Reformed Baptist Academic Press

 click for details |  | FAITH & LIFE FOR BAPTISTS: The Documents of the London Particular Baptist General Assemblies, 1689-1694 Edited by James M. Renihan with Foreword by Larry Kreitzer
 The documents transcribed here record the process of early Particular Baptist associationalism. Each General Assembly published a Narrative of its acts, and several supporting documents were also released. The 1677 Confession of Faith (2LCF) was promoted, a defense of the necessity of financial support for pastors printed, a Catechism authorized, and other subordinate but important papers ordered. All of these documents are incorporated here, so far as is known some of them for the first time in print since the seventeenth century.
 Foreword by Larry Kreitzer
 Preface by James Renihan
 1. The Letter Calling for the 1689 General Assembly
 2. The Narrative of the 1689 General Assembly
 3. The Narrative of the 1690 General Assembly
 4. The Narrative of the 1691 General Assembly
 5. The Narrative of the 1692 General Assembly
 a. The Narrative
 b. The Response from Benjamin Keach
 c. The Response from William Kiffen et. al.
 6. The Narratives of the Bristol and London General Assemblies, 1693 and 1694
 a. The Bristol Narrative, 1693
 b. The London Narrative, 1693
 c. A Report of the Bristol Assembly, 1694
 7. The Gospel Minister's Maintenance Vindicated
 8. A Confession of Faith
 a. The Letter to the Judicious and Impartial Reader
 b. The Confession
 c. The Appendix on Baptism
 9. A Brief Instruction in the Principles of Christian Religion, The Baptist Catechism
 "The documents provided in this collection are pivotal and vital for a proper understanding of Baptist self-consciousness at the beginning of the modern Baptist movement... Every Baptist historian, theologian, and serious church member will benefit from paying careful attention to this treasure of primary source material." - Tom J. Nettles
 "Once again Professor Renihan has put historians and indeed all Confessional Baptists in his debt. He has produced for the first time a collection of documents illustrating the background to the Second London Confession of Faith and the events leading to and surrounding the early General Assemblies of Particular Baptists... This collection is one to be treasured and consulted." - Robert W. Oliver

SGCB Price: $19.95 (list price $25.00)
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 click for details |  | A REFORMED BAPTIST MANIFESTO: The New Covenant Constitution of the Church Samuel Waldron with Richard Barcellos
 "The centuries old dispute concerning the nature of the church and all the important related issues may seem so complex as to defy clarification. Waldron's insightful discussion cuts through so much of the confusing rhetoric and allows the reader to see clearly the key elements of the differing positions in light of the teaching of God's Word regarding the New Covenant. Many will be blessed by this fresh approach." James R. White
 "Of the many interfaces of theology, one fascinating area is the relationship of the New Covenant to the Old. What aspects of the Old Covenant were strictly dispensational, that is, applying to the Jews of Israel during the time they as a nation were living in that land and had a unique covenant relationship with God? What truths of the Old Testament have a permanent binding authority on the New Testament people of God? These studies are a modest step towards clearer thinking about revealed truth. May it be the first of many. We all need such light and direction as are to be found in these pages." Geoffrey Thomas
 "It is the conviction of this author that confessional Reformed Baptist churches reflect the major distinctives of the New Covenant. In other words, what confessional Reformed Baptists endeavor to be is stated clearly in the terms of the New Covenant. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to set before you a Reformed Baptist Manifesto by means of an examination of the New Covenant as the Constitution of the Church. This assertion may seem arrogant. It is hoped, however, that the reader will simply permit the New Covenant to speak for itself and see the relevance and appropriateness of such a claim." - from the Introduction
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SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $12.00) NOW AVAILABLE!
 |  |  |  | COVENANT THEOLOGY FROM ADAM TO CHRIST Nehemiah Coxe and John Owen
 A reprint of two seventeenth century theologians, Nehemiah Coxe (Adam-Abraham) and John Owen (Mosaic-New).
 Nehemiah Coxe says “That notion (which is often supposed in this discourse) that the old covenant and the new differ in substance and not only in the manner of their administration, certainly requires a larger and more particular handling… I designed to give a further account of it… But I found my labor for the clearing and asserting of that point happily prevented by the coming out of Dr. Owen’s third volume on Hebrews.”
 John Owen said “No man was ever saved but by virtue of the new covenant, and the mediation of Christ in that respect.”
 "This volume brings together wonderful insights from two faithful church leaders of an earlier generation with helpful analyses from competent teachers of today. The results is a valuable resource for students, academics, and pastors." - Tom Ascol
 "More times than I can count - and personally I find it so frustrating - I have heard Reformed theology defined in such a way that it excludes those who hold to believer's baptism. This valuable work will help set the record straight." - Michael Haykin
 "Nehemiah Coxe's work on the covenant is an important piece of writing by a significant seventeenth century Particular Baptist theologian. Its republication is long overdue. This work is an important resource for twenty-first century Reformed Baptists." - Robert Oliver
 "Paedobaptists have seldom, if ever, considered the possibility of a covenantal credobaptist position, and many Baptists are simply ignorant of the centrality of the covenant and its usefulness in defending their own beliefs. This book is an attempt to begin to rectify this deficiency." - Jim Renihan
 "For various reasons, many reformed Baptists of our time have failed to realize that historic Covenant Theology was fully appreciated and theologically deployed in the very best of the Calvinistic Baptist tradition. Whereas many Baptists today who are reformed have opted for speaking of themselves as some form of dispensationalist (modified or progressive) or have felt drawn to so-called 'New Covenant Theology,' Baptists who embrace the great Reformed distinctives (like Spurgeon did) have seen themselves as covenant theologians. May their tribe increase!" - Ligon Duncan
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SGCB Price: $29.95 (list price $40.00) 384 Page Hardcover Volume
SGCB Price: $48.00 (list price $76.00) This Price is For All Three Titles (More Than 40% off)
 |  |  |  | COVENANT CHILDREN TODAY: Physical or Spiritual? Alan Conner
 "We have longed for more literature explaining our own beliefs about the exclusive baptism of those who profess faith while yet remaining fully Calvinistic men. When we send our young men to their [presbyterian] schools we shall instruct them first to read this book." Geoffrey Thomas, Assoc. Editor of Banner of Truth magazine
 "Pastor Alan Conner has written a biblically clear and persuasive book on the Reformed Credobaptist perspective." Lance Quinn, pastor-teacher
 "I highly recommend the use of this book for those who are wrestling with the biblical position on baptism." Fred Malone, Ph.D.
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 Over 20% Discount
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 click for details |  | GREEN PASTURES: A Primer on the Ordinary Means of Grace J. Ryan Davidson
 This book, written for the person in the pew, is a helpful guide to understanding the ordinary means of grace. The book seeks to make the confessional position clear and to demonstrate it through the pages of the Scriptures. Written as a scriptural survey of the various ordinary means of grace, the book details the idea of what is meant by “ordinary means of grace” and it walks through the ministry of the Word, the two sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and prayer, with a chapter dedicated to each. Finally, there is a concluding chapter which includes a discussion on the weekly rhythm the Scriptures reveal for the nourishment of the people of Christ. Endorsed by Tom Ascol, Liam Goligher, James Renihan, and Carl Trueman
 One reader made the following comments: "This work was extremely helpful and concise. Pastor Davidson does a thorough and precise exposition of various Scriptures explaining and showing us the ordinary means of grace that Christ has given to His Church, to build and strengthen our faith. The last chapter ("The Green Pastures of Our Shepherd") was especially encouraging as Pastor Davidson reminds us of the risen and ascended Christ still being present with us in this age, through the Holy Spirit, and His continued care for and feeding of His people; by the ordinary means He pastures His flock. I highly recommend this book to all Christians, both layman and officer. It is an excellent primer on the ordinary means of grace."
 J. Ryan Davidson (Ph.D. cand., Free University of Amsterdam) is the pastor of Grace Baptist Chapel, a Reformed Baptist Congregation in Hampton, VA. He holds degrees from Samford University (B.A.), The College of William & Mary (M.Ed.) and Southern Seminary (Th.M.) in Louisville, KY. He is married to Christie, and they share four wonderful children.

SGCB Price: $11.75 (list price $14.00)
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 click for details |  | THE FAMILY TREE OF REFORMED BIBLICAL THEOLOGY: Geerhardus Vos & John Owen: Their Methods of and Contribution to the Articulation of Redemptive History Richard Barcellos
 The thesis of this study is that Geerhardus Vos' biblical-theological method should be viewed as a post-Enlightenment continuation of the pre-critical federal theology of seventeenth-century Reformed orthodoxy. Vos wrote in the context of the liberalism of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. His biblical-theological methodology was largely a resuscitation of the federal theology of seventeenth-century Reformed orthodoxy adapted to the times in which it was written.
 "Those interested in Reformed Theology, in particular issues of theological method, are indebted to Barcellos for this most welcome and helpful study." -Richard Gaffin, Jr.
 "Congratulations and gratitude are due to Dr. Richard Barcellos for giving us this wide-ranging, detailed study of the history of biblical theology. With this substantial contribution Dr. Barcellos has put both the academy and the pulpit deeply in his debt." - Sinclair B. Ferguson
 " For those who love Reformed biblical theology and Reformed systematic theology, this is a satisfying, happy book, providing us a family tree of continuity from the prince of the Puritans, John Owen, to the father of Reformed biblical theology, Geerhardus Vos." - Joel R. Beeke
 Paperback: 340 pages
 Publisher: Reformed Baptist Academic Press (March 20, 2010)
 Language: English
 ISBN-10: 0980217954
 ISBN-13: 978-0980217957
 Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.7 inches
SGCB Price: $25.50 (list price $32.00)
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 click for details |  | BETTER THAN THE BEGINNING: Creation in Biblical Perspective Richard Barcellos
 "Creation is controversial, and truly we need to defend biblical doctrine concerning the origin of all things. Yet sometimes in the midst of controversy we can lose sight of the purpose of creation itself. Richard Barcellos uses the creation of the world like a great telescope to look up at the beauty of the Creator. His book focuses our attention on the triune God in Christ. He draws his doctrine from a careful exposition of the Bible, applies it to our practical lives, and calls us to sing the praises of Him who is worthy, 'for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created' (Rev. 4:11). This is an edifying book, and I hope that many will read it." - Joel R. Beeke
 "Although many Christians have been engaged in a life-or-death battle to defend the truth of creation against evolutionary attacks coming from inside and outside the church, there has been little exploration of the doctrine of creation in all its glorious height, depth, width, and length. Richard Barcellos has begun to remedy this neglect with a God-glorifying, soul-edifying, life-transforming survey of this majestic and practical subject." - David P. Murray, Ph.D.
 "Christ brings the creation train derailed by Adam to its original glorious destination! This insight is vital to an understanding of the gospel and the vital, scriptural distinction between the law and the gospel. May God give this volume great usefulness!" - Samuel E. Waldron, Ph.D.
 1. The Ultimate Reason for Creation: Creation for the Glory of God
 Exposition of Romans 11:36
 Implications of Romans 11:36
 2. The Divine Agents of Creation: Creation by the Triune God
 Defining our Terms
 Three Persons yet One Essence
 The Act of Creation and the Three Persons of the Godhead
 Practical Considerations
 3. The Son-Tilted Focus of Creation: Creation for the Son of God
 Context of Colossians 1:16
 Content of Colossians 1:16
 Consequences of Colossians 1:16
 4. The Revelatory Function of Creation (I): Creation tells of His Glory
 Structure of Psalm 19
 Exposition of Psalm 19:1-6
 Implications of Psalm 19:1-6
 5. The Revelatory Function of Creation (II): Creation testifies of His Existence
 Romans 1:20 in Context
 Explanation of Romans 1:20
 Practical Observations from Romans 1:20
 Acts 14:17 -God's Patience and Goodness in the Teeth of Idolatry
 Context of and Brief Observations from Acts 14:8-18
 Some Practical Implications
 6. The Initial Act of Creation: Creation out of Nothing
 Explanation of Genesis 1:1
 The Bible and Genesis 1:1
 Brief Interaction with Those who Differ
 7. The Six Days of Creation: Creation 'in the space of six days'
 Views on the Length of the Days of Creation
 Duration of the Six Days of Creation
 Why in the Space of Six Days?
 Three Final Observations
 8. The Image-Bearing Apex of Creation (I): Creation in the Image of God
 High-Level Observations Indicating that Man is the Apex of Creation
 Exegetical and Theological Considerations Indicating that Man is the Apex of Creation
 Brief Excursus on ManÆs Body and God's Image
 Some Implications of Man Created in the Image of God
 9. The Image-Bearing Apex of Creation (II): Creation in the image of God
 Observations upon Adam's Identity and Calling
 GodÆs Remedy for Adam's Failure
 10. The Sabbath Rest of Creation (I): Creation's Coronation and Goal
 The Bible's Diversity
 The Bible's Unity
 Seven Observations Tying the End of the Bible with the Beginning of the Bible
 How Does all this Relate to the Creator's Sabbath?
 11. The Sabbath Rest of Creation (II): Creation's Coronation and Goal
 The Context of Genesis 2:1-3
 The Elements of Genesis 2:1-3
 The Bible on Genesis 2:1-3
 12. Conclusion: Better than the Beginning
 Scripture Index
 Name and Subject Index
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SGCB Price: $12.00 (list price $16.00)
SGCB Price: $24.00 (list price $37.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR BOTH TITLES
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 click for details |  | FROM PAEDO-BAPTISM TO CREDO-BAPTISM: A Critique of the Westminster Standards on the Subjects of Baptism W.Gary Crampton
 Dr. Crampton, a paedobaptist for many years, changed his view and has provided us with the reasons why in this book. Its sub-title is “A Critique of the Westminster Standards on the Subjects of Baptism.”
 Here are some of the chapter titles from the table of contents:
 A Problem with the Doctrine of Infant Baptism in the Westminster Standards
 Circumcision and Baptism
 Supposed New Testament Foundation for Infant Baptism
 But also, to be unto Him a Sign and Seal of the Covenant of Grace
 This is an excellent book for those looking for a brief but informed look at the Bible and the Westminster Standards on the subjects of baptism.
 126 pages
 Published 2010
 A great book to read and give to others interested in this subject.
 Product endorsements
 "I warmly recommend this concise treatment of the biblical teaching on believers’ baptism. Dr. Crampton has arrived at his convictions after a thorough study of the scriptural teaching and the theological arguments presented on both sides of this debate." - Robert W. Oliver, Ph.D. Author of History of the English Calvinistic Baptists 1771-1892
 "At the end of a two-decade long process, after prayerful contemplation and examination of the Word of God, theological tomes, and all of the attendant material, [Dr. Crampton] has published this defense of his convictions. This is a compelling book." - James M. Renihan, Ph.D., Dean, Professor of Historical Theology Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies
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SGCB Price: $11.95 (list price $15.00)
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 click for details |  | AN ORTHODOX CATECHISM: The Particular Baptist Version of the Heidelberg Catechism Hercules Collins
 This catechism, first published in 1680, is a Particular (seventeenth-century Calvinistic) Baptist revision of the Heidelberg Catechism. The editors slightly revised the original for modern use. The book includes the original Preface by Collins, a Foreword by James M. Renihan, and an Introduction by Michael Haykin and G. Stephen Weaver, Jr.
 A. That both in soul and body, whether I live or die, I am not my own, but belong wholly unto my most faithful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. By His most precious blood fully satisfying for all my sins, He has delivered me from all the power of the devil, and so preserves me, that without the will of my heavenly Father not so much as a hair may fall from my head. Yes, all things must serve for my safety and by His Spirit, also assures me of everlasting life, and makes me ready and prepared, that from now on I may life to Him.
 Here are the chapter titles from the table of contents:
 Preface by Hercules Collins
 Foreword by James M. Renihan
 Introduction by Michael A. G. Haykin and G. Stephen Weaver, Jr.
 General Introduction and The First Part: Of Man's Misery
 The Second Part: Of Man's Redemption (Introductory Questions)
 The Second Part: Of Man's Redemption (God the Father)
 The Second Part: Of Man's Redemption (God the Son)
 The Second Part: Of Man's Redemption (God the Holy Spirit)
 The Second Part: Of Man's Redemption (The Sacraments)
 The Second Part: Of Man's Redemption (Baptism)
 The Second Part: Of Man's Redemption (The Lord's Supper)
 The Third Part: Of Man's Thankfulness (Introductory Questions)
 The Third Part: Of Man's Thankfulness (The Law of God)
 The Third Part: Of Man's Thankfulness (Prayer)
 The Nicene and Athanasian Creeds
 "Hercules Collins' An Orthodox Catechism is an important work that is worthy of the attention of modern Baptists. Collins' Baptist emendations to the Heidelberg Catechism resulted in a document that retains all of the first-person warmth and Christ-centered instruction of that older, more widely known document. I am glad to see this work in print (especially with the helpful introductory material) and commend it to Baptists everywhere." -Tom Ascol, Founders Ministries
 "This is a much-needed and timely publication of an old catechism. An Orthodox Catechism (a seventeenth-century English Particular or Calvinistic Baptist document) shows fundamental continuity with both Protestant orthodoxy and the catholic tradition of historic Christianity. The document itself shows this as does the fine introduction by Drs. Haykin and Weaver. Collins wrote this as a pastor, desiring that his flock be 'better established, strengthened, and settled on' truth and protected from 'every wind and blast, every puff and breath of Error, and Heresie.' An Orthodox Catechism is, as the author says, an 'Epitome of Law and Gospel, suited to every ones capacity in God's House' and 'Milk for Babes, and Meat for strong Men.' May it strengthen many churches!" - Richard C. Barcellos, Grace Reformed Baptist Church, Palmdale, CA
 "There was a time when Baptist Christians regularly used catechisms in their homes and local churches. Often Baptists wrote their own catechisms, though they also periodically revised paedobaptist catechisms that were otherwise sound. One famous Reformed catechism, the Heidelberg Catechism, was important enough to be revised by Hercules Collins in 1680 for the use of his fellow Baptists. Contemporary Baptist advocates of catechisms owe Michael Haykin and Steve Weaver a debt of gratitude for making An Orthodox Catechism available once again. May it gain a wide usage in our families and in churches." - Nathan A. Finn, Associate Professor of Historical Theology, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
 "Hercules Collins' revision of the Heidelberg Catechism is one of the most valuable and least-known resources in the history of Particular Baptist spirituality. An Orthodox Catechism (1680) combines the vitality of Continental Protestant piety with the clarity of New Testament churchmanship, and invites its readers into those spiritual and theological traditions which will do most to inform our minds, warm our hearts, and shape our practice." - Crawford Gribben, Professor of Early Modern British History, Queen's University, Belfast
 "There are few compositions in the history of the Christian church as perspicuous, edifying, and beautiful as the Heidelberg Catechism. It was a deft stroke of denominational ecumenicity when Hercules Collins adapted that catechism for Baptist life. Now An Orthodox Catechism, as Collins named it, is being reprinted with helpful and scholarly introductory material by Michael Haykin, Jim Renihan, and Steve Weaver. I will personally give a hearty welcome to this book and am grateful for its availability. For history, theology, and spiritual nourishment this should be a book of choice." - Thomas J. Nettles, Professor of Historical Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
 About the author-
 Hercules Collins was a leading pastor among the seventeenth-century Particular Baptists. He published An Orthodox Catechism for the people under his pastoral care.

SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $12.00)
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 click for details |  | RECOVERING A COVENANTAL HERITAGE: Essays in Baptist Covenant Theology Edited by Richard Barcellos, chapters by Jim Renihan, Pascal Denault, Steve Weaver, James White, Mike Renihan, Tom Hicks, Jeff Massey and more
 If you are interested in covenant theology, this book is for you. It in no way pretends to be a fully worked-out Baptist covenant theology. It contains essays by thirteen different authors who do not necessarily advocate the fine details of every contribution, something that is quite common with multiple-author works.
 After the Preface and Introduction, the first main section is historical. It seeks to set a historical-theological context for the reader. The second section discusses various biblical issues related to covenant theology. The third section of the book, though the shortest, seeks to put things together, though certainly not in any comprehensive sense.
 Recommendations by Voddie Baucham, Nathan Finn, Conrad Mbewe, Tom Nettles, and others!
 Table of Contents
 *Preface - Richard C. Barcellos, Ph.D.
 *Introduction - James M. Renihan, Ph.D.
 1. A Brief Overview of Seventeenth-Century Reformed Orthodox Federalism - Richard C. Barcellos, Ph.D.
 2. Covenant Theology in the First and Second London Confessions of Faith - James M. Renihan, Ph.D.
 3. By Farther Steps: A Seventeenth-Century Particular Baptist Covenant Theology - Pascal Denault, Th.M.
 4. The Puritan Argument for the Immersion of Believers: How Seventeenth-Century Baptists Utilized the Regulative Principle of Worship - Stephen Weaver, Jr., Ph.D.
 5. The Antipaedobaptism of John Tombes - Michael T. Renihan, Ph.D.
 6. The Abrahamic Covenant in the Thought of John Tombes - Michael T. Renihan, Ph.D.
 7. John Owen on the Mosaic Covenant - Thomas E. Hicks, Jr., Ph.D.
 8. A 'Novel' Approach to Credobaptist and Paedobaptist Polemics - Jeffrey A. Massey
 9. The Fatal Flaw of Infant Baptism: The Dichotomous Nature of the Abrahamic Covenant - Jeffrey D. Johnson, D.Min.
 10. The Difference Between the Old and New Covenants: John Owen on Hebrews 8:6 - John Owen, D.D.
 11. The Newness of the New Covenant (Part 1) - James R. White, Th.D.
 12. The Newness of the New Covenant (Part 2) - James R. White, Th.D.
 13. Acts 2:39 in its Context (Part 1): An Exegetical Summary of Acts 2:39 and Paedobaptism - Jamin Hnbner, Th.D.
 14. Acts 2:39 in its Context (Part 2): Case Studies in Paedobaptist Interpretations of Acts 2:39 - Jamin Hnbner, Th.D.
 15. An Exegetical Appraisal of Colossians 2:11-12 - Richard C. Barcellos, Ph.D.
 16. Reformed Baptist Covenant Theology and Biblical Theology - Micah and Samuel Renihan
 *Scripture Index
 *Name and Subject Index
 "Recovering a Covenantal Heritage is more than a book title; it is a welcomed clarion call for modern Reformed Baptists. May it receive a wide and thorough reading, and spark a renewal of distinct Reformed Baptist theology!" - Voddie Baucham, Pastor of Preaching at Grace Family Baptist Church; Author of 'Joseph and the Gospel of Many Colors'
 BAPTIST CT ctb rbp /18 rbct biss
SGCB Price: $24.95 (list price $35.00)
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 click for details |  | CONFESSING THE IMPASSIBLE GODThe Biblical, Classical & Confessional Doctrine of Divine Impassibility Ed. By Ronald Baines, Richard Barcellos, James Butler, Stefan Lindblad, James Renihan
 What does the Confession of Faith mean when it states that God is "without body, parts or passions"? This book will lead you by the hand intio the biblical basis for the proper understanding of the last of these terms: GOD IS WITHOUT PASSIONS.
 As I read 'Confessing the Impassible God' something struck me. It wasn't just the importance, weight, or substance of the topic or the far reaching implications of the doctrine of Impassability. What initially drew me in was the structure of the book itself. The content of each chapter, as well as each part, has the strength and coherency to stand alone and be read and understood independently. However when you take these collection of essays together you end up with a robust picture of this doctrine. This picture in turn guides and directs pathways to possible further and in more detail study. CIG capitalizes on each individual author's expertise, their personal and professional study, and their ability to articulate their research in a digestible manner for the average layman. The synthesis of these component essays shows a seamless and logical move from one chapter to the next; from one part to the next, each building on the summation of the previous with the cumulative effect of seeing the up close detailed beauty of this doctrine without losing sight of the grand macro view painted concerning this aspect of theology proper. The editors, in the preface, outline the structure, content and movement of the book. From the preface alone the books development becomes apparent.
 Foreword by Paul Helm
 Preface by The Editors
 An Introduction to the Doctrine of Divine Impassibility: Why is this Doctrine Important?
 James M. Renihan
 Part I: Theological and Hermeneutical Prolegomena
 1. Analogy and the Doctrine of Divine Impassibility by Charles J. Rennie
 2. Hermeneutics: Analogia Scripturae and Analogia Fidei by Ronald S. Baines
 Part II: Biblical Foundations
 3. The Old Testament on Divine Impassibility: (I) Texts on the Nature of God by Steve Garrick with Ronald S. Baines
 4. The Old Testament on Divine Impassibility: (II) Texts on Immutability and Impassibility by Ronald S. Baines and Steve Garrick
 5. The Old Testament on Divine Impassibility: (III) Texts on Apparent Passibilism and Conclusion by Steve Garrick, James P. Butler, and Charles J. Rennie
 6. The New Testament on Divine Impassibility: (I) Texts on the Nature of God, Immutability, and Impassibility by Richard C. Barcellos and James P. Butler
 7. The New Testament on the Doctrine of Divine Impassibility: (II) Creation, the Incarnation and Sufferings of Christ, and Conclusion by Richard C. Barcellos
 Part III: Historical Theology
 8. Historical Theology Survey of the Doctrine of Divine Impassibility: Pre-Reformation through Seventeenth-Century by Michael T. Renihan, James M. Renihan, and Samuel Renihan
 9. Historical Theology Survey of the Doctrine of Divine Impassibility: The Modern Era by Brandon Smith and James M. Renihan
 Part IV: Systematic Theology
 10. A Theology of the Doctrine of Divine Impassibility: (I) Impassibility and the Essence and Attributes of God by Charles J. Rennie
 11. A Theology of the Doctrine of Divine Impassibility: (II) Impassibility and the Divine Affections by Charles J. Rennie
 12. A Theology of the Doctrine of Divine Impassibility: (III) Impassibility and Christology by Charles J. Rennie and Stefan T. Lindblad
 Part V: Confessional Theology
 13.Confessional Theology and the Doctrine of Divine Impassibility by James M. Renihan
 Part VI: Practical Theology
 14.Practical Theology and the Doctrine of Divine Impassibility by James P. Butler
 Part VII: Conclusion
 15.Closing Comments and Affirmations and Denials by Ronald S. Baines and Charles J. Rennie
 1.Review of God with Us: Divine Condescension and the Attributes of God, K. Scott Oliphint by Charles J. Rennie
 2.Review of God is Impassible and Impassioned: Toward a Theology of Divine Emotion,
 Rob Lister by James E. Dolezal
 Scripture Index
 Name and Subject Index
 Glossary of Technical Terms and Theological Phrases
 Bibliography of Works Cited
 This is a Large 460 Page Paperback Volume
SGCB Price: $25.95 (list price $35.00)
 Order with ALL THAT IS IN GOD by James Dolezal
SGCB Price: $35.00 (list price $53.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR BOTH TITLES
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 click for details |  | BY COMMON CONFESSION: Essays in Honor of James M. Renihan Edited by Ronald S. Baines, Richard C. Barcellos, and James P. Butler
 This volume of essays is offered in honor of Dr. James M. Renihan. Because he is a historical theologian, most of the essays cover issues in that field of study. But because he is much more than a historical theologian, colleagues and friends of Dr. Renihan were asked to contribute essays covering the various branches of the theological encyclopedia. The efforts here reflect the contributorsÆ esteem for their brother and the impact he has had in a wide range of theological inquiry and praxis.
 The publisher is pleased to present these essays in honor of an esteemed friend and teacher. Many have been helped tremendously by Dr. Renihan's friendship, scholarship, counsel, and faithfulness to Christ and his calling as pastor and theologian.
 459 pages
 Published 2015
 Preface ~ The Publisher
 Introduction: A Biographical Sketch of James M. Renihan ~ The Editors
 Historical Theology
 1.Chaucer, the Medieval Nominalist Doctrine of Justification, and the Reformation ~ J. V. Fesko, Ph.D.
 2.The Abrahamic Covenant in the Thought of John Tombes ~ Michael T. Renihan, Ph.D.
 3.John Owen, Baptism, and the Baptists ~ Crawford Gribben, Ph.D.
 4.'Popery in new Dress': Richard Baxter v. Benjamin Keach on the Doctrine of Justification ~ Tom Hicks, Ph.D
 5.Separating GodÆs Two Kingdoms: Two Kingdom Theology among New England Baptists in the Early Republic ~ Ronald S. Baines
 6.Robert Hall Jr. (1764-1831) and the Decline of Historic Calvinism among the English Particular Baptists of the Early Nineteenth Century ~ Austin Walker
 7.The Life and Vision of Abraham Kuyper ~ Joel R. Beeke, Ph.D.
 Exegetical and Biblical Theology
 8.Getting the Garden Right: From Hermeneutics to the Covenant of Works ~ Richard C. Barcellos, Ph.D.
 9.A Little Cabinet Richly Stored ~ Robert Purnell (d. 1666), edited by Samuel Renihan
 10.Reformed Baptist Covenant Theology and Biblical Theology ~ Micah and Samuel Renihan
 Symbolic and Systematic Theology
 11.The Belgic Confession and the True Church ~Robert Godfrey, Ph.D.
 12. A Practical Scholasticism?: Edward Leigh's Theological Method ~ James E. Dolezal, Ph.D.
 13. 'Eternally Begotten of the Father': An Analysis of the Second London Confession of Faith's Doctrine of the Eternal Generation of the Son ~ Stefan T. Lindblad
 Pastoral Theology
 14.The Temple RepairÆd Hercules Collins (1646/7-1702), edited by Samuel Renihan
 15. Escaping the Condemnation of the Devil: An Urgent Call for Spiritual Maturity in the Ministry ~ Jason Walter
 16.The Regulative Principle of the Church ~ Samuel E. Waldron, Ph.D.
 17.New Covenant Worship: Hebrews 2:12 and the Real Presence of Christ ~ Donald R. Lindblad
 Gatlin Bredeson, James P. Butler, Robert E. Cosby, C. J. den Dulk, John Giarrizzo, Dafydd Hughes, Steve Marquedant, Steve Martin, Cameron G. Porter, Larry Vincent, and Wei En Yi
 Education, Academic Career and Pastoral Ministry, and a Bibliography of the Publications of James M. Renihan ~ compiled by Micah Renihan

SGCB Price: $23.50 (list price $30.00)
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 click for details |  | RECOVERING OUR CONFESSIONAL HERITAGE: The purpose of the series is to address issues related to the Second London Confession of Faith of 1677/89 Jim Renihan, Rich Barcellos & Ryan Hodson
 The series is sponsored by the Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies in cooperation with RBAP. The Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies is a graduate theological school which aids churches in preparing men to serve in the Gospel Ministry.
 The purpose of the series . . . is to address issues related to the Second London Confession of Faith of 1677/89 (2LCF). The series will include treatments of various subjects by multiple authors. The subjects to be covered are those the series editors (along with consultants) determine to be of particular interest in our day. The authors will be those who display ample ability to address the issue under discussion. Some of the installments will be more involved than others due to the nature of the subject addressed and perceived current needs. Many of the contributions will cover foundational aspects of the self-consistent theological system expressed in the Confession. Others will address difficult, often misunderstood, or even denied facets of the doctrinal formulations of the 2LCF. Each installment will have a 'For Further Reading' bibliography at the end to encourage further study on the issue discussed. - from the series editors, James M. Renihan and Richard C. Barcellos
 TITLE # 2 - Associational Churchmanship: Second London Confession of Faith 26.12-15 by Jim Renihan
 "In a time when the visible church of Jesus Christ is considered irrelevant by modern society and many Evangelicals view denominations and ecclesiastical associations as too restrictive, this treatise on associational churchmanship is more needed than ever. Dr. James M. Renihan has written invaluable material that every serious Christian who loves Jesus, and the object Jesus loves most (the church) should read, study, and put into practice. This work is scholarly and simultaneously very practical. Apply what is written, and God will be glorified and Christ's kingdom will be enriched and extended." - Earl M. Blackburn, Senior Pastor, Heritage Baptist Church, Shreveport, Louisiana
 TITLE # 3 - The Covenant of Works: Its Confessional and Scriptural Basis by Rich Barcellos
 "A proper understanding of Adam's state in the garden is fundamental to a coherent doctrine of salvation, which is why this little book on the covenant of works is so important. Richard Barcellos mines the riches of the Reformed Baptist theology and explains the covenant of works with exegetical fidelity and theological clarity. Anyone who wants greater insight into the covenant of works and Reformed Baptist confessional theology should definitely read this book." - J. V. Fesko, Ph.D., Academic Dean, Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, Westminster Seminary California
 TITLE # 4 - A TOOLKIT FOR CONFESSIONS: Helps for the Study of English Puritan Confessions of Faith
 “As confessional Christians, we are convinced that our Confession of Faith summarizes the system of doctrine contained in the Holy Scriptures. We recognize that it is a human product, the fruit of centuries of Bible study and theological formulation, but I wonder if sometimes we forget that it is not a modern document in the strictest sense of the term. In fact, it could easily be argued that it is a late-medieval production, published at the very end of that era, just as the Enlightenment was to overwhelm European intellectual life. For this reason, it must be approached cautiously. If the perspicuous Word of God requires careful contextual study and interpretation, how much more so a document of human formulation? In reality, proper understanding of the Confession requires several things of us—familiarity with theological development throughout the preceding centuries, acquaintance with contemporary theological thought (especially in its Reformed variety), and an unwillingness to import twentieth- or twenty-first-century ideas into its words and phrases. This book is intended to assist the interpreter in doing these things.” ~ James M. Renihan

 TITLE # 5 - MILK FOR THE LITTLE ONES: An Introduction to the Baptist Catechism by Ryan Hodson
 This catechism which you hold in your hands is intended to be an introduction to the Baptist Catechism. It should be used by parents, Sunday School teachers, and pastors to instruct the very youngest of children in the basics of the Christian religion and to prepare them for catechesis in the Baptist Catechism once a good foundation has been laid.

 G317 nh12 djr rbp qq
 Associational Churchmanship: Second London Confession of Faith 26.12-15 by Jim Renihan
SGCB Price: $9.50 (list price $11.00) This is a 90 Page Paperback - VOLUME # 2 IN SERIES
 The Covenant of Works: Its Confessional and Scriptural Basis by Rich Barcellos
SGCB Price: $10.75 (list price $13.00) This is a 138 Page Paperback - VOLUME # 3 IN SERIES
 A Toolkit for Confessions: Helps for the Study of English Puritan Confessions of Faith by Jim Renihan
SGCB Price: $11.50 (list price $14.00) This is a 144 Page Paperback - VOLUME # 4 IN SERIES
 MILK FOR THE LITTLE ONES: An Introduction to the Baptist Catechism by Ryan Hodson
SGCB Price: $8.50 (list price $10.00) THIS IS A 70+ page Paperback- VOLUME # 5 IN THE SERIES
SGCB Price: $37.00 (list price $48.00) INCLUDES VOLUMES 2, 3, 4 & 5
 |  |  |  | FAITH, OBEDIENCE & JUSTIFICATION: Current Evangelical Departures from 'Sola Fide' Sam Waldron


 "The undermining of classical Protestant formulations of 'sola fide' is a significant, and disheartening, feature in contemporary evangelical discussions of soteriology - Waldron understands this and provides trenchant historical and theological critique in crystal clear prose." - Ligon Duncan
 "For those still studying the issues of 'the obedience of faith' and its meaning in Reformation theology vs. modern 'covenant nomism', this is a must read." - Fred Malone
 "Sam Waldron has done us a tremendous service. He has culled the writings of Luther, Calvin and Reformed symbolics of sola fide. His method is clear. His distinctions are crucial. His conclusions are cogent." - Richard Barcellos
SGCB Price: $28.00 (list price $30.00)
 |  |  |  | MAC ARTHUR'S MILLENNIAL MANIFESTO: A Friendly Response Samuel E. Waldron
 At the 2007 Shepherds' Conference, Pastor John MacArthur delivered a controversial message entitled, "Why Every Self-Respecting Calvinist is a Premillennialist." In this book, Dr. Sam Waldron addresses the assertions of MacArthur historically, exegetically and theologically. Although his arguments are rigorous, the entire tenor of the book is level-headed and irenic. This "friendly response" grants modern day Amillennialists the opportunity to thoughtfully engage their Dispensational brethren.
 "With charity, this book exposes the fallacies--historical, exegetical and theological--inherent in Dr. MacArthur's presentation...Thank you, Dr. Waldron, for showing us how a theological refutation may be done with grace and kindness." - James M. Renihan, Ph.D.
 "Samuel Waldron's response to John MacArthur's controversial sermon, "Why Every Self-Respecting Calvinist Is a Premillennialist," is a gem. In a gentle spirit, and with an awareness of what is at stake, Waldron makes a persuasive case against MacArthur's unlikely claim that true Calvinists must subscribe to the tenets of dispensational premillennialism." - Cornelis Venema, Ph.D.
SGCB Price: $10.95 (list price $12.99)
 |  |  |  | JOURNAL OF THE INSTITUTE OF REFORMED BAPTIST STUDIES - 2014 & 2015 Edited by Richard Barcellos
 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION - The Journal of the Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies (JIRBS) is published to explain and support the theology of Holy Scripture as it is summarized in the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689. The journal will be published annually.
 Table of Contents
 1. COMMUNION AT THE LORD'S SUPPER: 1 Corinthians 10:16 in its Exegetical and Confessional Context by Richard C. Barcellos
 2. SEPARATING GOD'S TWO KINGDOMS: Two Kingdom Theology among New England Baptists in the Early Republic by Ronald Baines
 3. 'THAT STRONG HOLD OF THEIR COMMON FAITH': Salvation in Christ Alone among Seventeenth-Century Baptists by James M. Renihan
 4. OF THE NATURE OF GOD: The Inter-Relation of Essence and Trinity in Edward Leigh's A Systeme or Body of Divinity (1662) by Stefan T. Lindblad
 5. STILL IMPASSIBLE: Confessing God without Passions by James E. Dolezal
 6. Kingdom through Covenant: A Biblical-Theological Understanding of the Covenants, A Review Article by Samuel Renihan
 A Better Way: Rediscovering the Drama of God-Centered Worship, Michael S. Horton, reviewed by Douglas VanderMeulen
 Canon Revisited: Establishing the Origins and Authority of the New Testament Books, Michael J. Kruger, reviewed by James P. Butler
 Dangerous Calling: Confronting the Unique Challenges of Pastoral Ministry, Paul David Tripp, reviewed by Jeffrey A. Massey
 God, Heaven, and Har Magedon: A Covenantal Tale of Cosmos and Telos, Meredith G. Kline, reviewed by Douglas Van Dorn
 Natural Law and the Two Kingdoms: A Study in the Development of Reformed Social Thought, David VanDrunen, reviewed by Micah Renihan
 Seditious Sectaries: The Baptist Conventiclers of Oxford 1641-1691. 2 Vols. Studies in Baptist History and Thought 30.1 and 30.2, Larry J. Kreitzer, reviewed by James M. Renihan
 The Creedal Imperative, Carl R. Trueman, reviewed by Donald R. Lindblad
 The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology: A Comparison Between Seventeenth-Century Particular Baptist and Paedobaptist Federalism, Pascal Denault, reviewed by Samuel Renihan
 Union with Christ: In Scripture, History, and Theology, Robert Letham, reviewed by James E. Dolezal
 What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Qur'an, James R. White, reviewed by John A. Brown
 William Kiffen and His World Parts 1 and 2, Larry J. Kreitzer, reviewed by James M. Renihan
 Table of Contents
 1. SCOPUS SCRIPTURAE: John Owen, Nehemiah Coxe, our Lord Jesus Christ, and a Few Early Disciples on Christ as the Scope of Scripture, Richard C. Barcellos
 2. PRAEDICATIO VERBI DEI EST VERBUM DEI: 'The Preaching of the Word of God is the Word of God' - Heinrich Bullinger and The Second Helvetic Confession, Ronald Baines
 3. SUFFICIENT, CERTAIN, AND INFALLIBLE: The Inscripturated Word, James M. Renihan
 4. 'DOLPHINS IN THE WOODS': A Critique of Mark Jones and Ted Van Raalte's Presentation of Particular Baptist Covenant Theology, Samuel Renihan
 5.CHRIST SPIRITUALLY PRESENT AND BELIEVERS SPIRITUALLY NOURISHED: The Lord's Supper in Seventeenth-Century English Particular Baptist Life, G. Stephen Weaver, Jr.
 Divine Covenants and Moral Order: A Biblical Theology of Natural Law, David VanDrunen
 (Grand Rapids: W. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2014, 545 pp.),
 reviewed by Micah Renihan
 God with Us: Divine Condescension and the Attributes of God, K. Scott Oliphint
 (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2012, 302pp.),
 reviewed by Charles J. Rennie
 Process and Providence: The Evolution Question at Princeton, 1845-1929, Bradley J. Gundlach (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2013, 374 pages),
 reviewed by James M. Renihan
 The Question of Canon: Challenging the Status Quo in the New Testament Debate,
 Michael J. Kruger (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2013, 256pp.),
 reviewed by James P. Butler
 The Theology of the Westminster Standards: Historical Context and Theological Insights,
 John V. Fesko (Wheaton: Crossway, 2014, 441 pages), and
 Confessing the Faith: A ReaderÆs Guide to the Westminster Confession of Faith,
 Chad Van Dixhoorn (Edinburgh: The Banner of Truth Trust, 2014, 484 pages),
 reviewed by James M. Renihan
 Thomas Aquinas's Summa Theologiae: A Guide and Commentary, Brian Davies
 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2014, xvi + 454pp.),
 reviewed by James E. Dolezal
 Thomas Grantham: GodÆs Messenger from Lincolnshire, John Inscore Essick
 (Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 2013, 246 pages),
 reviewed by James M. Renihan
SGCB Price: $14.95 (list price $18.00)
SGCB Price: $14.95 (list price $18.00)
 Order Both Volumes - Both 2014 & 2015
SGCB Price: $26.00 (list price $36.00) 20% OFF WHEN ORDERING BOTH VOLUMES
 |  |  |  | JOURNAL of the INSTITUTE of REFORMED BAPTIST STUDIES for 2016 & 2018 edited by Rich Barcellos
 The Journal of the Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies (JIRBS) is published to explain and support the theology of Holy Scripture as it is summarized in the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith. The journal will be published annually.
 246 pages
 Published 2016
 THE CHRISTIAN MINISTRY IN THE CHURCH: Its Reasons, Duration and Goal, and Practical Effects (Ephesians 4:11-16), with Special Emphasis on verse 12 by Richard C. Barcellos
 BRING THEM TO THE WORD, NOT THE WATER: Pastoral Instructions for Fathers in the First and Second Century Church by Ryan Davidson
 THE CONSEQUENCES OF POSITIVE LAW: The Particular Baptists' Use of Inferential Reasoning in Theology by Samuel Renihan
 UNITY AND DISTINCTION: One God in Three Persons: Unity of Essence, Distinction of Persons, Implications for Life, A Review Article by Stefan T. Lindblad
 THE REGULATIVE PRINCIPLE OF WORSHIP: Contemporary Objections by Samuel E. Waldron
 Book Reviews
 Faith, Freedom and the Spirit: The Economic Trinity in Barth, Torrance and Contemporary Theology, Paul D. Molnar reviewed by James E. Dolezal
 Covenants Made Simple: Understanding GodÆs Unfolding Promises to His People, Jonty Rhodes reviewed by Pascal Denault
 Guaranteed Pure: The Moody Bible Institute, Business, and the Making of Modern Evangelicalism, Timothy E. W. Gloege reviewed by James M. Renihan
 Justification Reconsidered: Rethinking a Pauline Theme, Stephen Westerholm reviewed by Tom Hicks
 áThe Gospel Ministry, Thomas Foxcraft reviewed by Robert E. Cosby, III
 The Quest for the Historical Adam: Genesis, Hermeneutics, and Human Origins, William VanDoodewaard reviewed by Terry Clarke
 Their Rock is Not Like Our Rock: A Theology of Religions, Daniel Strange reviewed by John A. Divito
 THE FIVE C’S OF IRBS THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY: Presidential Inauguration Address delivered on September 11, 2018 by James M. Renihan
 METHODOLOGY AND HERMENEUTICS: The Importance and Relationship of Biblical Theology, Systematic Theology, and Typology in Covenant Theology by Samuel Renihan
 Thomas Aquinas by K. Scott Oliphint: A Review Article by Paul Helm
 Book Reviews
 Covenant and God’s Purpose for the World, Thomas R. Schreiner, reviewed by Samuel Renihan
 Debating Perseverance: The Augustinian Heritage in Post-Reformation England, Jay T. Collier, reviewed by William Rosano
 The Crisis of British Protestantism: Church Power in the Puritan Revolution, 1638-44, Hunter Powell reviewed by Samuel Renihan
 RBAPN jd2
SGCB Price: $12.00 (list price $18.00) 246 PAGE PAPERBACK
SGCB Price: $12.00 (list price $18.00)
 ORDER ALL FOUR YEARS - 2014, 2015, 2016 & 2018
SGCB Price: $40.00 (list price $70.00)
 |  |  |  | THE IMPORTANCE OF THEOLOGY IN THE CHRISTIAN MINISTRY: Southern California Reformed Baptist Pastors' Conference Papers: Volume One, 2012 Rich Barcellos, Jim Renihan & Sam Waldron
 This brand new volume from RBAP contains the eight lectures delivered at the Southern California Reformed Baptist Pastors' Conference held in the Fall of 2012.
 "The theme of the 2012 conference was The Importance of Theology in the Christian Ministry. The key-note speaker was Dr. Samuel E. Waldron. The first four chapters of this book are slightly revised editions of his four lectures on theological prolegomena. The
 conference also had two guest speakers: Drs. Richard C. Barcellos and James M. Renihan. Chapters five through eight are slightly revised editions of their lectures and are published in the order they were delivered. Because these chapters were delivered as papers at a conference, they were prepared as lectures. Readers may at times detect a lecture feel to what they are reading. The editor attempted to make the papers read more like manuscripts for publication, though he pretends no victory in such an attempt". - from the editor's Preface
 Table of Contents
 Preface by Richard C. Barcellos
 1. Theology: Its Sacred Character by Samuel E. Waldron
 2. Theology: Its Proper Definition, Necessary Presuppositions, and Scientific Divisions by Samuel E. Waldron
 3. Systematic Theology: Its Specific Idea, Scientific Relationships, and Organizational Method by Samuel E. Waldron
 4. Systematic Theology: Its Legitimate Necessity by Samuel E. Waldron
 5. An Exegetical Case Study in the Doxological Trajectory of the Canon: Ephesians 1:8-10 in Light of its Immediate, Contextual Meaning and Redemptive-Historical and Canonical Context (Part 1) by Richard C. Barcellos
 6. An Exegetical Case Study in the Doxological Trajectory of the Canon: Ephesians 1:8-10 in Light of its Immediate, Contextual Meaning and Redemptive-Historical and Canonical Context (Part 2) by Richard C. Barcellos
 7. Person and Place: Two Problems with Biblicism by James. M. Renihan
 8. 'Good and Necessary Consequence' or 'Necessarily Contained': Toward a Particular Baptist Method of Theology by James M. Renihan
 rbapn djr
SGCB Price: $10.00 (list price $14.00)