Devotional Gems

 click for details |  | COME YE APART: A Daily Devotional Journey Through the Four Gospels of our Lord Jesus Christ J.R. Miller
 A daily devotional journey through the life of Christ as recorded in all four Gospels. This daily devotional would be a great gift for your Sunday School Teacher, your favorite missionary, your children, your parents or yourself. In Miller's own words: "This volume of a year's readings has been prepared in the hope that it may prove daily food to some earnest children of God in their life of care, struggle, and duty. It is made to cover the earthly life of our Lord, from its beginning to its close... The author's aim has been to put a life-thought on each page... The book has but a single aim: to honor and glorify Christ in the eyes of those who follow its pages."
 "If any 19th century American Christian writer warrants reprinting, it is J.R. Miller! His writing style is delightfully smooth, his insights are spiritual diamonds on every page, and his pastoral applications are delivered with the skill of a well-seasoned physician of souls." - Pastor Bill Shishko of Franklin Square, NY
 "This book is a calendar for devotional reading. At the top of each page is a verse of Scripture, and the texts chosen are made to cover the earthly life of out Lord. The readings which follow each text are intended to be neither exegetical nor expository, but practical and promotive of a devotional spirit. They are exceedingly full of suggestions to duty, and encouragements to a holy life. It is a good book to take into one's 'inner chamber' as a help to to devout meditation upon the words of our Savior." - New England and Yale Review
 COME YE APART: A Daily Devotional Journey Through the Four Gospels of our Lord Jesus Christ
 THE HOME BEAUTIFUL: Timeless Words of Wisdom for Today's Family
 JESUS AND I ARE FRIENDS: The Life and Ministry of J.R. Miller
 THE TRANSFIGURED LIFE: Selected Shorter Writings of J.R. Miller
 YOUNG MEN: Faults and Ideals
 YOUNG PEOPLE’S PROBLEMS: Help and Hope for Today’s Teens

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 45% discount
SGCB Price: $15.95 (list price $28.00) Brand New Paperback
 Order with the Entire Miller 8 Pack Set
SGCB Price: $65.00 (list price $141.00) Nearly 55% Discount for Complete 8 Volume Set
 Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life has inspired readers around the world for more than four centuries.
 This classic devotional will guide you on how to apply the Christian faith in a balanced way to mind, heart, and hand. Originally part of John Calvin's Institutes, it covers themes such as obedience, self-denial, the significance of the cross, and how believers should live their lives today.
 Rather than focusing on contemplative other-worldliness, the Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life stresses the importance of a devotedly active Christian life. In style and spirit, it is much like Augustine's Confessions, Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, or Thomas a Kempis's Imitation of Christ. Its intense practicality, however, sets it apart, making it easily accessible for anyone seeking to carry out Christian values in everyday life.
 The translator, Henry J. Van Andel, competently preserved the colorful language and direct style of which John Calvin was a recognized master.
 1. Scripture is the Rule of Life
 2. Holiness is the Key Principle
 3. Holiness Means Full Obedience to Christ
 4. External Christianity is not Enough
 5. Spiritual Progress is Necessary
 1. We are Not Our Own, we are the Lord's
 2. Seeking God's Glory means Self-Denial
 3. Self-Denial means: Sobriety, Righteousness, and Godliness
 4. True Humility Means Respect for Others
 5. We should Seek the Good of Other Believers
 6. We should Seek the Good of Everyone, Friend and Foe
 7. Civil Goodness is not Enough
 8. No Happiness without God's Blessing
 9. We Should Not be Anxious to Obtain Riches and Honors
 10. The Lord is Just in All His Ways
 1. Crossbearing is More Difficult than Self-Denial
 2. The Cross Makes us Humble
 3. The Cross Makes us Hopeful
 4. The Cross Teaches Obedience
 5. The Cross Makes for Discipline
 6. The Cross Brings Repentance
 7. Persecution Brings God's Favor
 8. Persecution Should Bring Spiritual Joy
 9. The Cross Should Not Makes us Indifferent
 10. The Cross Makes for Submission
 11. The Cross is Necessary for our Salvation
 1. There is No Crown Without a Cross
 2. We are Inclined to Overestimate the Present Life
 3. The Blessings of This Present Life Should Not be Despised
 4. What is Earth, if Compared with Heaven?
 5. We Should Not Fear Death, But Lift Up our Heads
 6. The Lord Will Come in His Glory: Maranatha!
 1. Let Us Avoid Extremes
 2. Earthly Things are Gifts of God
 3. True Gratitude will Restrain us from Abuse
 4. Let us Live with Moderation
 5. Let us be Patient and Content Under Privation
 6. Be Faithful in Your Divine Calling
 jcc 552923
SGCB Price: $5.00 (list price $11.00)
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 click for details |  | THE STILL HOUR: Communion with God in Prayer Austin Phelps
 Austin Phelps (1820-1890) was a congregational minister, a professor of sacred rhetoric and homiletics, and later a president of Andover Theological Seminary. He wrote several books which were widely read, but none as much as "The Still Hour." Some of the subjects covered are quite unique, such as "Absence of God, in Prayer", "Unhallowed Prayer", "Distrust in Prayer", "Indolence in Prayer" and "Idolatry in Prayer." This is a book that will both convict and encourage. It is perfect alike for the new believer and the aged saint who has walked with Christ for decades.
 "Comforting, convicting, and correcting, Phelps's 'Still Hour' is the best short book a Christian can read to stir up his or her sluggish soul and lay hold of God afresh by means of biblical, heartfelt prayer." --Joel R. Beeke, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
 Charles H. Spurgeon, in the midst of a sermon on Mark 11:24, said the following: "I was reading the other day in a sweet little book, which I would commend to the attention of all of you, written by an American author, Austin Phelps, who seems to truly and completely know the power of prayer, and to whom I am indebted for many good things. The llittle book is called The Still Hour,"
 Don Whitney wrote: "Remember that the great purpose for engaging in these Disciplines is Godliness, that we may be like Jesus, that we may be more holy. In The Still Hour, Austin Phelps wrote, 'It has been said that no great work in literature or in science was ever wrought by a man who did not love solitude. We may lay it down as an elemental principle of religion, that no large growth in holiness was ever gained by one who did not take time to be often long alone with God.'"
 6-15 OS6 ppp JKP stst PBS 3pt HLP2
 Nearly 60% DISCOUNT
SGCB Price: $5.00 (list price $14.00)
SGCB Price: $32.00 (list price $65.00) Includes 'Studies of the Old Testament' and 'The New Birth'
 |  |  |  | THE TRANSFIGURED LIFE: Selected Shorter Writings of J.R. Miller James Russell Miller
 James Russell Miller (1840-1912) was considered by many the greatest devotional writer of his era. His more than 60 volumes sold into the millions of copies and were translated into numerous languages throughout the world.
 Professor W. Brenton Greene of Princeton Theological Seminary, after 25 years of intimate association with Miller, said reverently: "If I dared let any man embody my idea of our Lord, I should find myself unconsciously turning to Dr. Miller for such embodiment. We can try to follow him only afar off, but it is one of God's best gifts to us that we have been given such an example of Christlikeness."
 "The title for this book of selections from Dr. J.R Miller's writings is so apropos to his ministry as pastor, preacher and publisher. The reader of Miller will indeed be led to see Christ more deeply and more personally, and receive constant glimpses of the glorious world to come." - Gene Fedele, author and publisher
 In addition to his books, which were extremely popular, Miller wrote a number of shorter works to strengthen the hands of the brethren. We have selected a dozen of these shorter works and organized them in a way that will lead the reader upward and onward in their journey to the heavenly Jerusalem.

 1) The Transfigured Life
 2) The Face of the Master
 3) The Master's Friendships
 4) A Gentle Heart
 5) In Perfect Peace
 6) A Cure for Care
 7) The Blessing of Cheerfulness
 8) Loving My Neighbor
 9) Mary of Bethany
 10) Secrets of Happy Home Life
 11) Unto the Hills
 12) Turning Northward
 COME YE APART: A Daily Devotional Journey Through the Four Gospels of our Lord Jesus Christ
 THE HOME BEAUTIFUL: Timeless Words of Wisdom for Today's Family
 JESUS AND I ARE FRIENDS: The Life and Ministry of J.R. Miller
 THE TRANSFIGURED LIFE: Selected Shorter Writings of J.R. Miller
 YOUNG MEN: Faults and Ideals
 YOUNG PEOPLE’S PROBLEMS: Help and Hope for Today’s Teens

 Nearly 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $13.50 (list price $25.00)
SGCB Price: $65.00 (list price $141.00) Nearly 55% Discount
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 click for details |  | VALLEY OF VISION - A Collection of Puritan Prayers & Devotions- Gift Edition, black bonded-leather; and New Genuine Leather Arthur Bennett
 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: 'Valley of Vision' is finally available in a New GENUINE LEATHER Gift Edition enclosed in a Protective Case.
 GENUINE LEATHER--This edition comes with a GENUINE LEATHER cover, and a single ribbon marker. It has a Smyth Sewn binding with feature hubs on the spine, and comes in a protective case. This edition is a nice step up from the bonded-leather edition. 432 pp - 978-1-84871-309-3 - List Price $70.00
 Draw upon the inspiration of the elegant prayers of such Puritans as John Bunyan, Isaac Watts, David Brainerd, Augustus Toplady, and Charles Spurgeon. The Valley of Vision has been prepared not to simply supply Christians with prayers, but to prompt and encourage them as they walk upon the path of others who've gone before them. You'll relish the elegance of these writings as they transport you to the heavenly throne of grace. Topics include redemption and reconciliation, holy aspirations, penitence, and more.
 Elegant gift edition in cabra bonded leather with gold stamping and gilt-edged pages. This edition opens with a presentation page and includes a satin ribbon page marker. Type is set in classic 12/14 point Adobe Caslon, on fine quality paper. May be imprinted.
 'When used slowly, for meditation and prayer, these pages have often been used by God's Spirit to kindle my dry heart.' --MARK DEVER
 'The prayers in The Valley of Vision are steeped in Scripture, yet never succumb to mere formula. They are theologically fresh and vibrant, yet they are rooted in confessionalism. They range over a huge sweep of Christian experience and devotion, but they are never merely esoteric or cute. They brim with deep emotion and transparent passion, but they carefully avoid mere sentimentalism. This is a book that teaches readers to pray by example.' --D.A. CARSON
 'The Valley of Vision is a wonderful collection of Puritan prayers which both help to shape and inform our own private devotions and, perhaps more importantly, aid pastors as they seek to lead their congregations in prayer and into the presence of God.' -CARL TRUEMAN
 'I cannot commend enough The Valley of Vision, which is a compilation of over two-hundred pages of Puritan prayers (each of which are one page in length). I pray through one of these prayers every day. Sometimes the prayers are so meaningful and relevant that I will pray through the same prayer for days. This is a wonderful aid to supplement one s own prayers. Indeed, these prayers will also teach one how to pray, and, at the same time, they teach theological truth. I cannot think of any Christian who would not benefit from these prayers.' -GREG BEALE
 'It's amazing how frequently the prayers from the little book The Valley of Vision show up in our worship services. The Valley of Vision is a collection of Puritan prayers, and I would put them in that category. That is, they are thoughtful, reflective, and meditative. They're even written in a certain kind of cadence, if you've ever noticed, which is probably very intentional, so that they might be used in corporate settings. But they came out of a deep heart of communion with God.' --JOHN PIPER
 The Valley of Vision
 Thou hast brought me to the valley of vision,
 where I live in the depths but see thee in the heights;
 hemmed in by mountains of sin I behold thy glory.
 Let me learn by paradox
 that the way down is the way up,
 that to be low is to be high,
 that the broken heart is the healed heart,
 that the contrite spirit is the rejoicing spirit,
 that the repenting soul is the victorious soul,
 that to have nothing is to possess all,
 that to bear the cross is to wear the crown,
 that to give is to receive,
 that the valley is the place of vision.
 Lord, in the daytime stars can be seen from deepest wells,
 and the deeper the wells the brighter thy stars shine;
 Let me find thy light in my darkness,
 thy life in my death,
 thy joy in my sorrow,
 thy grace in my sin,
 thy riches in my poverty,
 thy glory in my valley.
 "The prayers in this book are drawn from the largely forgotten deposit of Puritan spiritual exercises, meditations and aspirations. They testify to the richness and color of evangelical thought and language that animated vital piety in an important stream of English religious life. It is hoped that their publication will help to redress the neglect of this vast ocean of Puritan spirituality. The Puritan Movement was a religious phenomenon of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, yet its influence continued at least to the time of Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834–92) who may be regarded as the last of the great Puritans. Although the political storm ended in 1660, its theological ground-swell carried forward distinct forms of practical religion for many decades, particularly family worship and private devotion. In these spheres, and in that of the authority of Scripture over the whole of life, New England Presbyterians and Congregationalists were at one with English Dissenters and Anglican evangelicals in a close-knit union that transcended differences of worship, discipline and polity. They spoke the same spiritual language, shared the same code of values, adopted the same attitude towards the Christian religion, and breathed out the same God-centered aspirations in a manner that makes it impossible to distinguish the voice of conformist from that of nonconformist. Thus, this book of Puritan prayers has a unity not often found in similar works. The strength of Puritan character and life lay in the practice of prayer and meditation. Many of those who held the doctrines of grace wrote down a record of God’s intimate dealings with their souls, not with an eye to publication, but, as in David Brainerd’s case, to test their spiritual growth, and to encourage themselves by their re-perusal in times of low spiritual fervor. Others, like William Jay and Henry Law, turned their personal devotions into corporate forms for family worship, and published them to the church at large. Yet others, such as Philip Doddridge and William Romaine, wrote prayers into their literary works in order to evoke the reader’s spiritual response. Many ministers went further and advised their congregations to put their private prayer thoughts on paper and vocalize them. There thus emerged an important corpus of inspiring Puritan prayers that are still largely unused.
 In extracting this selection from Puritan literature it has been necessary to change some prayers from the plural and the third person into the singular and the first person in order that the book might be used chiefly in private devotion. But, by a change of pronoun, most of them can be employed in corporate worship. A final section has been added for occasions of corporate worship. Old idiom has been retained, but it has been necessary to reframe some phrases in order to accommodate archaic thought to modern understanding. A number of prayers were originally spiritual experiences, as in the case of Thomas Shepard, and some others are conflations from different sources to bind together a given theme. A poetic form has been adopted throughout as an aid to easier comprehension and utterance. Each prayer consists of a number of main clauses with subsidiary clauses that illuminate and enlarge the subject. In this way an opportunity is provided for pauses and reflections. The editor is thus responsible for the structure of the prayers as here printed. The book is not intended to be read as a prayer manual. The soul learns to pray by praying; for prayer is communion with a transcendent and immanent God who on the ground of his nature and attributes calls forth all the powers of the redeemed soul in acts of total adoration and dedication. The prayers should therefore be used as aspiration units, the several parts of which could become springboards for the individual’s own prayer subjects. These and their divisions can also serve homiletic purposes. The prayers are taken from the works of Thomas Shepard, Thomas Watson, Richard Baxter, John Bunyan, Isaac Watts, William Williams, Philip Doddridge, William Romaine, David Brainerd, Augustus Toplady, Christmas Evans, William Jay, Henry Law and Charles Haddon Spurgeon. They are sent out with the prayer of Philip Doddridge, that, ‘However weak and contemptible this work may seem in the eyes of the children of this world, and however imperfect it really be, it may nevertheless live before thee, and through a divine power be mighty to produce the rise and progress of religion.’ I desire to thank the Rev. Iain H. Murray of the Banner of Truth Trust for his encouragement to produce this work, Mr. S. M. Houghton, many of whose kindly criticisms have been accepted, and the Rev. R. E. Davies, who helped to resolve theological points. I am grateful to the Trustees of the British Museum, Dr. Williams’ Library, and the Evangelical Library for access to out-of-print books. " -Arthur Bennett
 bfs CDV 7/18 JKP LVS ddv l2o bots botn bl2s vvgl botx 7/13 spt ddg
SGCB Price: $21.95 (list price $30.00)
SGCB Price: $52.95 (list price $70.00) BRAND NEW - JUST ARRIVED IN THE STATES
 |  |  |  | THE SECRET OF COMMUNION WITH GOD: How to Begin the Day, Spend the Day and End the Day with God Matthew Henry
 One of the finest, but little known, treatises on the godly life ever written, by the author of the justly popular Matthew Henry's Commentary. This little gem teaches how to begin the day with God, how to spend the day with God, and how to end the day with God.
 "Matthew Henry is most pious and pithy, sound and sensible, suggestive and sober, terse and trustworthy. You will find him to be glittering with metaphors, rich in analogies, overflowing with illustrations, and superabundant in reflections." - C.H. Spurgeon
 "Follow Henry's counsel and your practice of prayer will be changed forever, and thus also your experience of communion with God. For as Henry rightly says, 'those who live without prayer, live without God in the world.'" - Dr. Ligon Duncan
 ""The way we maintain our prayer lives is the great practical fundamental of our Christianity. This was the strength of the English Puritans. Here in this work by Matthew Henry we have the nitty-gritty." - Erroll Hulse
 $4-6 Book
 $5.00 Sale
 SGPC 5s ppp stst PBS 3PT
SGCB Price: $7.95 (list price $14.00) NOW AVAILABLE
 |  |  |  | 365 DAYS WITH CALVIN A Unique Collection of Readings from the Writings of John Calvin Selected by Dr. Joel Beeke
 John Calvin exercised a profound ministry in Europe, and is probably one of the most seminal thinkers ever to have lived. A godly pastor, theologian and preacher, he led his flock by example and worked hard to establish consistent godliness in his city. A prolific writer, his sermons, letters, and, of course, his 'Christian Institutes' have been published again and again. His writings, once described as 'flowing prose', are characterized by clarity, simplicity, and yet profoundness, too. In these heart-warming pieces, drawn from his commentaries and sermons, Calvin brings us to Christ, the glorious Savior of all his people.
 "Daily devotionals, spiritual aids to help us be accountable for a life of disciplined reading of Scripture and prayer, have been around for centuries and need a certain caliber of excellence and insight if they are to prove of lasting value through 365 days! Of those I'd like to spend a year with as my spiritual guide and mentor, John Calvin is most certainly one of them. Joel Beeke guides us through the Reformer's writings to help us discover the help and insight that every Christian needs to live a God-honoring life for Jesus Christ." - Derek W. H. Thomas

SGCB Price: $14.50 (list price $20.00)
 |  | 
 click for details |  | JESUS TEMPTED IN THE WILDERNESS: Sharing Christ's Victory Adolphe Monod, with New Translation by Constance K. Walker, Editor
 "Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness is Adophe Monod at his best. It is a masterpiece, bringing together profound comfort, realistic understanding, practical wisdom, and heavenly glory for every believer and, in a special way, for those who are preparing for or are working directly in some ministry. By the Spirit's grace, if you digest Monod's book slowly, seriously, and prayerfully, you will make great spiritual gain as you engage in holy warfare against your own temptations and lusts. You really must read this book." - Joel Beeke
 "Here, in this spiritual gem, the greatest French preacher of the nineteenth century, Adolphe Monod, probes the implications of one of the most important of Christianity's mysteries: the terrible reality of the sinless Jesus being tempted in every area of human sin or vice. Firmly rooted in biblical orthodoxy, these three meditations reveal why Jesus was so tempted, how he emerged victorious, and what his victory means for us. These meditations are spiritual food and drink to all seeking to make progress in the Christian life." - Michael Haykin
 "No thoughts could penetrate so powerfully as these words about Jesus' temptations and ours. Just when you thought Monod could go no deeper, he takes you into the most inner recesses of the soul, adding comfort and hope to his searing realism about our weaknesses. In Constance Walker's translation, the author's voice is heard clearly again, bringing these messages to us in a life-transforming way." - William Edgar, Westminster Theological Seminary
 "I first encountered Adolphe Monod's, 'Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness' at a time in my life when I was battling intense discouragement. Because I was preparing for full-time Christian ministry, I was reluctant, and almost embarrassed to admit my struggle, yet Monod's book proved to be just what I needed. It spoke to the heart of my inner turmoil with all the eloquence of a Christian classic. Monod showed me that all followers of Christ will, like their Master, face temptation, especially during seasons of preparation for ministry. Yet we too can have the hope of victory and can look to Christ to show us 'the means through which we can triumph.' I was so encouraged to find that, ultimately, God used my season of discouragement to build up and strengthen my faith, just as Monod had confidently and carefully assured me that He would.
 "More than just a discourse instructing future ministers in how to battle temptation, 'Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness' is a book on how to live the Christian life. Adolphe Monod's careful analysis of the temptation of Christ in Scripture points us to a vibrant faith that can not only survive, but actually thrive amidst the trials and travails that God allows to be placed in our path. It is precisely for such times that Monod offers a warm and gentle reassurance as a fellow sojourner: 'No, no, children of God, your Father has not forgotten you. He is treating you as he treated his only and beloved Son. It is the narrow way through which you must pass to arrive at a more solid faith.' " - A recent college graduate preparing for Christian ministry overseas
 "I read the first meditation on temptation, and my heart was strangely touched. Two thoughts came to mind (actually, a host of thoughts, but these are the two most significant thoughts): 1) I never heard anything like that when I was in training for ministry, and 2) I am not sure my students are hearing anything like that today. The first, I cannot change and perhaps it is not yet too late that I have heard these words of encouragement. The second I can correct. There are important warnings and encouragements that every seminary student needs to hear. I finished the other two chapters and found them to be even better. I recognized myself at many points, and was convicted on several points. This is good stuff. I wish I had such a man to be a close friend. Please rush this to print. My appreciation for Monod has grown over the years." - R.J. Gore, ErskineTheological Seminary and U. S. Army Reserve chaplain (Colonel).
 "Monod shows that Christ is our Savior because as 'the second Adam' He fulfilled in the desert what the first Adam failed to do in a garden. This book faithfully shows that in Christ we too can have victory over Satan and that it is God's word that is our weapon against the enemy of our souls." - Paul D. Kooistra, Coordinator, Mission to the World (Presbyterian Church in America) and former president, Covenant Theological Seminary
 "Adolphe Monod's seminary years and the years immediately following them were times of great spiritual struggle. Perhaps that helps explain his special fondness and burden for young men preparing themselves for gospel ministry. As a seminary professor himself, during the middle part of his career, he took the unheard-of step of inviting students into his home, thus producing strong and enduring bonds of friendship between teacher and pupils.
 During those years in academia, Adolphe Monod gave three messages on temptation in the seminary chapel. As was often his custom, he took his lessons primarily from the earthly life of his Savior, in this case from Jesus tempted in the wilderness. Material that was uniquely applicable to the seminary students was removed when the messages were preached in the Paris pulpit but was reinstated when the sermons were published. It is that published form that is presented here, in a new translation. As in my earlier translations of Monod's works, I have attempted to retain his gracious, romantic style while still making the text flow naturally to a modern reader.
 We will all be tempted at some point - no, at many points - and we are most likely to face severe temptation when we begin a new work for the Lord. This was Monod's conviction as he addressed his mid-19th-century students, and it is the common experience of Christians today. Adolphe Monod's burden was to warn us all, pastors and laity alike, to be on our guard. But expecting the attacks is not enough. He also wanted us to be wise in knowing how to counter them and confident of gaining a firm victory - the victory that Jesus won for us. By carefully studying how Jesus faced the devil's temptations in the wilderness, every serious and fruitful Christian will be better equipped for his own spiritual battles." - Constance K. Walker, from the Translator's Preface

 Biographical Sketch
 Translator's Preface
 Scripture Text

 *First Meditation: THE BATTLE
 The Measure of Jesus' Temptation
 The Nature of Jesus' Temptation
 The Timing of Jesus' Temptation
 The Reason for Jesus' Temptation

 *Second Meditation: THE VICTORY
 Jesus' Victory, Our Guarantee
 Victory in His Human Nature
 Overcoming Doubts
 Victory in Our Grasp
 The Value of a Single Victory

 *Third Meditation: THE WEAPONS
 Preparing for Battle
 The Sword of the Spirit
 The Temptation to Distrust
 The Temptation to Unfaithfulness
 The Temptation to Presumption
 Satan's Use of Scripture
 Possessing the Scriptures

SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $16.00)
 Order with MONOD 5-PACK which includes "Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness"
SGCB Price: $46.00 (list price $98.00) Over 50% Discount When Ordered as a 5-Pack
 |  | 
 click for details |  | THE PRECIOUS THINGS OF GOD: Devotional Studies on the 12 Things Scripture Call 'Precious' Octavius Winslow
 (1) THE PRECIOUS THINGS OF GOD: Devotional Studies on the 12 Things Scripture Call 'Precious'
 We are pleased to announce our newest offering from the Northampton Press, "The Precious Things of God" by Octavius Winslow (1808-1878). Of this book John MacArthur said, "Octavius Winslow's The Precious Things of God is a profound study of twelve things Scripture calls 'precious.' They happen to be twelve foundational aspects of Christian faith and experience. So this book is essentially a handbook for faithful Christian living. Written in a simple, compelling, devotional style, it's a wonderful tool that will encourage young Christians and mature saints alike. Very highly recommended."
 These pages address themselves pointedly and strongly to that essential principle of vital religion; the experimental. We really know as much of the gospel of Christ, and of the Christ of the gospel, as by the power of the Holy Ghost we have the experience of it in our souls.To apprehend, in some measure, the value, the glory, and the preciousness of the Lord Jesus, and, as a consequence, to esteem Him above all good, to reflect His image, to labor in His service; this is spiritual life.
 The author elucidates such 'precious' things as Christ, faith, trials, God's thoughts, divine promises, the blood of Christ, the anointing of the Holy Spirit, God's children, God's Word, prayer, Christ's sympathy with our infirmities, and the death of the saints.
 This is a wonderful devotional manual on experiential Christianity. This book is the first modern edition of this title. It has been retypeset and slightly modernized. The last edition published prior to this was a lithograph of a 19th century copy. This is a completely new edition.
 "For several years, I have kept an old used copy of "The Precious Things of God" near my desk, often using it as a devotional to stir up my heart to treasure those sacred truths of Scripture which are to mold our thoughts, words, and actions if we aim to live Christ-like. As is true of all of Dr. Winslow's writings, this volume is a precious gem about precious truths, replete with memorable statements and written for spiritual edification." - Dr. Joel R. Beeke
 "Winslow's 'The Precious Things of God' is a profound study of twelve things Scripture calls 'precious.' They happen to be twelve foundational aspects of Christian faith and experience. So this book is essentially a handbook for faithful Christian living. Written in a simple, compelling, devotional style, it's a wonderful tool that will encourage young Christians and mature saints alike. Very highly recommended." - John MacArthur
 The Preciousness of Christ
 The Preciousness of Faith
 The Preciousness of Trial
 The Preciousness of God's Thoughts
 The Preciousness of the Divine Promises
 The Preciousness of Christ's Blood
 The Precious Anointing
 The Preciousness of God's Children
 The Preciousness of God's Word
 The Preciousness of Prayer
 The Preciousness of Christ's Sympathy With Our Infirmities
 The Death of the Saints Precious

 (2) HELP HEAVENWARD: Guidance and Strength for the Christian's Life Journey
 Admission to heaven is promised and guaranteed to all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ but they all need help to get there.
 Sin, suffering, death and Satan obstruct the believer’s progress in faith and obedience. But God’s grace, his Son’s merit and the Spirit’s might, all cooperate to direct, uphold, encourage and restore the believer who persevered on the holy pilgrimage.
 Help Heavenward, a practical handbook on sanctification with heaven ever in view, is devotional writing at its finest. I know of no better book to give to Christians as they struggle in this sinful world to live in obedience to their Saviour. Use this book to become acquainted with those sacred truths of Scripture that the Spirit uses to mould our thoughts, words, and actions for Christlike living.

 Author’s Preface
 1 The Ransomed Returning Home
 2 Progressive Meetness for Heaven
 3 The Burdened Gently Led by Christ
 4 The Clouds of the Christian, the Chariot of God
 5 Trial, a Help Heavenward
 6 Bonds Loosed
 7 Human Care Transferred to God
 8 Self-Communion
 9 Backsliders Returning
 10 The Swelling of Jordan
 11 Our Father’s House

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 (1) THE PRECIOUS THINGS OF GOD: Devotional Studies on the 12 Things Scripture Call 'Precious'
SGCB Price: $17.50 (list price $25.00) 30% OFF THIS HARDCOVER VOLUME
 (2) HELP HEAVENWARD: Guidance and Strength for the Christian's Life Journey
SGCB Price: $10.50 (list price $14.00) THIS IS A 230 PAGE PAPERBACK
SGCB Price: $26.00 (list price $39.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR BOTH WINSLOW TITLES
 |  | 
 click for details |  | THE PRAYER OF A BROKEN HEART: A Classic Exposition of Psalm 51 Robert Candlish (1806-1873)
 In this precious, but little known book, Robert Candlish (1806-1873) a beloved and gifted Scottish preacher, expounds and applies the great Penitential Psalm of David. As long as we find ourselves alive in this world of sin and misery, and experience the daily battle with the world, the flesh and the devil, this psalm will minister to the child of God. Candlish, although a scholar, approaches this portion of Scripture as a child. His words came from his heart and they thus speak to the heart.
 We have included the first couple paragraphs of all four messages below so that you can taste and see for yourself. It is good to the last drop.
 Spurgeon said of him, ""A man hardly needs anything beyond Candlish. He is devout, candid, prudent and forcible"
 Dr. Robert Paul Martin added, "Psalm 51 needs to be familiar ground for every pilgrim to Zion. David's confession of his sin and prayer for divine grace is exemplary in its scope and pointedness. Many are the occasions when we need to pray as he did. Robert Candlish has given us a helpful exposition of this psalm which not only informs our understanding but prods us to imitate David's repentance in those seasons when we should deal honestly with God concerning our sins."
 Dr. Mike Renihan said, "Take up and read to improve your soul. As Candlish wrote, 'You will be getting more and more of an insight into God's marvelous grace and love, and proving more and more thoroughly the blessedness of a full, as well as a free, forgiveness; of complete reconciliation; of perfect peace.' You will not be sorry for the investment of your precious time."
 I. The Prayer Of A Broken Heart - Confession of Sin: Psalm 51:1-6
 The Psalm opens with an abrupt and impulsive appeal. It is the psalmist's ordinary way; to begin with an outburst of feeling; and then go on to explain more leisurely the experience which led up to it. So is it here. His cry is for mercy; "God be merciful to me a sinner." And it is a cry altogether self-abandoning and self-despairing. It is a simple casting of himself, sinner as he is, upon God. It is upon God, "according to his loving kindness, according to the multitude of his tender mercies," that he casts himself. The rich, and large, and bountiful grace of God is his only stay. He appeals to it in terms expressive of the most emphatic fullness of contrite conviction and believing confidence:"Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy loving kindness; according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions."
 Two unequivocal signs of grace follow; a desire to be thoroughly washed and cleansed, "Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin,"and a willingness to appear before God, for that end, without concealment and without guile, "I acknowledge my transgressions; and my sin is ever before me."
 These are the two features in respect of which the "godly sorrow which worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of" differs from "the sorrow of the world which worketh death" (2 Cor. 7:10); the desire to be thoroughly cleansed, and the owning of all sin. And they are the distinguishing features of this case; the case of one deeply, deplorably, fallen in sin; but yet hopeful.
 For deep and deplorable as his fall has been, his faith does not fail.
 II. The Prayer Of A Broken Heart - Supplication for Full Cleansing: Psalm 51:7-12
 The particular pleading with God,--in detail, as it were,--in the verses on the consideration of which I now enter, fitly follows the penitent's profound and searching investigation of his own sin. There is an obvious difference between the prayer that precedes, and this which follows, that confession. The prayer which goes before is, as I have said, quite vague and general. The prayer which comes after is special, pointed, and precise. When my sin finds me out; when the cock crows; when I hear the voice "Thou art the man;" the shock of the sudden discovery to me of my guilt, under the eye of Jesus, "turning and looking on me," moves me to tears and prayer. It is prayer; perhaps for the first time truly prayer. It is the abrupt cry,"Lord save me; I perish." Blessed be God, even that is enough. But there comes a closer dealing with my soul; which I welcome and improve. And I turn from that soul-exercise again to God. I plead with him more in detail, about my case. And my detailed pleading, in renewed prayer, corresponds to the detailed penetential exercise out of which it arises and proceeds.
 III. The Prayer Of A Broken Heart - Its Purpose Of Reparation: Psalm 51:13-15
 The conclusion of the Psalmist's inward penitential exercise of soul brings forward its connection with the outer world. He has been confessing his sin, without reserve or guile. He has been seeking a thorough cure for a deep disease. He has been considering his case in all the views of it which a spiritually awakened conscience can suggest. His sin is ever before him; as now really painful and offensive to himself. It is seen in the light of the glory of God; his glory as--first, the sovereign Lord; secondly, the Holy One; and thirdly, the righteous Judge. Sin is rebellion against his sovereignty. It is loathsome in his sight. It is righteously judged and condemned. Nor is this all. In its source and essence, this sin is original; birth-born; natural; inherent in the fallen constitution which he inherits. In all these views of it, he is enabled to pray for deliverance. He asks to be purged, cleansed, quickened.
 And now, with the restored joy of God's salvation, giving me the confidence of being upheld by a free spirit, I ask if anything can be done by me; if anything lies before me; that may prove my penitence for the past, and occupy my recovered strength of joy and liberty for service now? My own case might well engross, and must engross, my attention when I first awaken to a sense of what it really is; a case all but desperate; critical for weal or woe; and that forever. But having spread out my case before God; and accepted his manner of dealing with it; I may now look more abroad. I have leisure now to think, in my new character, of the claims of my fellow men (ver. 13-15); and of my God (ver. 16, 17); and of his church (ver. 18, 19).
 IV. The Prayer Of A Broken Heart - Its Present Sacrifice And Final Prospect: Psalm 51:16-19
 The first impulse of the restored penitent, when the case as between him and his God is settled, is to go forth from his closet, the secret place of his God,--where the covenant of peace through atoning blood has been ratified as a personal transaction,--and tell what great things the Lord has done. That should and must be your immediate instinct. Many motives may prompt such action. You long to give vent to your emotions; and it is a relief to you to impart to others your sorrows and your joys; your late dismal fears, and your present blessed hopes. There is pleasure also in the communication of good tidings. And surely there is an earnest and eager desire to save the lost. For you cannot, if you are yourselves taken from the horrible pit, look with indifference on the state of your companions who are still sinking unconsciously in its miry clay.
 But over and above all these, there is a paramount consideration. It is the conviction that you owe it to the "God of your salvation," to "show forth his praise."
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 |  |  |  | A PEN DIPPED IN LOVE: Letters from the Heart of John Newton John Newton
 John Newton (1725-1807), converted slave-trader, preacher, and hymn-writer, was one of the most colorful figures in the Evangelical Awakening of the eighteenth century. 'Once an infidel and libertine, a servant of slaves in Africa', he once wrote for his epitaph, 'by the rich mercy of Jesus Christ, preserved, restored, pardoned, and appointed to preach the faith he had long labored to destroy.'
 It was through his prolific correspondence that Newton fulfilled his distinctive work as 'the letter-writer par excellence of the Evangelical Revival'. His grasp of Scripture and deep personal experience of the 'amazing grace' of God, his many friends (among them, Whitefield, Cowper and Wilberforce), his many and varied trials, his country pastorate, his strong, clear, idiomatic style - all these factors combined to prepare the author of 'How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds', for the exercise of his special gift.
 "In few writers are Christian doctrine, experience and practice more happily balanced than in the author of these Letters, and few write with more simplicity, piety and force." - C. H. Spurgeon
 "What thousands have derived repeated profit and pleasure from the perusal of these utterances of the heart! Nor ever will they cease to be found means of grace whilst God has a church on earth." - William Jay
 "It was Newton's goodness rather than his greatness that rendered him so especially attractive; the abundance of the grace of God that was in him. In this respect he was pre-eminent, justifying the eulogy of William Jay who speaks of him as one of the most perfect instances of the spirit and temper of Christianity he ever knew. Some men excel in one virtue more than another. But Newton's character was beautiful in its entireness. It rested on a solid foundation; the initial Christian grace of humility, and of this grace he was a most striking example. He never for a moment forgot that by the grace of God he was what he was." Josiah Bull
 Letter 1 - Grace in the Blade
 Letter 2 - Grace in the Ear
 Letter 3 - The Full Corn in the Ear
 Letter 4 - Communion with God
 Letter 5 - Spiritual Blindness
 Letter 6 - The Right Use of the Law
 Letter 7 - Snares and Difficulties Attending the Ministry
 Letter 8 - Marks of a Call to the Ministry
 Letter 9 - Advice on the Work of the Ministry
 Letter 10 - Some Blemishes in Christian Character
 Letter 11 - Love to the Brethren
 Letter 12 - Doctrines of Election and Final Perseverance
 Letter 13 - Divine Guidance
 Letter 14 - The Practical Influence of Faith
 Letter 15 - Family Worship
 Letter 16 - Temptation: Advice to Tempted Souls
 Letter 17 - Controversy: Advice Respecting your Opponent, the Public and Yourself
 Letter 18 - Man in His Fallen Estate: Part One
 Letter 19 - Man in His Fallen Estate: Part Two
 Letter 20 - Causes, Nature, and Marks of Decline in Grace
 Letter 21 - Difference Between Acquired and Experimental Knowledge
 Letter 22 - The Believer's Inability on Account of Remaining Sin
 Letter 23 - Evil Present with the Believer
 Letter 24 - Advantages from Remaining Sin
 Letter 25 - What the Believer can Attain to in This Life
 Letter 26 - The Greatness of God
 Letter 27 - The Lord the Shepherd of His People
 Letter 28 - The Blessedness of the Believer
 Letter 29 - The Character of a Christian
 Letter 30 - Cases of Conscience
 Letter 31 - How to Meet the Assaults of Satan
 Letter 32 - How to Keep Close to the Lord
 Letter 33 - The Benefits of Affliction
 Letter 34 - Contrary Principles in the Believer
 Letter 35 - Christ All-Sufficient
 Letter 36 - Blessed are They That Mourn
 Letter 37 - Conflict Exercises the Graces
 Letter 38 - Submission to the Will of the Lord
 Letter 39 - The Vanity of the World
 "This book was given to me by a dear friend 46 years ago this month as I was a student in Seminary. It has had a profound impact upon my life ever since the day it was received. My copy has nearly fallen apart, and many of the letters have been read more than a dozen times. Newton was a man after God's heart, and his letters were written with a pen that was dipped in love.
 It is a great honor for Solid Ground to be able to give this book a new chance to touch the hearts of many throughout the world. Once you have completed this Introduction to Newton's Letters you will surely want to attain all his letters as they are published by Banner of Truth. This would be a superb gift to give to a new Christian, a Seminary student, a Christian teacher and even someone who is yet a stranger of God and of grace. Just read the titles and you will want this book." -The Publisher
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 click for details |  | CHRIST IN SONG: Hymns of Immanuel from All Ages compiled by Philip Schaff
 Philip Schaff is best known for his massive "History of the Christian Church". In 1869 Schaff took his love for Christ and the Church and turned his efforts to a compilation of the great hymns of the Church down through the ages. His focus was upon one thing: JESUS CHRIST. Hear his words from the Preface, "Christ is the centre of sacred art as well as of theology and religion... From Him music has drawn its highest inspiration, and Handel transcended himself when he made 'Messiah' his theme. The sweetest lyrics of Zion in all ages celebrate the events of His life and the boundless wealth of mercy and peace that is treasured up in His person and work for every believer. The hymns of JESUS are the Holy of holies in the temple of sacred poetry."
 Schaff concludes his Preface with these words: "May He, whose holy name shines on every page, own and bless this labor of love to His own glory and praise, and to the joy and comfort of His people; animating their songs in the house of their pilgrimage, until they adore Him face to face in the chorus of Redemption everlasting."
 CHARLES HODGE, great 19th century theologian, said the following about this volume: "After all, apart from the Bible, the best antidote to all these false theories of the person and work of Christ, is such a book as Dr. Schaff's 'CHRIST IN SONG.' The hymns contained in that volume are of all ages and from all churches. They set forth Christ as truly God, as truly man, as one person, as the expiation for our sins, as our intercessor, Savior, and King, as the supreme object of love, as the ultimate ground of confidence, as the all-sufficient portion of the soul. We want no better theology and no better religion than are set forth in these hymns. They were indicted by the Holy Spirit in the sense that the thoughts and feelings which they express, are due to his operations on the hearts of his people."
 Part First: CHRIST FOR US
 - The Advent
 - The Incarnation
 - The Infant Savior
 - The Epiphany
 - Christ's Life and Example
 - The Passion
 - The Burial
 - The Resurrection
 - The Ascension
 - The Intercession and Reign
 - Christ Judging the World
 Part Second: CHRIST IN US
 - The Love and Loveliness of Christ
 - Christ our Refuge and Strength
 - Christ our Peace
 - Faith in Christ
 - Union with Christ
 - The Holy Communion
 - Love and Gratitude to Christ
 - Forever with Christ
 - Praise and Adoration of Christ
 The hymns-poems of each section are mostly arranged in chronological order, to enable the reader to trace the history of Christian life in song. Perhaps it will whet your appetite to hear some whose works are found in this magnificent volume:
 EARLY CHURCH: Ambrose, Anatolius, Prudentius, Clement of Alexandria, Gregory Nazianzen...
 MIDDLE AGES: St. Bernard, John of Damascus, Bonaventura, Thomas Aquinas...
 REFORMATION PERIOD: Martin Luther, Michael Weiss, John Calvin...
 PURITAN ERA: Richard Baxter, John Milton, Paul Gerhardt, Jeremy Taylor, George Herbert...
 18TH CENTURY: William Cowper, Philip Doddridge, Isaac Watts, Charles Wesley, John Newton, Gerhard Tersteegen, A.M. Toplady, Joseph Hart, Anne Steele, Lady Huntingdon...
 19TH CENTURY: Horatius Bonar, R.M. McCheyne, Thomas Kelly, Alfred Lord Tennyson, James Montgomery, Josiah Conder, Henry Alford, Charlotte Elliot, Hannah More, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Elizabeth Prentiss....

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 "If any 19th century American Christian writer warrants reprinting, it is J.R. Miller! His writing style is delightfully smooth, his insights are spiritual diamonds on every page, and his pastoral applications are delivered with the skill of a well-seasoned physician of souls. The Devotional Life of the Sunday School Teacher is valuable not only for Sunday School teachers, but for all who are entrusted with any role in teaching others the things of God's grace. What a practical and devotional challenge to bring Christ to our students by our words and our deeds! The book will drive you to your Bible, your knees, and your classroom! Coupled with the publisher's biographical introduction, this little volume is a MUST read for all who wish to profit from an outstanding servant of a previous era. I cannot commend it too highly." - Bill Shishko, pastor, Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Franklin Square, NY
 "This book is a biblical prescription for the revitalization of a church's comprehensive Bible teaching ministry, often called Sunday School. In a day in which much that passes in the name of Bible study, isn't marked by much Bible or much study, a voice from the past calls this generation of Bible teachers to God-centered, Christ-exalting, Bible-saturated lessons. Miller rightly argues the key is not found in methods but in a Holy God, a holy life and God's Holy Word. I urge every pastor to get this book, first read it himself, and then give it to everyone in his church who teaches the Bible." - David Prince, Pastor, Ashland Avenue Baptist Church, Lexington, Kentucky
 J.R. Miller (1840-1912), who was considered by many the most gifted and popular devotional writer of that era. This powerful little book has the potential to change the lives of multitudes through transforming the lives of the teachers in our Sunday Schools. Miller wrote in his Preface, "The real power in Sunday School teaching is not in methods... or equipment, but in the teacher's own spiritual life." This is not a book for cowards, but for Christian warriors. 3000 copies were purchased the first month it was available.
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 COME YE APART: A Daily Devotional Journey Through the Four Gospels of our Lord Jesus Christ
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 click for details |  | THE CHIEF END OF MAN: An Exposition of the First Answer of the Shorter Catechism John Hall with Introduction by B.B. Warfield
 "Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him for ever." This uncovered treasure is intended for all who desire to teach or to learn the purpose for which we were created. John Hall (1806-1894) is best known for his long-term friendship with J.W. Alexander, that later resulted in his two volume work which included the 800 letters he received from Alexander over their 40 year relationship.
 This little gem is full of instruction on the reason we are here and the way that we can live to the glory of God and the enjoyment of God. Parents and children, teachers and pupils, pastors and congregation alike will benefit from this wonderful book.
 An Introductory article by Benjamin Warfield adds to the value of this work.
 Lady Glenorchy, in her diary, relates how she was seized with a fever which threatened her life, 'during the course of which,' she says, 'the first question of the Assembly's Catechism was brought to my mind—"What is the chief end of man?" as if some one had asked it. When I considered the answer to it—"To glorify God, and to enjoy Him for ever"—I was struck with shame and confusion. I found I had never sought to glorify God in my life, nor had I any idea of what was meant by enjoying Him for ever. Death and judgment were set before me; my past sins came to my remembrance; I saw no way to escape the punishment due unto them, nor had I the least glimmering hope of obtaining the pardon of them through the righteousness of another.' From this unhappy state she was shortly after delivered, by believing on the Lord Jesus as the only Savior of the guilty.
 Such was James Hervey's strict piety, that he suffered no moment to go unimproved. When he was called down to tea, he used to bring his Hebrew Bible or Greek Testament with him; and would either speak upon one verse or upon several verses, as occasion offered. 'This,' says William Romaine, 'was generally an improving season. The glory of God is very seldom promoted at the tea-table; but it was at Mr Hervey's. Drinking tea with him, was like being at an ordinance; for it was sanctified by the Word of God, and prayer.'
 An eminent minister, after having been silent in company for a considerable time, on being asked the reason, signified that the powers of his mind had been solemnly absorbed with the thought of eternal happiness. 'Oh, my friends,' said he, with an energy that surprised all present, 'consider what it is to be for ever with the Lord-for ever, for ever, for ever.'
 A French officer, who was a prisoner upon his parole at Reading, met with a Bible, read it, and was so struck with its contents, that he was convinced of the folly of skeptical principles, and of the truth of Christianity, and so resolved to become a Protestant. When his gay associates rallied him for taking so serious a turn, he said in his vindication, 'I have done no more than my old school-fellow Bernadotte, who has become a Lutheran.' 'Yes, but he became so,' said his associates, 'to obtain a crown.' 'My motive,' said the Christian officer, 'is the same; we only differ as to the place. The object of Bernadotte is to obtain a crown in Sweden, mine is to obtain a crown in heaven.'
 Mr Robinson, a member of the presbytery of New Brunswick, was the son of a wealthy Quaker in England. Being permitted to pay a visit to an aunt in London, from whom he had considerable expectations, and becoming very fond of the dissipation of the town, he incurred debt, which so involved him, that he determined to quit his native country, and seek his fortune in America. Soon after his arrival, he had recourse, for subsistence, to teaching in a school in New Jersey. After he had been for some time engaged in this business, without any practical sense of religion, he was riding at a late hour one evening, when the moon and stars shone with unusual brightness. while he was meditating on the beauty and grandeur of the scene, and was saying to himself 'how transcendentally glorious must be the Author of all this beauty and grandeur I' the thought struck him with the suddenness and force of lightning—'But what do I know of this God? Have I ever sought His favor, or made Him my friend?' This happy impression, which proved, by its permanency and effects, to have come from the best of all sources, never left him until he took refuge in Christ, as the hope and life of his soul.
 Thomas Carlyle, in speaking against modern materialism in 1876, made this confession: "The older I grow, and I am now upon the brink of eternity, the more comes back to me the first sentence of the Catechism which I learned when a child, and the fuller and deeper its meaning becomes, ‘What is the chief end of man? To glorify God, and to enjoy Him for ever.'" And Dr. Binnie says: "Of the numerous excellencies that have endeared the Westminster Shorter Catechism to so many churches on both sides of the Atlantic, I am disposed to reckon this among the greatest, that it opens with such a solemn announcement of the nobility of human nature. I know no other Catechism that opens so grandly."
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 click for details |  | THE WORD AND PRAYER: 52 Classic Devotions from the Minor Prophets John Calvin compiled by Charles E. Edwards
 In 1897 the Presbyterian Board of Publication first published this Devotional Gem drawn from John Calvin's remarkable teaching on the Minor Prophets. Rev. Charles E. Edwards did a masterful job of selecting an exposition from Calvin's Lectures to stand beside the actual prayer that Calvin used to close that particular Lecture.
 The Apostle's declared, "But we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the Word" (Acts 6:4). Exposition and prayer are found here in the perfect introduction to John Calvin. This can serve as a tool to help the reader go through the Minor Prophets with the able assistance of the Prince of Expositors.
 "Here, in these words from his lectures and prayers in the Geneva Academy, John Calvin most fully revealed his heart. As he prepared an international gathering of talented young men for gospel ministry--and not a few for martyrdom--he poured his knowledge into them and prayed fervently with them. Here he models what he sought to teach: if a man would be a pastor he must know God. If he would know God and serve man he must devote himself to prayer and the ministry of the word." -Sinclair B. Ferguson
 "Calvin is the spiritual grandfather of us all because most Pauline and most consumed with the Spirit of Christ. This is a fine introduction to his teaching and spirit." - Geoff Thomas
 "This precious book confirms Calvin's conviction that the Word and prayer work together to develop genuine piety in the Christian. Calvin taught that the Word is God's communication to us, providing us with spiritual food and medicine for spiritual health. Prayer is our communication to God by which we express praise and adoration, and bow in submissive piety before Him. May God mightily use this little volume to foster this spirit of devotion in many hearts and lives." --Dr. Joel R. Beeke
 "Having made use of Calvin's devotions and prayers from the Minor Prophets since I was a high school student, I am delighted to commend them to a new generation (my old small green paperback edition is now flimsy and dog-eared!). THE WORD AND PRAYER: Classic Devotions from the Minor Prophets by John Calvin, compiled by Charles E. Edwards, will prove a welcome aid to the cultivation of Christian piety, as well as public prayer." - Ligon Duncan
 "In a day when there are as many pieties as Christians, this volume will be a fresh breeze from a time and a tradition which gave thought to prayer, prayed fervently, carefully, and biblically. Calvin is perhaps the preeminent model for those who refuse to divorce intellect and heart, who would pray when they study and study when they pray." -R. Scott Clark
 1. The Solitary Lamb - Hosea 4:16
 2. A Sovereign Word - Hosea 5:1
 3. Kindness and Faith - Hosea 6:6
 4. Sin and Punishment - Hosea 9:9
 5. The Divinity of Christ - Hosea 12:4,5
 6. A Gracious Reminder - Hosea 13:5
 7. The True King - Hosea 13:10
 8. A Kind Invitation - Hosea 14:1
 9. Worship and Joy - Joel 1:16
 10. Sounding the Alarm - Joel 2:1
 11. The Outpouring of the Spirit - Joel 2:28
 12. An Admonition - Joel 2:30,31
 13. Calling on the Lord - Joel 2:32
 14. A Blessed Experience - Joel 3:17
 15. The Law of Worship - Amos 4:5
 16. A Solemn Exhortation - Amos 4:12
 17. Herdman and Prophet - Amos 7:14
 18. The Power of God - Amos 9:6
 19. Wisdom Destroyed - Obadiah 8
 20. A Fearless Preacher - Jonah 3:4
 21. The Mercy of God - Jonah 4:10,11
 22. A Prophet's Lamentation - Micah 1:9
 23. Strengthened by the Spirit - Micah 3:8
 24. A Fellowship of Nations - Micah 4:2
 25. The Constancy of Faith - Micah 4:5
 26. God's Requirements - Micah 6:8
 27. A Prayer for God's Heritage - Micah 7:14
 28. Nineveh's Fall - Nahum 2:8
 29. The Watch Tower - Habakkuk 2:1
 30. Punishment for Avarice - Habakkuk 2:6
 31. Chariot's of Salvation - Habakkuk 3:8
 32. Rejoicing in the Lord - Habakkuk 3:17,18
 33. Pride and Destruction - Zephaniah 2:15
 34. Pure Lips - Zephaniah 3:9
 35. Uses of Affliction - Zephaniah 3:12
 36. A Mirror for Ingratitude - Haggai 1:2
 37. A Glorious Temple - Haggai 2:8
 38. Abundant Blessing - Haggai 2:18,19
 39. Horns and Carpenters - Zechariah 1:18-21
 40. The True Priest - Zechariah 3:1
 41. The Day of Small Things - Zechariah 4:10
 42. The Providence of God - Zechariah 6:8
 43. Brotherly Kindness - Zechariah 7:9
 44. Deliverance by Covenant - Zechariah 9:11
 45. An Abundant Blessing - Zechariah 9:17
 46. Promise of Restoration - Zechariah 10:6
 47. Beauty and Bands - Zechariah 11:7
 48. True Repentance - Zechariah 12:10
 49. Impure Worship Banished - Zechariah 13:2
 50. Saved by Grace - Malachi 1:2
 51. The Calling of the Gentiles - Malachi 1:11
 52. Christ's Forerunner - Malachi 4:5
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 Thomas Chalmers (1780-1847) was considered by many the greatest Scots preacher of his day. This volume contains over 430 pages of personal musings upon every chapter in the New Testament.
 From October 1841 - September 1846 Chalmers compiled these "Sabbath Readings" as he systematically worked through every chapter in the New Testament. Like Augustine's "Confessions", these meditations are primarily written in the form and language of prayer. Here is Chalmers at his very best!
 "They are precious fragments of immortal thought." - Charles H. Spurgeon
 "Thomas Chalmers was the colossus of 19th century Scottish Christianity. His high eminence as a public figure did not preclude his deep humility of heart. In this volume we see the great man tender and childlike before God, willing to be taught and honest about his many struggles within, both with sin and comprehension of the Word. Chalmers becomes a welcome and friendly companion as we share in his meditations. " - Pastor Roger Salter
 "Valuable insights from Thomas Chalmers drawn from his Sabbath meditations on Scripture. These are delightful and especially helpful." - Dr. Derek Thomas
 "Thomas Chalmers' conversion was one of the great turning points in the history of the Church of Scotland. His personal investment in the pastoral and theological education of the core group of men who became the leading lights of the evangelical awakening in Scotland in the nineteenth century is one of the great stories of God's display of his sovereignty in the building up of the church. My own copy of Chalmers Life and Works comes right out of the library of the now-defunct United Free College Library of Glasgow: given to me as a gift by my mother many years ago. One of the choicest parts of that 13-volume treasure is Chalmers' Sabbath Readings, and so I am especially glad to commend these 'soul-fatting' messages to a new generation of readers." - Dr. J. Ligon Duncan
 Thomas Carlyle said of Chalmers: "It is not often that the world has seen men like Thomas Chalmers, nor can the world afford to forget them; or in its most careless mood, be willing to. Probably the time is coming when it will be more apparent than it is now to everyone, that here, intrinsically, was the chief Scottish man of his time - a man possessed of such massive geniality of intellect as belonged to no other man. What a grand simplicity, broad humour, blent so kindly with enthusiasm, ardour and blazing thought - a man of such noble valour, strength and piety - above all things, of such perfect veracity, I have not met with in these times. Honour to him, honour belongs to him, and to the essential work he did - an everlasting continuance among the possessions of this world"
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 click for details |  | SABBATH SCRIPTURE READINGS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT: Spiritual Meditations from Genesis 1 - 2 Kings 11 Thomas Chalmers
 Thomas Chalmers (1780-1847) was considered by many the greatest Scots preacher of his day. This volume contains over 500 pages of personal musings upon every chapter from Genesis - 2 Kings 11. Sadly, Chalmers died before he completed the Old Testament.
 From October 1841 - May 1847 Chalmers compiled these "Sabbath Readings" as he systematically worked through every chapter in the New Testament and Genesis 1 - 2 Kings 11. Like Augustine's "Confessions", these meditations are primarily written in the form and language of prayer. Here is Chalmers at his very best!
 "They are precious fragments of immortal thought." - Charles H. Spurgeon
 "Thomas Chalmers was the colossus of 19th century Scottish Christianity. His high eminence as a public figure did not preclude his deep humility of heart. In this volume we see the great man tender and childlike before God, willing to be taught and honest about his many struggles within, both with sin and comprehension of the Word. Chalmers becomes a welcome and friendly companion as we share in his meditations. " - Pastor Roger Salter
 "Valuable insights from Thomas Chalmers drawn from his Sabbath meditations on Scripture. These are delightful and especially helpful." - Dr. Derek Thomas
 "Thomas Chalmers' conversion was one of the great turning points in the history of the Church of Scotland. His personal investment in the pastoral and theological education of the core group of men who became the leading lights of the evangelical awakening in Scotland in the nineteenth century is one of the great stories of God's display of his sovereignty in the building up of the church. My own copy of Chalmers Life and Works comes right out of the library of the now-defunct United Free College Library of Glasgow: given to me as a gift by my mother many years ago. One of the choicest parts of that 13-volume treasure is Chalmers' Sabbath Readings, and so I am especially glad to commend these 'soul-fatting' messages to a new generation of readers." - Dr. J. Ligon Duncan
 Thomas Carlyle said of Chalmers: "It is not often that the world has seen men like Thomas Chalmers, nor can the world afford to forget them; or in its most careless mood, be willing to. Probably the time is coming when it will be more apparent than it is now to everyone, that here, intrinsically, was the chief Scottish man of his time - a man possessed of such massive geniality of intellect as belonged to no other man. What a grand simplicity, broad humour, blent so kindly with enthusiasm, ardour and blazing thought - a man of such noble valour, strength and piety - above all things, of such perfect veracity, I have not met with in these times. Honour to him, honour belongs to him, and to the essential work he did - an everlasting continuance among the possessions of this world"
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SGCB Price: $20.50 (list price $37.00)
 Order with SABBATH SCRIPTURE READINGS of the New Testament
SGCB Price: $36.00 (list price $72.00) 50% WHEN YOU ORDER BOTH VOLUMES
 |  |  |  | THE HISTORY OF A PENITENT A Penetrating Exposition of Psalm 130 George W. Bethune
 This precious book is the perfect companion to our recently published Exposition of Psalm 51 by Robert Candlish, entitled THE PRAYER OF A BROKEN HEART. In this book, George Bethune, best known for his Exposition of the Heidelberg Catechism (published by Banner of Truth), turns his gifted pen to a heart-searching examination of Psalm 130.
 In the words of the author:
 "The more a Christian grows in the knowledge of the divine life, the more he loves the Psalms; they are the milk of his infancy, the counsels of his youth, the solaces of his age. In them the Lord his Shepherd leads him to the greenest pastures, the coolest and most quiet waters. While he has this golden book, this epitome of all Scripture, his table is ever furnished with pleasant food, his cup runs over with the wine of the kingdom, and an excellent oil is poured upon his head. 'Is any afflicted?' says the Apostle James, 'let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms.' Prayers and psalms are both supplied in the one book. In them we worship, we pray, and sing with the church of all ages. They have been the songs of every pilgrim, and they will be sung until the new song of heaven shall employ all the tongues of the redeemed.
 Among the Psalms there are some more frequently adapted to our meditations than others, because more consonant with our ordinary experience. The 130th is one of these. In its brief compass we have a complete history of a penitentÆs life, nor can we study it to the end without having gone through all the articles of our creed in the order of Christian education, the heart-learning of the truth."
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SGCB Price: $7.95 (list price $13.00)
 Order with Companion Volume THE PRAYER OF A BROKEN HEART by Candlish
SGCB Price: $14.95 (list price $25.00)
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 click for details |  | NEW MORNING MERCIES: A Daily Gospel Devotional PAUL DAVID TRIPP
 Over 100,000 Copies Sold
 Mornings can be tough. Sometimes, a hearty breakfast and strong cup of coffee just aren’t enough. Offering far more than a rush of caffeine, best-selling author Paul David Tripp aims to energize Christian readers with the most potent encouragement imaginable: the gospel. Each of the 366 devotional readings leads off with a compelling, gospel-centered thought, followed by an extended meditation. Focused less on behavior modification and more on helping people encounter the living God, this resource equips readers with the good news that they need to trust in God’s goodness, rely on his grace, and live for his glory—day in and day out. Now with a premium cloth-over-board cover and ribbon marker.
 “We have always resonated with Robert Robinson’s hymn ‘Come Thou Fount,’ especially the line, ‘Prone to wander—Lord, I feel it—prone to leave the God I love.’ We feel the pull daily away from God’s goodness and toward a pursuit of our own, away from God’s gracious acceptance and toward the exhausting, impossible weight of trying to tip the scales in our favor. We are grateful to God that Paul has written this devotional to help, in Robinson’s words, seal our hearts for God’s courts above. If you’re prone to wander, this book is for you.” -Matt Chandler, Lead Pastor, The Village Church, Dallas, Texas
 “Each day, these devotions offer a gospel-filled story along with a challenge and application for our daily lives. These passages of Scripture paired with hope-filled messages from Paul are a great way to learn more about the message of the gospel and the man Jesus Christ.” -Perry Noble, Senior Pastor, New Spring Church, Anderson, South Carolina
