessible introduction to beliefs that have been immensely influential in the evangelical church. In this insightful book, R. C. Sproul will walk you through the foundations of the Reformed doctrine and explain how the Reformed belief is centered on God, based on God's Word, and committed to faith in Jesus Christ. Sproul will explain the five points of Reformed theology and will make plain to you the reality of God's amazing grace.
 Previously published as Grace Unknown
 "His latest book weaves together several of his finest lessons in a compact, highly readable form that explains several difficult doctrines of the Reformed branch of Christianity. Dr. Spoul's logic is easy to follow, though it never talks down."--Amanda Killgore, Huntress Reviews
 "Not only does Sproul have an amazingly broad but detailed grasp of Reformed theology, but he has also been gifted with the ability to explain complex theology in a way that is both interesting and understandable. That is no common gift. Accessible, biblical and educational, this is one of the best books I have read on the subject."--Tim Challies,
 "Who better to write a book on the basics of Reformed theology than its poster boy, R. C. Sproul. 'What Is Reformed Theology?' Is peppered throughout with excellent diagrams and illustrations which aid in getting Sproul's message across. There is no doubt that Sproul is a master teacher."--Gary Gilley, Southern View Chapel
 About the Author
 The late R. C. Sproul is the author of more than sixty books, the founder and chairman of Ligonier Ministries, and served as a professor of systematic theology and apologetics at Knox Theological Seminary in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
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 (1) THE FIVE POINTS OF CALVINISM; A Study Guide by Edwin H. Palmer (Foreword by Michael Horton)
SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $15.00) 40% DISCOUNT ON THIS BRAND NEW EDITION
 (2) FIVE POINTS: Towards a Deeper Experience of God's Grace by John Piper
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 (3) WHAT IS REFORMED THEOLOGY? Understanding the Basics by R.C. Sproul
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 click for details |  | CALVINISM IN HISTORY: A Political, Moral & Evangelizing Force Nathaniel S. McFetridge
 This little gem is filled with myriads of powerful testimonies concerning the Political, Moral and Evengelizing Force of the Doctrines of Grace.
 "I do not know of any other book that sets forth so effectively and yet in such a brief form the real nature of Calvinism and the effect that it has had in history." Loraine Boettner
 "This is a readable and happy account of Calvinism in history." Rousas Rushdoony
 "This book sure-footedly guides us over the terrain of Calvinism's broadsweeping political and moral influence, concluding that Calvinism's evangelistic power results from the doctrines of grace, particularly justification by faith alone." Joel Beeke
 It is a privilege for Solid Ground to bring this book back into print with the sincere desire that it will travel throughout the world and bear witness to the truth of the great doctrines of Augustine and Calvin.
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SGCB Price: $7.00 (list price $13.00)
SGCB Price: $20.00 (list price $38.00) Nearly 50% Discount When Ordering both Titles
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 click for details |  | THE WORD AND PRAYER: 52 Classic Devotions from the Minor Prophets John Calvin compiled by Charles E. Edwards
 In 1897 the Presbyterian Board of Publication first published this Devotional Gem drawn from John Calvin's remarkable teaching on the Minor Prophets. Rev. Charles E. Edwards did a masterful job of selecting an exposition from Calvin's Lectures to stand beside the actual prayer that Calvin used to close that particular Lecture.
 The Apostle's declared, "But we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the Word" (Acts 6:4). Exposition and prayer are found here in the perfect introduction to John Calvin. This can serve as a tool to help the reader go through the Minor Prophets with the able assistance of the Prince of Expositors.
 "Here, in these words from his lectures and prayers in the Geneva Academy, John Calvin most fully revealed his heart. As he prepared an international gathering of talented young men for gospel ministry--and not a few for martyrdom--he poured his knowledge into them and prayed fervently with them. Here he models what he sought to teach: if a man would be a pastor he must know God. If he would know God and serve man he must devote himself to prayer and the ministry of the word." -Sinclair B. Ferguson
 "Calvin is the spiritual grandfather of us all because most Pauline and most consumed with the Spirit of Christ. This is a fine introduction to his teaching and spirit." - Geoff Thomas
 "This precious book confirms Calvin's conviction that the Word and prayer work together to develop genuine piety in the Christian. Calvin taught that the Word is God's communication to us, providing us with spiritual food and medicine for spiritual health. Prayer is our communication to God by which we express praise and adoration, and bow in submissive piety before Him. May God mightily use this little volume to foster this spirit of devotion in many hearts and lives." --Dr. Joel R. Beeke
 "Having made use of Calvin's devotions and prayers from the Minor Prophets since I was a high school student, I am delighted to commend them to a new generation (my old small green paperback edition is now flimsy and dog-eared!). THE WORD AND PRAYER: Classic Devotions from the Minor Prophets by John Calvin, compiled by Charles E. Edwards, will prove a welcome aid to the cultivation of Christian piety, as well as public prayer." - Ligon Duncan
 "In a day when there are as many pieties as Christians, this volume will be a fresh breeze from a time and a tradition which gave thought to prayer, prayed fervently, carefully, and biblically. Calvin is perhaps the preeminent model for those who refuse to divorce intellect and heart, who would pray when they study and study when they pray." -R. Scott Clark
 1. The Solitary Lamb - Hosea 4:16
 2. A Sovereign Word - Hosea 5:1
 3. Kindness and Faith - Hosea 6:6
 4. Sin and Punishment - Hosea 9:9
 5. The Divinity of Christ - Hosea 12:4,5
 6. A Gracious Reminder - Hosea 13:5
 7. The True King - Hosea 13:10
 8. A Kind Invitation - Hosea 14:1
 9. Worship and Joy - Joel 1:16
 10. Sounding the Alarm - Joel 2:1
 11. The Outpouring of the Spirit - Joel 2:28
 12. An Admonition - Joel 2:30,31
 13. Calling on the Lord - Joel 2:32
 14. A Blessed Experience - Joel 3:17
 15. The Law of Worship - Amos 4:5
 16. A Solemn Exhortation - Amos 4:12
 17. Herdman and Prophet - Amos 7:14
 18. The Power of God - Amos 9:6
 19. Wisdom Destroyed - Obadiah 8
 20. A Fearless Preacher - Jonah 3:4
 21. The Mercy of God - Jonah 4:10,11
 22. A Prophet's Lamentation - Micah 1:9
 23. Strengthened by the Spirit - Micah 3:8
 24. A Fellowship of Nations - Micah 4:2
 25. The Constancy of Faith - Micah 4:5
 26. God's Requirements - Micah 6:8
 27. A Prayer for God's Heritage - Micah 7:14
 28. Nineveh's Fall - Nahum 2:8
 29. The Watch Tower - Habakkuk 2:1
 30. Punishment for Avarice - Habakkuk 2:6
 31. Chariot's of Salvation - Habakkuk 3:8
 32. Rejoicing in the Lord - Habakkuk 3:17,18
 33. Pride and Destruction - Zephaniah 2:15
 34. Pure Lips - Zephaniah 3:9
 35. Uses of Affliction - Zephaniah 3:12
 36. A Mirror for Ingratitude - Haggai 1:2
 37. A Glorious Temple - Haggai 2:8
 38. Abundant Blessing - Haggai 2:18,19
 39. Horns and Carpenters - Zechariah 1:18-21
 40. The True Priest - Zechariah 3:1
 41. The Day of Small Things - Zechariah 4:10
 42. The Providence of God - Zechariah 6:8
 43. Brotherly Kindness - Zechariah 7:9
 44. Deliverance by Covenant - Zechariah 9:11
 45. An Abundant Blessing - Zechariah 9:17
 46. Promise of Restoration - Zechariah 10:6
 47. Beauty and Bands - Zechariah 11:7
 48. True Repentance - Zechariah 12:10
 49. Impure Worship Banished - Zechariah 13:2
 50. Saved by Grace - Malachi 1:2
 51. The Calling of the Gentiles - Malachi 1:11
 52. Christ's Forerunner - Malachi 4:5
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SGCB Price: $6.00 (list price $12.00)
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 click for details |  | THE DIVINE PURPOSE Displayed in the Works of Providence and Grace John Matthews, Preface by Archibald Alexander
 "The chief excellency of these Letters is, that they present the subject of DIVINE DECREES, without the forbidding aspect, which it is apt to assume in the view of many persons. One thing the reader may be assured of, that whether he should coincide in opinion with the author or not, he will find nothing in the volume calculated to wound the most delicate feelings. A spirit of meekness and kindness, eminently characteristic of the writer, pervades the whole." - Archibald Alexander, from the Preface
 1- Difference between truth and error always important
 2- The influence of prejudice, answer to the question, 'What are the Decrees of God?'
 3- God never acts without design, 'What is Providence?'
 4- Death, with all its causes, under the government of Providence, the care of God extends to the whole universe
 5- The divine purpose neither suspends, nor violates the free agency of man
 6- The divine purpose perfectly consistent with the free agency of man
 7- A method of ascertaining the extent of Divine Providence, Great events necessarily include all the less ones, of which they are made up.
 8- Events, similar to those contained in the prophecies and promises of God, are all included in his purpose.
 9- The purposes of God not inconsistent with the moral agency of man.
 10- This consistency incomprehensible to us, but so are many other things which yet we believe.
 11- Moral Government, Salvation by Grace.
 12- The favors of God, bestowed according to his own design, Purposes, decrees, intention, foreordination, etc.
 13- The number to be saved, dependent entirely on the will of God.
 14- The means of salvation suited to each individual, embraced in the divine purpose.
 15- The Providence of God subservient to the designs of mercy, Great events made up of smaller ones, Our duty and interest to meditate on all His works.
 16- Man is a Predestinarian, the Commander of an army, the Architect, the Farmer, elect, foreordain, etc.
 17- The final perseverance of Christians
 18- The same subject considered further.
 19- The doctrine gives such views of the character of God as are calculated to excite devotion, Conclusion

 *A Pastor's Sketches (Double Volume) by Ichabod Spencer
 Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss
 *Counsels and Thoughts on the Spiritual Life of Believers by Thomas Moor
 The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit by Benjamin B. Warfield
 The Divine Purpose by John Matthews
 (* means it is a hardcover volume)
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 click for details |  | THE FIVE POINTS OF CALVINISM Robert L. Dabney
 "The most conspicuous figure and the leading theological guide of the Southern Presbyterian Church, the most prolific theological writer that Church has as yet produced, and for a period of over forty years one of the most distinguished and probably the most impressive teacher of its candidates for the ministry." - B.B. Warfield
 "The best teacher of theology in the United States, if not the world. " - A.A. Hodge
 "R.L. Dabney was one of the nineteenth century's greatest theologians, in fact one of the top Reformed theologians of all time. His work is invariably exegetical and precise. I am very thankful to the folk at Solid Ground Christian Books for making Dabney's 'Five
 Points of Calvinism' available. The book will prove useful for the explanation and defense of these foundational doctrines of grace." Joseph A. Pipa, Jr., Ph.D. President of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary.
 "Dabney was a towering figure in the 19th century American theological world. His exposition of the five points of Calvinism will enrich the reader's appreciation for the doctrines of grace, the glory of the Gospel, the accomplishment of the work of Christ and the security of the believer." - Ligon Duncan
 "Dabney has been described as representing a moderate Calvinism. That does not mean, however, he was a man with little or no convictions. The Five Points of Calvinism is a good introduction to Dabney in 'moderation' and a better place for the novice to be trained in basic Calvinism. Abounding with Scripture and logical argumentation, this is another 'old book' that's useful for the Church today." - Dr. C.N. Willborn
 "The object of this tract is simply to enable all honest inquirers after truth to understand just what those doctrines really are which people style the peculiar "doctrines of Presbyterians," and thus to enable honest minds to answer all objections and perversions. I do not write because of any lack in our church of existing treatises well adapted to our purpose; nor because I think anyone can now add anything really new to the argument. But our pastors and missionaries think that some additional good may come from another short discussion suitable for unprofessional readers.." - from the Author
 Here is a cogent defense of Calvinism by Robert Lewis Dabney against the charge of the Arminian thought that the doctrine of eternal security promotes "unholy living".
 Robert Lewis Dabney (March 5, 1820 - January 3, 1898) was known as one of the greatest Southern Presbyterian theologians of the nineteenth century. During the American Civil War, Dabney first served as as a Chaplain 18th Virginia Calvary Regiment he later served as a Chief of Staff to General Stonewall Jackson.
 From 1853 to 1859 he was professor of Ecclesiastical History and then served from adjunct professor of Systematic Theology from 1859 to 1869 at Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, VA. While serving as one of the first faculty members at the University of Texas in Austin, as a Professor of Mental and Moral philosophy, Dabney and R. K. Smoot, founded and maintained the Austin School of Theology (now known as Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary).
 In 1870 Dabney became the moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States.
 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $6.50 (list price $12.00) NOW AVAILABLE
 Order with "Calvin Memorial Addresses" and "Calvinism in History"
SGCB Price: $23.95 (list price $50.00) Over 50% Discount
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 click for details |  | THE HUMANNESS OF JOHN CALVIN: The Reformer as a Husband, Father, Pastor & Friend Richard Stauffer, translated by George Shriver
 "This little book is one of a kind. Written by a careful historian and Swiss pastor, it draws on Calvin's correspondence and other records of the time to give a strong impression of what the reformer was like as a person, in his family life, in his close friendships, and in his sympathy and generosity as a pastor." - Rev. Sherman Isbell
 "I shall never forget the impact of this small work on my own estimation of Calvin: it completely re-oriented my perspective on the French Reformer, and now, thanks to Solid Ground Christian Books, it can do the same for you. Read on, prepare to be challenged and rejoice that God raises up such historians for the blessing of the Church." - Dr. Michael Haykin
 "In the early years of my first pastorate I read the excellent biographies of Calvin by T. H. L. Parker, and Emanuel Stickelberger. At the same time I acquired Calvin's letters and the splendid little study which you now hold in your hands. Already convinced of the humanness of Calvin I considered Richard Stauffer's study to be unique in demonstrating this dimension of the great theologian. Beyond its value as an historical polemic, it provides a marvelous example to all who would be faithful pastors and theologians. The best response to detractors is the Christ-like example which Calvin left us." - Rev. Gregory Reynolds
 Through the nearly 450 years since his death, John Calvin has been portrayed by his critics - Protestant as well as Catholic - as a cold, ruthless fanatic. This distorted characterization, for the most part, remains today. What was this man really like? An unfeeling, gloomy monster or a saint untouched by the common problems which beset lesser men?
 The author examines Calvin's personal correspondence and reveals him as a man capable of human mistakes and weaknesses, and yet, a deeply dedicated, sensitive individual undeserving of the years of vilification. This book, available here in English, for the first time in over 35 years, considers John Calvin from a personal standpoint. The excellent preface by Calvin-scholar John T. McNeill, carefully noted resources, brevity, readability, and human interest make this a biography for scholars and laymen alike.
 "On the occasion of the appearance of this English edition (in 1971), I would like to share a hope and a memory. The hope: that the portrait of Calvin as husband and father, friend and pastor, which I have tried to paint on these pages, might show more than one reader the true stature of the Genevan Reformer, who is also one of the spiritual fathers of the founders of the United States. The memory: when I was a student in New York and assisted in worship in the small French Church of the Holy Spirit, I never failed to be moved upon reading on the walls of the sanctuary the names of the Huguenot families which had found refuge in the New World. At that time I could not help thinking (and it is still my belief to this day) that these witnesses of the faith, uncompromising in their convictions, were fully the descendants of this John Calvin, who, though human in his obedience, yet offered his 'heart as a burnt sacrifice to the Lord.' It is in thinking of these refugees of other years that I dedicate this essay, which attempts to exonerate the name of Calvin, to contemporary Americans who are mindful of their origins." - the Author
 About the Author by Michael Haykin
 Foreword by John McNeill
 Translator's Note by George Shriver
 Preface by Richard Stauffer
 1. Calvin as a Husband and Father
 2. Calvin as a Friend
 3. Calvin as a Pastor
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 click for details |  | ABSOLUTE PREDESTINATION: A Classic Defense of a Misunderstood and Oft-Hated Doctrine Jerome Zanchius, with a Biographical Introduction by Joel Beeke
 "Jerome Zanchius (1516 - 1590) is one of the great names of Reformed theology alongside Peter Martyr, John Calvin, and Theodore Beza. Jonathan Edwards referred to him as 'the best of Protestant writers in his judgment.' John Farthing claimed that Zanchius 'lived and breathed in dialogue with scripture.' The hymnist, Augustus Toplady (and original English publisher of this work), said Zanchius's work was 'from beginning to end, a regular chain of solid argument: deduced from the unerring word of divine revelation, and confirmed by the co-incident testimonies of some of the greatest lights that ever shone in the Christian church.' Not only have Reformed scholars of the past been assisted by this volume, the modern reader will benefit from this classic statement of the biblical doctrine of predestination as well. This book is thoughtful, balanced, and biblical. 'Absolute Predestination' remains a helpful explanation of the Reformed doctrine of election and reprobation. This book is not milk for babes; it is meat for grown men and women. But it is good meat; nutritious, wholesome, spiritual food for the soul. After reading it, you will see the clear teachings of Scripture on election and reprobation." - Joel Beeke
 A Word from the Publisher
 Foreword - Joel Beeke
 Preface - Augustus M. Toplady
 1.Observations on the Divine Attributes
 2.Defining Terms
 3.Predestination as it Relates to All Men
 4.Predestination as it Relates to the Saints
 5.Predestination as it Relates to the Ungodly
 6.Predestination as it Relates to the Preacher
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 click for details |  | GOING BEYOND THE FIVE POINTS: Pursuing a More Comprehensive Reformation General Editor: Rob Ventura, Contributors: Earl Blackburn, Richard Barcellos, Sam Waldron & Robert P. Martin
 In recent years, a doctrinal shift has taken place among believers so great that even the secular press has taken notice. Christians across denominational lines are laying hold of the biblical truth of God's electing love and saving grace in Christ, commonly called 'Calvinism.' For many, this marks the beginning of a deeper study into the whole counsel of God in Scripture. A thirst to be thoroughly biblical in all areas of life is driving a more comprehensive present-day reformation beyond the famous 'five points.' This book captures the voices of seasoned Reformed pastors graciously guiding and encouraging Christ's beloved sheep to press on and to seek the 'old paths, where the good way is' (Jer. 6:16). In this anthology you will be instructed concerning the abiding relevance of the Ten Commandments, God-centered worship, the masterful unfolding of God's great plan of redemption through divine covenants, the identity, nature, and work of the church, and the help that confessions of faith lend to our grasp of God's glorious Word.
 Editor's Preface | Rob Ventura
 Foreword | Dr. James White
 Chapter 1 - The Ten Commandments and the Christian | Dr. Richard C. Barcellos
 Chapter 2 - The Regulative Principle | Dr. Sam Waldron
 Chapter 3 - Covenant Theology | Earl Blackburn
 Chapter 4 - The Church | Earl Blackburn
 Chapter 5 - The Legitimacy and Use of Confessions of Faith | Dr. Robert Paul Martin
 "The rediscovery of 'the doctrines of grace' among Baptists during the last sixty years has thrilled my heart! However, this welcome advance does not make a reformation. The further necessary questions of 'what is the church?' 'how should we worship God?' 'what is Christ like living?' stand before us still, begging for biblical reformation. 'Going Beyond the Five Points' provides clear biblical direction for reforming churches today. Barcellos' defense of the Ten Commandments for Christian living under grace is unassailable. Blackburn's chapters on Covenant Theology and the doctrine of the church are indispensable to Baptist reformation. Waldron's explanation of the Regulative Principle is greatly needed by Baptists to remind us of our foundational principle which needs renewed application to worship and government. Martin's persuasive defense of why Baptists need confessions of faith today is irrefutable. To gather them together as Ventura has done provides a classic standard for further Baptist reformation today. Baptist pastors, students, and church members need to study this book to understand what it means to build biblical and Reformed Baptist churches today for the glory of Christ." - Dr. Fred A. Malone, Senior Pastor First Baptist Church Clinton, Louisiana
 "Going Beyond the Five Points is a wonderful pastoral resource to give to any brother or sister in Christ who has begun the journey of better understanding the doctrines of grace. If the Five Points are the appetizer for the hungry believer, these essays will provide a rich and satisfying main course to guide them in a deeper understanding of the truth." - Jim Savastio, Pastor of Reformed Baptist Church of Louisville, Kentucky
 "Some truths lie close to the surface, others require more digging. In the substance of this book, you will profit from the groundbreaking labours of others, men who have begun to turn over the soil in order to expose the consequences and applications of a thorough embrace of God's sovereign grace displayed in the salvation of his people, considered not just individually but together. Readers willing to put in the effort will find much to ponder and much from which to profit." - Jeremy Walker, Pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley, England
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