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Preaching and Pastoral Theology

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PASTORAL THEOLOGY: The Man of God, Volumes One, Two & Three

From 1978 to 1998, Pastor A.N. Martin taught Pastoral Theology in the Trinity Ministerial Academy, a church-based ministerial training institution. Every Friday throughout the academic year, all the students would gather for two hours of teaching presented in a four-year cycle. Subsequently various series of the audiotapes were widely circulated.

Many expressed their desire to see these lectures printed. As an intermediate step in responding to that desire, the Trinity Baptist Church eldership decided to encourage Pastor Martin to rework the original lectures and deliver them one ?nal time, while professionally recording them. This project was begun in 2007 and completed in 2012 with Pastor Martin teaching his entire Pastoral Theology course “one more time” to 25 to 30 men. The transcriptions of these DVD lectures constituted the basis for the ?rst draft of these edited lectures. Within these lectures there are very few issues faced by the ordinary pastor that are not addressed in one way or another. It is the author’s prayer that when all the volumes are nestled on the bookshelf of any pastor, that whatever his concern may be in conjunction with his pastoral labors, that he can expect that most likely, there is something in these volumes that would be of help to him. It is also the author’s prayer that even the most experienced pastor will ?nd in these pages much that will provoke him to pursue greater personal godliness, increased preaching effectiveness, and expanded pastoral usefulness.

“The first thing I did on my first day of ministry over twenty years ago was to start listening to Pastor Martin’s pastoral theology lectures on cassette tape (yes, that long ago). These addresses not only set my ministry on a biblical course but actually saved my ministry (and my sanity) more times than I can count. I’ve waited a long time to see this material in print and am so glad that present and future generations of pastors can benefit from it as I did (and still do).” —Dr. David Murray, Professor of Old Testament and Practical Theology, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan

“Dr. Al Martin poured a lifetime of study into lectures on the pastor and preaching. He delivered them annually to his Academy of theological students who met at the meeting place of his congregation in Montville, New Jersey. While he taught them he was engaged week by week in the dynamics of a growing and demanding pulpit and pastoral ministry… There is certainly a cry from a million hearts that today’s preaching should know more of the breath of heaven….May these volumes do much good all over the globe to assist the renewal of awakening ministries.” —Dr. Geoff Thomas, Pastor (retired), Alfred Place Baptist Church, Aberystwyth, Wales. Visiting Professor of Historical Theology, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

“When I was a young minister, I came across a series of audio recordings by Al Martin that proved to be a gold mine of wisdom. Opening the Holy Scriptures and leaning on the solid teaching of classic writers, these Pastoral Theology lectures both clarified God’s calling and motivated God’s servants to preach God’s Word and shepherd His flock in accord with the whole counsel of God… About a decade later, when called upon to teach several courses in pastoral theology in the newly begun Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan, I listened to most of these lectures again and found them even more profitable the second time through. It is, therefore, a great joy for me that Pastor Martin has reworked this material in his senior years and that now these highly esteemed lectures are finally appearing in book form.” —From the Foreword by Dr. Joel R. Beeke, Pastor, Heritage Reformed Congregation, Grand Rapids, Michigan. President & Professor of Systematic Theology & Homiletics, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

Table of Contents of Volume 1




Biographical Sketch of Albert N. Martin

UNIT ONE: The Call of the Man of God

Chapter 1 Introduction to Pastoral Theology

Chapter 2 The Call of the Man of God to the Pastoral Office

Chapter 3 Fundamental Errors Regarding a Call to the Pastoral Office

Chapter 4 Aspiration to the Pastoral Office

Chapter 5 Qualifications of Christian Character

Chapter 6 Qualifications of Christian Experience (1)

Chapter 7 Qualifications of Christian Experience (2)

Chapter 8 Qualifications of Mental Gifts

Chapter 9 Qualifications of Spiritual Gifts: Speaking Gifts

Chapter 10 Qualifications of Leadership Gifts

Chapter 11 The Source of Spiritual Giftedness

Chapter 12 Confirmation to the Pastoral Office

Chapter 13 Recognition and Ordination to the Pastoral Office

UNIT TWO: The Life of the Man of God

Chapter 1 The Life of the Man of God in the Pastoral Office

Chapter 2 His Relationship to God Spiritually (1)

Chapter 3 His Relationship to God Spiritually (2)

Chapter 4 His Relationship to God Spiritually (3)

Chapter 5 His Relationship to God Intellectually

Chapter 6 His Relationship to God Physically and Emotionally (1)

Chapter 7 His Relationship to God Physically and Emotionally (2)

Chapter 8 His Relationship to His People (1)

Chapter 9 His Relationship to His People (2)

Chapter 10 His Relationship to His People (3)

Chapter 11 The Man of God in Relation to Himself

Chapter 12 The Man of God in Relation to His Time and His Manifold Responsibilities

Chapter 13 The Man of God in Relation to His Domestic Responsibilities (1)

Chapter 14 The Man of God in Relation to His Domestic Responsibilities (2)

Scripture Index

Topical Index

Author Index


Pastoral Theology – The Man of God, His Shepherding, Evangelizing, and Counseling Labors

The Work of Shepherding—Church Government

Chapter 1: Shepherding in the Pastoral Office

Chapter 2: The Prevailing Disposition of Shepherding (1)

Chapter 3: The Prevailing Disposition of Shepherding (2)

Chapter 4: The Corporate Identity and Life of the Church

Chapter 5: The Eldership (1) Plurality & Parity

Chapter 6: The Eldership (2) Qualifications

Chapter 7: The Eldership (3) Establishing an Eldership: Supplication & Cultivation

Chapter 8: The Eldership (4) Establishing an Eldership: Recognition

Chapter 9: The Eldership (5) Efficient Functioning of an Eldership

Chapter 10: The Diaconate (1) Roots and Origin

Chapter 11: The Diaconate (2) Functions

Chapter 12: The Diaconate (3) Qualifications & Reward

Chapter 13: Corrective Church Discipline (1)

Chapter 14: Corrective Church Discipline (2)

Chapter 15: Corrective Church Discipline (3)

Chapter 16: Corporate Ministry of the Body to Itself (1)

Chapter 17: Corporate Ministry of the Body to Itself (2)

Chapter 18: Cultivating Interchurch Communion (1)

Chapter 19: Cultivating Interchurch Communion (2)

The Work of Shepherding—Corporate Worship

Chapter 1: Convictions Regarding Corporate Worship

Chapter 2: Leading Corporate Worship

Chapter 3: Characteristics and Climate of Corporate Worship

Chapter 4: Public Pastoral Prayer (1)

Chapter 5: Public Pastoral Prayer (2)

Chapter 6: Public Pastoral Prayer (3)

Chapter 7: Public Reading of Scripture

Chapter 8: Corporate Prayer Meetings (1)

Chapter 9: Corporate Prayer Meetings (2)

Chapter 10: Corporate Prayer Meetings (3)

Chapter 11: The Lord’s Supper

Chapter 12: Baptismal Services (1)

Chapter 13: Baptismal Services (2)

Chapter 14: Principles for Accepting Weddings & Funerals

Chapter 15: Officiating at Weddings

Chapter 16: Conducting Funerals

The Work of Evangelism & Pastoral Counseling

Chapter 1: Doing the Work of an Evangelist (1)

Chapter 2: Doing the Work of an Evangelist (2)

Chapter 3: Doing the Work of an Evangelist (3)

Chapter 4: Doing the Work of an Evangelist (4)

Chapter 5: Local Church Evangelism (1)

Chapter 6: Local Church Evangelism (2)

Chapter 7: Local Church Evangelism (3)

Chapter 8: Overview of Pastoral Counseling (1)

Chapter 9: Overview of Pastoral Counseling (2)

Chapter 10: Presuppositions Regarding the Counselor

Chapter 11: Presuppositions Regarding the Counselee

Chapter 12: Presuppositions Regarding the Counsel

Chapter 13: The Sessions of Pastoral Counseling

Chapter 14: Addressing Problems in Pastoral Counseling

Chapter 15: Assessing Progress and Dismissal

Chapter 16: The Ethics of Pastoral Counseling

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VOLUME ONE: THE MAN OF GOD,His Calling & Godly Life
SGCB Price: $29.95 (list price $43.00)

ORDER VOLUME TWO: THE MAN OF GOD: His Preaching and Teaching Labors
SGCB Price: $32.95 (list price $47.00)

ORDER VOLUME THREE: THE MAN OF GOD; His Shepherding, Evangelizing, and Counseling Labors
SGCB Price: $34.95 (list price $50.00)

SGCB Price: $94.00 (list price $140.00)

SGCB Price: $108.00 (list price $170.00)

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A PASTOR'S SKETCHES: Conversation's with Anxious Souls Concerning the Way of Salvation: Two Volumes in One
Ichabod Spencer (1798-1854)



These sketches were first published in 1850 and 1853 toward the end of the remarkable ministry of the man known as "The Bunyan of Brooklyn." These books consist of 77 "sketches" or "case studies" drawn from the ministry of one of America's greatest pastors. It is required reading in three Seminaries in the USA with more to come. It is changing lives in over 25 countries and all 50 States and has drawn high praise from dozens of evangelical and reformed leaders throughout the world, like: Jerry Bridges, Maurice Roberts, Ernie Reisinger, James White, Gordon Keddie, Tom Nettles, Joel Beeke, Conrad Mbewe, Geoff Thomas and Peter Jeffery.

"I have never read anything quite like A Pastor's Sketches and I really think that if God is pleased to bring days of great revival again, no Christian book could be more helpful at such a time to pastors than Spencer's book. A book of great relevance to pastors, it will be cherished just as much by all those spiritual minded men and women in our churches who do the bulk of the work of bringing the gospel lovingly, courageously and wisely to those around them. I really believe its impact could be revolutionary." - David Vaughn, missionary in France

"A Pastor's Sketches is a sobering and challenging reminder that the Holy Spirit is the true agent of conversion. This book is urgently needed today when so much of our evangelism is patterned after current marketing methods. It has deeply convicted me to always seek to be in tune with the Holy Spirit as I minister to others." - Jerry Bridges, author of numerous books

"We live in a day when it is rare for people to speak about their souls. But in times of revival such as that in which Ichabod Spencer lived, there was so much of the Holy Spirit's work in evidence in men's lives that ministers needed to address the most searching questions to their hearers. Few did this so well as Dr. Spencer, whose Sketches, which are here reprinted after a lapse of many years, are a veritable treasury of pastoral wisdom. They will amply repay careful reading by pastors and serious Christians in our day." - Maurice Roberts, former editor of Banner of Truth Magazine

"The Spencer extracts are superb and will be of great benefit when printed. This is very sobering but enlightening material. It is quite contrary to much of today's practice and all pastors need to read it." - Peter Jeffery, author of over 40 books

"Spiritual casuistry, or 'cases of conscience,' as it used to be called, is nearly a lost art today. Few seminaries train ministerial students how to dialogue with seeking souls, even though counseling a seeking sinner can be more challenging than preaching to a large congregation. That's part of what makes Spencer's book of dialogues with inquiring sinners so unique. Spencer is a master at flushing sinners out of hiding and directing them to Jesus Christ for salvation through Spirit-worked, simple faith.

Though I suppose few pastors would approve of every response Spencer makes to inquirers, in the main his spiritual counsel is biblical, doctrinal, practical, and experiential. His perceptive counsel certainly has produced much fruit. A Pastor's Sketches is a compelling read for pastors and Christian workers; its pages contain the nuts and bolts of biblical evangelism, taught via authentic dialogues." - Joel R. Beeke, president and professor at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

"Dr. Spencer's book should certainly take a well-deserved place among the tools of any physician of souls. Anyone with the cause of Christ at heart will bemoan the fact that we have too many miscarriages in our evangelistic labor-wards. These sketches found in Spencer's book, together with the concluding lessons, will go a long way to bring back the biblical balance that we so desperately need if the preachers of the new millennium are to prove themselves to be able and true spiritual midwives. I have no doubt that its reprinting is long overdue." - Conrad Mbewe, pastor from Zambia

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT - Solid Ground has joined hands with Granted Ministries to produce a smyth-sewn cloth-bound, shrink-wrapped edition of the Double Volume of A Pastor's Sketches. In addition to all that is found in the present paperback edition there are two important additions:

(1) The first added appendix is a short and concise summary of every sketch, allowing readers to quickly find a case that is similar to the one with which they are wrestling.

(2) The second added appendix is a short subject index based upon those summaries, directing readers to places where the various subjects are specifically addressed and dealt with more fully.



SGCB Price: $22.00 (list price $38.00)

SGCB eBook Price: $12.95

SGCB Price: $70.00 (list price $145.00)

ORDER 'A PASTOR'S SKETCHES' ALONG WITH 'THE BUNYAN OF BROOKLYN: The Life & Practical Sermons of Ichabod Spencer'
SGCB Price: $34.75 (list price $70.00)

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James W. Alexander

Few things are more helpful to preachers than the thoughts of a great preacher. In this volume we have such 'THOUGHTS ON PREACHING' from the illustrious pen of Dr. James W. Alexander. First published in 1864, a few years after his death, it contains sections from his private writings with their illuminating comments on the work of the ministry. In addition to his 166 paragraphs on preaching and pastoral ministry, this priceless volume includes his masterful Letters to Young Ministers which covers such subjects as:









and much more

In addtion Dr. Alexander concludes this classic volume with five lengthy essays on the following topics:






Of all the books that the publisher has read on the subject of preaching, there is none that has meant more than this one. It is much to be regretted that it has been out of print, and it is an honor to be able to bring it back once again with enlarged print for easier reading.

"Dr. J.W. Alexander's 'Thoughts on Preaching' is the best daily devotional on preaching ever written. To read a section or two of his poignant and savory thoughts contained in 'Homiletical Paragraphs' every day would greatly instruct, convict, encourage, and re-energize any true minister of the gospel. And his 'Letters to Young Ministers' is a masterpiece in itself; particularly the sections on maintaining devotion and happiness in the ministry." - Dr. Joel R. Beeke

"'Thoughts on Preaching' has impacted my verbal ministry, not only because Alexander relates proclamation so well to experiential Christianity, but especially because of his insistence upon preaching without notes. He encourages a more liberated, and apostolic style which I find most engaging. This is a work I have recommended numerous times. It is among my top picks for texts on preaching." - Jim Elliff, Christian Communicators Worldwide

" I am SO thankful that you are re-publishing this. I read it when I was first ordained to the ministry in 1979, and the sage advice that Alexander gives throughout still sticks with me. I still value his emphasis on preaching on the big themes. That advice and so much like it makes this book a jewel box of treasures for preachers and also for men preparing for the ministry." - Pastor Bill Shishko, OPC Franklin Square, NY

"There are very few books full of wholesome devotional thoughts for expository preachers. Alexander is one of them. Buy, read, meditate upon and use these precious gems. " - Dr. Mike Renihan, Pastor, Heritage Baptist Church, Worcester, MA


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Nearly 50% Off
SGCB Price: $13.50 (list price $25.00)

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THE PASTOR IN THE SICK ROOM: Ministering the Gospel to Those on the Brink of Eternity
John D. Wells

In the Fall of 1892 the professors of Princeton Seminary asked Dr. John D. Wells, long-time pastor in Brooklyn, NY, to come and deliver three lectures on the subject of ministering to the sick and dying. Wells, himself a graduate of Princeton in the 1840's, spoke to the students in such an effective and passionate way that the professors later asked Wells to have these lectures published. This book is the result of that request.

Knowing that men like Benjamin B. Warfield, and his esteemed colleagues were moved by these lectures in such a way, it is a true shame that they have been unavailable for more than a century.

Jerry Bridges, author of numerous God-centered books, wrote the following as soon as he finished reading a photocopy recently sent to him: "Spiritual care of the sick and dying, especially to those who are unconverted, is one of the most sensitive and challenging areas of Christian ministry. Written from a wealth of more than 40 years pastoral experience and from a heart deeply concerned for the salvation of those who are dying, this book is instructive, challenging and heartwarming. Even though written more than 100 years ago, the spiritual lessons contained in it are as up to date as if written yesterday. THIS BOOK SHOULD BE IN THE PRACTICAL THEOLOGY SECTION OF EVERY PASTOR'S LIBRARY."

50% Discount
SGCB Price: $6.50 (list price $13.00)

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THEOLOGY ON FIRE: Volume One- Sermons from the Heart of J.A. Alexander
Joseph Addison Alexander

Twenty-one complete sermons from Joseph Addison Alexander (1809-1860), the brilliant and godly giant from Old Princeton, are here published for the first time in more than a century. These sermons are on fire by a theologian who was on fire for his God and Savior!

Charles Hodge said of his colleague, "In the death of Joseph Addison Alexander we have lost our great glory and defense. Permit me to express my own individual convictions. I regard Dr. Joseph Addison Alexander as incomparably the greatest man I ever knew--as incomparably the greatest man our church has ever produced. His thorough orthodoxy, his fervent piety, humility, faithfulness in the discharge of his duties, and reverence for the Word of God, consecrated all his other gifts. He glorified the Word of God in the sight of his pupils beyond what any man I ever saw had the power of doing."

This is the perfect companion volume of his brother's book, which we are also reprinting: "A SHEPHERD'S HEART: Sermons from the Pastoral Ministry of J.W. Alexander"

Introduction by Dr. David B. Calhoun


1. Mark 1:1, "The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God"

2. Matt. 2:2, "Where is he that is born king of the Jews?"

3. John 13:7, "What I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter"

4. John 1:29, "Behold the Lamb of God"

5. Romans 1:25, "They worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator"

6. John 3:36, "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him."

7. Luke 17:32, "Remember Lot's wife."

8. 1 John 3:2, "It doth not yet appear what we shall be."

9. Luke 11:26, "The last state of that man is worse than the first."

10. Romans 16:27, "To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen."

11. Luke 14:17, "Come, for all things are ready"

12. Proverbs 22:2, "The rich and poor meet together; the Lord is the maker of them all."

13. Romans 11:22, "Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God."

14. 1 Corinthians 15:33, "Be not deceived!"

15. Acts 28:28, "Be it known therefore unto you, that the salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles, and they will hear it."

16. 1 Peter 1:5, "Kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation"

17. Titus 2:11-15, "For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present age..."

18. Luke 22:32, "When thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren."

19. Luke 9:60, "Let the dead bury their dead; but go thou and preach the kingdom of God."

20. Mark 13:37, "What I say unto you, I say unto all: Watch!"

21. Matthew 24:6, "The end is not yet..."

420 page paperback



NEARLY 45% Discount
SGCB Price: $19.95 (list price $33.00)

Purchase Both Volumes (Nearly 50% DISCOUNT)
SGCB Price: $36.00 (list price $66.00)

SGCB Price: $70.00 (list price $140.00)

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John A. Broadus, edited by Edwin C. Dargan

This is the classic "Dargan Edition" of John A. Broadus' masterful treatise on "The Preparation and Delivery of Sermons" updated in 1897 by his colleague, Edwin Charles Dargan.

Originally written in 1870, this book became the standard text-book for more than a generation, passing through 22 editions in the US alone. It was used as a text in the United Kingdom, Japan, China and Brazil in the 19th century. It has been updated twice in the 20th century, but these updates, in many ways, were unfaithful to Broadus' original work. There is nothing like "The Dargan Edition" of Broadus.


"No other work on the same subject, published in this century, has sold so largely in so short a time, while the religious and secular press, in all parts of the country, has almost universally commended it in strong and earnest notices. Its immediate republication in London was followed by the endorsement of Bishop Ellicott, Rev. C.H. Spurgeon, and the religious periodicals demonstrating that it met with equal favor abroad." -- The Original Publisher

"Abounds in excellent hints, rules, and suggestions. It is very lucid in style--must do good on a large scale." - Southern Presbyterian

"We have read the book with absorbing interest. Rich, deep thoughts and eminently practical suggestions abound through these pages." - Associate Reformed Presbyterian

"A good book; full of instruction, rich, varied and exhaustive." -- Princeton Review

"Sunday School superintendents and teachers will be guided, helped, and strengthened by it." - Sunday School Times


"John A. Broadus' Treatise on the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons is truly a classic work in the field of homiletics. Its value is proven by its continued use, well over a century after its original publication. Four revised editions have been prepared, intended to update previous versions in various ways. While such revisions have proven useful, they have also created distance from the author and his thought. E. C. Dargan's revision is arguably the best volume for understanding Broadus' ideas. Prepared in 1897 (two years after Broadus' death), it incorporates changes that Broadus intended to make, and had discussed with Dargan, his successor at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Accordingly, this edition represents Broadus at his best, matured through twenty-five years of preaching and studying and teaching the subject." -- Robert A. Vogel, Professor of Preaching, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY

"This edition of Broadus' classic work on preaching is simply the best that ever appeared. It reflects the mature thinking of the author and incorporates many of his private notes from lectures that he himself planned to incorporate into a revised edition before his death in 1895. His friend, colleague and fellow homiletics professor, E.C. Dargan, carefully incorporated those notes into the volume that originally appeared three years later. Its reappearance in our day will be a great aid to encouraging the recovery of biblical, applicatory preaching." --Tom Ascol, Pastor of Grace Baptist Church, Cape Coral, FL

JOHN ALBERT BROADUS (1827-1895) was to become one of the most influential Baptist leaders in the history of the United States. Saved in a revival meeting at age sixteen, he planned to study medicine at the University of Virginia. A sermon by S.M. Poindexter so challenged him that he surrendered to the call to the ministry instead. He still entered the university in 1846, and in 1850 he received the M.A. degree. Upon graduation he became the teacher of Greek and Latin at the University of Virginia and also took the pastorate of the Baptist Church of Charlottesville. The next year he resigned the teaching position, and he dedicated himself to the church for the next several years, except for two years spent as chaplain at the university. In 1857 he met with four other men to plan a new seminary for Baptists in the South. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary was formally established in 1858, and in 1859 Broadus became a professor there. He was later the second president of the school. Despite the offer of many pastorates, he made the seminary his life's work, teaching there for thirty-six years. Whether preaching or teaching, he was noted for being able to state deep truths in a way plain enough for all to understand them clearly. He stressed the importance of this to his ministerial students. His book "A Treatise on the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons" has been a classic on the subject since its publication. "Lectures on the History of Preaching" and "A Gentleman and a Scholar: The Life of James P. Boyce" have also been recently reprinted by Solid Ground Books. At the height of his popularity and usefulness, he was called home to Heaven on March 16, 1895.

This paperback volume is nearly 600 pages in length.


Nearly 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $20.95 (list price $40.00)

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THE BUNYAN OF BROOKLYN: The Life and Practical Sermons of Ichabod Spencer
Rev. J.M. Sherwood and Ichabod Spencer

The author of "A Pastor's Sketches" comes to life in this new paperback edition of his life and practical sermons. Everyone who has read the life-changing and ministry-transforming volumes of "A Pastor's Sketches" will be deliighted to learn more about the man whose life was used of God in such a mighty way from 1828 (when he began his ministry in Northampton. MA) to 1854 (when he concluded his ministry in Brooklyn, NY).

In addition to the helpful "Sketch" of his life by dear friend Rev. J.M. Sherwood, we have here 20 complete sermons that are called Practical Sermons drawn from his regular pulpit ministry in Brooklyn.

According to his Biographer, "One of the most prominent characteristics of Dr. Spencer's preaching was its Scriptural character. He emphatically preached the Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible. He drew every sermon from it. He grounded every sermon upon the plain import of God's revealed Word. He made that Word his sole authority in all his teaching. The Bible was the staple of all his sermons. They were full of it; and drew their inspiration from it. It was the simple power of Scripture truth that he wielded with so much effect. He had no confidence in any other kind of teaching. He believed that his sole business in the pulpit was to unfold and vindicate, enforce and apply the meaning or truths of God's revelation. Hence he aimed steadily to exalt the Divine Word. He bowed always and most reverently to its authority."

"The reading of good sermons is the most underrated kind of Christian literature on the market today. In former centuries, the reading of sermons was the bulk of the mature Christian's reading diet. Most Puritan books, for example, are sermons edited for print. Sermon reading keeps believers in the Word, matures the soul, and whets the appetite for good preaching. It promotes Christ-centered thinking, healthy self-examination, and godly piety in every sphere of life. Though nothing can replace the Word preached, sermon reading has one advantage over preaching: the sermons that made it into print are usually the minister's best! Tolle Lege--"pick up and read" great sermon books, especially those of past centuries that are packed with spiritual meat, such as the sermons of Ichabod Spencer." - Dr. Joel R. Beeke




Nearly 50% OFF - VOLUME ONE: The Life & Practical Sermons of Spencer
SGCB Price: $16.75 (list price $32.00)
This is the Paperback Version

Add PASTOR'S SKETCHES (Paperback Double Volume) for $18.00 (List $38.00)
SGCB Price: $34.75 (list price $70.00)
THE BACKSLIDER: His Nature, Symptoms and Recovery
Andrew Fuller (1754-1815) with a Biographical Sketch by Dr. Michael Haykin



Biographical Sketch of Fuller by Dr. Michael Haykin

Original Introduction by John Angell James

Preface by Andrew Fuller

1. On the General Nature of Backsliding

2. The Symptoms of a Backsliding Spirit

3. The Injurious and Dangerous Effects of Sin Lying upon the Conscience Unlamented

4. On the Means of Recovery

"Andrew Fuller was, in my opinion, one of the greatest theologians, which modern times, or any times have produced, and his writings are an almost inexhaustible mine of doctrinal, practical, and experimental truth, which every Christian and especially every minister, would do well to explore. No man better understood the bible, or the human heart both in its un-renewed and its regenerate state. Among all his various practical treatises, there are few, if any, of greater value than that on BACKSLIDING. Like a most skillful physician, he explains, with singular ability, the nature of the disease, lays down the symptoms of it, and prescribes the method of recovery." - John Angell James

"Andrew Fuller (1754-1815) was an outstanding figure with qualities that make him one of the most attractive figures in Baptist history. Many in his day could echo the words of his very close friend William Carey , 'I loved him.' The Backslider: or an Inquiry into the Nature, Symptoms, and Effects of Religious Declension, with the Means of Recovery was originally published in 1801. Fuller's work, though, has stood the test of time and well merits the description by John Ryland as 'an invaluable piece of practical divinity.'" - Michael Haykin

$5.00 Sale 5s stst N5D

NEARLY 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $7.95 (list price $14.00)
ANECDOTES: Religious, Moral and Entertaining
Charles Buck, Preface by Ashbel Green of Princeton

"I hesitate not to say, that I know of no work, which more happily unites instruction with entertainiment. It requires no effort of the mind to be understood, and can weary no one by a long demand of attention to a particular subject. It cannot be read without interest, and it is, in every part, calculated to leave an impression on the mind favorable to virtue, piety or benevolence." - Ashbel Green, August 1831

"This work is well calculated for young persons, and may prove in many cases, a very acceptable present to them, as it conveys much instruction, mingled with entertainment. It will also serve for a pleasing companion to the traveller. In short, it affords a copious fund of rational amusement for a leisure hour. We have no doubt but it will obtain, as it certainly merits, an extensive circulation."

- the Evangelical Review

By Charles H. Spurgeon's day he could tell his students that this volume was so well known and so often read by so many people that it was no longer wise to use it for illustrative purposes. THIS IS NO LONGER THE CASE. It has been out of print more than a century.


50% Discount
SGCB Price: $13.95 (list price $28.00)

SGCB Price: $180.00 (list price $455.00)

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PAUL THE PREACHER: A Popular and Practical Exposition of His Discourses and Speeches as Recorded in the Acts of the Apostles
John Eadie

"Everything that John Eadie wrote Is pure gold. His commentaries on Paul's epistles are valued highly by careful expositors. Solid Ground Christian Books has done a great service by bringing Eadie's Paul the Preacher back into print." - Dr. Robert P. Martin

"It is humbly hoped that the volume may be useful in giving ordinary readers a juster and fuller conception of the creed and preaching, the life and work, of the great apostle of the Gentiles, who, amidst all diversities of place, time, audience, and immediate theme, made it his constant business to preach Christ crucified. May we know Him to be 'the power of God' and the 'wisdom of God,' and experience that change of heart which is only effected by such a manifestation of His truth and glory as He vouchsafed to Saul of Tarsus."

-from the Author's Preface, May 1859

"Designed to give ordinary readers a juster and fuller conception of the doctrine and life-work of the apostle. AN ABLE WORK."

- C.H. Spurgeon

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TRUTH AND LIFE: Twenty-Two Christ-Centered Sermons
Charles P. McIlvaine (1799-1873)

Dr. C.P. McIlvaine served as Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Ohio in the middle of the 19th century. Banner of Truth recently reprinted his excellent book on preaching entitled "Preaching Christ: The Heart of the Gospel Ministry." In this long-out-of-print volume you will be given 22 examples of this Christ-centered preaching.

Highly recommended!

"Charles Pettit McIlvaine, who lived from 1799-1873, embodied the evangelical creed of the nineteenth century. A clear-thinking, intellectually rigorous Episcopalian, he exemplified the deep emotional currents of revival and rebirth, of the 'conviction of sin,' of the need to be born again into new life. An aristocrat by birth and bearing and a bishop by consecration of the Episcopal Church, he knew himself to be a common sinner in God's sight, as much in need of rescue as the folk to whom he ministered." - Thomas Garrett Isham, from his biography entitled "A Born Again Episcopalian: The Evangelical Witness of Charles Petit McIlvaine"


1. The Power of the Word of God - Psalm 119:130

2. The True Church, The World's Light - Matthew 5:14

3. The Church of Christ in its Essential Being - 1 Chronicles 22:1

4. The Personal Ministry of Christ in His Church, Now and Ever - Luke 3:16,17

5. The Presence of Christ in the Assemblies of His People - Matthew 18:20

6. The Nature and Condemnation of Sin - 1 John 3:4

7. The Great Feast and the Vain Excuse - Luke 14:16-18

8. The Call to Diligence - Romans 13:12

9. The Christian Not of The World - John 17:16

10. The True Estimate of Life - Psalm 90:12

11. The Nature and Efficacy of Saving Faith - John 3:36

12. Faith Appropriating the Sacrifice of Christ - John 6:53,54

13. The Character of God as Manifested in Christ - 1 John 4:8,9

14. The Believer's Hidden Life in Christ - Colossians 3:3,4

15. The Believer's Progressive Life in Christ - Proverbs 4:18

16. The Believer's Assurance in Christ - Romans 8:32

17. The Believer's Portion in Christ - Colossians 1:12

18. The Present Blessedness of the Dead in Christ - Revelation 14:13

19. The Resurrection of Christ - Luke 24:34

20. The Resurrection of the Dead - John 11:23

21. The Final Satisfaction of the Believer in Jesus - Psalm 17:15

22. The Minister of Christ Exhorted to Grow in Grace - 1 Timothy 6:11


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SOUTHERN PRESBYTERIAN PULPIT: A Collection of Sermons from the Nineteenth Century
by Ministers of the Southern Presbyterian Church

"Two motives have prompted the issue of this volume. There has been a distinct demand for a book of practical sermons, suitable for reading in the public worship of God when conducted by ruling elders of the church.

But in addition to this motive, it has seemed very desirable to put in permanent form some examples of the work of our Southern Presbyterian pulpit, which is, we are confident, second to none in eloquence, dotrinal purity, persuasiveness, and practical power." - August 1896, from the Preface

In early 1897 The Presbyterian Quarterly gave the following Review of Southern Presbyterian Pulpit: "An inspection of the thirty-three sermons brought together and published in this book will readily show that the double purpose of the publishers, as set forth in the Preface, is fully accomplished. A careful examination of the several discourses reveals their strength, beauty, fervor and wonderfully evangelical spirit and soundness."

"I've often given printed sermons to the dying, grieving, confused and lost; sermons from this very book. You'll find sermons that speak to the heart in 'Southern Presbyterian Pulpit.' Acquaint yourself with the 'Spurgeons of America' and you'll find some preachers to imitate. They were truly 'Preachers with Power.' - C.N. Willborn PhD

Some of the more familiar names included are B.M. Palmer, Moses Hoge, George Armstrong, John Girardeau, and R.L. Dabney, but the remaining 28 men were all men committed to an authoritative Bible and an expository pulpit ministry.

The subjects covered are greatly varied: "The Transforming Power of the Gospel," "The Changing World and the Unchanging God," "Christ's Pastoral Presence with His Dying People," How Long Halt Ye Between Two Opinions?" and many others


The Transforming Power of the Gospel by B.M. Palmer

The Changing World and the Unchanging God by Moses D. Hoge

"One Jesus," by J. Henry Smith

The Gospel Call by George D. Armstrong

"What is the Chaff to the Wheat?" by J.W. Lupton

Christ's Pastoral Presence with his Dying People by John L. Girardeau

The Pitilessness of Sin by J.R. Stratton

The Happy Service by R.L. Dabney

Seeking the Lord by J.W. Rosebro

Our Redeemer's Prayer for Christian Unity by Neander M. Woods

The Divineness of the Family Bond by W.U. Murkland

Why Believers Should Not Fear by A.W. Pitzer

The Ruler's Question by J.H. Bryson

Children of the Covenant by S.V. Davies

Man Inspired of God, by G.R. Brackett

"How Long Halt Ye Between Two Opinions?" by J.R. Burgett

Consecration by G.B. Strickler

Personal Work for the Master by W.N. Scott

Joseph of Arimathea by John A. Preston

The Striving Spirit by Robert P. Kerr

Applied Christianity by R.K. Smoot

The Three Causes of Salvation by W.W. Moore

The Necessity of Christ's Resurrection by J.F. Cannon

Natural Law and Divine Providence by Peyton H. Hoge

Take Hold of God by James I. Vance

"To Me to Live is Christ" by J.R. Howerton

The Valley of Achor by G.L. Petrie

Religion Not a Vain Thing by Samuel A. King

Jesus' Supreme Authority by C.K. Hemphill

Trust in the Lord by Joseph R. Wilson

Not One Forgotten by T.D. Witherspoon

The Sabbath Day by W.F.V. Bartlett

The Gospel as First Revealed by W.T. Hall



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THE CHRISTIAN PASTOR: The Office and Duty of the Gospel Minister
Stephen H. Tyng

These outstanding lectures were delivered from September 29 - October 3, 1873 at the School of Theology in the Boston University, and were subsequently published at the earnest request of the students and the faculty who heard them delivered. One reason for the value of this work is that the lectures were delivered by a man who had been serving Christ in the Gospel ministry for more than half a century.

"The Christian Pastor by Stephen H. Tyng is very personable and pastoral and sound." - Dr. Tom Nettles

Stephen H. Tyng (1800-1885) was ordained to the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal church in 1821. His first parish was in Georgetown, D. C., in 1821-'3, and then the Queen Anne parish, Prince George County, Maryland, in 1823-'9. He was called to the rectorship of St. Paul's church, Philadelphia, in 1829, then to the Church of the Epiphany in 1838, where he served for twelve years. In 1844 he was invited to St. George's church, New York city, where, entering upon his duties in 1845, he labored for more than thirty years as rector, and was retired as rector emeritus in 1878. He received the degree of D. D. from Jefferson college, Pennsylvania, in 1832, and from Harvard in 1851. He was distinguished for eloquence in the pulpit, and also for able and effective temperance and patriotic addresses. For many years he was a leader among that part of the clergy known as low churchmen, he was active in organizing the Evangelical knowledge society, the American church missionary society, and the Evangelical education society, and was editor for several years of "The Episcopal Recorder" and "The Protestant Churchman." Dr. Tyng held a ready pen, and published numerous volumes of interest and value. Chief among these was his "Lectures on the Law and the Gospel" (Philadelphia, 1832) .


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SGCB Price: $7.50 (list price $14.00)

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GRACE AND GLORY: Sermons Preached in the Chapel of Princeton Theological Seminary
Geerhardus Vos with Introduction by R. Scott Clark

Geerhardus Vos (1862-1949) was an American, Reformed theologian and one of the most distinguished representatives of the Princeton Theology. He is sometimes called the father of Reformed Biblical Theology. Vos moved and joined the faculty of the Princeton Theological Seminary, where he became its first Professor of Biblical Theology. At Princeton, he taught alongside J. Gresham Machen and B. B. Warfield and authored his most famous works, including: Pauline Eschatology (1930) and Biblical Theology: Old and New Testaments (1948).

These sermons were preached at the chapel of Princeton Seminary and first published in 1922. These are not mere outlines or sketches of sermons, but are full manuscripts of the addresses delivered by the revered professor before his students and fellow faculty members.

John Murray said of him, "Dr. Vos is, in my judgment, the most penetrating exegete it has been my privilege to know, and I believe, the most incisive exegete that has appeared in the English-speaking world in this century."

"If there is one volume (by Vos) that deserves to be read by laity and clergy alike it is this little collection of chapel messages - Read these sermons as illustrations of how Vos read Scripture. Let him take you by the hand, as it were, to the text and through the text of Scripture, to the Word incarnate." - R. Scott Clark, from the New Introduction

"Often more respected than understood, Vos continues to fascinate and enthrall. These sermons reveal the penetrating exegetical insights of some of the most fascinating and powerful sermons ever preached. A century later, they continue to make us gasp in wonder and admiration, driving to read and then re-read these lines to behold the treasure that lies beneath the surface." - Derek W. H. Thomas

"In the words of F. F. Bruce on the cover of The Pauline Eschatology, these sermons, too, are '... indeed outstandingly great ... a rare exegetical feast.' They also remain a source of deep edification for the church today as they will for still future generations." - Richard B. Gaffin, Jr., Charles Krahe Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia

The uniqueness of Vos's emphasis on the centrality of the covenantal work of Jesus Christ in history and our possession of that work through His mediation draws us back time and again to his powerful and passionate sermons. Translated to the realm of glory itself through the proclamation of the accomplished work of our covenant Lord, and by the gift of His Spirit, we partake of unparalleled communion with God and possess Him as our highest treasure presently in Christ as our covenant God. Short of the consummation we have made His glory and joy in His people our chief end in this pilgrim life.

In his first sermon, "The Wonderful Tree," Vos sets the theme of his entire collection of sermons, the gift of Jehovah to His creatures to be their delight and personal possession through the covenant. In "Heavenly-Mindedness," Vos explicates the nature of true faith as that which lays hold of God Himself in glory, living in the hope of the eternal life of God in the city of God by resurrection.

"In an age rife with practical theology and anti-doctrinal Christianity, Vos calls us back to the Word to allow it to speak for itself. While Vos is perhaps lesser known as a preacher, here in 'Grace and Glory' we get a taste of what one dear saintly lady described as spiritual 'blueberry cheesecake.' Enjoy!!" - R. Daniel Knox, Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Sewickley, PA

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THE POWER OF THE PULPIT: Addresses to Ministers of the Gospel and Those Who Hear Them
Gardiner Spring

"Gardiner Spring's 'The Power of the Pulpit' is an old classic on preaching that truly believes in the pulpit. It deserves to stand on every minister's bookshelf beside Spurgeon's 'Lectures to my Students' and Lloyd-Jones's 'Preaching.' I'll never forget the first time I read Spring's chapter on a minister's personal piety; it overwhelmed me, and moved me to tears, to silence, to confession, and to prayer for mercy and help. This is a great book which every minister should read and re-read, if he really wants to get a sense of the magnitude, awesomeness, power, and beauty of his calling." - Dr. Joel R. Beeke

"In a day when the words 'power' and 'pulpit' seem unrelated in many places, the reprint of Gardiner Spring's classic will be welcome by those who wish to see the gospel preached 'in demonstration of the Spirit and power.'" - Dr. Robert P. Martin, Pastor of Emmanuel Reformed Baptist Church Seattle, Washington and Editor of Reformed Baptist Theological Review

It has been 21 years since Banner of Truth brought this outstanding volume back into print. It is now time for a new edition for a new generation of preachers and those who hear them.



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PRINCETON SERMONS: Chapel Addresses from 1891-1892
Princeton Professors, ie. B.B. Warfield, W.H. Green, C.W. Hodge, John D. Davis and More

"Princeton Sermons is a treasure-trove of practical Christianity delivered by some of the greatest preachers and seminary teachers America has ever known. Here is Princeton in its glory days still reaching out to us today in biblical, doctrinal, experiential truth that is angels' food for those who want to live contagious Christian lives of holiness." --Dr. Joel R. Beeke, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids

"This volume of sermons will stir your heart, inform your mind, and elevate your love for our Triune God. The very first sermon makes you want to be with Jesus. Another sermon makes you want to walk in the Spirit until you are with Jesus. Death...want to know how to preach about death? Warfield does it right. What a delightful deposit of sermons from old Princeton. " --C. N. Willborn, PhD, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Sixteen powerful sermons preached in the chapel at Princeton Theological Seminary during the academic year of 1891-92. One needs only to read these addresses to understand why Princeton had a worldwide influence for the Gospel of Chrrist during these years. This volume was especially prized because two of the beloved professors, Caspar W. Hodge and Charles A. Aiken, were removed by death in the midst of that year.


1- Christ's Desire for His People (John 17:14) by Dr. William Henry Green

2- The Promise of the Spirit (John 16:12-15) by Dr. Caspar Wistar Hodge

3- Valiant for the Truth (Jeremiah 9:3) by Dr. Charles A. Aiken

4- Salvation as a Work (Philippians 1:6) by Dr. William M. Paxton

5- Incarnate Truth (John 1:14) by Dr. Benjamin B. Warfield

6- First Interview with the Christ (John 1:37-42) by Dr. John D. Davis

7- Religion in College (1 John 2:13) by Dr. Francis L. Patton, President

8- The Letter and the Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:6) by Dr. Francis L. Patton, President

9- Christ as a Man of Prayer (Luke 6:12) by Dr. James O. Murray

10- The Transfiguration of Life by Christ (Luke 9:29) by Dr. James O. Murray

11- Christian Manliness (1 Cor. 16:13) by Dr. William Henry Green

12- The Power of Christ's Resurrection (Philippians 3:10) by Dr. Caspar Wistar Hodge

13- Drifting (Hebrews 2:1) by Dr. Charles A. Aiken

14- How We Spend Our Years (Psalm 90:9) by Dr. William M. Paxton

15- The Christian's Attitude Toward Death (2 Corinthians 5:1-10) Dr. Benjamin B. Warfield

16- The Vision of the King in His Holiness (Isaiah 6:5-7) by Dr. John D. Davis

REVIEW FROM The Presbyterian and Reformed Review Vol. IV, No. 15 (July 1893):

"This publication, valuable in itself, has an additional interest from the insight it gives into Princeton Seminary training on its more practical side. The Princeton Sermons are not, like the posthumous volume by Dr. Charles Hodge, a collection of mere outlines, but sixteen complete discourses by Profs. Green, C.W. Hodge, Aiken, Paxton, Warfield, Davis, Patton and Murray, each of whom has contributed two to the series. With the exception of President Patton's, which are distinctively college sermons; one of them full of wise, manly, sympathetic counsels to the undergraduates, the other an admirable charge to a graduating class, abounding in high thinking and clear speaking, with sentences sharp as the crack of a whip, which will stick to the memory like epigrams; they were delivered in the Seminary Chapel, and for the most part in the ordinary course of a single term (1891-92).

The reader will naturally open such a book with high expectations; nor will he be disappointed. It may go without saying, that the sermons are sound, spiritual and strong. But though solid, they are not heavy; and, though addressed in the first instance to an academic audience, they will be found full of instruction and of religious stimulus by thoughtful readers anywhere. The subjects are as happily varied as though their selection had been the fruit of premeditation; and, while the teaching rings harmoniously true to Scripture throughout, the variety in the literary and dialectical style of treatment is one of the charms of the volume. To an old Princetonian, indeed, this new anthology affords among other things an attractive psychological study, such as used to be inevitably suggested in the old Oratory, on a Sunday afternoon, by the 'remarks' successively made by the professors on some Bible text or practical theme selected and announced the week before. It may be somewhat invidious to particularize, but we cannot withhold a special word of admiration for the two sermons by Prof. Green, especially the first of them (which heads the volume) on 'Christ's Desire for His People.' (Jno. Xvii. 24). This is a discourse not more distinguished by its expository skill and its rich spirituality than by the remarkable beauty and devotion of its language. All who know its author are prepared for the very fresh and comprehensive treatment given to 'Christian Manliness' (1 Cor. Xvi. 13) by one well entitled to commend the ideal his second discourse presents. But through this first sermon there runs a strain of poetic feeling not always suspected in the scrupulously exact Hebraist. One passage in particular (in which the stunted vegetation of the polar snows, in contrast with the beauty and variety and boundless range of the vegetation of the tropics, furnishes a comparison for the life of grace on earth in contrast with the life of glory on high) is worthy of Ruskin as a piece of word painting, or of a place among Jeremy Taylor's choicest similes.

Altogether this book is a refreshing evidence of how worthily the best traditions of Princeton are still maintained. It is a great thing for young aspirants to the ministry to sit at the feet of men with a religion as vital as their theological scholarship is profound, and to have weekly illustration in the concrete of how to handle Bible truth so as to make the acquisitions of the intellect, by the divine blessing, the true property also of the heart. And it would be well for some older men 'many preachers on both sides of the Atlantic' to observe and to emulate the frank, courageous spirit in which, with large knowledge of present-day tendencies, these Princeton divines are prepared, on Bible ground, to meet the special problems of our times.

From The Methodist Review, November 1894, pages 988-989:

"These sermons were not in the first instance written for publication. They were prepared for the weekly Sunday services held in the chapel of the Theological Seminary at Princeton. The series also includes two sermons each by President Patton and Dean Murray, of the college, who are officers of the seminary and frequently preach in its pulpit. The circumstances that led to the composition of these discourses have doubtless given to them a special character. They were addressed to young men preparing for the ministry by those who occupied the position of their daily instructors; they are not sermons for the masses, but designed solely for believers. They are adapted to the needs of young men at the critical period of life, to young men who are destined to be leaders in the world of thought and action. The life of a great university is a world by itself. The door of matriculation opens before the youth a new world, rich in opportunities and advantages, yet presenting peculiar temptations and perils. At this transition stage in his career, when the student finds that the faiths of his childhood are attacked on every side and there is danger of schism between his reason and his heart, how opportune it is for him to be furnished with the light and guidance of such discourses as these! The professors take up those questions of the day that agitate theological circles in both hemispheres and deal with them in a masterly way. In the sermons on the 'Promise of the Spirit' and 'Incarnate Truth' we are presented with a clear statement of the Princeton position concerning the inerrancy of the Scriptures. Such statements as we find set forth in some other theological seminaries find no sympathy with the Princeton professors; not only so, but they are shown to be utterly without foundation. . . For devotional reading we commend especially the sermons by Professor Murray---'Christ as a Man of Prayer,' and 'The Transfiguration of Life by Christ.' We have not for many a day read their equal."





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A PORTRAIT OF PAUL: Identifying a True Minister of Christ
Rob Ventura & Jeremy Walker


Publisher's Description: What does a true pastor look like, and what constitutes a faithful ministry? How can we identify the life and labors of one called by God to serve in the church of Jesus Christ? To address these questions, Rob Ventura and Jeremy Walker examine how the apostle Paul describes his pastoral relation to the people of God in Colossians 1:24 - 2:5. By discussing these essential attitudes, qualities, and characteristics of a faithful minister of Christ, A Portrait of Paul provides gospel ministers an example of what they should be, and demonstrates for churches the kind of pastors they will seek if they desire men after God's own heart.

"Rob Ventura and Jeremy Walker have done an exceptional job in providing a model for pastoral ministry, drawn from the extraordinary example of the apostle Paul. This book is built upon careful exegesis, proper interpretation, penetrating insight, and challenging application. Herein is profiled the kind of minister every church so desperately needs and what every true minister should desire to become." - Steven J. Lawson, Senior Pastor of Christ Fellowship Baptist Church in Mobile, Alabama

"This work on the Christian ministry is a clarion call to true devotion and piety in the pastorate. The theology is pure and the language is as powerful as it is beautiful. I pray that every pastor and congregant might take up this book and read it. It will hold a place in my library beside Baxter's Reformed Pastor, Bridges's Christian Ministry, and Spurgeon's Lectures. I will refer to it often. It will serve as a great antidote against all that might cause my heart to stray from Christ's call." - Paul Washer

"The apostle Paul has always been a hero whom I look to as a model for my ministry. His unrelenting faithfulness in the worst kinds of trials is a remarkable example to every pastor and missionary. In the midst of suffering, hardship, and (in the end) the abandonment of his own friends and fellow workers, Paul remained steadfast, dynamic, and utterly devoted to Christ. This invaluable study of Paul's life from Rob Ventura and Jeremy Walker is a wonderful, powerful, soul-stirring examination of Paul's self-sacrifice and his unfaltering service to the church. It will both motivate and encourage you, especially if you're facing trials, opposition, or discouragement in your service for Christ." - John MacArthur

Chapters in Book:

1. The Joy of Paul's Ministry

2. The Focus of Paul's Ministry

3. The Hardships of Paul's Ministry

4. The Origin of Paul's Ministry

5. The Essence of Paul's Ministry

6. The Subject of Paul's Ministry

7. The Goal of Paul's Ministry

8. The Strength of Paul's Ministry

9. The Conflict of Paul's Ministry

10. The Warnings of Paul's Ministry

SGCB Price: $10.50 (list price $18.00)
Over 40% Discount

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RELIGION IN SHOES: The Christ-like Life and Ministry of "Brother Bryan" of Birmingham
Hunter Blakely

JAMES ALEXANDER BRYAN (1863 - 1941) is a man who lived his life for Jesus Christ and for those who lived in the desperate times of the Great Depression. This biography ought to be read by everyone training for Christian ministry, and for everyone presently serving in Christian ministry. IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

James A. Bryan earned the name "BROTHER BRYAN" from the tens of thousands to whom he ministered in the streets and alleys of Birmingham, Alabama in the heart of the deep south. He graduated from the University of North Carolina in 1885 and from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1889. The three years at Princeton were a great experience for the young man from South Carolina. At that time Princeton was in her glory with such stalwart intellectual and spiritual giants as Dr. W.H. Green, Dr. Caspar W. Hodge, Dr. Francis L. Patton, Dr. John D. Davis & Dr. Benjamin B. Warfield. The piety of the slim young Southerner brought to him the nickname "The Saint," which after years proved to have been well placed. Writing forty-five years afterwards, one of his seminary friends said, "I always felt that he was a modern St. Francis of Assisi. His Christlike spirit and his untiring devotion to his Master in the service of His children have been an inspiration to me always."

In November of 1926 a reporter from the Birmingham Post did an investigation of the ministry of "Brother Bryan" and found the following estimate of his thirty-seven years and five months pastorate: "He has

married 4,598 couples

officiated at 7,926 funerals

preached 49,120 times

led 7,627 to a profession of faith in Jesus Christ."

As overwhelming as those numbers appear he served for another thirteen years, and the following years were even busier than the former.

After serving his beloved Savior in his beloved city of Birmingham for more than fifty years he lay on his death bed and his son James overheard him say, "So many people," and thinking he was referring to the large number of people crowded into the room, asked his father if he wanted them to leave. He quietly responded, "So many people WITHOUT CHRIST." This man died the way he lived, with the lost upon his heart.


BONUS OFFER: You can purchase James W. Alexander's classic treatment of the poor, titled GOOD, BETTER, BEST at a greatly reduced price when you purchase "Religion in Shoes."


*A Pastor's Sketches (Double Volume) by Ichabod Spencer

Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss

*Counsels and Thoughts on the Spiritual Life of Believers by Thomas Moor

The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit by Benjamin B. Warfield

The Divine Purpose by John Matthews

Religion in Shoes: The Christ-like Life and Ministry of "Brother Bryan" of Birmingham

(* means it is a hardcover volume)

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SGCB Price: $7.95 (list price $16.00)

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CROSS ENCOUNTERS: A Decade of Gospel Conversations
Tony Miano with a Foreword by Pastor Geoffrey Kirkland

"DO THE WORK OF AN EVANGELIST" were amongst the last words of admonition the Apostle Paul gave to his young son in the faith Timothy before he died. The church and all those in the ranks of her ministry have wrestled with these words ever since. TONY MIANO is a man with a deep and passionate desire to fulfill those words. In this book he seeks to take you along with him as he shares the glorious gospel with an incredible diversity of people. This is not a book for the faint of heart, but it is a book for those genuinely seeking to understand and obey Paul's words to Timothy. Take up and read!

"A resource such as 'Cross Encounters: A Decade of Gospel Conversations', where conversations are transcribed, proves to instruct, humble, and stir us up to zealous evangelism. Let God's people read this volume with gospel-believing gladness and with humble delight in observing how God uses faithful witnesses to speak His gospel to the lost so that the Spirit of grace may grant new birth!

The Word of God tells us that Jesus went about 'doing good' (Acts 10:38) and we also know from Scripture that Jesus relentlessly devoted Himself to preaching all over Israel (Luke 4:44; 9:6). May we read 'Cross Encounters' with a prayerful heart, a captivated spirit, a lowly gladness, and a renewed resolve, all shrouded with an indomitable confidence in the absolute sovereignty of God to save sinners through the faithful telling of the gospel. And in the end, let us faithfully proclaim Christ and Him crucified (1 Corinthians 2:2) and fervently pray that the Word of the Lord will spread rapidly and be glorified (2 Thessalonians 3:1). To God be the glory." - from the Foreword by Pastor Geoffrey Kirkland, Christ Fellowship Bible Church of St. Louis

"Tony Miano's book, 'Cross Encounters' is a gripping account of actual conversations between a gospel-pleading evangelist and those who desperately need to hear the good news that Jesus saves. Knowing myself personally about his ministry of open air preaching, I am genuinely thankful for Tony--and others like him--who stand boldly on the front lines of the world's hostile unbelief, and yet who remain, as Christian preachers, steadfastly unafraid to lovingly proclaim salvation by faith alone in Christ. Would to God that there were many more like Tony who risk inevitable ridicule for their faith (and soon perhaps even strong persecution for their very public testimony). They simply do this in the hopes of seeing sinners bow their knees in humble adoration to God the Father for the gift of His Son! I therefore encourage you, if indeed you are already a Christian, to scrutinize this volume and see for yourself how important and vital evangelism truly is to our decadent and dying culture. If you are not a Christian however, I nevertheless implore you to embark upon a careful reading of this book's many personal experiences of Tony's witnessing to others, and I earnestly pray that you may stake your own eternal destiny solely on the Lord Jesus Christ, personally encountering His glorious cross." - Lance Quinn, Senior Pastor, Thousand Oaks Bible Church, Thousand Oaks, California

"Tony Miano provides something that few do. He provides real life examples from a real life evangelist regarding real life evangelism encounters. Miano is not someone who speaks primarily to professed Christians inside church meeting houses, but is someone who has spent many years proclaiming good news to the lost in the open air. This volume provides just a taste of those many Gospel encounters. From the aspiring evangelist desiring to know how, to the veteran preacher who needs encouragement, this book will be a blessing. Here, a man leaves his footprints in the poorly traveled path of guts-and-grit evangelism, in the hopes that others follow. They should." - Pastor Jordan (JD) Hall, Fellowship Church of Sidney, MT

"'Cross Encounters: A Decade of Gospel Conversations' should be in the hands of every Christian, and in the hands of every lost person those Christians desperately desire to see rescued from the tight and relentless clutches of Satan and his minions. It is an invaluable blueprint for public evangelism, and a captivating clarion for those still in darkness who need to know that others before them, ensnared in the same trap, have been delivered from captivity and death by a gracious, merciful and loving Emancipator, the sinless and holy and righteous King who is a friend of sinners, Jesus the Christ." - Chris Arnzen, Host of Iron Sharpens Iron Radio

"Sadly, there are incalculable amounts of churches in America that are heedlessly abandoning the practice of evangelism. Tony Miano's new book carefully elucidates the necessity of evangelism and adjures his readers to yield and obey the indispensable command of Matthew 28:18-20. Miano provides innumerable illustrations and personal anecdotes of more than a decade of evangelistic ventures that are analogous to Ichabod Spencer's historical classic, 'Pastor's Sketches.' Without reservation, I highly recommend Tony's new book to anyone who has an inexpressible love for sinners, and aspires to see the fruition of evangelism." - Dr. Sonny L. Hernandez, Military Chaplain and Evangelist for JeremiahCry Ministries

"I recently read, with great delight and enjoyment, Tony Miano's latest book entitled 'Cross Encounters: A Decade of Gospel Conversations.' I had a hard time putting down the book. 'Cross Encounters' is a practical, biblical, and theologically accurate book on all sorts of evangelistic methodologies: from open-air preaching, to passing out gospel tracts, to sharing Christ at the local shopping mall. If you are looking for practical ways to do the work of an evangelist and how to engage people in gospel conversations, then this book is for you. Anyone considering the somewhat fearful task of wading into the unknown waters of evangelistic outreach will be inspired, instructed, and motivated to plunge right in and see what God will choose to do. I wholeheartedly commend 'Cross Encounters: A Decade of Gospel Conversations' to you. You will love this book!" - Al Baker, Ordained preacher in the Presbyterian Church in America; Revival and evangelistic preacher with Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship




Foreword by Pastor Geoffrey Kirkland

The Burglar: A Parable of the Gospel

Section I: Street Corner Conversations

Evangelism Tip #1: 'Why Do You Carry a Cross?'

Gaia Defeated at the Cross

Russ and Chanelle: It Doesn't Take a Long Time

Tricia's Trauma and False Hope

Jared's Dinosaur Defense Dismissed

'Should I Still Honor My Father?'

Evangelism Tip #2: Friendship Evangelism

Spiritual Tug-of- War

Wayne Was Compelled to Stop

Section II: Fishing at the Local Mall

Evangelism Tip #3: Mall Evangelism

All He Wanted Was 60 Cents

'I Want to Talk about God'

Did Timothy Become a 'Timothy'?

Maria's Theological Mess

Ten Words in ASL

Section III: The Power of a Bible

400 Bibles Delivered and One Received

Was It the Sound of Salvation?

Section IV: Abortion Clinic (Abortuary) Ministry

My First Abortuary Conversation

Evangelism Tip #4: The 'Parachute' Analogy

Maggie's Informed Decision

Part V: Planes, Trains, and College Campuses - Evangelism Anywhere

Burt, a Broken Man

The Quittance of Quisha

It Happened for Jocelyn's Sake

Evangelism Tip #5: 'Hello, Officer!'

Isaac's Search for Forgiveness

Discipleship at 30,000

Lost Between Catholicism and Christianity

Section VI: Loving Our Muslim Neighbors

Nargis Knows the Way

Making Much of the Messiah to Mohammed


Appendix 1: The Gospel According to Satan

Appendix 2: Starting an Abortuary Ministry

Appendix 3: Scriptures for Abortion Clinic Ministry

Appendix 4: Pastor Chuck O'Neal's Roman Catholicism Notes



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William G.T. Shedd

Dr. W.G.T. Shedd expounds almost every aspect of preaching, analyzing its nature, outlining the main features which should characterize powerful preaching and describing the approach, plan, actual construction and refinements of a sermon. This volume was used for many years as a standard textbook in several theological seminaries throughout the United States.

The second part of the volume is devoted to the vital subject of Pastoral Theology. Here Shedd is equally thorough and deals with the essential character of a minister, his way of life, his duties, his work of visitation and finally, his work of catechizing his people so as to be informed as to their progress and position in relationship to the preaching. Although much shorter than the first part of the volume, this material is of immense value, and is worth the price of the book.


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SGCB Price: $15.95 (list price $30.00)

Order All TEN Shedd Volumes from SGCB at Nearly 55% Off
SGCB Price: $125.00 (list price $280.00)

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James Stalker

This volume consists of the 9 lectures delivered in 1891 at The Yale Lectures on Preaching. Appended to the volume is a sermon Stalker preached at an Ordination Service in 1879. It was Alexander Whyte who encouraged the publication of that sermon when it was first delivered. After an Introductory Lecture, Stalker then divides his subject into four lectures using the Old Testament Prophets as examples, and then four lectures on the New Testament Apostles. As with all of Stalker's works there is both light and heat upon every page.

- Preface

- Lecture 1: Introductory

- Lecture 2: The Preacher as a Man of God

- Lecture 3: The Preacher as a Patriot

- Lecture 4: The Preacher as a Man of the Word

- Lecture 5: The Preacher as a False Prophet

- Lecture 6: The Preacher as a Man

- Lecture 7: The Preacher as a Christian

- Lecture 8: The Preacher as an Apostle

- Lecture 9: The Preacher as a Thinker

- Appendix: An Ordination Charge

296 page paperback



30% Discount
SGCB Price: $12.50 (list price $18.00)

Purchase our complete PREACHING TRILOGY for 50% Off
SGCB Price: $32.00 (list price $65.00)
"Thoughts on Preaching" by J.W. Alexander & "The Power of the Pulpit" by Gardiner Spring

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OPENING SCRIPTURE: A Hermeneutical Manual Introducing the Exegetical Study of the New Testament
Patrick Fairbairn

Roger Nicole contends: "It is high time that in the midst of controversies in which all kinds of accusations are leveled against the use of the Old Testament by New Testament authors the painstaking work of Patrick Fairbairn and his monumental scholarship be once again taken into consideration."

Sinclair Ferguson says, "Patrick Fairbairn was one of the brightest stars in the galaxy of brilliant biblical theologians in nineteenth century Scotland. in this valuable but rare book he takes us into his workshop and gives us a 'master-class' on studying the Scriptures. I'M ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT THIS REPRINT."

James White adds, "Hermeneutics is the life-blood of solid theology. Sadly, much of what is written today has been compromised by an unbiblical world-view, and therefore leads the student not into a clearer, firmer grasp of the revelation that is God's Word, the Bible, but instead inculcates doubts and hesitations. Hence, in some ways, 'newer is better' does not hold true especially when the 'newer' means 'less rooted in a solid belief in the inspiration and consistency of God's Word.' Fairbairn needs to be studied once again."

Douglas Kelly also says, "Fairbairn was a Scottish Evangelical Scholar with unusual insight on the relationship between the Old and the New Testaments. His work on Typology is still considered a classic. And some of the most recent research on Typological interpretation of the OT and the NT in the last half of the 20th century has confirmed much that Fairbairn was saying 100 years before. His work on Hermeneutics, for that reason alone, will be very valuable."


PART FIRST: Discussion of Facts and Principles Bearing on the Language and Interpretation of New Testament Scripture

Section First - The Original Language of the New Testament

Section Second - The Characteristics of New Testament Greek,

Deviation from classic purity,

its basis in the later common dialect,

its Hebraistic impress,

mistakes made respecting this,

impress derived from new relations and ideas

Section Third - Collateral Sources for determining the Sense, and explaining the Peculiarities of New Testament Scripture

Writings of Philo and Josephus,

Jewish Rabbinical writings,

ancient versions,

early Fathers,

Books of Antiquities, etc.

Section Fourth - General Rules and Principles to be followed in the Interpretation of Particular Words and Passages

Section Fifth - Of False and True Accommodation; or the Influence that should be allowed to Prevailing Modes of Thought in fashioning the views and utterances of the Sacred Writers

Section Sixth - The Respect due in the Interpretation of the New Testament to the Analogy of the Faith, or from one part of Scripture to another; and the further respect to be had to the Religions of the Ancient World, the True and the False

Section Seventh - The Relation of the Old to the New in God's Dispensations more exactly defined, with the view of preventing mistaken or partial Interpretations of such portions of New Testament Scripture as bears on it

Section Eighth - On the proper interpretation of the Tropical parts of the New Testament

Section Ninth - The Parables of Christ, their proper Interpretation and Treatment

Section Tenth - On the Subject of Parallelism as bearing on the Structure and Interpretation of New Testament Scripture

PART SECOND: Dissertations on Particular Subjects Connected with the Exegesis of New Testament Scripture

Section First - The Two Genealogies of Christ, given respectively by the Evangelists Matthew and Luke

Section Second - The designations and doctrine of Angels, with reference more especially to the Interpretation of passages in New Testament Scripture

Section Third - On the Names of Christ in the New Testament Scripture, and, in particular, on the use of Christos and Huios tou anthropou 'The Son of Man'

Section Fourth - On the Import and use of certain terms, which express an antagonistic relation to Christ's Person and Authority, pseudo-didaskala, speudoprophetai, pseudochristos, antichristos

Section Fifth - On baptidzo and its cognates, with special reference to the mode of administering baptism

Section Sixth - Import and use of hades in Scripture

Section Seventh - On the import and use of diatheke in the NT

Section Eighth - On the Import of certain terms employed in the New Testament Scripture to indicate the nature and extent of the renovation to be accomplished through the Gospel, metanoia, paliggevesia, anakainosis, apokatastasis

Section Ninth - On the use of Paraskeue and Pascha in St. John's account of our Lord's last sufferings; and the question therewith connected, whether our Lord kept His last Passover on the same day as the Jews

PART THIRD: The Use Made of Old Testament Scripture in the Writing of the New Testament

Section First - Quotations from the Old Testament in the New, considered in respect to the manner of citation,

Section Second - Quotations from the Old Testament in the New, considered in respect to the mode of application

Appendix - The historical circumstances that led to Christ's birth at Bethlehem - Cyrenius and the taxing

500 page hardcover

See Table of Contents for detailed information on all that is covered.

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SGCB Price: $20.00 (list price $38.00)

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A SHEPHERD'S HEART: Sermons from the Pastoral Ministry of J.W. Alexander
James Waddel Alexander

James Waddel Alexander (1804-1859) was the eldest son of Archibald Alexander and brother of Joseph Addison Alexander. This volume of his sermons gives a glimpse into the heart of a true shepherd. The LORD promised through the Prophet Jeremiah that He would raise up shepherds after His own heart who would feed His people with knowledge and understanding. Such a shepherd was J.W. Alexander.

Charles Hodge said of him, "No minister in our Church was a more accomplished scholar. (But) the pulpit was his appropriate sphere. While he was not the first of all orators to hear on rare occasions, he was the first of preachers to sit under, month after month and year after year."

This volume of his sermons has long been unavailable. It is a fitting companion volume to our new title by his brother Joseph Addison, "THEOLOGY ON FIRE: Sermons from the Heart of J.A. Alexander."


1. Our Modern Unbelief: 2 Cor. 2:11, "For we are not ignorant of his devices."

2. The Divine Perfections in Harmony: 2 Tim. 2:19, "He cannot deny Himself."

3. Divine Providence in Particulars: Matt. 10:30, "But the very hairs of your head are all numbered."

4. The Incarnation: 1 Tim. 3:16, "God was manifest in the flesh."

5. The Worldling: Phil. 3:19, "Who mind earthly things."

6. The Scorner: Prov. 3:34, "Surely He scorneth the scorners."

7. Salvation Traced to God the Father: John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

8. Dying for Friends: John 15:13,14, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you."

9. The Blood of Sprinkling: Heb. 12:24, "The blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel."

10. The Thirsty Invited: Isa. 55:1, "Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters."

11. The Inwardness of True Religion: Luke 11:40, "Did not he that made that which is without, make that which is within also?"

12. New Disciples Admonished: Acts 11:23, "And exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord."

13. Love Casting Out Fear: 1 John 4:18, "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment."

14. The Young American Christian: 1 Cor. 16:13, "Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong."

15. Daily Service of Christ: Matt. 25:37, "Then shall the righteous answer Him, saying, 'Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, and fed Thee? Or thirsty, and gave Thee drink? When saw we Thee a stranger, and took Thee in? or naked, and clothed Thee? Or when saw we Thee sick, or in prison, and came unto Thee?"

16. Mirth: Prov. 17:22, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine."

17. Believers are Witnesses: Isa. 43:10, "Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord."

18. The Church a Temple: 1 Peter 2:5, "Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house."

19. Strength in Christ: Phil. 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

20. Youth Renewed in Age: Isa. 40:31; Ps. 103:5, "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint." "Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's."

468 page paperback



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EVANGELICAL TRUTH: Practical Sermons for the Christian Family
Archibald Alexander

Archibald Alexander (1772-1851) was a godly and gifted man whom the Lord raised up to lay the foundation of Princeton Theological Seminary in 1812. Years later, toward the end of his fruitful life, he was asked to produce a volume of sermons that could be read within the Christian family that would set forth the basics of the Evangelical Faith, After wrestling with this proposition for some time, and having sought to fulfill the publishers wishes, he finally decided to gather together sermons he had preached over his ministry and place them in the simplest terms possible.

Hear his own words:

"These sermons contain what the author believes to be evangelical truth, in the exhibition of which, his aim has been to render the gospel perspicuous to persons of common understanding. He has, therefore, adopted a style as plain and simple as he could. The sermons are short, and on an average, may be read in fifteen or twenty minutes. And as this is probably the author's last literary work, it is his earnest desire and prayer, that it may be useful in promoting evangelical and experimental religion when his head shall lie beneath the clods of the valley! He invites other Christians to unite with him in this prayer, for the success of the volume now given to the Christian community."

Of American divines, the names of Jonathan Edwards and Archibald Alexander take the first place. Dr. Theodore Woolsey called him, "The Shakespeare of the Christian heart."

"I solemnly believe that Dr. Archibald Alexander is the greatest man who walks the earth." - Samuel Miller, fellow professor at Princeton

This volume contains 37 complete sermons


1- Obedience to Christ Gives Assurance of the Truth of His Doctrines - John 8:17

2- The Knowledge of Sin by the Law - Romans 3:20

3- The First and Greatest Commandment - Mark 12:29,30

4- The Second Like unto the First - Mark 12:31

5- The Name Jesus - Matthew 1:21

6- The Incarnation - Luke 2:13,14

7- Christ's Gift of Himself for our Redemption - Titus 2:14

8- The New Creation - Galatians 6:15

9- Repentance and Forgiveness the Gift of our Exalted Savior - Acts 5:31

10- Receiving Christ by Faith - John 1:12

11- Privileges of the Sons of God - John 1:12,13

12- Deceitfulness of the Heart - Jeremiah 17:9

13- Wickedness of the Heart - Jeremiah 17:9

14- Christ our Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification and Redemption - 1 Corinthians 1:30

15- The One Thing Needful - Luke 10:42

16- The Love of Christ - Ephesians 5:2

17- Love to Christ - John 21:17

18- Keeping Alive the Love of God - Jude 21

19- Strength Renewed by Waiting on the Lord - Isaiah 40:31

20- The True Israelite - John 1:47

21- God to be Glorified by those Bought with a Price - 1 Corinthians 6:19,20

22- The Way in which God Leads His People - Isaiah 42:16

23- Not Slothful, but Followers of the Saints by Faith - Hebrews 6:12

24- Christ the Believer's Refuge and Consolation - Hebrews 6:18

25- Returning to our First Love - Revelation 2:4,5

26- The Blessedness of Trusting in God - Psalm 2:13

27- Faith's Victory Over the World - 1 John 5:4

28- The Benefits of Affliction - Psalm 119:71

29- Excellency of the Knowledge of Christ - Philippians 3:8

30- Holding Forth the Word of Life - Philippians 2:16

31- The House of God Desirable - Psalm 84:1,2

32- The Misery of Impenitent Sinners - Acts 8:23

33- Spiritual Worship - Philippians 3:3

34- The Difficulty of Knowing our Faults - Psalm 19:12

35- God's Grace Sufficient - 2 Corinthians 12:9

36- The Dying Martyr's Prayer - Acts 7:59

37- Christ's Gracious Invitation - Matthew 11:28

576 page Large Paperback Volume




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SGCB Price: $70.00 (list price $140.00)

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LIFE & SERMONS OF ICHABOD SPENCER: The Author of "Pastor's Sketches"
Ichabod Spencer with editor J.M. Sherwood

The author of "A Pastor's Sketches" comes to life in Volume One, which is a hardcover edition of his life and practical sermons. Everyone who has read the life-changing and ministry-transforming volumes of "A Pastor's Sketches" will be deliighted to learn more about the man whose life was used of God in such a mighty way from 1828 (when he began his ministry in Northampton. MA) to 1854 (when he concluded his ministry in Brooklyn, NY).

In addition to the helpful "Sketch" of his life by dear friend Rev. J.M. Sherwood, we have here 20 complete sermons that are called Practical Sermons drawn from his regular pulpit ministry in Brooklyn.

VOLUME ONE: The Life & Practical Sermons of Spencer

VOLUME TWO: The Doctrinal Sermons of Spencer

VOLUME THREE: The Sacramental Sermons of Spencer with Intro. by Gardiner Spring


"One of the most prominent characteristics of Dr. Spencer's preaching was its Scriptural character. He emphatically preached the Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible. He drew every sermon from it. He grounded every sermon upon the plain import of God's revealed Word. He made that Word his sole authority in all his teaching. The Bible was the staple of all his sermons. They were full of it; and drew their inspiration from it. It was the simple power of Scripture truth that he wielded with so much effect. He had no confidence in any other kind of teaching. He believed that his sole business in the pulpit was to unfold and vindicate, enforce and apply the meaning or truths of God's revelation. Hence he aimed steadily to exalt the Divine Word. He bowed always and most reverently to its authority." - J.M. Sherwood, from the Biography in Volume One

"The reading of good sermons is the most underrated kind of Christian literature on the market today. In former centuries, the reading of sermons was the bulk of the mature Christian's reading diet. Most Puritan books, for example, are sermons edited for print. Sermon reading keeps believers in the Word, matures the soul, and whets the appetite for good preaching. It promotes Christ-centered thinking, healthy self-examination, and godly piety in every sphere of life. Though nothing can replace the Word preached, sermon reading has one advantage over preaching: the sermons that made it into print are usually the minister's best! Tolle Lege--"pick up and read" great sermon books, especially those of past centuries that are packed with spiritual meat, such as the sermons of Ichabod Spencer." - Dr. Joel R. Beeke



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VOLUME ONE: The Life & Practical Sermons of Spencer
SGCB Price: $29.95 (list price $50.00)
This is the same material as THE BUNYAN OF BROOKLYN but in Hardcover

VOLUME TWO: The Doctrinal Sermons of Spencer
SGCB Price: $29.95 (list price $50.00)

VOLUME THREE: The Sacramental Sermons of Spencer
SGCB Price: $29.95 (list price $50.00)

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FOR THE WORK OF THE MINISTRY: A Manual of Homiletical and Pastoral Theology
William G. Blaikie

"My personal favorite book for pastors is William Blaikie's For the Work of the Ministry. How I rejoice that this outstanding manual of homiletics and pastoral theology is being reprinted! Blaikie (1820-1899), who ministered in the Free Church of Scotland for 25 years before accepting the position of Professor of Apologetics and Pastoral Theology at the New College in Edinburgh, offers a brilliant overview of everything from the nature of and call to the ministry to Supplementary Hints on subjects like visitation of the sick, home mission work, and evangelistic movements. His advice on everything from pastoral care of the young to fulfilling pastoral engagements and meetings is full of mature wisdom which is as applicable today as it was over a century ago." - Pastor Bill Shishko


First published in 1883 this 347 page volume contains some of the finest material ever penned on the Public Ministry of our Lord, especially as it applies to His Teaching Ministry. While most acknowledge that we are to seek to imitate Christ in His earthly life, few have examined how we can follow Him as the Model Teacher and Preacher. Blaikie is himself a master teacher and he sets out for us The Model Teacher on page after page of brilliant exposition.


Our Lord's Ministry as an Example

Preparation for His Ministry

Inner Spirit of His Ministry

Outer Features of His Ministry

Beginning of His Judaean Ministry

Beginning of His Galilean Ministry

His Work as a Teacher

Elements of Impression in His Teaching: Internal, Structural, Illustrations

Parabolic Discourses

Public Discourses- Sermon on the Mount

The College of the Twelve

Dealings with the Apostles

Dealings with Different Classes: Outside the Kingdom, On the Kingdom Borders, Inside the Kingdom

His Farewell

His Re-Appearance

William G. Blaikie (1820-1899), who ministered in the Free Church of Scotland for 25 years before accepting the position of Professor of Apologetics and Pastoral Theology at the New College in Edinburgh, opens the text of Joshua in a way that brings this significant material to life. Wonderful application in every chapter.

"Few writers have bequeathed to posterity such a legacy of devout exposition and reverent scholarship as William Garden Blaikie. Towards the end of the nineteenth century, when Sir William Robertson Nicoll began work on The Expositor's Bible, he wisely invited Dr. Blaikie to contribute commentaries on the Book of Joshua and the Books of First and Second Samuel. Blaikie's studies of these portions of the Old Testament rank among the finest ever produced." - Cyril J. Barber


40% Discount
SGCB Price: $14.95 (list price $25.00)

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WITHHOLD NOT THINE HAND: Sunday Evening Sermons and Thursday Evening Lectures
WILLIAM JAY (1769-1853)


The opening words of the first sermon in this wonderful volume should whet the appetite of all who are spiritually-minded. The sermon is titled DELIVERED FROM THE PIT and the text is Psalm 40:1-3...

"We view religion under a threefold distinction. The first regards Doctrine, the second regards Practice, and the third regards Experience. Some parts of Scripture are more appropriate to one, and some to another.

When we think of matters of Experience we naturally turn to the Book of Psalms; for there David comes forward and lays open his various struggles and trials--the sources of his pleasure, and of his pain--of his fears and of his hopes, and we know his heart's bitterness and intermeddle with his joy.

It is a remark of good Matthew Henry, that sweetest of all commentators, that 'it is impossible to read the Book of Psalms without being either inflamed or ashamed by the perusal.' Let us not fear lest we should be ashamed by ourselves, for as Bishop Robert Hall observes, 'Our repenting days are always our best days'; and says the Savior, 'Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.' There is no prayer more becoming us than that of the publican, 'God be merciful to me a sinner!' 'He satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with His goodness.'

To come nearer to our text, observe, whatever feeling the perusal of the Scriptures may immediately produce in us, we know the ultimate end and aim of the whole; for says the Apostle, 'Whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.' And with this corresponds the passage we have now read, 'I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined unto me, and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. And He hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord.'

Now let us fill up the remainder of the time allowed for this service by considering four things: David's Condition, his Engagement, his Success, and his Profit Under the Dispensation."

This volume contains 77 complete sermons from the heart of William Jay (1769-1853), a favorite of Charles H. Spurgeon. These sermons are exegetical and homiletical masterpieces.


1. Delivered from the Pit (Psalm 40:1-3)

2. The Heart's Secrets (Proverbs 14:10)

3. The Foundation of Zion (Isaiah 28:16)

4. Owls and Dragons (Isaiah 43:20)

5. The Future Triumphs of the Gospel (Isaiah 45:23,24)

6. The Seed of Israel (Isaiah 45:25)

7. Instruction and Peace (Isaiah 54:13)

8. The Imperative Command (Ezekiel 33:2)

9. God's Retributive Justice (Jeremiah 13:21)

10. Plucked from the Burning (Zechariah 3:2)

11. The Shepherd Smitten (Zechariah 13:7)

12. Rest for the Weary (Matthew 11:28)

13. Mercy on Sea and Land (Matthew 14:28-36)

14. The Friend of Sinners (Luke 15:2)

15. The Father's Love for the Son (John 3:35)

16. The Believer's Deliverance from Death (John 11:25)

17. Examples Recorded for our Learning (1 Corinthians 10:1-4)

18. Our Station and our Duty (Philippians 2:14,15)

19. The God of Peace (Philippians 4:9)

20. The Great Salvation (1 John 4:14)


1. Joshua's Final Charge (Joshua 24:27)

2. A Good Man Misunderstood (Job 4:3-5)

3. God's Knowledge of our Life (Job 23:10)

4. Trust and Love (Psalm 18:1,2)

5. The Practice and the Privilege of the Godly (Psalm 32:6)

6. The Favor of God (Psalm 41:11-13)

7. David's Position and Purposes (Psalm 52:8,9)

8. The Soul Satisfied (Psalm 63:5,6)

9. The Right Use of Past Mercies (Psalm 63:7)

10. Asaph's Conclusion (Psalm 73:1)

11. Songs in the Night (Psalm 77:6)

12. The Soul's Rest (Psalm 116:7)

13. Waiting Upon God (Psalm 130:6-8)

14. Redemption for Israel (Psalm 130:7,8)

15. The Way of Good Men (Proverbs 2:20)

16. Riches and Righteousness (Proverbs 11:28)

17. Quietness of Mind (Proverbs 16:3)

18. The King's Friendship (Proverbs 22:11)

19. A Happy Conversation (Isaiah 10:20)

20. The Duty of Gladness (Isaiah 12:6)

21. The Ordainer of Peace (Isaiah 26:12)

22. The Rough Wind Stayed (Isaiah 27:7-9)

23. Waiting Upon God (Isaiah 30:18)

24. The City of our Solemnities (Isaiah 33:20)

25. The Salvation of Israel (Isaiah 45:17)

26. The Nearness of our Vindicator (Isaiah 50:8)

27. Hear! (Isaiah 55:3)

28. The Lord's Flock (Zephaniah 3:12,13)

29. The Lord's People (Zechariah 13:9)

30. The Knowledge and Prudence of Christ (John 2:23-25)

31. The Primitive Churches (Acts 16:5)

32. Dead Unto Sin (Romans 6:11)

33. God and His Temples (2 Corinthians 6:16)

34. Counsels Concerning Prayer (2 Corinthians 8:10)

35. Our Weakness and Our Strength (Ephesians 6:10)

36. Christian Courage (Philippians 1:28)

37. A Glorious Translation (Colossians 1:13)

38. Three Graces (1 Thessalonians 1:3)

39. The Church in Thessalonica (1 Thessalonians 1:6-8)

40. The Establishment of the Heart (Hebrews 13:9)

41. Christian Humility (James 4:10)

42. Spiritual Life (1 John 5:12)


1. Days to be Remembered (Exodus 12:14)

2. Forward! (Exodus 14:15)

3. The Harvest Feast (Leviticus 23:39)

4. Thoughts for the New Year (2 Kings 13:20,21)

5. Memorable Days (Esther 4:28)

6. Forgetfulness of God (Hosea 7:10)

7. The Spirit of Christ (Romans 8:9)

8. Easter Hopes (2 Corinthians 4:14)

9. The City of the Saints (Ephesians 2:19)

10. The Word of Christ (Colossians 3:16)

11. Christ's Mission (1 Timothy 1:15)

12. The Purpose of the Incarnation and Death of Christ (Hebrews 2:14,15)

13. The Uncertainty of Life (James 4:15)

14. Advent Facts and Admonitions (1 John 5:20,21)

15. Our High Priest (Hebrews 4:15)

These are perfect for Family Devotions, Personal Devotions and pastoral study.

"O for more Jays! We would gladly give some two or three dozen of the general run of the doctors of divinity for one such a master in Israel as William Jay of Bath." --Charles H. Spurgeon

"William Jay had a long and fruitful career as a preacher of the gospel by voice and pen. Like Spurgeon and Whitefield, he was thirsty for souls, and had much fruit as an evangelistic preacher. Sheridan, the playwright, described Jay as the most natural orator he ever heard, and John Foster called him the prince of preachers." --J.I. Packer

"Every Christian reader of Jay's Works must be impressed with the pleasingly devotional turn of his mind. His reflections lead the pious and devout to the most elevated views of the Divine character, as a Father to be loved, and a friend to be trusted." --John Angell James

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SGCB Price: $20.00 (list price $40.00)

SGCB Price: $70.00 (list price $146.00)
THE COMMUNICANT'S COMPANION: Instructions for the Right Receiving of the Lord's Supper
Matthew Henry

"Of all the many treatises on the Lord's Table none possess more excellencies or fewer defects than Matthew Henry's COMMUNICANT'S COMPANION. It is very plain, very pious, and very practical. There is a simplicity, a naturalness, and a familiarity, which renders it peculiarly delightful reading, and makes us almost fancy ourselves enjoying the conversation of its venerable author." -Rev. John Brown of Edinburgh, Scotland (1825)


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SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $20.00)

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THE MADISON AVENUE LECTURES: Historic Baptist Principles and Practice Defined and Defended
Henry Weston, Alvah Hovey, Henry Fish, George D. Boardman etc.

Originally published in 1867, by the American Baptist Publication Society. The Introductory Note read as follows:

"The Lectures composing the Series embraced in this volume, were delivered in the Madison Avenue Baptist Church, New York, by special request of the pastor, Henry G. Weston, D.D. The marked excellence of the Lectures, as expositions of the truths which are embodied and exhibited in the precious ordinances of the gospel, and of the views which are held by the members of the 'Baptized Churches,' as they were originally called; their broad and thorough survey of the topics brought under discussion; and the genial spirit of true Christian courtesy which breathes through them, give promise of a wide usefulness. Hence they are committed to the press, in the earnest hope that the Lord will use them as a means of advancing his own truth and of promoting that object so dear to the Lord, and to all who walk in fellowship with him; the full, and joyous union of his people in that truth."

"It is a tremendous boon when those who treasure our Baptist history can procure these precious volumes. Three cheers for the publisher!" - Erroll Hulse


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SGCB Price: $14.95 (list price $25.00)
Stephen J. Lawson

"Through an introductory study of John Calvin's preaching, Steve Lawson provides a practical Homiletics 1 refresher course that can be read in one evening, but should be read annually for lifelong impact. Factual yet stimulating, simple yet penetrating, 'The Expository Genius of John Calvin' contains many scriptural and theocentric golden nuggets and hands-on practical tips for beginning expositors and seasoned preachers alike. May God use it to revitalize Christ-centered and Spirit-empowered applicatory preaching in our day." - Dr. Joel R. Beeke

"Preachers reading this book will be moved to take to heart Calvin's encompassion belief in the sovereignty of God's Word - as to its total sufficiency and massive potency. Further, they will be inspired to pursue the deep, enriching paths of lectio continua. This is a beautifully written, powerful, and convincing book. It is a must read for all who aspire to preach the word." - R. Kent Hughes

"In this book, Dr. Steve Lawson has masterfully presented us with thirty-two keynotes that made Calvin the best preacher of the Reformation, all of them centered around the Word of God preached expositorily. I would make this book recommended reading in courses such as homiletics and missions for any serious pastor and student." - Dr. Alonzo Ramirez

"An infectious appreciation of the preaching of John Calvin from the pen of Steven Lawson. No one reading this volume can fail to appreciate the debt we owe the 'Genevan Reformer.' Lawson has consulted the best of current scholarship and has produced a comprehensive distillation of the contours of the Reformer's preaching and, with it, a compelling advocacy of consecutive expository preaching. A magnificent achievement." -Dr. Derek Thomas




SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $15.00)

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A PASTOR'S COUNSEL: Words of Wisdom for Weary, Wounded and Wandering Ones
Jonathan Edwards, Philip Doddridge, Ashbel Green & Thomas Scott

A PASTOR'S COUNSEL is a precious little book from the American Tract Society that is full of brief, pithy, wise counsel for every member of the church of Christ, as well as those who are outside of Christ. This is sage advice that will benefit the shepherd and the sheep alike. It will help the pastor give sensitive counsel to his own soul, his family and the flock of God entrusted to him, and it will guide the sheep through a variety of perplexities they will face on their journey heavenward.


What is it to Believe on Christ? By Rev. Dr. J.W. Chickering

The Act of Faith

Questions and Counsels by Rev. Ashbel Green

Self-Dedication to God by Philip Doddridge

Advice to Young Converts by Jonathan Edwards

The Closet Companion, or a Help to Self-Examination by George Burder

Signs of a Living or Growing Christian

Signs of a Dying or Decaying Christian

Directions to Assist in Attaining a Spirit of Prayer

The Knowledge of Pardon and the Witness of the Spirit by Rev. Thomas Scott

Scripture Counsels

Several of these pieces appeared in the form of a tract and were distributed the world over to hundreds of thousands of people. One testimony is given of their use during the Civil War: "Historians discovered through reading soldiers' diaries that it was at times difficult to get the soldier to attend regular church services, however they would read a tract. In the tedium of camp life nothing was more comforting than to read a Christian tract. Tracts such as 'A Voice from Heaven,' 'Don't Put it Off,' 'All-Sufficiency of Christ,' 'Self-Dedication to God,' 'Private Devotion,' and 'The Act of Faith' were the more popular tracts during the Civil War."

"Solid Ground Christian Books is respected the world over for finding hidden treasures from days long ago. A Pastor's Counsel is another such treasure. A Pastor's Counsel draws upon the wisdom of a number of godly men such as Jonathan Edwards and Philip Doddridge. Whether you are a Pastor or not you will certainly find food for your soul and for those that you minister to in this power-packed little volume. Because the book is under 100 pages you may consider reading it out loud to your family at meal time around the table. Solid Ground is doing a great service in finding treasures that otherwise may be left buried beneath the dust of the ages. Keep up the good work." - Ray Rhodes, Jr. is President of Nourished in the Word Ministries

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SGCB Price: $5.00 (list price $12.00)

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John Whitecross

A rare and wondertful volume that gives a rich variety of anecdotes and illustrations on nearly every chapter in the entire Bible. It is a tool that can be used by every Pastor, Teacher and Parent as they seek to bring windows of light into their lessons. You will marvel at the riches contained within the pages of this volume.

"John Whitecross's user-friendly 'Instructive Anecdotes Illustrative of the Old and New Testaments' is the best anecdotal volume for pulpit preparation that I have ever used. Most anecdotal volumes are packed with shallow theology, but this one contains great anecdotes that are dipped in the riches of Reformed theology. I recommend it wholeheartedly." --Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids


Many persons will perhaps be ready to acknowledge that, while almost the whole of a sermon, or other discourse, has been forgotten, some striking incident related in it, besides making a peculiar impression at the moment, has been long afterwards remembered. In the course of reading New Testament Scripture in a family or school, the parent or teacher is furnished, in the present work, with an anecdote or two, under each chapter, by relating which, he may fix and enliven the attention of his children or pupils, and, at the same time, by agreeable associations, impress the passages illustrated more deeply on their youthful recollections. The publication, though chiefly intended for the benefit of the young, may not, however, be uninteresting to more advanced readers.

The author is sensible that the anecdotes are not all of equally direct bearing on ths passages to which they are applied. This in any case could not reasonably be expected, and more particularly as the compiler has been precluded from the use of upwards of five hundred anecdotes in the enlarged editions of his work illustrative of the Assembly's Shorter Catechism, most of which would have suited this volume, but which it was deemed improper to admit." - John Whitecross


Matt. Ii, ver. 16.- Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently inquired of the wise men.

In 1641, Sir Phelim O'Neal, and other Papists, commenced an universal massacre of the Protestants in Ireland. " No age," says Hume," no sex, no condition, was spared. The wife, weeping for her butchered hushand, and embracing her helpless children, was pierced with them, and perished by the same stroke. In vain did flight save from the first assault. Destruction was everywhere let loose, aud met the hunted victims at every turn. They were stripped of their very clothes, and turned out naked and defenceless in all the rigors of winter. The feeble age of children, the tender sex of women, soon sunk under the multiplied rigors of cold and hunger. Here the hushand, bidding a final adieu to his expiring family, envied them that fate which he himself expected so soon to share! There the son, having long supported his aged parent, with reluctance obeyed his last command, and abandoning him in his uttermost distress, reserved himself to the hopes of avenging that death which all his efforts could not prevent or delay." 40,000 persons, according to the lowest computation, perished in these massacres!

Matt. Iii, ver. 7."But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, Oh generation of vipers! Who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?"

An irreligious young man went to hear Mr. Whitefield, who took the above passage for his text: "Mr. Whitefield," said the young man,"described the Sadducean character; this did not touch me, I thought myself as good a Christian as any man in England. From this he went to that of the Pharisees. He described their exterior decency, but observed that the poison of the viper rankled in their hearts. This rather shook me. At length, in the course of his sermon, he abruptly broke off, paused for a few moments, then burst into a flood of tears; lifted up his hands and eyes, and exclaimed, 'Oh my hearers! The wrath to come! The wrath to come!' These words sunk deep into my heart, like lead in the waters. I wept, and, when the sermon was ended, retired alone. For days and weeks I could think of little else. Those awful words would follow me wherever I went, 'The wrath to come! The wrath to come!'" The result was, that the young man soon after made a public profession of religion, and in a short time became a very eminent preacher.


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500 Pages of Wonderful Illustrations from Both the Old & New Testament

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Twenty Selected Expository Sermons
Melancthon Jacobus, with Autobiography edited by Matthew Newkirk

"Many former parishioners and admiring hearers of Dr. Jacobus have requested for publication those sermons which they have heard with profit. And these have been gathered and are now presented, without alteration or revision, just as they were written and left. There has been no such selection as would display mere exegetical skill or literary power. Those who have demanded the volume have made the choice of the contents. And these favorite discourses are issued with the prayer that he, being dead, may yet speak to many hearts with words of comfort, joy, and conviction." - from the Preface

This precious volume of sermons by the man who wrote the outstanding commentaries on the Four Gospels and Acts was first and foremeost a preacher of God's Word. One needs only to read the first few paragraphs of the opening sermon, "The Christian's Heritage", to see, and feel, that this was a man of the Book. Scripture alone captivated this man because it spoke always of Christ. By the time you finish the opening sermon you will be riding high on the winds of heaven.

A dear friend, Rev. William M. Paxton, wrote the following of Jacobus in his memorial address: "He died in the faith of those blessed truths which he has so ably expounded and so eloquently preached. Man's Sinfulness and Christ's Salvation were the great truths which appeared in his whole work as an expositor and preacher. He had a deep sense of his own personal unworthiness in the sight of God, and this led him with simple faith to accept Christ's righteousness as his only hope. In this confidence he lived and died." -


Autobiographical Sketch of Dr. Jacobus

1- THE CHRISTIAN HERITAGE - 1 Cor. 3:21-23





6- THE FIVE "ONE THINGS" - Lk. 10:42; Mk. 10:21; Jn 9:25; Ps. 27:4; Pjil. 3:13

7- TO THE UTTERMOST - Heb. 7:25






13- FEAR AND FAITH - Psalm 56:3



16- THE JOY OF GOD'S SALVATION - Psalm 51:12,13

17- EVERY MAN HIS OWN BUILDER - 1 Cor. 3:14,15

18- THE EAGLE'S NEST - Deut. 32:11,12

19- OUR HEAVENLY HOME - John 14:2

20- THE DOUBLE CALL - Rev. 22:17

Melancthon Jacobus Works

Pre-Publication Price - Nearly 50% Off
SGCB Price: $16.95 (list price $32.00)

Order with Complete Four Volume Set on the New Testament
SGCB Price: $50.00 (list price $107.00)
Matthew, Mark & Luke, John and Acts (This Price Valid Only When Ordering The Christian Heritage

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PRECIOUS SEED: Discourses by Scottish Worthies
James Buchanan, John Brown, Thomas Chalmers, Wm Cunningham, John "Rabbii" Duncan, Patrick Fairbairn, John Love, Robert Murray M'Cheyne

"An outstanding collection of sermons by many of Scotland's leading evangelical preachers and leaders of former times. It will surely be treasured." - Iain H. Murray

"Precious Seed contains sermons by the 'hall of fame' of Scottish preachers on the most glorious themes of the gospel. Here is preaching at its apex - the best preachers presenting their best sermons on the best subjects!" - Joel R. Beeke

"The very titles of the sermons in this book awaken our 21st century evangelical mindset to an older, deeper, better world of preaching. The list of preachers itself reads like an awe-inspiring roll call of God-given preachers in whose ministires man was small and sinful, God infinitely great, and his gospel inexpressibly glorious. Yes, these sermons belong to a past age. But they were preached by men who understood their own times and what true preaching can be. Here is a volume to nourish the heart of serious Christians and to make the church long to be taught again from the mouth of God." - Sinclair B Ferguson

"And in those days there were giants in the land. Thomas M'Crie, David Welsh, Thomas Chalmers, John Macdonald of Ferintosh, Robert Murray M'Cheyne, Robert Gordon, William Cunningham, Thomas Guthrie, R.S. Candlish, Patrick Fairbairn, John 'Rabbi' Duncan and John Macdonald of Calcutta. Are you kidding me? This is the pantheon of 19th century Scottish evangelicalism. Take it and read. Nothing more needs be said to commend the book than to mention the names of those whose sermons are included." - Ligon Duncan

This is a very rare volume of sermons by two dozen Scots Worthies from the late 18th and 19th centuries. Every sermon hits the mark and addresses themes that have moved the church throughout the ages.


1- Glorying in the Cross of Christ - Galatians 6:14; by Rev. John M’Laurin, Glasgow

2- The Prospects of the Church of Christ - Isaiah 49:18; Rev. John Love, Glasgow

3- Christ's Death and Resurrection - 1 Cor. 15:3-8; Rev. Sir H. Moncrief Wellwood, Edinburgh

4- The Love of the Spirit - Romans 15:30; Rev. Thomas M’Crie, Edinburgh

5- Lovers of Pleasure More Than Lovers of God - 2 Timothy 3:4; Rev. Andrew Thomson, Edinburgh

6- The Terrors of the Lord - 2 Cor. 5:11; Rev. James Martin, Edinburgh

7- All Things Are Yours - 1 Cor. 3:21-23; Rev. David Welsh, Edinburgh

8- Peace in Believing - Romans 15:13; Rev. Thomas Chalmers, Edinburgh

9- The Righteousness of God Manifested for the Justification of Sinners - Romans 3:21; Rev. John Macdonald, Ferintosh

10- Man's Redemption the Joy of Angels - 1 Peter 1:12; Rev. Alexander Stewart, Cromarty

11- The Glory of God the Instrument of Our Sanctification - 2 Cor. 3:18; Rev. Patrick M’Farlin, Greenock

12- Death Swallowed up in Victory - Isaiah 25:8; Rev. Andrew Symington, Paisley

13- Conviction of Sin - John 16:8; Rev. Robert Murray M’Cheyne, Dundee

14- The Invitation of Christ to Sinners - Matthew 11:28; Rev. Robert Gordon, Edinburgh

15- Godliness - Hebrews 11:6; Rev. William Cunningham, Edinburgh

16- The Lamb of God - John 1:29; James Hamilton, London

17- The Pure in Heart - Matthew 5:8; Rev. Alexander D. Davidson, Aberdeen

18- The Equity and Benignity of the Divine Law - Romans 7:12; Rev. John Brown, Edinburgh

19- God's Truth and Man's Freedom - John 8:32; Rev. Thomas Guthrie, Edinburgh

20- The Simplicity that is in Christ - 2 Cor. 11:3; Rev. Robert S. Candlish, Edinburgh

21- Salvation by Water and Blood - 1 John 5:6; Rev. Patrick Fairbairn, Glasgow

22- Sin, Death, and Victory Over Them - 1 Cor. 15:54; Rev. Robert Buchanan, Glasgow

23- Apostasy and Recovery - Isaiah 53:6; Rev. Charles C. Macintosh, Dunoon

24- The Drawing Power of the Cross - John 12:31-33; Rev. John ‘Rabbi’ Duncan, Edinburgh

25- Walking with God - Genesis 5:24; Rev. John Macdonald, Calcutta, India




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SGCB Price: $18.95 (list price $35.00)

SGCB Price: $27.50 (list price $55.00)

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THE SCOTTISH PULPIT: From the Reformation to the Present (YALE UNIVERSITY LECTURES OF 1886)
William M. Taylor (1829-1895)

William Taylor was one of the very few men asked to deliver a second set of lectures at the Yale Lectures on Preaching. These were delivered in 1886 and were published, upon great demand, early the next year.

In his own words: "My aim has simply been to put the preachers in the environment of their times, to bring out the characteristics by which they were distinguished, and to give point to such lessons from their work as may be useful in our own age."

Taylor begins with John Knox, Andrew Melville, Alexander Henderson, Samuel Rutherford, Robert Leighton and many more. Very rare!


Chap. 1 - Introductory and Historical

Chap. 2 - John Knox as a Preacher

Chap. 3 - Melville - Rutherford - Dickson - Livingstone...

Chap. 4 - Archbishop Leighton - The Field Preachers

Chap. 5 - The Moderates and Evangelicals

Chap. 6 - Thomas Chalmers

Chap. 7 - The Pulpits of the Dissenting Churches

"THE SCOTTISH PULPIT! How hearts beat high and eyes sparkle on the part of the preaching fraternity at the thought, for preaching in the land of heather is justly renowned. Memories of John Knox, Thomas Chalmers, Guthrie, Candlish, Norman McLeod--they are all in the verbal portraits which Taylor does with consummate art. What drama, poetry, and fierce controversy, too, are in the annals of Scottish Church-life. It is a tough assignment, and William Taylor is equal to it." -Edgar DeWitt Jones, in 'The Royalty of the Pulpit'


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SGCB Price: $12.00 (list price $20.00)

ORDER WITH 'PRECIOUS SEED: Discourses by Scottish Worthies'
SGCB Price: $27.50 (list price $55.00)

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Revival Sermons from the Second Great Awakening
Volumes One and Two (June 1826 - May 1828)
Edited by Austin Dickinson

This is a marvelous volume that contains some of the best sermons preached during a period of wide-spread revival in the young country of America. Rev. Austin Dickinson was burdened to gather sermons from able evangelical ministers "prepared in some of their happiest moments of thought and feeling, which, if concentrated in a Work of this kind, might reflect light on the desolate places, as well as the churches of our land."

"This is certainly a valuable collection of sermons preached before the end of the Second Great Awakening period and by eminent men. Some of the names are now unknown to us, others have come down through history as preachers who were instruments in great blessing. This now rare volume cannot but quicken desire for awakening in our own day and it shows very clearly the kind of truths and the nature of the preaching that was so used of God. In a day of many books this is one that has to stand out in importance."

- Iain H.Murray

"The National Preacher provides great preaching from great preachers on a great diversity of timeless subjects. Every minister should read and study this treasure trove of sermons prayerfully." - Joel R. Beeke

The response was truly extraordinary, and commencing in June 1826, these sermons sold into the hundreds of thousands and traveled to the ends of the earth. Less than ten years later the following testimony came from the Sandwich Islands:

"The National Preacher deserves the confidence of the world. May this high commissioned messenger of Christ be received with thankfulness and joy by tens of millions of our race. May the Divine Author of all valuable gifts in the church copiously shed down the graces of his Spirit upon the contributors to this evangelical publication, that their writings may be worthy of the enlightened age in which we live, and such as hundreds of millions may be edified to read, when the pens of the writers are exchanged for harps of gold."

Strong support poured in from Princeton Theological Seminary, Yale College, the President and Professors at Amherst College, and Asahel Nettleton, who said , "I have read, as I have had opportunity, the Numbers of the National Preacher with great satisfaction. I regard it as a work peculiarly desirable to Clergymen, and, at the same time, as worthy of a place in every intelligent family."



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SGCB Price: $180.00 (list price $455.00)