THE PASTOR'S DAUGHTER: The Way of Salvation Explained to his Daughter by Rev. Edward Payson Louisa Payson Hopkins
 A unique glimpse into the home and heart of the remarkable Payson family of Portland, Maine, as Edward Payson lovingly leads his oldest daughter, Louisa, to genuine faith in Christ. It traces the struggles of a brilliant girl from the age of 4 to 14 as she seeks to come to Christ on her own terms, and not the Lord's.
 Those who have loved "A Pastor's Sketches" by Ichabod Spencer will find themselves in familiar territory as Payson faithfully presses his daughter to repent and believe the Gospel. The chapters are brief and filled with illuminating illustrations that parents and pastors alike will find useful in presenting the claims of Christ and the demands of the Gospel upon sinners. There is nothing like this available anywhere!
 It cannot be recommended too highly!
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Chapter 1
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It may be necessary to state that this little book is not a fictitious narrative. It is, substantially, a record of conversations and incidents, which really occurred; though it is not pretended that the precise words of the dialogue, or the circumstances of the narrative are always preserved. This, in a record penned several years after the events it narrates, is evidently impossible. It is sufficient to its essential truth that similar incidents and conversations occurred, and that the general progress and result are correctly described.